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Thalia Lake - Choosey Lovers

Page 32

by Unknown

  Shane was about to interrupt her when Satra put her hand up and said, “And secondly, I’m not about to leave my home just because some lunatic has delusions about me. I refuse to let anyone dictate how I live or make me live in fear.”

  This was a side of Satra Shane had never seen before. She was strong, she was stubborn and she was determined. He always knew that she was all of those things, but seeing it in action made him have a deeper respect for her. However, the male pride in him still wanted to protect her. He wanted to be the one to fix things for her and make things right. It was all Shane knew how to do.

  Taking a deep breath and using everything in him to speak calmly, Shane said, “Cole and Di Amato are dangerous. I don’t trust them, especially after today. You cannot stay here Satra, it’s not safe. I have no doubt that you can take care of yourself Bella; it’s not you that I’m worried about. It’s them. Please don’t get stubborn with me now.”

  The look on Satra’s face told Shane that he used a poor choice of words. She was pissed and she crossed her arms over her chest and had a neatly arched eyebrow raised.

  ‘Clearly I’m not good with this.’ Shane thought dismally to himself. But why was it the angrier Satra got the sexier she looked? All he wanted to do at that very moment was to grab her and kiss her senseless until every frown and angry thought was erased from her face and mind. Actually it would be even better if she unleashed all that anger on him in bed…..

  “Don’t get stubborn now? As in don’t question you and just shut up and do what you say like the good little submissive girl that I’ve been until this point? I should’ve seen this coming. You men are all the same! Right when I thought you were different……” Satra brushed past him and stomped towards the cabinet that held her drinking glasses.

  Shane’s face frowned in anger and shock. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and he was hurt at her accusation.

  “I don’t know what kind of women you’re used to dealing with in the past, but I’m nobody’s yes-woman Shane, and I’ll be damned if I start now!” Satra spat out angrily.

  Shane closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. He was grinding his teeth as he tried to control his anger. ‘Here we go.’ He thought to himself. What made matters worse was she swore. Satra never swears. He knew for a certainty that she was highly pissed with him.

  Satra’s heart was beating out of her chest and her head was pounding she was so angry. She opened up the cabinet door and grabbed a glass and slammed the cabinet shut. She flipped the handle on her water filter and filled her cup up and took two long gulps. Shane watched her the entire time and purposely waited before he said anything. He wanted to be sure that she had calmed down a bit and he needed to calm down as well. He knew his temper and how ugly he can be.

  “You are so off base right now Satra. None of what you said is what I’m saying and you know it,” Shane said calmly but sternly.

  “And the last thing I want is a “Yes-Woman.” I want a woman who has her own mind, her own thoughts and feelings and who is strong, and you’re all of those things and more. Please don’t think I’m trying to control you, I only want to protect you,” Shane said, his voice softening and pleading to her.

  ‘Now in the bedroom that’s a different story. I plan on having control over that beautiful body of yours….’ Shane thought naughtily to himself.

  “I understand that Shane but I didn’t ask for your protection. When I called you it was to vent because I was so angry.” Satra stated in an exasperated voice.

  Shane looked at the beautiful woman before him and all he could do was smile and shake his head. She was so naive it was cute.

  He took a step closer and took her hands into his. His thumbs gently caressed the soft skin on the back of her hands as he looked into her eyes.

  “Sweetheart, this is what you need to understand about me and men in general. You can’t call me and tell me that some man, a man that is very attracted to you and wants you as his own, tried to force himself on you and into your home and not expect me to react. I care about you and I will do anything to protect you. Your father and brothers will do the same whether you want them to or not. Do you think for one second you could call them and tell them what Cole did and not expect them to be on the next flight to New York to beat the shit out of him?”

  Satra shook her head no and rolled her eyes. “They’d kill him.” She mumbled.

  “Exactly. You are my woman, and no one messes with my woman,” Shane said in a possessive voice, his face serious as he looked into her eyes. His words made Satra’s body tingle in the most intimate places. Why was it so sexy to hear her man speak so possessively about her?

  ‘Lord let me get my bearings before I jump this man’s bones.’

  Cocking a suspicious eyebrow Satra needed to clarify something.

  “So I’m your woman now? When did this happen?”

  Shane wanted to say, “The moment I laid eyes on you” but decided not to.

  Instead his eyes darkened and he pulled her into his arms and said in a deep, soft voice “A long time ago to be honest, but last night when I saw you walk into that ball. You took my breath away Satra, and the thought of you being with anyone else made me sick to my stomach.”

  A huge lump came into Satra’s throat because at that moment Shane Evans now occupied every inch of her heart, and she knew it would only be him for the rest of her life. She brought a hand to his face and stroked it lovingly before smiling shyly and said, “I feel the same way about you.”

  Relief came over Shane at her words. Some of the tension began to leave his body as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

  “I need you to tell me everything that happened when you saw Cole,” Satra said in a serious tone.

  Shane let her go and took her hand and led her back to her living room to her couch and said, “Let’s sit down.”

  Once they sat on the couch Shane turned to her so he could face her as he spoke. Satra tucked a leg under her.

