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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 20

by Unknown

  “You have a point there. I guess the decision is up to you. It goes without saying that you need to be careful with this person.” Her father warned.

  “I know daddy, and I will. Matt taught me a huge lesson. I don’t have to be hit over the head twice.”

  Satra could see that her father was getting tired, so she tucked him in and told him to get his sleep. She kissed him good night and sat in the chair next to him and watched him sleep. Her mother came back into the room with two cups of coffee in her hands and handed one to Satra.

  “Don’t worry, I put plenty of cream and sugar in it just the way you like it,” she said smiling at Satra before sitting down next to her.

  “Thanks, ma,” Satra said smiling back.

  Visiting hours would be over soon, but the nurse was kind enough to let Satra stay longer since she came from out of town to see her father. She and her mother talked about a lot of things while her father slept peacefully. Eventually, they fell asleep as well. The nurse on third shift duty came in to check her father’s vitals and woke them all up. Satra looked at her watch and moaned.

  “It’s time for you to head back isn’t it?” Her mother asked sitting up and stretching.

  “Yup,” Satra said.

  She stood up and leaned over her father’s bed to give him a kiss on his forehead. She whispered “I love you daddy” to him before caressing his face. She picked up her purse and walked to the door and her mother followed behind her. They walked slowly to the elevator as they talked.

  “I’m glad you and your dad are talking more.”

  “I’m glad we are too. I feel like we’re getting closer than we’ve ever been. And I feel a lot better now that I was able to see him and talk to him in person.”

  “Be sure to thank Shane. Take him out to dinner or make him dinner. He’s been above and beyond kind to you and our family.” Sharon Sinclair was a stickler for manners and showing gratitude when kindness had been extended to you.

  “I’m not sure he’d accept anything else from me but thank you.”

  “Why do you think I said to cook him dinner or take him out to dinner? He’ll jump at the chance to spend some time alone with you honey. Trust me, I know men baby girl.”

  Satra was pondering what her mother said. “If I take him out to dinner he’ll just take the bill and pay for it himself. I’ll figure something out,” Satra said dismissively, not wanting to think about dinner, alone, with Shane.

  “Did you tell daddy about Shane supposedly liking me?” Satra asked while squinting her eyes at her mom.

  “I didn’t have to tell him anything. He already knows.”

  “Oh no!” Satra said as she buried her face in her hands.

  “Then why doesn’t he say anything to me about him?”

  “Because he doesn’t want to admit that his baby girl is no longer his baby girl…and like me, he’s afraid of you getting another Matt. But he already knows that Shane is nothing like Matt, and that scares him even more.”

  Sam Sinclair didn’t want to admit that another man might soon steal his only daughter’s heart. For her entire life, he’s been the most important man in her life, and now she’s possibly met someone that will take his place.

  Satra didn’t respond to her mother’s last remark. Both of her parents believe this man is in love with her. Not only that, but they believe Shane is the real deal.

  ‘What am I missing? Am I in so much denial that I can’t see any of this…or am I just so terrified of falling in love with Shane? It’s both.’ she thought soberly to herself.

  “Ok ma, I better go. Give me my hug and kiss,” Satra said as she took her mother into a tight hug that lasted a few moments.

  “Thank you for flying out baby. You made my night seeing your pretty face, and you made your father happy too. I could tell the moment he opened his eyes and saw you.” Her mother said after she pulled back to look Satra in the eyes.

  “You’re welcome mama. Nothing could’ve kept me from coming. I love you guys to pieces,” Satra said as she felt herself getting teary eyed.

  “I want you to remember something else too Satra - there’s nothing wrong with falling in love. I know you’re scared, but you gotta give Shane a chance. He’s throwing strong hints at you left and right sweetie. Don’t let a good man like him get away. Are you afraid of what people will say? What is it?”

