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Sweet Submissions II

Page 2

by Kim Knight

  ‘Fuck me,’ Kent gasped, no humour in his voice now, just complete astonishment, ‘keep going, mate, I reckon she’s gonna take it.’

  Mia screamed as her cunt was stretched painfully and she tried to struggle but the rope held her stretched and she could barely move. The only part that moved freely was her head and she tossed it from side to side, screaming for them to leave her alone.

  ‘That’ll do,’ Kent announced and then said, ‘here, hold mine, I gotta get a picture of this ‘cos no one will ever believe me otherwise.’ Mia felt hot tears sliding down her cheeks as she closed her eyes against the stinging white flash. Kent took several shots of her spread cunt and then stood beside her to show her the screen on his mobile phone. She stared at the screen, not really believing what she was seeing. He had taken a shot that clearly showed the two wooden shafts sticking out of her pussy but he had also managed to capture the bottom of her buttocks with the harsh welts striped across them. She stared at her bruised buttocks, slowly shaking her head from side to side. He snapped the phone shut, making her jump. ‘Right then, let’s get you untied.’

  Mia almost sobbed with relief as Jameson slipped the truncheons from her pussy and then the two men untied her wrists and ankles. Once she was free she looked around for her clothes but Kent just laughed and pushed her against the car again. ‘Stupid slut, you don’t really think that we’re finished with you yet, do you?’ He laughed again and then forced her hands behind her back, trapping her wrists into a pair of handcuffs. He yanked her away from the car and pulled the door open. ‘Sit down there,’ he ordered and pushed her down onto the back seat, smiling as she cried out at the pain in her buttocks. ‘Don’t think about going anywhere, we’ll be watching.’

  Mia shivered uncontrollably as she watched the two men smoking a few feet away. There was no point in contemplating an escape because she doubted that her legs would have the strength to carry her far. She closed her eyes and tried to gather her strength, forcing herself to stop crying. When she opened her eyes she saw Jameson talking on the phone. He said something to Kent who nodded and then both men looked at her before they laughed loudly. Jameson spoke into the phone again and Kent slowly walked over to her, flicking his cigarette away. As he neared he slowly unfastened his trousers. Mia tried to back up, crying out as the seat scratched her battered buttocks. Kent grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards him until her arse was on the edge of the seat. He dropped to his knees and freed his hard cock from his trousers before pushing between her legs. She cried out at the first touch of his cock against her sore pussy and struggled to get away, twisting from side to side. He dug his fingers into her thighs to keep her still as he drove himself forward, burying himself as deep as he could go. He grunted as he thrust back and forth, lowering his mouth to her breast so that he could harshly suck the smooth skin there. She cried out again and then again as he thrust forward, her hips rising up to meet him. He was as surprised by her reaction as she was and smiled down at her.

  ‘You like that?’ he asked and thrust down again, crushing her against the car seat. She cried out again but it was more than just a pained reaction. ‘Well?’ he demanded and thrust again.

  ‘No,’ Mia cried out but the uplift of her hips told them both otherwise and he laughed before grunting again and thrusting as hard as he could. Suddenly he gripped her breasts and made her cry out as he drove forward and held himself deep inside her. He held himself there for a moment and then pulled free to tuck himself back into his trousers. He climbed to his feet and turned to Jameson, ‘Your turn, mate.’

  ‘Cheers.’ Jameson dropped to his knees and gripped Mia’s thighs, turning her over so that she was on her front. He slapped her bruised arse a few times and then pushed forward into her semen soaked pussy. He gripped her hips painfully, pulling her back onto his cock as he thrust forward, slapping the backs of her thighs with his own. He was quicker than Kent and pulled free to milk his semen over her welt striped buttocks. Mia was left quivering on the back seat while he tucked himself away.

  ‘Bring her round here,’ Kent ordered from the back of the car.

  ‘Alright, just a sec.’ Jameson fastened his trousers and then hauled her out of the car, pulling her round to where Kent was standing, looking down at something. Jameson frowned and followed his line of sight before saying, ‘You sure?’

