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Borrowed Cowboy

Page 4

by Parker Kincade

  He fought with everything he had, refusing to come until he was buried balls deep in her sweet little pussy.


  He cursed and wrapped his hand around hers to stop her stroking. How could he have forgotten? “Looks like we’ll be going upstairs after all.” In a minute. He needed a minute.

  “I’m protected.” Her fingers tightened around him. “I’ve only had sex without a condom once…” She let the words die, but it didn’t matter. He knew the rest.

  Sweet mercy, was she trying to kill him? To know that she’d never given another man what she’d given to him made his chest ache in a way he’d rather not consider. He also wouldn’t consider the spark of possessiveness he felt.

  This was about pleasure. Sex. Getting reacquainted with an old friend. Nothing more.

  “Seems we have that in common,” he informed her. “You’re the only woman I’ve ever ridden bareback with.”

  Her gaze snapped to his. “But … your wife.” She blanched at the word and pulled her hand away from his straining cock.

  “Ex-wife,” he growled, wanting her hand back where it’d been. “And the answer is no. Not even with her. I’m clean.” Tammy had insisted he glove up during their marriage. It’s the one thing he’d always be grateful to her for. Now, more than ever. Knowing of Tammy’s rampant infidelity, he’d made sure to get tested—several times—just to be sure.

  “Then we don’t have to wait.” She licked her fucking lips again.

  He moved in, turned her, covered her body with his. Damn, she felt good. Warm and soft, she wrapped her creamy thighs around the back of his legs. He groaned as her feminine heat caressed his dick.

  “No waiting,” he said against her lips. He kissed her hard, preferring action to words. Words would only get him into trouble.

  Instinct kicked in. He kissed a path across her cheek. He leaned his weight so he could reach back. He couldn’t wait another second. He gripped his cock, slicked the head through her juices, and found her entrance.

  So soft. So hot. So fucking wet.

  “Paxton,” she whimpered as he pushed in.

  Goddamn, she was tight. He realized he’d been holding his breath when his lungs started to burn.

  “Fuck, Reese,” he said with a whoosh of air. He lowered his head, breathed her in. He nipped at her neck, sucked at the sensitive pulse point until she squirmed. The scent of wildflowers surrounded him. Best. Fucking. Scent. Ever.

  “Please, Paxton. Move.” Reese bucked her hips in demand.

  Smiling, he obliged. He pulled out and thrust in, deeper this time. Out, in. Out, in. His balls tightened with each thrust until finally, blissfully, he sank to the hilt.

  “Wrap your legs back around me.”

  She did, and her breath hitched on a moan as the new angle allowed him to sink deeper. He levered up, rotated his hips before rocking his pelvis against her.

  A strangled sound came from her throat. “Yes, do that again.”

  “My pleasure, sweets.”

  Her body squeezed him. He knew he wouldn’t last. He pumped into her again and again, giving them both the rhythm they needed.

  He stared down at her. Bright blue eyes, pupils dilated, sex-drunk with pleasure. Cheeks flushed. Bottom lip caught between her teeth as she met him thrust for thrust.

  “That’s it, yes,” she cried out and clamped down on him so hard he saw stars.

  A familiar sizzle crackled at the base of his spine and he couldn’t hold back. He thrust hard one last time and erupted inside of her, filling her with his release.

  His arms were shaky and weak, sweat covered their bodies, and he’d never felt more alive.

  Reese went liquid under him. Before he got too comfortable, Pax kissed her and found the strength to stand. He warmed a washcloth from the bathroom in order to clean them both up, which he did with gentle efficiency.

  A strange sense of satisfaction filled him as he stretched out beside her.

  Her eyes stayed shut and he pulled her close, tucked her head under his chin. He chuckled as she hummed and nuzzled him like a cat, almost as though she couldn’t get close enough.


  The idea of keeping her close didn’t bother him at all.

