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Me and Mr Carrington: A Short Story

Page 4

by Brown, Alexandra

  ‘Sack them! I demand they be fired immediately.’ The Countess strides towards us. ‘Which one of you is it?’ Annie and I stare at her, goggle-eyed and speechless. A nauseous feeling swirls in the pit of my stomach – Tom is going to hate me now, the Countess is a personal family friend after all.

  ‘Err, I’m not sure we know what this is about,’ I venture, praying it isn’t about Annie’s stupid tweet, and wishing Amy would step up and manage this nightmare situation, but instead she’s chewing the skin around her left thumb.

  ‘Gypsy Tart! Which one of you? Own up this instance.’ Oh God!

  ‘It’s me.’ Annie steps forward boldly. ‘My Twitter name. It’s just a laugh, I’m a Traveller you see—’ she tries to explain, but the Countess cuts her off.

  ‘I don’t care what you are. I only care that you have destroyed my daughter’s career. Ruined everything.’

  Adriana sobs loudly and I instinctively step towards her.

  ‘Please don’t cry,’ I say quietly. ‘We’re really—’

  ‘Not her!’ The Countess spits. ‘My other daughter. The talented one.’ There’s another sob from Adrianna and I sooo want to thump her mother. Instead I cough before taking control.

  ‘Can somebody please explain what the problem is here? Amy?’ I turn to her, and she reluctantly pipes up, her neck all blotchy.

  ‘It seems that the picture you tweeted, Annie, has caused quite a stir.’

  ‘A stir?’ The Countess butts in. ‘It’s a little more than a stir, it’s a catastrophe. You showed Lucia’s exclusive piece to the whole world.’ She waves her free hand in the air dramatically. ‘There are already fakes to buy online.’

  I’m fed up with this charade. Annie hasn’t done anything wrong. OK, she shouldn’t have mentioned names when tweeting about the Dior bag, but since when was it a crime to share a picture of a gorge handbag? And demanding we be sacked for it, well … Just as I open my mouth to protest, the door swings open.


  ‘What’s going on?’ It’s Tom. And he looks even hotter than our last FaceTime call. His real tan is now a dark, rich toffee colour, and his hair is a little longer, the curls messier than before. I quickly close my mouth on realising that it’s still hanging open. My stomach flips and my pulse races but the feeling quickly evaporates when a woman who looks as if she’s just sauntered in from an exclusive Vogue photo-shoot, and without the need for airbrushing, glides in behind Tom. She’s about six foot tall with big glossy hair that hangs in waves down her back.

  ‘Lucia! Thank heavens you’re here …’ The Countess clears her throat as if she’s relishing in the showdown that’s about to unfold.

  ‘Why, what’s up? And wow, we weren’t expecting a welcome party, were we Tom?’ Lucia laughs pleasantly, smiling around the room and I instantly want to hate her, but I can’t, she seems really nice, bubbly and fun. Tom looks directly at me but I study the pattern on the carpet instead.

  ‘These ridiculous shop girls …’ the Countess continues, making me bristle, ‘have plastered one of your exclusive designs all over the world wide web.’ Who even says that? And oh purlease, don’t tell me Lucia designs for Dior … In addition to being the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen in real life, she also has my dream job. Some people have all the luck! ‘That’s right. One of them … this, err … gypsy girl or whatever she calls herself,’ she flicks a finger in Annie’s direction, ‘took it upon herself to put a picture of your latest masterpiece, the gold keychain, on to Twitter. And completely ruined the surprise that is the essence of your new collection to be revealed exclusively in Carrington’s next month.’ She finishes with a flourish before clasping her chest like she’s the leading lady in a Shakespearean tragedy.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Lu. It’s my fault really.’ Adrianna looks up. ‘I put the keychain on my handbag when I came to the store last night and—’

  ‘Both of them should be sacked,’ the Countess spits.

  ‘But it’s not Georgie’s fault,’ Annie interjects.

  ‘Well, she’s the supervisor and should keep you in line. Sack the pair of them!’

  ‘OK, that’s enough. I’m sure it can be sorted out,’ Tom steps in.

  ‘Of course it can. Honestly Mother, from the sounds of it …’ Lucia pauses. ‘Sorry, I don’t know your name?’ she asks, politely.


  ‘Thank you. I think Annie has done me a favour, Mother. My office called just before we boarded the plane and pre-orders are phenomenal, and surely an ‘exclusive glimpse’ of my new range of key chains is a good thing. I’d love to see the tweet.’ Annie hesitates, before pulling her phone from her pocket to show Lucia. ‘Fantastic, and well done you for mentioning the family name.’ Annie beams. ‘Best advertisement ever, and so funny.’ Lucia laughs. ‘I bet my competitors and critics are assuming it was a deliberate stunt. Oh well, keep them on their toes …’

  ‘Lucia darling, tell me your news?’ the Countess says, flicking on a simpering voice and totally ignoring what just happened as she attempts to marshal her overly-Botoxed face into a smile position – the result is a kind of freaky grimace. I hold my breath and bite my bottom lip. Please please please don’t let this be what I think it is …

  ‘Well, Tom and I have done the deal as they say …’ Lucia smiles in Tom’s direction, and I will myself not to cry. Oh God, I blooming knew it.