  ‘Yeah, why not? The whore just took two cop-sticks up her twat didn’t she?’

  The younger officer shrugged, ‘True.’

  ‘Well, come on then.’

  Mia stared in confusion at the two men as they grabbed her arms and pushed her towards the back of the car. They forced her to her knees and then lifted her back until she felt something cold pushing at her slippery cunt. Suddenly she realised what it was and tried to stand up, her thighs straining with the effort but the two men were too strong for her and her pussy was forced onto the ball-like tow hitch. She screamed loudly, as her pussy lips closed around the slimmer base and then she was on her knees and still struggling to stand while the men held her down.

  ‘We can’t hold her like this all fucking night,’ Jameson complained.

  ‘Get the rope,’ Kent suggested and then he held her until he returned with the rope that had tied her hands. Jameson looped the rope around the handcuffs and then tied it tightly to the bar beneath, forcing her to arch backwards as her arms were stretched downwards. ‘Nice.’ Kent commented as he stood up and then smiled as he knelt down again. He looped the remaining length of rope around her breasts, binding them painfully and then looped it loosely around her neck before tying it off again.

  ‘Very nice,’ he smiled and glanced towards the dark road that they had used, ‘That will give them a nice sight when they arrive.’ He heard Mia gasp and smiled down at her, ‘That’s right, we’ve got back-up coming.’

  ‘They won’t be here for a little while yet, though,’ Jameson commented.

  ‘True,’ Kent agreed and frowned thoughtfully, ‘what shall we do until then?’ He was staring at her breasts as he thought to himself and then a slow smile creased his lips. ‘Find me my belt,’ he said and Mia flinched at the words, painfully aware of the prominence of her bound breasts - surely he didn’t intend to ...

  ‘I wish we had some clamps for those nipples,’ Jameson said as he handed the belt to Kent.

  ‘We’ll remember for next time,’ he responded, making Mia quiver. Next time? Surely they wouldn’t do this to her again! The thoughts fled from her mind to be replaced by terror as she watched Kent raise the belt over her breasts.

  ‘No, please don’t,’ she whispered, making Kent pause.

  ‘And what will you do in return?’ he asked, resting the belt over his shoulder, ‘Come on, I’m a fair man. Offer me a trade. What will you do that’s so much better than me whipping those nice, swollen tits of yours?’

  Mia licked her lips and then replied, ‘I’ll suck you.’

  Kent raised his eyebrows, ‘Go on.’

  ‘The girls I hang with, they’ve shown me a trick or two. Put your dick in my mouth and I’ll make you come - you won’t even have to move.’

  ‘That’s a tempting offer,’ he responded and then suddenly his arm flew down to deliver the whip across the width of her bound breasts. She screamed loudly, tossing her head as her body sank under the blow, pushing the tow hitch deeper inside her. As he lifted the belt for another blow he said, ‘I might take you up on that a little later.’ He laughed nastily and swiped the belt down again, making her scream loudly. She thought that the belt being laid across her arse was painful but this was far worse. The tight binding of her breasts exaggerated each painful blow to a burning agony that engulfed her whole chest. The tow hitch inside her was hard and cold, her pussy rubbing against it as she sank under each blow. She was sobbing loudly when he finally lowered the belt and stepped back. She looked down and gasped as she saw her lined breasts, swollen even
more now. The flesh pushed and swelled around the harsh rope and her nipples were hard and prominent, a tinge of purple surrounding them where the edge of the belt had connected. Her sobs became quieter as she hung her head and lost herself to the helplessness of her situation.

  ‘Here they are.’

  Mia looked up in time to get a flash of headlights across her face. She gasped, closing her eyes and turning her head from the glare that remained on her. She heard an engine die and then the sound of four doors opening and closing.

  ‘Very fucking nice.’ It was a man’s voice and Mia squinted against the glare of the headlights to try and see who had spoken but all she could see was a blur of silhouettes formed by four or five people. As the men separated to move closer and study her, she was able to count five altogether and her heart sank as she saw them staring at her with that same lust-filled stare that Kent and Jameson studied her with.

