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Snowbound Bride

Page 20

by Cathy Gillen Thacker

  Sam kissed her until she was dizzy with desire, warm with love, and full of hope. “So what do you think, Nora?” he teased, as he began to kiss his way down her neck. “Long engagement or short?”

  Nora cupped his face with her hands and kissed him back soundly. “Do you even have to ask?”

  ONE MONTH LATER, the snow was gone, the sun was shining. And all their family and friends from Pittsburgh, New York City, Chicago and Clover Creek were gathered round as Sam and Nora recited their wedding vows. When they’d finished, there wasn’t a dry eye or an empty heart in the merrily assembled group.

  “So, where’s the honeymoon going to be?” Gus said, ambling forward, Evelyn by his side.

  “You’ll have to ask Sam that,” Nora said, leaning against Sam and savoring the warmth and strength and essence that was him. “All I know is that it’s a surprise.”

  Sam winked. “A groom has to have some secrets.”

  Nora wrapped her arms around Sam’s waist and leaned in close. “So does the bride,” she quipped. And she had some lingerie in her suitcase that was guaranteed to heat his blood and make the days and nights ahead memorable for both of them.

  “Uh-oh, buddy,” Gus teased, elbowing his brother in the ribs. “Sounds like you’re going to have your hands full!”

  Sam grinned mischievously as he bent to kiss Nora. “I’m counting on it.”

  Hours later, replete with food and champagne and newly-wedded bliss, Sam carried Nora into the honeymoon suite at the Mountain View lodge.

  “And now for the part I like best,” Nora teased, taking in the view of the snowcapped Allegheny Mountains.

  Sam set her down gently on the bed and reached into his suitcase. “Not quite yet. First, I have a gift for you.”

  He brought out a beribboned gift, then went over to draw the drapes as Nora opened the box with trembling hands. “It’s a lease!” she exclaimed in surprise.

  Sam grinned and sank down next to her on the bed. “For that office space you’ve had your eye on, for your new advertising agency in Clover Creek. The lease agreement includes utilities and is paid up for a full year, in advance.” He covered her hand with his. “Once we get some office equipment in there for you, you’ll be all set.”

  “Oh, Sam—” It meant so much to her to have his support.

  “You like it?”

  “Very much.” Nora wreathed her hands around his neck and kissed him deeply. She drew back slowly, holding his eyes. “And speaking of presents,” she said softly, “I have a gift for you, too.” She took his hand and put it on her tummy and knew instantly from the oh-so-willing but slightly be fuddled expression on his face that Sam clearly hadn’t a clue what she was trying to tell him.

  “It’s a baby, silly,” Nora teased softly. “A by-product of those two nights and one day we were snowed in at your place.”

  Sam broke out into a broad grin. “You’re kidding.”

  “Nope. According to Doc Ellen, it’s a done deal. This time next winter, we’ll be rocking a cradle.”

  Sam kissed her again and gently stroked her hair. “Sounds like we really have a lot to celebrate tonight.”

  Nora nodded. “But first, some music, maestro,” she said, reaching over to turn on the FM radio beside the bed.

  Instead of the romantic music they expected, a weather bulletin was being broadcast. “…absolutely unbelievable,” the announcer was saying excitedly. “For another record blizzard to be hitting the entire East Coast just weeks after the first…. This is turning out to be some winter!”

  “He’s right about that,” Nora murmured happily as Sam and she snuggled together on the bed.

  “It should start snowing in West Virginia in another couple of hours…” the announcer continued.

  “Well,” Nora said playfully as she began slowly and sensually unbuttoning the buttons on Sam’s shirt. “If we’re going to be stuck somewhere, it sure looks like we’re in the right place.”

  Sam undid her zipper and gathered her close enough to leave a string of kisses down her throat. “I couldn’t think of anywhere I’d rather be,” he murmured, sliding a warm palm over her skin. They kissed soulfully, until both of them were trembling all over. They drew apart shakily, both of them knowing where they wanted this to lead, as static crackled, the weather bulletin ended and soft, romantic music resumed playing on the radio.

  Together, they undressed. Drawing on all the power and wonder of their love, they held each other’s eyes and slipped beneath the sheets.

  “At last, we both have everything we ever wanted,” Sam murmured, as he framed Nora’s face and kissed her gently.

  Contentment and wonder shuddered through Nora as she thought about their life together and the love they shared. And she knew their future had never been brighter. “And then some,” she agreed.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6662-3


  Copyright © 1998 by Cathy Gillen Thacker

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