  Chapter Five

  Reese couldn’t move. Didn’t want to move.

  Her body tingled. The remnants of her orgasm mixed with the lazy sweep of Paxton’s fingertips along her spine. She wished she could succumb to the feeling, drift off to sleep in his arms. She would have, if the memory of the last time they’d gotten this far hadn’t ramped up her fear that at any moment the phone would ring, and their worlds would fall apart once again.

  It had been her first lesson in how fast quiet moments like these could change. One lesson she hoped she’d never forget.

  Her stomach growled.

  “Work up an appetite?”

  She cracked open an eye and tilted her head back to find an arrogant smirk on his face. “Apparently.” She tried to shove herself up, but he held her tight.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I should go. It’s getting late.”

  He glanced at the clock on the wall. “It’s only eight. How about I promise to feed you dinner, and you promise me dessert.”

  “You already had dessert.” She flicked a nail over the dark, flat disc of his nipple and watched as it hardened.

  “Keep that up, and we’ll never make it to dinner.”

  “I shouldn’t be here when your brother and sister get home.”

  “That still gives us a few hours to get reacquainted.”

  “Is that what the kids are calling it these days?”

  He rolled from the couch. Reese got a spectacular view of his naked ass as he bent to retrieve his boxer briefs. All too soon, he had them on.

  “Relax. I’ll be right back.”

  Paxton walked out of the room. He’d just turned her world upside down, and he hadn’t even realized it.

  Relax. Right.

  She needed to go home. The more time she spent here, with him, the harder it would be to find the life she so desperately wanted.

  He didn’t want her. Her body maybe, but not her. He’d made his position clear. She’d given her promise not to expect anything from him. It was a promise she’d honor, no matter how much it killed her to do it.

  Problem was, he wanted her to stay, made it clear he’d have her again … and she’d let him. She’d cram as many memories of him into this night as she could, and then tomorrow … well … she’d deal with tomorrow when it happened. No sense buying problems she didn’t have yet, right?

  Reese got up and slid her panties on. Darn it. Her shirt and bra were still in the kitchen. She picked up Paxton’s shirt and put it on instead. She bunched the material in her fists and brought it to her nose. She’d always loved the way he smelled. Like rich soil and saddle leather. A spicy mix of rugged rancher and hot-blooded male that went straight to her head.

  Bottles clanked. She turned to see him leaning in the doorway. Two beer bottles dangled from between his fingers. In his arms, he carried what looked to be several packages of cookies.

  “Cookies and beer?”

  He gave her a sheepish smile. “What can I say? I’ve still got a wicked sweet tooth, baby.”

  She rolled her eyes. Where he put those sweets was anyone’s guess. He was built like a linebacker—from his strong, broad shoulders to his powerful thighs. A light smattering of dark hair covered his chest, morphing to a thin line that disappeared below the elastic of his boxer briefs.

  The man was a work of art.

  “What? I ordered a pizza. These are just the appetizer. And let me say, you look hot in my shirt, darlin’.”

  “Chocolate chip cookies and pizza? This night is going to go straight to my hips.”
br />   He cocked his head. His gaze dipped. “Hmm, damn fine hips they are too. Just like the rest of you.”

  She took his compliment in stride. He’d just fucked the hell out of her, made sense he’d want to say something to make her feel good. It was nice to hear all the same.

  He unloaded the treats onto the coffee table. He moved with ease, sinking to the floor and crossing his legs with a fluidity that belied his size.

  “Come here.” He patted the floor in front of him. “Join me.”

  She went to her knees in front of him, her stomach tightening in a hard knot. After everything they’d just done, she shouldn’t be nervous.

  This was Paxton. The man who’d come to her rescue more times than she cared to count. The man who’d been there for her. The same man she’d walked away from when he’d needed her.

  “We should talk.” She winced at the tremor in her voice.

  He tore open a package of cookies and offered her one.