  ‘Is she sitting on what I think she is?’ the same man asked as he drew closer than the others, his fingers playing with the zip on his trousers.

  ‘Sure is,’ Kent replied and received a hearty slap on the shoulder from one of the other men. He smiled at him and then turned back to the man who had spoken, ‘You look eager for her, Clive, what’s the matter, your missus holding out again?’

  Clive half glared at Kent, ‘Fucking bitch has left me again, aint she? Still, that’s her loss.’ He lowered the fly on his trousers and released his erect cock. Mia turned away from him, unable to face it.

  ‘My fucking wife used to do that,’ he snarled, ‘I mean, I ask you, is it too much to ask to have your cock sucked once in a while?’ He ran his thick helmet over Mia’s cheek, leaving a trail of pre-come across her skin, ‘Open your fucking mouth.’ Mia wanted to ignore him but that seemed to be the dangerous option and she slowly looked back at him, parting her lips.

  His palm slapped her cheek, ‘Open your fucking mouth, I said.’ She did as she was told, groaning as he slid his cock between her lips, pushing at the inside of her cheek. He slowly pulled free, ‘You ever taken a man all the way?’ he asked.

  Mia swallowed and gave a tiny nod, ‘Yes.’

  ‘I mean all the way?’

  She nodded again.

  ‘That was probably one of the tricks that her whore friends taught her,’ Kent laughed.

  ‘Well, let’s see how well they taught her.’ Clive smiled and pushed his cock between her lips again. He held onto the sides of her head and pushed himself deeper. She started to gag on him and he held still for a moment while she relaxed. He closed his eyes and pushed on, enjoying the feel of her body’s reaction as he slid over the back of her tongue.

  ‘Oh, yeah,’ he groaned as he pushed his entire length into her mouth and held her there. She managed to suffer him for several moments before she couldn’t take any more and started to struggle as best she could.

  ‘Alright, alright,’ he laughed, gripping her hair and slowly withdrawing before plunging back in. He fucked her mouth smoothly, pushing himself deep and then withdrawing.

  ‘She’s got a mouth like a pussy,’ he laughed and then groaned, gripping her hair again and shooting his come down her throat.

  ‘Clean me up,’ he ordered as he pulled his cock free and held it in front of her. She grimaced as she leant forward to lick him clean, the movement causing the bindings to pull across her breasts. When he was clean he stepped back and tucked himself away before accepting a cigarette from Kent and lighting it. Mia was grateful to see that the other newcomers had collected in a group by their car and seemed uninterested in her for the moment - she knew that it wouldn’t last but was grateful for the short reprieve. She moved her thighs slightly, trying to ease the aching cramp that had settled in her hips, and gasped loudly as her pussy gripped the metal. Her clitoris seemed to swell and she shifted again, forcing her cunt lips to rub against the cold metal. Her painful breasts and nipples warmed as pleasurable sensations ran along her skin and she closed her eyes, sighing softly. When she opened her eyes again the seven men were watching her with interest and when they saw her looking at them they laughed.

  ‘Harper is going to love her,’ Clive announced.

  ‘Yeah, that’s a point, where is she?’ Kent asked, ‘I thought she was coming.’

  ‘She is,’ Clive responded, flicking his cigarette butt away, ‘she just wanted to stop by her home and pick something up.’ Clive glanced over his shoulder at the sound of a car approaching, ‘Speak of the devil.’

  An unmarked car pulled up alongside the second police car and an attractive woman, dressed in a WPC’s uniform, climbed out. She smiled at the men and moved round to the rear of the car. Mia expected the policewoman to retrieve any of a number of torture devices from the boot but she wasn’t prepared for the lithe, young woman who was hauled out. The woman was about Mia’s age, seventeen or eighteen, and she was gorgeous. Her long blonde hair and startling blue eyes were incredible and for a moment Mia forgot everyone else and where they were. She was dragged back to reality by the sight of the leather straps that stretched around the woman’s breasts, throat, stomach and thighs. Metal studs glinted along the lengths of the straps when the woman moved beside Harper as they went round to the front of the car.

