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Heir to the Underworld

Page 23

by Walker, E. D.

  As Clymenus' villa came into view, a cry echoed down the line of revelers. The married couple walked up the steps together. Clymenus waved at the crowd and swept Freddy into his arms to carry her across his threshold. An appropriate tradition in this instance, for Freddy went to her marriage as willingly as the Sabine brides had done.

  The crowd poured into the house, Polydegmon dragged himself along in their wake. A ceremonial marriage bed sat in miniature next to the door, decorated with flowers, bread and fruits, symbols of fertility designed to bless Frederica and Clymenus with many children.

  Polydegmon ran a hand over his face, trying to rub some tension away, and passed inside to join the reception.

  The women led Frederica off to Clymenus' room--to strip her and prepare her to consummate the marriage. His heart stuttered at the sight. So soon.

  She looked around wildly, panicked. Her gaze found his. He stepped toward her, but she shook her head once, sharply, and jerked her eyes away. She let them lead her to the bedroom, and Polydegmon let her go, his feet rooted to that spot in misery.


  Morrígan led the procession of women. The way the war goddess salivated over taking the role meant for her mother made Freddy ill. There had been a pretend "kidnapping" at the door of the palace when Clymenus ripped Freddy away from her family as part of the ceremony.

  Cernunnos and Morrígan had stood by on either side as Clymenus "seized" Freddy and led her off. As she understood it, the mother of the bride usually cried and embraced her daughter but let her go with the groom. Morrígan had held onto her arm and nearly dislocated Freddy's shoulder. Clymenus hadn't helped by yanking her back. The two of them had tug-of-warred with her for a minute before Cernunnos quietly intervened, pulling Morrígan off Freddy. That moment was the first thing Freddy had ever been grateful to him for.

  Now all the women had moved to the bedroom. Flowers, all kinds of greenery, ribbons and garlands decorated the marriage bed. They'd dressed it up to look bright and inviting. Freddy stared at the cheerful room as doom and disaster pressed in on her. Going through with the wedding was one thing. Going through with the wedding night was a whole other ball game, and Freddy became nauseated at the thought.

  She darted a look around, and all the women were momentarily distracted jostling through the doorway. Inconspicuously, she dropped a handkerchief full of half-chewed food on the floor, then kicked it under the bed--the remnants of her wedding breakfast.

  The women were supposed to tend Freddy, getting her ready to lose the Big V. But Morrígan quickly claimed command and held all the other women in the bedroom at bay with her haughtiest manner. Empress Augusta hovered with Metea, but neither of them seemed willing to interfere unless Morrígan made some move to actually harm Freddy.

  But they couldn't hear the disgusting, obscene things Morrígan whispered as she undressed Freddy.

  Freddy closed her eyes and tried to shut the war goddess out. It won't be that bad. It won't. He probably won't even try. She gulped. Yet.

  The women together peeled Freddy's gown off so only her under-gown and girdle remained. Morrígan's fingers went for the ceremonial knot around Freddy's waist. A small scuffle ensued as Empress Augusta tugged Morrígan's hands away by the wrists. "That is for her husband to untie," the empress hissed, looking scandalized. "It will bring ill luck on the bride for anyone else to do so."

  Morrígan giggled and airily waved her hand. "So sorry."

  She knew what she was doing. Freddy crossed her arms protectively around her middle.

  Metea swooped in and guided Freddy to the bed. She smoothed Freddy's hair back in a soothing gesture. "Many blessings on your union, child."

  Scared and alone, Freddy seemed to herself not at all blessed, but she dipped her head in acknowledgment. "Thank you."

  The rest of the women took their leave. Empress Augusta lingered and, before Freddy could stop her, she'd given a truly archaic lesson in the birds and the bees. Trying to keep a straight face, Freddy thanked the empress for the information and asked to be alone. The Empress Augusta nodded and waited while Morrígan said her goodbye.

  "Many blessings, child." The Phantom Queen purred, reaching for Freddy.

  Freddy flinched away. "Skip it, bitch. Get out."

  Morrígan smirked. "I never got to tell you how glad I was you liked my gift."