  “Nothing good ever comes from a conversation that starts like that.” Bitterness laced his tone as he popped a cookie in his mouth, whole, making her wonder yet again what had happened to his marriage. He chewed and swallowed hard, followed it up with a swig of beer. “This might be a record. Fastest time between orgasm and we should talk. What do you think? Guinness Book worthy?”

  “I’m serious, Pax. I realize we haven’t seen each other in a long time, but the way we left things … there are things that need to be said.”

  “That was a long time ago, Reese.” Tiny lines formed between his brows. She itched to smooth them away.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.” Tears formed on her lids. She blinked them away. She hadn’t expected this to be so hard.

  Pax took both her hands in his, brought them to his lips, kissed her knuckles. “Sorry for what, sweetheart?”

  His lips lingered, his breath hot against her skin. It killed her, how gentle he kept his touch, as though savoring her. She drew in a deep breath and took her time releasing it.

  “That night.”

  He stiffened and dropped their hands, severing their connection. Popped another cookie. Chewed. Swallowed. His expression closed off, unreadable. “What about it?”

  “I knew you and Patrick were supposed to go camping that weekend. If I hadn’t called…” She choked back the pain that had made a home in her heart for so long.

  He shook his head, eyelids squinting with confusion. “Hold on. Is that what this is about? I thought you were talking about what happened between … Jesus.” He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her, held her tight against his chest. “Please tell me you haven’t been blaming yourself all these years.”

  When she didn’t speak, he pulled back, cursing softly. “Look at me, Reese.”

  The soft demand forced tears from her lids, but she did as he asked.

  “I won’t lie and say I don’t have any regrets about that night, but being with you isn’t one of them.”

  “But, if you’d gone camping—” A weak protest at best, but she’d carried the guilt of it for so long, it’d become a habit, blaming herself.

  “No,” he snapped. “What happened to Pat was an accident. His horse lost his footing and went down, taking Pat with him. Pat’s neck broke on impact. Killed him instantly. It was a tragic accident, Reese, nothing more.”

  He wiped a tear from her cheek and went on. “Do I miss him? Yes. He was my best friend. Do I wish it hadn’t happened? Absolutely. I made myself crazy with what ifs for a lot of years, but nothing changed the end result. Pat’s still gone. I’ve come to terms with the fact that, even if I’d been there, I couldn’t have saved him.”

  His words should’ve freed her. Maybe they would’ve if the image of him storming out that night without a word hadn’t been seared into her memory.

  “I wanted so badly to be there for you. It was hard to know what to do. You were so angry—and then you left. I thought you might blame me.”

  She wasn’t sure how she ended up back in his arms, but there they were, bands of support and strength wrapped around her, making her feel protected. Safe.

  “If anything, you spared me the memory of watching my best friend die. And believe me, the images I’ve made up are bad enough. I don’t blame you, Reese. I’ve never blamed you. I was a jackass back then, I don’t deny it. I treated you like shit, disrespected the gift you gave me that night. I should be on my knees, begging your forgiveness. Not the other way around.”

  His lips brushed against her neck, trailed lower to follow the line of her collarbone through his shirt. He nibbled her shoulder and her body sparked to life once more.

  “By the time my head cleared, you were gone. I thought … well, I’m not sure what I thought. That you were done with me, I suppose.”

  How young and stupid they’d both been. “It appears we both made mistakes then, because I certainly wasn’t done with you. Back then, I mean. Life goes on, though, right?”

  “Do you remember why we met up that night?” he asked.

  How could she forget? “It was my birthday.”

  And the last one she’d celebrated. Since then it had been a day she tried to forget.

  He shifted her until she straddled him, slid his hands down to cup her ass, pulled her forward until she felt his arousal. “You called me, pissed off that your date for the night had stood you up, remember?”

  She shuddered, her panties growing damp, her muscles turning to mush as she toyed with the hair at his nape. “It was humiliating.”