  “First, if Cole knows what’s good for him, he’ll never come near you or your place ever again. I made sure I was very clear on what I’d do to him if he ever did.”

  ‘Oh lord…..’ Satra said to herself. She could only imagine what Shane said or did to Cole.

  “I also told Di Amato that I quit.”

  “Whoa….what? When did you see Di Amato and what exactly did you say or do to Cole?” Satra asked with confused eyes.

  “Di Amato put Cole up at the Ritz. I went there with the intention of just seeing Cole but they were apparently having a secret breakfast meeting. I busted in on their meeting and killed two birds with one stone.”

  “So what happened next?” Satra asked cautiously. She secretly hoped that Shane beat the shit out of Cole for what he pulled this morning.

  “I tried to choke the life out of Cole after he called you a liar, and I may have punched him in the face. I dunno, I was so pissed I can’t remember. But I do remember trying to choke the life out of him,” Shane said a bit too calmly for Satra’s liking. It was as though he enjoyed what he did to Cole.

  His eyes never left Satra’s and he had no hint of regret in them over his actions towards Cole. She’d never seen his eyes so cold and dangerous. He was still angry as he thought back on what happened at the hotel.

  “You could’ve gotten yourself arrested or hurt Shane.”

  “Arrested, maybe. Hurt, no. Cole may be buffer than me but I’m no punk and I would whip his ass before he could blink. What I did to him today was just a teeny tiny taste of what I will do to him if he ever comes near you again.”

  Satra didn’t want to be turned on at this moment but she was. ‘Oh my God, what is wrong with me?’

  “I told you I didn’t want you messing up your reputation Shane. You have your family and business to think about.”

  Shane’s eyes became very serious. “Satra, believe me, when it comes to my family and you there’s nothing I’m more protective of. There is nothing I won’t do to keep the p
eople I love, the people that are closest to me, safe.”

  Satra’s emotions were all over the place. A part of her wanted to reach out and hug him and yet his eyes were so dark she felt a little afraid, and turned on.

  “That’s why I think it would be best for you to move in with me. Just for a week or so, until things can calm down a bit.”

  Not this again. Just like that Satra was pissed with Shane all over again.

  “Did you not hear a word I said to you in the kitchen? I’m not leaving my home Shane! It’s not happening.” Satra yelled as she stood up and stormed back to the kitchen. She needed to get away from this insufferable man.

  Shane got up and joined her in the kitchen. He walked up behind her and gently put his hands around her waist and pulled her against him. The feel of his hard body against her back made her crave him more than she already did, and he knew it, the dirty bastard. She tried to move out of his embrace but she was trapped between him and the kitchen sink. He wrapped his arms completely around her and held her against him until he felt her body relax. He placed a soft kiss on the back of her neck, which made Satra gasp and shiver with pleasure before he turned her around. Now he was playing dirty. He knew what his kisses and touch did to her, and he caught her off guard with that very intimate kiss to the back of her neck, another sweet spot of hers. Now she was putty in his hands and he knew it. He used his index finger to lift her chin so that she looked him in the eyes.

  “Baby, please just do me this one favor. It’ll put my mind at ease knowing that you’re not alone. If you don’t come stay with me then I’m going to move in here with you. Take your pick.” His tone was gentle but still demanding.

  “Then you better go home and pack because I’m not going anywhere,” Satra said matter-of-factly before pushing his arms off of her and walking away.

  Now she was really pissed. Did he really think she was that easy? Yes he’s sexier than sin and hotter than molten lava, but she’s not that weak in the flesh when it comes to him. Not yet at least.

  Shane was livid. He had no clue how stubborn this woman could be.

  “Dammit Satra can you stop being so damn stubborn for one minute and listen to me?” Shane yelled angrily. The rise of his voice made Satra jump a little. She wasn’t expecting that from him and it only made her anger boil even more.

  ‘I don’t know who this man thinks he is but he’s not going to seduce or bully me into doing what he wants!’ She thought to herself.

  Turning around on her heel, her eyes full of anger Satra quickly said, “First of all do not yell at me like I’m your child, and second did you really think you could seduce me into doing things your way Shane? You truly don’t know me if you thought that would work on me!”

  She had him on that one. All Shane could do was run his hand through his hair several times in anger. He stormed towards her. They were standing toe to toe glaring at one another, both breathing hard. The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Most of it was sexual tension. He wanted to ravage her into submission. She thought the kiss on the back of her neck was seduction? She had no clue what it meant or felt like to be seduced by him, but she’d find out soon enough. As much as he’d love to stay with her he knew he couldn’t. It would be too much temptation, especially now when all he wanted to do was carry her to her bedroom and make her scream his name until she lost her voice and passed out from sheer pleasure. He’d punish her in the most delicious ways for her stubbornness and for constantly testing him, and he’d enjoy every second of it. Then a thought came to him.

  “Fine, you won’t come stay with me then I’m hiring 24 hour body guards for you.”

  “What?” Satra screeched.

  Shane smirked. Round three goes to Shane.

  “You heard me.”

  “You are un-flippin-believable. You can’t have your way so you go to the next extreme?”