  Shaking her head from side to side Satra said, “I don’t care about what people will say. People are going to talk regardless. He’d always be the prince who got with a commoner, some poor black girl from the hood with no trust fund. I get that, and I don’t care about that. I’m just scared ma. What if I’m reading all of his signals wrong? What if he’s just being nice and nothing more?”

  Satra’s mom raised her eyebrow at her and pressed her lips tightly together.

  “Ok, okay. He’s not just being nice. I get it. But still, what if I’m wrong?”

  “You’re afraid of getting hurt again; I get that. But at least see what’s there first before you go taking off running in the opposite direction. That’s all I’m saying baby. I don’t want you having regrets later because you never gave the man a chance and he’s moved on with someone else, married with kids.”

  Nodding her head, Satra said, “You’re right mama.”

  On the inside, Satra’s insides grew sour at the thought of Shane being with someone else and this person having his babies.

  “Good. Now get going.” Her mother said as she pushed the button for the elevator to come.

  Kissing her mom one last time on the cheek Satra said, “I’ll call you once I’m home okay?”

  “Ok baby. Love you.”

  “I love you too mama. Bye.”

  Satra walked onto the elevator that quickly arrived. Just as promised her driver was waiting for her out front and pulled the car up to her. Before she knew it, she was back on Shane’s private jet flying back to New York. This time she didn’t need any cocktails to calm her nerves. Her mind was racing with so many thoughts, thoughts about Shane and whether they could actually have a future together.

  ‘How could this even work between us? One of us would have to quit our jobs or transfer to a different office…oh my goodness, what am I saying? Get a grip girl!’

  She pulled out her cell phone and decided to send Shane a text message instead of calling him. Hearing his voice would only make her more nervous, and then he’d want to know what was wrong. She couldn’t deal with that tonight.

  “I’m on my way back to New York. My dad is doing

  Great. I’m glad you talked me into using your jet to go see him.

  Now I’ll be able to sleep tonight. Thanks again.”


  Satra hit the send button and put her phone back in her purse. She rested her head on the back of her headrest and closed her eyes. She tried to stop thinking about Shane so she could get some much-needed sleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  Satra was finally home and in her bed by 1:30 am. The minute her head hit the pillow she was out. She almost overslept if it weren’t for her neighbor’s barking dog. After she showered, she stood in the mirror with the towel wrapped around her as she pondered what to do with her hair. Curling it wasn’t an option. The easiest option was to slick it back in a tight ponytail that she wrapped into a neat bun in the back of her head. That was easy enough for her, and it would allow her to make it to work on time. But before she went to work she had to make a Starbucks run to get a big cup of coffee so she could stay awake.

  Once at work Satra went straight to her office and closed her door so she could concentrate. At 10am, her assistant brought her mail to her, and Satra leaned back in her chair as she flipped through the stack. A cream envelope with fancy gold writing caught her eye. It looked like a wedding invitation it was so elegant and fancy. She carefully opened it, not wanting to ruin the envelope or its contents. It was an invitation to a ball hosted by Frank Di Amato. It was being held in two weeks at the Ritz Carlton ballr
oom. She had to RSVP if she would be attending and whether she’d be bringing a guest by Friday. Panic started to ripple through her.

  ‘A date? Who would I bring? Do I even want to bring a date? Would I look like a loser walking in by myself? I have no problem going by myself, but then who would I talk to all evening? I gotta call Alinna.’

  Satra quickly dialed her friends work number.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Came Alinna’s cheerful voice.

  “I have a crisis. A serious 9-1-1 crisis,” Satra said.

  “What’s wrong?” Alinna asked concernedly.

  “I’ve been invited to this ball that’s being held in two weeks by Frank Di Amato, who is our new business partner. I have to RSVP by this Friday, and they need to know if I’m bringing a date. Who could I possibly bring as my date Linna? I can’t even begin to think of anyone to ask!”

  “Ummmm, hello? Shane?” Alinna said simply.

  “Are you kidding me? You’re kidding me, right? We work together, Alinna!”

