Romance: Alien Romance: Having The Kings Baby (A Paranormal Science Fiction Shifter Romance ) (Sci-fi Alien Invasion Abduction Romance)
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«Mais ...» il a commencé à nouveau, "Je suis toujours marié ... Non esprit heureux, loin de là, en fait, mais ça va prendre un peu plus de patience de votre part jusqu'à ce que nous pouvons être ensemble. Et quand je dire ensemble, je veux dire bien, à l'air libre, ne se faufilant autour ou se cacher de personne. OK? " Elle se sentait comme elle a été délibérément manipulé, mais ses paroles lui radouci, et elle était trop épuisé pour lutter contre sa volonté plus longtemps. Elle se laissa tomber dans sa poitrine chaude, et il la tenait fermement, en rentrant la tête sous son menton, alors qu'elle renifla tranquillement dans sa chemise de flanelle.
"Pourquoi dois-je vous verse pas un joli verre apaisant de cognac - il est cru Remy Martin - alors nous pouvons aller sur la cheminée, se coucher sur le tapis en peau de mouton, et tenez l'autre toute la nuit Aucune entreprise coquine, je veux juste. pour vous tenir, et vous parler, et d'entendre plus de vos idées étonnantes pour Advertech. " Cela fait son sourire, et elle a tiré loin de lui et eut un petit rire, enfin se laisser arrêter sentir anxieux, et se laissa croire les paroles incroyables qu'il prononçait à elle. "Continuez ..." dit-elle, ne voulant pas le moment, et le flux de compliments à la fin. "Et puis, demain, nous irons dans les premiers travaux, avant tout le monde ... Je vais appeler mon avocat, et, Amanda, je vous promets, je vais commencer à faire des plans pour divorcer ma femme."
"Vraiment?" elle rayonnait, "Tu ne me liquidation?"
"Non, Amanda, je ne suis pas. Il est quelque chose que je voulais faire depuis longtemps, très longtemps, mais pour une raison ou une autre, la vie a gardé de prendre le chemin, et de me donner une excuse juste pour continuer à être misérable avec elle. Mais maintenant que je l'ai trouvé vous, j'avez eu un aperçu de ce que le vrai bonheur peut se sentir comme, et je sais que je ne ai pas besoin d'autres excuses, pour finalement faire il y a des années que je l'aurais fait , "at-il déclaré, sans aucune trace de tristesse dans sa voix. Si quoi que ce soit, il semblait très soulagé, comme un poids avait été enlevé autour de son cou.
«Oh mon dieu, Alex, est-il possible d'aimer quelqu'un après seulement quelques semaines de les connaître? Parce que la façon dont je me sens en ce moment, je me suis honnêtement jamais, jamais ressenti auparavant dans toute ma vie. Et en fait, je suis assez sûr que je vous aimais, à première vue, si je suis honnête! " Elle ne tenait pas en arrière maintenant. Toutes les craintes au sujet de le ramener à sa femme, et son casting de côté, avaient été assouvi, et tout comme lui, elle laissait ses obstacles. Il semblait savourer ses paroles, mais avant qu'elle ne puisse plus dire, il a planté un énorme baiser sur ses lèvres. Pas un sexuelle où il avait immédiatement coincé sa langue dans sa gorge, mais une passion remplie une, que lui laisser savoir que ce qu'il disait était vrai. Il était sur son chemin pour tomber en amour avec elle, et il allait le prouver avec son baiser.