  Freddy stiffened, then forced herself to relax into a pose of polite curiosity. "Gift?"

  "The fruit basket, child. I hope you enjoyed it." She drew back to leave.

  Freddy yanked her back by the arm, fear making her fingers clench tight around the goddess's wrist. "You sent it? Why?"

  "I don't want you to stay here anymore than you do, little lamb. I have other plans." Morrígan pried Freddy's fingers off and swept out with Empress Augusta in tow. Metea remained with Freddy.

  Freddy swallowed bile. Gagged. Leapt out of bed and barely made it to the chamber pot in time.

  When she'd finished hurling, she crawled back under the covers and waited for her world to end. One way or the other.

  All too soon, a group of men shoved Clymenus into the room. The men's rough laughter and jeering catcalls were easy enough to understand even if she didn't know the language. Her groom gave her a grin, his eyes dark with more than humor. So much for hoping he won't try anything tonight. Freddy twitched but tried to give him a shy smile in return. The spectators laughed some more.

  She sank deeper under the covers. Metea retreated to a far, shadowed corner of the bedroom.

  Clymenus laughed, and drove the men out of the room with loud bellows. With a sharp click, the door that led into the main house closed. Clymenus shunted the lock into place and watched her. He wasn't as drunk as she'd hoped he might be--that is, drunk enough to, say, pass out and forget the whole wedding night thing.

  As he approached, Freddy fought every nerve in her body telling her to bolt. She had said the words, done the ceremonies. She was married, and she had to act like it. For better or worse. If she didn't, Cernunnos would be sure to make everything worse. She sighed and sat up. "Clymenus."

  "Yes, love?" He perched on the edge of the bed. His hand reached out to the strap of her under-dress and with a smooth caress, it fell off her shoulder, leaving her shoulder bare.

  She flinched and pushed her dress back up. She caught his hand and pressed it with hers. "I need to talk to you. I want--"

  "Anything." He lunged toward her and his lips fastened onto hers.

  Freddy flinched away from the kiss, but his persistent lips slid against hers until she kissed him back. She tried to break away, but his mouth remained, pinning her in place as he lowered the whole length of his body across hers, pressing her deeper into the bed.

  She turned her head away and gasped in a breath. This was too, too fast. "Stop."

  He jerked his head up and looked her in the eyes for the first time. His face looked tender, his voice sounded sweet, coaxing. "What is it?"

  "Can we just talk? About last night maybe?"

  His lips tightened. "I have forgiven you. Let us say no more about it." He leaned toward her.

  Freddy held herself rigid beneath him, praying he would get the hint. "I'm not ready. I can't do this."

  Clymenus chuckled and nuzzled her neck. "Ah, the empress told you about that old game."

  She put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away from her. "What game?"

  "It's part of the rituals. You pretend reluctance at first." He pushed the blanket separating them down and off the side of the bed. "It is a silly game wives play on the wedding night."

  Freddy froze in horror. So anything I say to make him stop he's going to think I'm kidding? She renewed her struggles, trying to wriggle out from under him, but he pushed her back beneath him and settled his weight on top of her. Freddy kept squirming, her legs pressed together tight.

  "Let us skip the play-acting," he whispered. "Call me husband, and I will make you my wife."

  Freddy caught his questing hand an
d shoved it away. "I'm not pretending."

  His brows knit in a scowl. "We are married."

  "Yes, but--"

  "What are you saving yourself for?" His eyes narrowed. "Or who?"

  "Clymenus, we're married. You've got me." She swallowed and fought disgust at her own words. "I'm not saying never. I'm saying not now, not tonight. Why can't we take some time and get to know each other?"

  "No. It won't be a marriage without this."

  She shook her head and glared at him, frustration mounting now neck and neck with her fear. "There's more to marriage than sex."

  He snaked his hands up to grab her wrists.

  "You're hurting me." Freddy tugged to get her arms free, and he pressed down harder, the move shooting adrenaline into her.

  "What should a husband do with a disobedient wife?" Clymenus' delicate nostrils flared in irritation. "I will teach you better manners." Bright anger flared in his face, but also a wild anticipation that scared her.

