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Pretending in Paradise

Page 21

by M. Ullrich

  Everyone started filling out their answers. Caroline realized most questions pertained to the trip and not their relationship history, which meant they could possibly win this game, too. Maria had every couple sit side by side once they were finished.

  Caroline’s half was up first, and Maria read down the list of questions. Most questions were simple, like their favorite restaurant on the trip or their favorite game Maria made them play. Emma had guessed most of them right, and Caroline smiled proudly as they came to the final question.

  “What was your partner’s favorite moment of your stay up until this moment?”

  Caroline felt confident. Their time together in Little Havana would live on in her heart and mind for the rest of her life, and she knew Emma felt it, too.

  “Last night,” Emma said.

  Caroline almost dropped her card. She couldn’t even look at Emma when a round of whistles erupted in the room.

  “Judging by Caroline’s blush and Emma’s wolfish grin, I don’t think we need any more details than that,” Maria said, amusement obvious in her voice.

  “I’d like more details,” Justin said. “Ow.”

  “Don’t be gross.” Chanel’s voice was quiet but stern.

  Caroline lifted her card to end any and all conversation about her night. “Little Havana,” she said and shot a glare at Emma, who simply shrugged. “We had a beautiful day there.”

  “Time to switch,” Maria said, Caroline tried to shake off her embarrassment. “What time of day does your partner prefer to shower?”

  “At night, because it helps him fall asleep,” Giovanna said. She had no doubt. When Robert revealed his matching answer, she smiled triumphantly.

  “In the morning when she’s done at the gym,” Caroline said.

  Emma leaned over and kissed her on the cheek before lifting her card. “After my morning workout.”

  Caroline smiled. So much passed between them without words, Caroline was shocked by their connection. She knew Emma was willing them to win, bragging about how much they knew about each other. Caroline could see how Emma wanted another kiss.

  They went another couple of rounds, and by the time they came down to the final question, Caroline and Emma were tied with Ramona and Ted. How they had managed to match as many times as the old married couple boggled Caroline’s mind.

  “I’ll ask the same question again. What was your partner’s favorite moment of your stay up until this moment?”

  Caroline waited for her turn, her mind going a hundred miles a minute. Emma loved every meal, every minute on the beach, and walking around Little Havana. How was she going to get this one right? She caught Emma watching her. Emma’s eyes were dark and her face serious, but she was smiling just enough in the corners to help calm Caroline’s nerves.

  “Caroline? What do you think Emma’s favorite moment from the trip has been so far?”

  Caroline shook her head. “I’m not saying last night.” She threw a sideways glance at Emma. Everyone laughed. “My first thought was every time she was eating, but she also really liked drinking in the pool.” Caroline ran through the possible answers one last time in her head.

  “So, what’s your answer?” Maria said.

  “I know I’m just repeating myself, but I’m going to have to say Little Havana.” Caroline turned and caught Emma’s grimace. “No?”

  Emma held up her card for Caroline. “Rock climbing. I loved watching you celebrate yourself afterward.”

  Caroline’s expression went soft. She knew she probably looked like a love-struck teenager, but she didn’t care. “Really?”

  “You were so happy and proud of yourself, and so was I.”

  Caroline threw her arms around Emma, pulled her in, and kissed her deeply.

  Maria cleared her throat and laughed as Caroline and Emma separated. “Our winners are Ramona and Ted. Congratulations, you two.” Ramona stood and started a celebration dance. “To everyone else, thank you so much for joining me during your trip. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and maybe learned a thing or two.”

  Emma leaned into Caroline and said, “Someone is learning they like public displays of affection.”

  “I do not.” Caroline tried her best to sound serious and threatening, but her smile belied it all. “That was a fluke. Do not get used to it.”

  “If you say so.” Emma pulled her phone from her small purse and her eyebrows rose. “It’s Ronaldo. I have to take this.” She kissed Caroline’s temple and made her way from the room.

  Maria approached just as Caroline started to follow Emma. “Caroline, can I speak with you for a minute?”