  “This isn’t about me having my way, and I’m not going to any extreme Satra. I’m making sure you’re safe! Why can’t you understand that?” Shane yelled. He was at his wits end with this entire subject. She had him mentally and emotionally exhausted, and Cole and Di Amato had him physically exhausted.

  They stood in the middle of her kitchen toe-to-toe staring angrily at the other, neither willing to budge. Satra hated this. She hated fighting with Shane, she hated seeing him angry and she hated being angry with him. She hated that they were yelling at each other. All she wanted was to be in his arms while he told her that everything would be okay. That was more important to her than anything else, so she threw in the towel.

  “Fine. Hire the security guards. I’m tired of fighting with you,” Satra said in a defeatist tone before she walked away rubbing her temples. Shane followed her and gently caught her by the arm and pulled her back to him and into his arms. This time she didn’t put up a fight or resist him. She didn’t have the energy to do so. He hugged her tightly to him while kissing her aching temple. They stood there for long moments not saying a word, just holding one another. Shane planted soft kisses all over her face from time to time and caressed her back while Satra’s hands massaged his scalp at the back of his head.

  “Mmmmm, that feels good.” Shane moaned into her ear.

  Then Satra got on her tippy toes and pulled Shane’s head down to her lips as she kissed him slowly, deeply, and tenderly. It was her way of apologizing to him, and he gladly accepted it. She reluctantly pulled away, her hands cupping his face and her tired eyes finding his.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for fighting with you and all the things I said out of anger. I don’t like it when we fight. I HATE arguing. I guess I’m not used to being so looked after and cared about by another male besides my dad and brothers.”

  Shane’s heart melted. He knew he could never stay angry with this woman. He loved her too much, and it was time he told her so.

  “I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for my poor choice of words and I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. But baby, I will not apologize for trying to protect you the best way I know how. That will never change when it comes to you. I love you Satra, more than anyone or anything in this world. As long as I have breath in my body I will always be protective of you.”

  Satra couldn’t believe her ears as her lips began to tremble and tears formed in her eyes. Smiling up at him through her tears Satra whispered, “I love you too. Lord knows I tried to fight it, but I love you so much Shane.”

  Shane was so happy he was afraid his heart would explode out of his chest. He pulled her face to him for the most tender, loving kiss he could muster. When they finally dragged their lips from one another they touched foreheads together.

  “I think I fell in love with you the first time we met. I knew right then and there that we’d be together. I tried to fight it too, trying to keep things professional. Then everyone was telling me how stupid I was being and that I was risking someone else getting you. You being with someone else….there’s no way I could take that. Then the time we spent talking in the gardens in South Carolina that pretty much sealed the deal. I knew for sure then that I was in love with you.”

  Satra smiled because she felt the same way.

  “I felt something between us when we first met, but I tried to ignore it. And then South Carolina happened and deep down I knew you were the one. I just was too scared to admit it. I also had family and friends telling me I was in severe denial and that I risked losing you to someone else. The thought of you being with someone else, marrying her and having babies with her made me sick to my stomach Shane. I want those things with you and only you. I love you so much.”

  Stealing a kiss Shane mumbled against her lips “I love you too Bella.”

  “Guess what? We killed two birds with one stone. We had our first real fight and we said, “I love you.”

  Chuckling Shane said, “We sure did. You’re sexy when you’re angry.”

  “So are you,” Satra said smiling in return.

  Shane bent down to claim h
er lips in another sweet kiss that ended way too soon for Satra.

  Sighing loudly Shane hated having to break their tender moment, but he had to.

  “I need to get those bodyguards over here. I have a feeling Cole has been following you, that’s how he figured out where you lived and then staked out your place until he knew you were home alone. In any case, just to make sure he doesn’t do it again you need to have bodyguards with you. They’re good men, trained and professional. They won’t get in your way or encroach on your privacy.”

  Sighing deeply Satra said, “Ok. Deep down I know you’re right so I’ll endure this for a little bit.”

  Kissing her forehead Shane took his cell phone out of his pocket and excused himself to make the phone call. Satra Sat down on her couch and turned on the TV. She was emotionally drained and physically tired. Her day went from perfect bliss having breakfast with Shane to sheer hell when Cole’s crazy ass showed up at her door. She wanted to relax and try to get some sleep, but she didn’t want to be alone either. She wanted her man to stay with her but was a little afraid to ask him to do so. He couldn’t be with her 24/7. He had a life to live as well, even if it was Sunday.

  She curled up on the couch with her plush throw as she flipped through the channels. She was looking for a comedy, something to make her laugh and forget about her encounter with Cole and her heated argument with Shane. While Shane was on the phone in the kitchen he watched Satra as she tried to relax on the couch. He imagined she was tired, stressed and in need of rest. He could see it in her eyes. He decided that he wasn’t going to leave her when the bodyguards arrived as he originally planned. He was going to stay with his woman as long as she let him. All he wanted to do was hold her and make sure she knew that she wasn’t alone.

  When his phone call ended he walked to her, took off his suit jacket and laid it in the chair next to the sofa. He sat next to her and pulled her into his arms. Satra looked at him briefly before she rested her head on his chest, nestled under his chin.


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