  She flung her head over on the pillow toward Metea. The maid had stayed to one side, half-forgotten, hidden in shadow. "Metea--"

  Clymenus' never moved his eyes off Freddy. His face had hardened around a taut, feral smile. "Your maid can leave. You will not be requiring her services again tonight, I promise."

  Freddy bucked, but couldn't throw him off. "Metea."

  The maid hesitated, looked between the two of them. She frowned and, shaking her head, left by way of the side door into Freddy's new adjoining bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Freddy pushed her panic away and changed tactics. She looked up at Clymenus. "You don't want to do this."

  Clymenus grinned, his gray eyes shining in the dim light of the chamber. "I have waited for this." He dipped his head and kissed her again.

  Freddy kissed him back to stall for time, and he released her wrists. Immediately, he tugged at her skirt. She broke the kiss and pushed his hand away.

  Clymenus grimaced and rested his body on hers so his weight cut off her air. "I grow tired of your games."

  "And I'm tired of being groped. Get off me."

  "No." He straddled her belly and skinned out of his wedding outfit, looming over her. Using his tunic, he tried to lash her wrists to the head of the bed.

  "No. I said no." Freddy pulled her hand free and punched him on the nose, a good solid pop that left a trickle of blood down his upper lip.

  Clymenus slapped her face. "Cease."

  Her ears rung as he yanked her hands upward and tied them to the top of the bed with his discarded tunic while she lay stunned from the blow.

  Freddy shook her head and jerked against her bonds, trying to free her hands. She met Clymenus' gaze and held it. "Clymenus, if you do this it will be rape."

  He actually froze at that, then laughed and shook his head. "You are my wife. This is your duty, and my right." He hiked her skirt to her waist. "I must--I shall wipe away all memory of my brother's touch from your body."


  With an irritated tsk, he gathered the top of her dress and shoved it into her mouth to gag her. She tried, and failed, to bite him. Coughing around the fabric, she twisted and kicked beneath him. Every second she grew more frenzied, more frantic.

  Clymenus growled in irritation. "You need not be so overwrought. I will not take long this first time."

  Freddy sucked a deep breath through her nose. She forced herself to keep calm, to breathe, to not panic. She pressed her legs together as he tried to force them open with his hands. Tears of frustration, of bone-deep fear, leaked from her eyes.

  All the laughter and music from the wedding reception outside the room had been sucked up, swallowed. The only sounds in the world became her frantic breathing, the rustle of her body against his as she fought and tussled with him on the sheets, the low rasping grunt coming from Clymenus as he tried to pry her legs open, bruising her inner thighs in the process.

  She jerked her hands downward, pulling and tugging, again and again. His knot had been hurried, haphazard. The tie wouldn't hold. The knot had to loosen. She gave a hard jerk and one of her hands came free. She sobbed with relief.

  Clymenus wrestled with her underwear. Freddy half sat up, her other hand still tied behind her to the bed. Using her free hand, she rammed her thumb into his eye. With a high animal howl, he covered his face and rolled off her. Blood colored her nail when she pulled her hand back.

  Shaking with relief, Freddy tugged the fabric out of her mouth and untangled her other hand from the remaining tie. Clymenus sprang toward her, and his swinging fist glanced off the side of her skull.

  Head throbbing, Freddy rolled off the bed and onto her feet, braced for a fight. Dad's training echoed through her muscles, moving her into a sparring stance even as her brain tumbled to keep up with events.

  He came for her again, snarling. Clymenus was bigger than her but soft, out of shape and out of practice, too slow to stop her. Sure on her feet, strong in her body, and pissed as hell, she blocked his blows then rained down her own. She gave him a sharp crack on the ribs with her elbow, a vicious blow to one knee with her foot, and a crippling punch to the groin. Clymenus whimpered and doubled over.

  Freddy caught her breath and looked back at the tumbled sheets on the bed. The anger inside her heated, boiled over, and her cheeks burned with shame. And that only made her angrier.