  She looked around. “Sure. What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to say how happy I am for you and Emma.”

  Caroline’s first instinct was to panic. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “You two seem more,” Maria said and waved her hands in the air as if she didn’t know how to continue, “together now. When you first walked into this room, I had a hard time believing you were together.”

  Caroline’s stomach flopped in a very unpleasant way.

  “And then when you didn’t show up, I was convinced you quit.”

  “We decided to alternate days so we could experience a little bit of everything this resort and Miami had to offer,” Caroline said.

  “That’s very smart, and a great show of compromising for a couple.”

  Caroline wanted to laugh at that. “Emma wouldn’t have been happy if she didn’t have time to try every kind of food in the area.” Her attempt at humor did little to lift the boulder of worry from her gut.

  “Each time I saw you after that, you started to look more connected and more in love.”

  In love? A very different kind of panic flooded Caroline’s body.

  “And now the two of you are likely to be our best success story. You’re both positively glowing around each other. You seem happier now.” Maria looked like she was about to cry.

  Caroline was surprised by a sudden desire to cry, too. “We grew much closer than we expected. We came to this place expecting one thing, and those expectations were blown out of the water.”

  “I hope you both come back to visit. Maybe on your honeymoon?” Maria elbowed Caroline, who laughed politely. “In all seriousness, Caroline, I do hope to see you both again.”

  “I think you will.” She hugged Maria briefly and said a quick good-bye. Their good-byes with Ramona and Ted were longer and more heartfelt. Ramona started crying just as Emma rejoined them.

  “I’m so happy we met you,” Ramona said as she wrapped her arms around both Caroline and Emma.

  Emma looked at Caroline with wide eyes. “Us too, Ramona.” Emma stepped back and extended her hand to Ted, only to be pulled into a bear hug.

  Caroline put her hands on Ramona’s shoulders. “We’ll keep in touch and see you soon.”

  “Yes, of course.” Ramona wiped away a tear. “I look forward to it.”

  They exchanged another round of good-byes before Caroline and Emma were free to leave.

  “They are very sweet, but I think I’ll need to see my chiropractor for an adjustment after those hugs.” Emma twisted her upper body for emphasis.

  “I’m going to miss them.”

  “We’ll visit.”

  “Do you really think we will?” Caroline didn’t say more. She knew Emma would read between the lines. They didn’t know if they’d work as a couple, so plans with Ramona and Ted were a moot point.

  Emma stared at Caroline for a moment before holding up her phone. “Ronnie said I’m in the clear. He didn’t give me any specifics, but the lawyers worked everything out.”

  “Emma, that’s great.” Caroline hugged her.

  “It is, and in the same call, he told me I’d be heading out to Maine on Tuesday for the week.”

  “Tuesday.” Caroline was surprised. “That’s soon.” She expected to have a little more time to settle back into life with Emma before she’d be gone for a chunk of time.
  Emma looked genuinely disappointed. “I know, and if it were any other trip, I’d try to push it off, but I feel like I still have something to prove.” She took Caroline’s hands. “Maybe you could give me a bad progress report, and he’ll send you to Maine with me.”

  Caroline looked into Emma’s dreamy blue eyes and almost agreed to it. Almost. “You know I can’t do that.” She let go of Emma’s hands and started toward the elevators. “I have so much going on at home, and it’s not my job to travel. I know you love it, but I don’t. Not regularly at least. I love working in public relations, and this isn’t quite it.”

  Emma nodded solemnly. “I get it.”

  Caroline noticed the opportunity before her. For the first time, she could lift Emma’s spirits, instead of the other way around. She led her on to the first elevator that opened and framed her face with her hands. “I’ve enjoyed this change of scenery, though.”

  “You no longer hate the fact you were thrown into this with me?” Emma looked so unsure, Caroline’s heart ached.

  “I’m so happy I was. As a matter of fact, I think I should send Ronaldo a fruit basket.”