  ‘Daaaaarling, I’m so delighted. Come here, let me give you a kiss. And my new son-to-be, Tom!’

  ‘What do you mean? Mother have you been at the bubbles again?’ Lucia asks, looking at Adrianna for confirmation.

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous, it isn’t even eleven o’clock.’ The Countess sniffs. ‘Stop teasing me, when are you and Tom getting married?’

  I shift from one foot to other. This is hideous. Tom steps forward and gently places a hand on Lucia’s arm. I want to run away. The beautiful people, the happy couple together. NO. So I was just a distraction, a dalliance, after all …

  ‘Paola, your daughter, Lucia, is an amazing woman,’ Tom starts and I resist the urge to scream out loud. ‘Adrianna too, but—’

  ‘Oh, this is ridiculous,’ Lucia jumps in. ‘Don’t be silly Mother. I’ve been telling you this for years … Tom is like a brother.’ She shakes her head. ‘Besides, he has a girlfriend.’

  He does?


  I glance at Tom.

  ‘Paola, meet Georgie,’ Tom says, moving closer to me, and the Countess’s jaw actually drops open.

  ‘Oh wow. Georgie I’ve heard so much about you,’ Lucia says, warmly. ‘This man is smitten.’ She laughs and slaps Tom on the arm before taking me by the shoulders and giving me three air kisses. Stunned and delirious, I catch Eddie smiling and nodding his head in my periphery vision. ‘And honey, you must come to my wedding next summer.’

  I nod and grin like a looper as I try to take it all in, instantly shoving any doubts I had about Tom from my head. Lucia is a designer! And one of Carrington’s suppliers. Of course she is! I do an almost-crying-but-not-quite sort of laugh in relief. No wonder Tom invited her to meet up in Sicily, it was for business that’s all. Thank you, God. THANK YOU.

  ‘Wedding? What wedding? I thought you said …’ The Countess barks.

  ‘That’s right Mother. It’s all arranged, I’m marrying Massimo.’

  ‘Over my dead body!’

  ‘Then so be it,’ Lucia responds in a very breezy voice, before going over to Adrianna. ‘And you’ll be my bridesmaid, won’t you sweetheart?’ She puts an arm around her sister and smiles kindly. ‘Although on second thoughts, I don’t want you upstaging me on my big day with your gloriously natural beauty …’ Adrianna manages a watery smile before the Countess sweeps from the room in disgust, instructing them both to follow. Lucia rolls her eyes and carries on talking to her sister.

  ‘And I’ll be needing you with me when I’m living with Massimo in his castle. You’ll have your own wing of course.’ Adrianna’s eyes light up
at the prospect of escaping her overbearing mother. Lucia loops her arm through Adrianna’s as they leave the room.

  ‘Are you OK?’ Tom asks, turning towards Annie.

  ‘Sure, take more than that old hag to rile me. She was just trying to save face because she made a show of herself last night by getting shit-faced, and if that wasn’t bad enough, her poor daughter bought a sale item, sweet baby Jesus help her!’

  ‘Maybe so, but it’s probably not a good idea to tweet pictures of customer’s handbags in future, especially if you’re going to say who the bag belongs to as well,’ Tom says, and I can see that he’s doing his best to sound serious and in charge.

  ‘I’m really sorry.’


  ‘Can I go now? Only I don’t want to leave those two downstairs with our merch for longer than is necessary … That Denise will be thinking she’s having my job, and that ain’t ever gonna happen,’ Annie says, indignantly.

  ‘Yes, go on.’ Tom laughs, shaking his head and smiling. Annie does a silent OMAG scream at me as she goes to leave. ‘Amy and Eddie, would you mind leaving too, please? I need to talk to Georgie alone.’

  Eddie leaps up and practically runs from the room, winking at me over his shoulder as he turns back by the door. Amy stalks after him with her poker face still on.

  The door closes and Tom puts his hands on my arms, triggering an exquisite charge to circuit my whole body. Boom.

  ‘God, I’ve missed you.’ Tom smiles, gently lifting a stray hair away from my face.

  ‘I’ve missed you too, Tom.’ He raises one eyebrow.

  ‘Whaaaat?’ I tease, as he lifts me up and onto his desk. He runs a finger over my lips and I can bear it no longer so I pull him closer to me. He tilts my chin, looks straight into my eyes and smiles cheekily.

  ‘It’s Mr Carrington to you …’

  To be continued …




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