  He eased onto one elbow, and she kicked him in the teeth so hard he tumbled backward, unconscious. But it wasn't enough. Horror and humiliation coursed over her, stinging and toxic, and she kicked him in the gut while he was down, kicked him again and again, swearing and shouting herself hoarse.

  Someone pulled her away, knotting an arm around her stomach and hauling her back. She continued to try beating Clymenus, and without thinking, she elbowed the person holding her hard in the solar plexus. He stumbled back and released her. Freddy whirled around to finish the job only to see Deg wheezing and doubled over.

  She let out a sob, but choked another back in, not sure if she started crying she'd be able to stop. "What are you doing here?"

  He straightened, rubbing his chest. "I am here to rescue you but, ah," he glanced down at Clymenus' unconscious form, "I see you have that well in hand. Shall I go back to the banquet and get myself another drink?"

  She shook her head, and tumbled into the safety of his arms, breathing hard and still shaking from her near-escape.

  His arms settled around her, pulling her in to safety. "Would you rather I bind him for you so we can escape?"

  She pulled back and stared at him, not daring to hope she'd heard right. "Escape?"

  He bent and kissed her forehead, smoothing her hair back. His eyes were haunted, his face ashen. "Yes, Freddy. I'll not leave you here to fight him off again tomorrow night and the night after and all the rest of the nights of your life. You deserve better, better than this." Disgust twisted his face.

  Freddy studied him. Her brain plodded along, trying to understand. "Deg, what?"

  "I am taking you back."

  "Back?" The word was a ragged gasp torn from her throat. Home? She didn't even want to think it, just in case she'd jinx it.

  "You haven't eaten anything. Metea told me about the food basket when she fetched me here."

  Metea knew? Freddy snorted in irony. Of course she did, she's Metea.

  "I'm taking you home."

  "Home." Freddy's eyes fluttered closed, and she gripped him to keep from fainting in sheer relief, her heart banging inside her chest with sudden hope.

  "Home to your family, where you should be, and would be, but for the foolish machinations of a few heedless, archaic old fools. Where you would be still but for the morass I have made of everything. We have to get out of here now, and quickly, before I lose my nerve."

  He set to work tying Clymenus up while she put her wedding gown back on. Her under-dress had been torn and spotted with blood in the struggle, but the wedding dress itself looked fine, covering the ugliness of her undergarment. She had to sit on
the floor to put her shoes on because she started trembling, her body going all shocky with jitters now her adrenaline had spiked and fallen off.

  When she was ready, Deg helped her stand and wind the heavy white wool shawl around herself. He whipped off his own cloak, too, and draped that warm wrap around her, tucking the folds to shadow her face and cover her hair. "Disguise your shape. Hide that fetching but all too noticeable dress." He selected a cloak from Clymenus' chest for himself.

  "Why--why did you come?"

  "I told you--Metea fetched me." He fastened his borrowed cloak without looking up.

  That's not what I meant.

  Freddy cast one look back at Clymenus. Her would-be rapist. Her husband. His face was a bloody mass of bruises, his injured eye a bloody gash. She was pretty sure a few things had cracked when she'd been kicking him on the floor. Turning back, she clung to Deg--but for him she might have killed Clymenus. She shivered and sniffed back tears. I'll cry later.

  Deg pulled her toward the side door.

  "Wait." She yanked her engagement ring off her hand. Freddy stared at the simple iron band. Some shackles don't come with chains. She turned her palm down. The ring dropped to the floor and rolled to collide with Clymenus' thigh. She set her teeth and turned away.

  Deg held her by the elbow and led her into the other bedroom.

  The party was concentrated at the opposite end of the house, in the lush garden. But there were still a few stragglers at the front of the house, young rowdies trying to listen at Clymenus' door. They would see her and Deg when they left her room.

  Deg wet his lips and looked back at her.

  She raised her eyebrows. "What now?"

  "Trust me?" he asked.


  He swooped in, kissing her and wrapping her about in his arms, then he tumbled with her out of her bedroom.


  Freddy tensed at his kiss, and Polydegmon willed her with all his being to play along.

  One in the crowd of men had seen them. "Hallo. Polydegmon, is it? What have you got there?"


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