  “For you, maybe. For me, it was an amazing twist of fate. You begged me to spare you from having to show up to your own birthday party alone. You asked if you could borrow me for a few hours, if memory serves.”

  “It wasn’t the first time you’d come to my rescue. Remember prom?” Her date had gotten drunk before they’d finished dinner and Pax had been the one to drive her home—after he’d taken his own date home, which she’d thought strange at the time.

  “I warned you the guy was a douche.” He pressed a hand to her back, holding her against him as he reached for another package of cookies, this one of soft, chocolate cookies with big white chips. He opened it and broke off a piece of chewy goodness for her.

  “You said that about every guy I dated. Besides, you always said if I ever needed you…” Her eyes started to burn. She blinked hard, willing the tears to stay away. No more tears tonight. Only what he’d promised. Only pleasure.

  God, she’d missed him so much.

  “My borrowed cowboy,” she whispered, more to herself than to him as his warmth surrounded her, so familiar and soothing.

  He snorted and raised a piece of the round, chocolaty treat to her lips. “Open,” he commanded.

  He teased the cookie along the seam of her lips. His gaze darkened as she tucked her bottom lip and ran her tongue over it to capture the hint of flavor.

  “Open,” he said again, no less forceful than the first time.

  She spread her lips, her mouth wet with anticipation. He placed the piece of cookie on her tongue. She closed her eyes as it melted in the heat of her mouth.

  Sweet, dark, tempting.

  Reese groaned with hedonistic satisfaction. She was sure no ordinary cookie could taste this decadent.

  “What is this?” she asked as she swallowed, already missing the sensation of sweetness in her mouth. Had to be some kind of expensive, gourmet cookie.

  He cursed. “It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, that’s what.”

  She gave him an indulgent smile. “Your turn?” She reached for the package, but he stopped her.

  “Good idea.” The look he gave her melted her insides.

  He moved fast, drawing a squeak from her as she found herself flat on her back. He crouched over her, a predatory grin on his face.

  He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers.
“I’ve been dying to taste you.”

  “I doubt I’m as good as those cookies,” she joked, her core already preparing for his mouth.

  He nipped her jaw, moved lower to capture her nipple between his teeth, shirt and all. He tugged hard enough to catch her breath, then released her with a warm burst of breath through the fabric.

  The dual sensations caused her skin to pebble, her nipples to tighten almost to the point of pain.

  “Raise up,” he instructed, and shoved the shirt up to expose her belly. He peeled off her panties and stared, a hungry smile on his lips.

  “You’re so beautiful.” He trailed a finger through the hair on her mound. He spread her legs wide and put his mouth on her sex. He ran his tongue along her seam, light strokes meant to tease, drive her crazy.

  “Fuck, you taste better than any cookie I’ve ever had,” he mumbled against her pussy. She arched into him, silently begging for more.

  He seemed to know what she needed and slid two fingers deep into her. She cried out as he stretched her, moving his fingers as his tongue rolled over her clit.

  She was close, every muscle in her body pulled tight. Her toes curled and she bent her knees, pulling her legs up to give him better access. She tried to protest when he pulled his fingers from her, but her cry turned to a gasp when he smoothed a slick fingertip against the entrance to her ass.

  Oh, god. She’d forgotten how good it felt. She’d never allowed another man to touch her there. Just Paxton. Only Paxton.

  He didn’t enter her, just traced the sensitive skin until her body shook with need. Her legs quivered. Her heart raced.

  “That feels so good, Paxton. So good. Please, don’t stop.”

  “I’ve got you, sweets. Come for me.”

  He breached her ass as he sucked her clit into his mouth and her body caught fire. Sizzled and burned a moment before she came, her body shattering with an intensity that left her breathless, unable to even cry out his name.

  He pulled his hand away, gentled his touch as she eased from her release. It unnerved her how he seemed to know her body, what she needed, without so much as a peep from her. Something else she’d never found with anyone else.


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