chapitre 8
Six heures plus tard, Amanda cligna des yeux ouverts, comme elle sentit une chaleur, sensation léchant sur le côté de son visage. Pour la deuxième fois en deux jours, elle n'a pas la moindre idée où elle était. "Cela devient une mauvaise habitude», pensait-elle tristement. Puis elle réalisa qu'elle était léché par un adorable labrador et bientôt rappeler pourquoi elle était sur un usé, Chippendale canapé, dans le salon d'une grande maison de campagne. "Mmmm, Alex,» sourit-elle, puis se rendit compte que l'homme qu'elle avait déclaré son amour à, tard hier soir, était introuvable. "Super," pensait-elle, «Je ne vais jamais être en mesure de le trouver dans cet endroit! Je ne me souviens même pas où la salle de bain est!" Mais au moment où elle commence à paniquer, le maître d'hôtel qui l'avait accueilli à l'entrée principale la nuit dernière se glissa dans la chambre, et à sa manière hautaine a déclaré: "Le petit déjeuner est servi, mi'lady, voulez-vous me suivre, s'il vous plaît ? "
"Wow," pensa-t-elle, "mi-lady? Il est comme je l'ai entré dans un épisode de« Downton Abbey », mais elle a gardé la blague à elle, se leva et suivit le majordome, qui elle a supposé a été appelé ' Jeeves »ou quelque chose, dans la salle à manger. Alex a été assis à la tête de la table en lisant un journal grand format, et rentrant dans un pamplemousse." Enfin éveillé, je vois, Amanda, "il taquiné, de retour à l'aide de sa voix alpha-mâle . elle rit, puis son cœur a chuté quand elle réalisa qu'elle avait négligé de lui demander où était sa femme. «est-ce OK?» dit-elle, en espérant qu'il obtiendrait le sens de son regard inquiet, "Je veux dire, assis ici avec vous, ayant ... le petit déjeuner? "
"Oui, il est très bien, ne vous inquiétez pas," dit-il à coup sûr. "Sheila est en Amérique, la collecte de fonds pour les PEID. Il est comment elle passe la plupart de son temps. Quand elle ne me tourmenter, ce qui est."
"Bon, je vis que, euh, vous avez eu un fils qui est mort de celui-ci. Je suis désolé, je n'étais pas curieux, mais il a été le premier résultat de recherche qui est venu pour vous."
"Non, c'est OK. Je voulais vous dire de toute façon. Oui, ce fut une terrible tragédie, mais il était il y a plusieurs années. Et j'ai encore ma petite fille, qui j'adore absolument. Elle est rien comme sa mère, ha, "il rit ironiquement.
"Voilà pourquoi vous avez séjourné dans le mariage si longtemps ... Pour votre fille?" Amanda hasarda, déterminée pour finalement aller au fond de celui-ci.
"Eh bien, oui et non. Bien sûr, je veux être autour d'elle, mais je suis toujours au travail de toute façon, il ne fait pas trop de différence si je suis avec sa mère ou non. La raison principale, je déteste de le dire, est de l'argent. Pas parce que je veux personnellement ou besoin de beaucoup d'argent. Mais Advertech ne vous voyez. afin de devenir la première plateforme de publicité dans le monde, nous avons besoin d'investir beaucoup d'argent ".
"Allez," dit-elle, ne voulant pas arrêter son monologue franc, "S'il vous plaît, je suis à l'écoute"
"Oui, eh bien, il est incroyablement cher la construction de ce type de technologie à partir de zéro. Il faut des millions d'heures de travail, quelques-uns des esprits les plus brillants dans l'entreprise, et un peu de marketing intelligent pour faire tout gel. Voilà pourquoi nous vous embauché, parce que je vous senti l'équivalent de cinq personnes qui sont normalement à votre niveau, tout juste sorti de l'université. Et je pensais que vous feriez un réel impact sur l'entreprise. pour être honnête, Eva a été coincé dans une ornière pour un bon moment maintenant, la commercialisation de l'entreprise est pas là où il devrait être, mais j'ai été trop occupé pour traiter correctement la situation. Je suppose que je vais devoir maintenant, »il tailed off.
Falling for the CEO
Part I of the Reluctant Billionaire Trilogy
Amanda Hurley is a 23 year old college graduate excited to have landed her first real job as a marketing executive for an advertising technology company. She’s immediately taken with the company’s charismatic CEO, and he seems to like her too. There’s just one problem; he’s married. When he invites Amanda to accompany him on a business trip to Barcelona, she is overwhelmed with excitement. But the trip doesn’t go as expected, as Alex does something so shocking, she’s left wondering whether she’ll even be able to continue working with him. Falling for The CEO is a salacious treat that will keep you turning the pages of your e-reader until you reach the shocking conclusion. The book is the first in The Reluctant Billionaire trilogy published by Van Publishing. Warning: Contains scenes of a strong sexual nature, and is therefore suitable for adult readers only.