  “So what! Where is it written that you have to bring someone that you don’t work with to a ball?”

  “But that’s going to start up the office rumor mills Alinna and neither one of us want or need that right now.”

  “I swear I’ll never understand that whacked out brain of yours. If I was in your office right now, I’d thump some sense into you!” Alinna said, completely frustrated with her best friend.

  “Ok fine, you don’t go with Shane. You don’t have a date. Go by yourself. Buy the most gorgeous gown you can find and make a grand entrance honey. Make all the men drop at your feet and make all the women green with envy because their men are staring at YOU. That’s what you do.” Alinna said as she snapped her finger in the air for sassy emphasis.

  Satra liked that idea, but she didn’t want to be alone the entire night. And when it was time to dance she wanted to have someone to pull on to the dance floor to dance with.

  “I know what you’re thinking Satra and you’re wrong. If you go by yourself and you look drop dead gorgeous, you will have no problem having someone to keep you company all night and to dance with. The men will be surrounding you – trust me.”

  “Ok. I’m going stag. Now dress shopping. Let’s go looking at lunch. Can you come with me?” Satra asked.

  “Girl please, of course I can come with you!” Alinna exclaimed.

  “Ok, meet me at Rene’s at noon.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  They hung up, and Satra tried to picture the scene that Alinna painted for her. Making her grand entrance, gorgeous and elegant as ever and all the men falling at her feet. But there was only one man she could see in this scene, and it was Shane staring at her with his sexy, brooding eyes, standing tall over everyone else with his well-muscled, athletic frame donning an expensive tailor made tuxedo that laid on him perfectly.

  ‘I wonder who he’s bringing? Probably some beautiful model chick. Blonde, tall, skinny with big fake boobs. She’ll probably wear something skin tight with her boobs spilling out.’

  The thought disgusted Satra, and she began to feel sad at the thought of Shane coming to the ball with another woman on his arm.

  ‘What am I doing? He has every right to do what he pleases just like I do. I can’t be mad at him for bringing someone else.’

  Even though she knew this and said it out loud, it didn’t make her feel any better, and she hated feeling this way. She felt foolish for feeling jealous about something that hasn’t even happened yet.

  Just then her phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID like she normally did, she quickly picked up the receiver and said, “Good morning, Satra Sinclair.”

  Shane smiled at the happiness he heard in her voice.

  “Good morning Satra, how are you?” Came the deep sexy voice on the other end.

  Instantly shocked and nervous Satra sat up straighter in her chair and said smoothly “I’m great, how are you Shane?”

  “I’m well. I didn’t read your text until this morning. I’m glad everything worked out last night, and your dad is doing well.”

  “Thank you. So am I. They were very surprised to see me but happy that I came. Thank you again for making that happen.”

  “Stop thanking me, and you’re welcome,” Shane said smiling.

  There was a short pause before either of them said anything and then Shane asked, “So did you get your invitation to the ball?” He was nervous as he paced back and forth in front of his huge office window.

  “Yes, I had just opened it before you called as a matter of fact.”

  “Will you be attending?” Shane sounded more anxious than he intended to, and he cursed himself for it.

  “Yes I will. Will you?” Satra asked curiously.

  Shane didn’t realize he was holding his breath as he awaited her response, and when she said, “Yes,” a wave of relief settled over him. Everything in him wanted to ask her to be his date, but he knew he’d be crossing the line, a line that he imposed on himself the day he met Satra Sinclair. She was off limits, and they would keep things professional. The more he was around her or looked into her eyes he had to remind himself of that fact. However, the thought of seeing her on the arm of some other man at the ball made his blood boil. The thought of a man with his arm wrapped around her waist or touching her silky skin… Shane almost groaned out loud in disgust at the thought.

  “Shane?” Came the soft voice on the other end interrupting his thoughts.