  ‘I’m sure you all remember Kelly,’ Harper said as the slave fell to her knees beside her, apparently unconcerned by the rough ground under her bare legs. ‘And I brought this along for an extra bit of spice.’ Mia had no idea what the woman was holding up but all the men recognised it instantly and appeared to be delighted. Kent took it from her and held it up, flicking a switch at the side and smiling as a blue spark shot across the two small points at the top. ‘I’ve had the voltage adjusted slightly,’ she added.

  ‘Why?’ Kent queried as he handed it back.

  ‘I got sick of my whore passing out every time I used it on her,’ she replied and then, as if to demonstrate, she lowered her hand until the end of the tazer hovered over Kelly’s breasts. The slave tensed but didn’t move as her Mistress flicked the voltage on and the blue spark shot across her nipple. She screamed loudly and fell backwards, sobbing. ‘Of course, it still fucking hurts,’ Harper laughed.

  ‘That gives me a great idea,’ Kent announced and waved for Harper to bring her slave. He approached Mia who tried to shrink away from him but it was a pointless move, given her position. He untied the bonds around her breasts, throat and wrists and then lifted her free of the tow hitch. She cried out as the metal slipped free of her cunt and then again as he pushed her against the side window of the car. She struggled against him when she realised what he had planned for her. ‘Someone give me a hand,’ he yelled and Jameson wandered over with another of the men.

  ‘Same as before?’ Jameson asked as he moved round to the climb in the other side of the car.

  ‘Sort of,’ Kent replied as he and the other man held Mia tight against the car. She glanced sideways when she sensed someone next to her. Kelly was leaning against the passenger side door, her breasts pushing against the window. If she had an idea of what was to come it didn’t affect her as she stood obediently, her Mistress’s hand on her shoulder. Kelly was studying Mia with a look that was a cross between pity and understanding. She was perhaps wondering how Mia had come to be here and Mia couldn’t help but wonder the same thing ... about both of them. Thoughts of the slave beside her were forgotten as she felt the glass of the window sliding down. She struggled again but there was no point as, this time, her breasts were pushed through the opening. She felt Jameson’s fingers pulling on her nipples and easing her soft flesh through the window. Kent’s hand pushed against her back, holding her in place while the window was closed up. Mia grimaced and then cried out as the edge of the glass dug into the underside of her breasts. Her cry turned into a scream and she struggled anew but her efforts only increased her discomfort and she relaxed, sobbing softly.

  ‘Your turn,’ Har
per announced and reached in front of Kelly to lift her large breasts through the open window.

  ‘Look at the size of those beauties,’ Mia heard Jameson say from inside the car as he closed the window. The slave struggled slightly at the first bite of the window and then cried out as her breasts were squeezed painfully. Once they were both held firmly, their hands were cuffed behind their backs and their legs spread. Mia felt her shin resting across Kelly’s calf and she was grateful for it, taking what little comfort she could from that small contact. Kelly glanced at her, a strange look in her eyes. It was a look that was so similar to the one she had seen in the men’s eyes that it startled Mia to see it in the slave’s expression. It was a look of pure lust and need. She suddenly realised that the slave’s need was as great as the men’s - she needed them to abuse her and whether she was with Harper willingly or not, she hadn’t tried to run away because of that need. It made Mia wonder why she hadn’t tried harder to escape. Could she have run? Had the opportunity presented itself and had she ignored it because of some desire to see how far the men would truly go - but also to see how far she would go too? The cuffs at her wrists suddenly felt heavy and the tight squeeze of the window pinning her whipped breasts was suddenly a heat that spread throughout her body, settling at her cunt and flaring like a contraction of warmth. She looked away from the slave, afraid to see a mirror in her eyes. She heard a strange crackle, distant and muffled. She realised what it was a moment before the tazer found her nipple. She screamed loudly, her pain intensified by the crush of her breasts as she struggled from side to side, her bruised flesh sawing between the glass and the window housing. Of everything that they had done to her, this was surely the worst. The spark found her other nipple again and she screamed pitifully. She struggled as before, despite the additional discomfort that it caused her, because it was impossible not to. She heard herself screaming for mercy and the men laughing at her.


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