  Emma started to smile.

  “These days with you have been the most challenging, frustrating, and happiest I’ve had in a while. Every day I learned something new, and most of that was thanks to you.” She kissed Emma gently. What was supposed to be a chaste elevator kiss grew in passion more quickly than Caroline could control. The doors opened and neither woman was aware of anything else until they closed again.

  Emma backed Caroline into the wall of the elevator and pressed her thigh between her legs. She grabbed Caroline’s ass and pulled her hips into her leg. “We find ourselves in this position quite often.” Emma broke the kiss and started to nuzzle her way to Caroline’s neck. “I never saw this coming,” she said hotly against the sensitive skin below Caroline’s ear. “But now I can’t think of anything else.”

  They froze at the elevator’s ding. Caroline looked into Emma’s amused eyes.

  “We’re in the elevator,” Caroline said, making no move to pull away from Emma.

  “We are.”

  “We should get back to the room.”

  Emma kissed her lips. “Yes.” She kissed her again. “We should.”

  “Don’t you have a date planned?”

  Emma jumped back abruptly, nearly causing Caroline to stumble. “I do.” She straightened out her tank and hit the button to open the doors. She held out her arm and said, “After you.”

  Caroline stepped out into the hallway and hoped her jelly legs would solidify enough to carry her through whatever Emma had planned.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Today was magnificent,” Caroline said as she applied a final coat of mascara. Emma had taken Caroline to an animal sanctuary for the afternoon. They saw many animals, fed a few, and learned all about how the local wildlife was being protected. Once they got back to the resort, Emma had told her to dress up for dinner. Since tonight was their final night at the resort, she wanted to please and impress Emma. She stepped back and checked her appearance in the mirror. Caroline’s cheeks were rosy and her shoulders tan from days spent in the sun. Her black dress fit her perfectly, and she grinned at her reflection when she noticed the way it hugged her thighs.

  “What was your favorite part?” Emma stepped into the bathroom and leaned against the doorway.

  “The flamingoes. I’ve never seen them in real life. They’re so vibrant and beautiful.” She fingered the ends of Emma’s hair flowing freely over her shoulders. “Just like you.”

  “You’re one to talk.” Emma placed her hand on Caroline’s hip. “This dress is incredible.” She pressed her thumb into Caroline’s hip.

  Caroline’s pulse picked up. “I was hoping you’d like it.” The way Emma looked at her was unlike anything Caroline had ever seen or felt.

  Emma kissed her firmly, guiding her so her ass was against the vanity. She dug her fingertips into Caroline’s hips as their passion escalated. Their tongues danced, and their breathing grew labored.

  Caroline weaved her fingers into Emma’s thick hair and held her close. She explored her mouth and swallowed her small whimpers. When they broke apart to take a deep breath, Caroline sat on the counter. She spread her legs in an invitation Emma quickly accepted. Her dress bunched up high on her thighs, exposing her black thong.

  Emma trailed wet kisses down Caroline’s neck and bit the center of her throat. “We don’t have to go,” she mumbled against Caroline’s skin. “We can spend the night right here, and I’d be okay with that.” As if needing to show Caroline exactly what she meant, Emma squeezed both of her breasts firmly.

  Caroline wrapped her legs around Emma and pulled her closer. She placed her hands behind her on the counter to gain leverage and started to grind her center against Emma’s stomach. Emma’s face was buried between her breasts when Caroline moaned loudly.

  Emma placed her hands on Caroline’s thighs and stepped back. “No, no, no.” She clicked her tongue. “You are a temptress, but I will take you out.”

  Caroline’s brain was completely fogged with lust. She hadn’t felt this sexy in years, and it’d be foolish not to take advantage of that. The way Emma looked at her and touched her was addicting. She ran her hands up Emma’s arms. “I think your best idea is staying in. Let’s go to bed.”

  “Is that what you really want?” Emma’s darkened gaze told Caroline she’d give her anything she asked for in that moment, but only if she was sure.