Chapter 1
Amanda Hurley was getting ready for her first day at a new job. Having graduated from university in June, she'd waited tables for the summer, went on a girlie holiday to Greece with two of her best friends, then headed back to Bristol to get what her parents called "a real job". Amanda had graduated top of her class in Marketing, and being an attractive young female, with a confident self-assured manner about her, it wasn't surprising that she landed the first job she applied for. It was a marketing executive role with a technology firm, who had developed a w
ay to make advertising more efficient for large brands. Amanda had liked the startup vibe of the office, as soon as she walked in for her first interview. The reception was decked out with glass coffee tables, and the pretty receptionist was poised behind a huge mahogany desk, with an enormous Apple all-in-one computer perched on top. There was a TV screen above a chic, black leather sofa and matching love seat, and tons of advertising magazines and journals arranged neatly on a brochure rack.
"Amanda Hurley for Alex Simons," Amanda stated in her normal confident manner to the receptionist, who gave her a warm smile. "Yes, of course, do take a seat - I'll let Alex know you're here." A few minutes later, Alex had appeared, and Amanda had been immediately taken with his rugby player build, sandy blond hair, and deep green eyes. He'd asked her lots of difficult questions during the interview, and she had given good answers without hesitation or waffling on. He'd seemed impressed, and so it wasn't a total surprise when the HR lady had given her a call back the next morning to tell her she had the job. Most things in life had come fairly easy to Amanda, and although her good looks had certainly opened doors for her, she liked to think that it was her brains and personality that had helped secure her the job this time. Especially as she noticed that Alex had been wearing a wedding ring.
Chapter 2
Two weeks later, she was back in the office reception waiting for her new line manager, a lady called Eva, to walk her to her desk. Eva was the Marketing Director for the company, and so would be training Amanda up on the job, and allowing Amanda to shadow her so she could get up to speed as quickly as possible. Alex was Eva's boss, and so she wouldn't be directly reporting into him despite the interest he'd shown in interviewing her.
Eva collected her from reception with a polite smile and handshake - one which was a little too formal for Amanda's liking, certainly not the warm reception she'd been hoping for. Amanda had heard things about older women bosses giving young, pretty newbies a hard time, but she really hoped this wouldn't be the case with Eva. After all, they both had the same goal - which was to market the company as well as possible so it would grow to be the leading platform for brand advertisers to buy ad space. While Amanda knew that her looks were often a cause for jealousy among her peers, she really hoped her manager would not succumb to this type trivial behaviour, and would give her a fair shot, rather than immediately dismiss her as "pretty but dumb", a label she'd fought hard to disprove for most of her life.
"Here's your Macbook Air," Eva said matter-of-factly, "We use laptops and hot-desk wherever we want in the office, but I normally sit here. It would be good if you could sit opposite me where possible, so we can communicate, and because you'll be shadowing me anyway. But feel free to take your laptop into the conference room, lunch room, or down to the coffee shop if you feel like getting some outside stimulation. We're a very modern office, we don't believe that being chained to a desk is good for creativity or productivity. Also, we have an espresso machine in the kitchen, and an Italian bakery delivers cakes and gluten free treats to us every morning. It's a blessing and a curse - especially if you're watching your weight like I am! But you won't need to worry of course, being a stick figure! Now, what I can I get you to drink. Latte? Cappuccino?"
"Latte would be fab, thank you Eva." Amanda chirped, wondering what to make of the "stick figure" comment. Amanda was definitely athletic, with long legs, and small but shapely breasts, that sat high on her chest. She also had long, slim arms, and a long neck - her mum had said, like a swan, and this look was accentuated when she wore her hair in a bun - like it was now. Eva on the other hand was only about 5'5, and was carrying a little extra meat on her. Her suit was a bit tight, but still, she looked well put together, with her highlighted dark brown hair and blunt cut fringe, which certainly helped to give off the impression of a trendy, business woman, who was at the office so much she didn't have time to hit the gym. Amanda couldn't tell how old Eva was, but she guessed mid-30s, by the small lines forming around Eva's eyes.
"Great, follow me then, dear." Eva trilled in a slightly faux posh Bristolian accent, which Amanda half wondered if she was putting on. Once in the kitchen, Eva set to work making the two of them a latte, taking extra care to put just the right of ground coffee into the machine, and froth the milk. A tray of beautiful looking cakes and pastries sat on the counter, barely touched, some with little flags sticking out saying "gluten free" in posh handwriting.