  “I’m here. I’m sorry. My assistant just brought some files in that I needed, and I got a little distracted. Liar. Yes, I will be attending the ball. It’s become a painful mandatory thing for me. No matter how hard I try to get out of attending Di Amato guilt trips me into going.”

  “So you’ve never gone and truly enjoyed yourself? It’s a ball for heaven’s sake! You dress up, you eat expensive food and drink expensive wine, and you dance to the best live band and DJ's all night long! How isn’t that fun?”

  “It’s the same people there every year and it’s nothing but a dressy networking party. They put the word “Ball” on it to get people excited.”

  “Well, I’ll be new to the ball and I’m excited about it. I’ve never been to one before, and I’m sure I won’t know half the people there anyway. Just think of it as a very good people watching opportunity. Sit back with a glass of Champaign and enjoy the show. That’s what I plan on doing,” Satra said simply.

  Shane laughed. “I didn’t think of it that way. I’ll be sure to come find you for the people watching part.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Satra said smiling.


  Shane and Satra wrapped up their conversation as they both had pressing things waiting for them. Shane had a lunch meeting to attend, and Satra had to go gown shopping. She couldn’t help feeling disappointed that Shane didn’t ask her to go to the ball with him, and Shane cursed himself for chickening out on the chance to ask her. If anything, Shane not asking Satra to the ball made her more determined to find the perfect dress to make Shane drool. Satra met Alinna at Rene’s, one of New York’s finest boutique’s that carried the latest fashions right off the runways, and began looking at the various evening gowns.

  “So you remember I told you that my dad had to have another procedure done, and I was going to wait until the weekend to go see him?” Satra asked.

  “Yeah, what about it?” Alinna asked as she held up a very expensive silk gown.

  “Well, I flew back home to Milwaukee early Thursday evening.

  “What? HOW? That plane ticket must’ve cost a fortune!” Alinna said frowning.

  “I didn’t have to buy a plane ticket. A certain someone offered me his private jet to use,” Satra said as she bit her bottom lip waiting for her friend to freak out.

  “WHAT? Are you serious? When?”

  “Last night he let me use his private jet to go see my dad after he had his procedure done. I flew home, stayed for a few hours and flew back.”

Alinna blinked several times before she spoke, trying to process what her best friend just shared with her.

  “Private jet? The man has a private jet, and he let you use it last night to fly home? This is heavy. This is like…major, Satra!”

  “I know, I know,” Satra said as she rubbed her forehead over and over with the tips of her fingers.

  “I have to remind myself that he’s an Evans, as in the vineyard owning and a billion other business owning Evans. I didn’t even know this until my mother told me, and she only knows this because his mother gives huge donations every year to the hospital my mother volunteers at.”

  “Oh my goodness. I would have never made the connection.” Alinna said in shock. “The Evans are filthy rich, and if he’s the son he is hella FINE Satra!” Alinna shouted.

  “They are like the top of the social ladder here in New York, hell probably all over the states! He never told you about his family?”

  “No. He talked about his family, but he never told me what they did or who they were. I’m glad he didn’t. That allowed me to see him for him and not prejudge him because he comes from money. I still can’t believe he arranged for all of that last night, but he did. I feel like a broken record because I’ve been saying ‘thank you’ to him over and over for every kind thing he’s done for me. He hates it when I say thank you over and over or when I say, “You didn’t have to do that Shane.” I just feel like I need to do more but don’t know what to do!” Satra said frustratedly.

  “Yeah, that’s a hard spot to be in. What could you possibly do for a man who already has everything? Maybe “thank you” is all he wants from you Satra. If this man was looking for some type of booty pay out for all of his kindness I think he would’ve tried to cash in on it a long time ago, and he hasn’t. He’s being kind to you because that’s the kind of man he is…and let’s not forget that he likes you. A lot.”

  Satra rolled her eyes in the air as Alinna giggled. Finally, a sales lady approached them.

  “May I help you ladies find something?”


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