  Caroline wanted to move to the bedroom, but her heart was too timid to give in so easily. “No.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Emma stepped back and held out her hands for Caroline.

  Once she was back on her feet, Caroline took a deep breath and finally noticed what Emma was wearing. “You look…” She took in Emma’s tight black ponte pants and crisp white collared shirt. The outfit was simple, classy, and very sexy. “We need to leave now or else we won’t go anywhere.”

  “I knew you’d have a thing for office chic.” Emma laughed. “I’ll call a car while you finish up.” She started to leave the bathroom, but Caroline called her back.

  “Where are we going?”

  Emma’s expression broadened into pure excitement. “The docks.”

  Thirty-five minutes later, Emma helped Caroline out of the back of a deceivingly small car. During the ride they had spoken very little, opting instead to sightsee and take in each other’s closeness. They held hands as they walked to the dock.

  “This is an interesting place for a date,” Caroline said as she played with Emma’s fingers. “Considering the fact that boats scare me.”

  Emma froze.

  Caroline turned to her with a smile, which quickly fell as she took in Emma’s panicked look. “Did you plan something on a boat?”

  Emma opened and closed her mouth several times before letting out a long, defeated sigh. “I rented a small yacht to take us along the coast and had dinner catered onboard.”

  “I hate boats,” Caroline said firmly. “I said it the night you went out with Ted and Ramona.”

  “I recall that now.”

  “I thought I made it very clear.” She tugged Emma’s hand. Emma refused to meet Caroline’s eyes, which only added to Caroline’s growing ire. “Why would you do this?”

  “Because it’s a very romantic idea, and I wanted our date to be special.” Emma’s sad eyes finally looked up at Caroline. “And I kind of forgot.”

  Caroline dropped Emma’s hand and watched it slap against her thigh. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I shouldn’t be surprised, this is like the meat thing all over again.” She turned back to the car, only to realize it was a ride service and was long gone.

  “Caroline, please,” Emma said as she caught up to her.

  “You’re kind of selfish.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stood defiantly. Caroline knew she might be blowing things out of proportion, but thinking about
being on a boat made her anxiety rise and temper escalate.

  Emma held up her hands in surrender. “I won’t argue because I know I’m selfish, but I need you to believe I’m trying. I really am because I want this to work between us.” Emma’s eyes shone with honesty.

  Caroline eyed her skeptically. “People don’t change.”

  “No,” Emma said, quickly agreeing and surprising Caroline. “But they do adapt to new situations and evolve. I haven’t been in a relationship, a real relationship, in a long time, and I have to work on that. This isn’t about being flashy and impressing you. It’s about making you happy and comfortable.”

  Caroline felt a little less defensive, but the nagging thoughts of Emma’s self-centered forgetfulness wouldn’t fade as quickly. “It’s easier said than done.”

  “I know, but do it I will.” Emma took Caroline’s hand. “Walk with me.”

  Caroline followed wordlessly even though she had many more things she wanted to say, but the night was beautiful, and she didn’t want to taint it by being in a horrible mood. She was led up to an impressive yet small yacht. The deck was decorated with a blanket and pillows, a few strands of lights accenting the romantic ambience. She stood beside Emma on the dock and stared at the boat.

  “Let’s climb on board.”

  “No,” Caroline said harshly.

  “What about rock climbing?”

  “What about it?”

  “Where’s that spirit? You’re afraid of heights, but you did it. Remember how great that felt?”

  Caroline tamed her sharp tongue before answering. “Whether I feel like conquering a fear or not isn’t up to you. I decide if I’m feeling brave, or if I even want to get on a boat.”

  Emma nodded. “You’re right. Think about it and let me know what you’d like to do.” Emma turned her back to Caroline and looked out at the water.

  Caroline wasn’t sure if Emma had done it purposely, but turning away gave her a moment she used to consider her options. The privacy allowed her annoyance and anxiety to recede. The sound of small waves slapping across the piles of the dock soothed her racing mind.


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