"Wow, I can get used to this!" Amanda thought to herself, and although she'd been a bit worried about taking the first job that came along - instead of waiting and seeing what other options may be open to her - she now decided she'd made the right decision. As long as she could manage Eva of course. As Amanda surveyed the office, she started to wonder where Alex was. She could see his corner office was empty through the glass panels, and his desk didn't look like it had been sat at today. His secretary Robyn was perched outside. She was a younger girl with dark hair and green eyes, who had the look of a puppy dog about her. Amanda hoped Robyn would be a potential friend and ally at Advertech, and sipped her coffee while Eva helped herself to a rather large cheese danish.
"So, what are we working on today?" Amanda ventured, keen to break what seemed to becoming a bit of an awkward silence.
"Well, dear, I have lot of work to do. I think for the first two weeks, it would be best if you didn't try to get involved with too much actual work, but instead just followed me so you can watch and learn. Then, once you are feeling more comfortable with everything, I'll assign you some projects and some deadlines. That's how we work here. We give ourselves very aggressive deadlines, so that the work is continually getting faster - so it will mean a lot of late nights and early starts. I hope you're going to be OK with that. The last girl who we took on in your role only lasted 2 months, as she couldn't hack the pace." Eva snickered as she popped the remaining morsel of cheese danish into her mouth, and again Amanda couldn't help but feel like she was being condescended to. Something about Eva made her think that she really didn't expect Amanda to last too long in the job. That she was just another floosey who her boss had hired because he liked the look of her, and not because she had any real talent for the job. Amanda saw that she would have to prove her wrong. All of a sudden Eva stopped snickering, straightened her posture, and glued a fake smile to her face, "Oh, Alex, hello! Come and see our new recruit, Amaaandahh! Oh, of course, you've met already, how silly of me, you interviewed Amanda..." she cooed in an entirely different tone, as the burley exec stood silently behind Amanda, waiting to get her attention. Amanda turned round and gave Alex a bright smile, he had a vague smile on his face too, extended his hand to shake hers, and gave her a solid firm, but professional handshake.
"Hiii again" was all Amanda could muster, suddenly feeling like the young girl that she was on her first day on the job, and being slightly intimidated, slightly awed, couldn't think of anything else to say. Even if she could have, she wouldn't have time to say it as Alex took off as quickly as he had appeared in the direction of his office. It wasn't until he'd reached his glass enclosure that Amanda realised he'd not actually said a single word to her. She turned to Eva, the bright smile still plastered on her face, but this time Eva wasn't smiling. She looked Amanda up and down, almost imperceptibly, and sipped her coffee without saying another word for what felt like forever, but must have only been a minute. "Right," she finally said, seeming to have composed herself in spite of whatever it was she was clearly thinking, "Shall we get on?"
"Yes, of course, Eva," Amanda chirped and dutifully followed behind her new mistress as she strode off back to her desk leaving Amanda with a view of her rather large, wobbly bottom. "Oh dear," Eva said to herself, "This may be harder work than I thought."
Chapter 3
Amanda's first day went fairly quickly, as she worked to get logged in to all of the company systems, and took the occasional order from Eva to "be a dear, and fetch her an Earl Grey," or "copy this mailer 50 times, would you please dear?" Amanda hadn't si
gned up to be the office intern, but nevertheless she obliged dutifully, not wanting to make things awkward with Eva on her first day. Even more awkward than they already seemed to be, for a reason she wasn't quite sure of yet, but she suspected it had something to do with Alex. 5.30 rolled around, but when absolutely no one apart from the receptionist got up to leave, Amanda took the cue that this wasn't the type of office where everyone bolted for the door at the dot of half five. She was only contracted to work 9 - 5:30 but knew that the way to get ahead was to show your manager you were willing to work longer and harder than this, so she determinedly carried on with the menial data entry task Eva had assigned her until 6:30, listening to the conversations going on around her to try to learn as much as she could, although a lot of it didn't make sense to her yet. Still, she knew it wouldn't be long before she was up to speed on the company's offer - she was a quick learner, had always been an A/B student, and had had a passion for advertising since she was a little girl, and "Mad Men" was one of her favourite shows on TV. "I wonder who Don Draper is in this office..." She giggled out loud, and Eva turned to her enquiring "Something funny, dear?"