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A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)

Page 14

by Hargrave, R. E.

  Shawn had created a masterpiece on Catherine’s skin; a combination of red and green twisted and entwined to form a silky-looking Celtic braid, which wrapped around her back and over her hips. Each end of the knotted rope was frayed and morphed into orchid blooms. Done in white, the orchids burst off of her skin against the rich background. Growing from the bottom petals was black lettering, which was scrawled across her skin just above her pubic mound and connected to the other side, closing the circle.

  Catherine spun around and ran to Shawn so she could throw her arms around him in a big hug. “Oh my God, Shawn, it’s beautiful! It’s absolutely stunning. I love it!” Pulling back, she bounced and twirled back toward the mirror for another look. Her heart soared while she traced her fingers over the words inked into her skin for the rest of forever: To Serve is Divine.

  Back in front of the mirror and unable to take her eyes off the fresh ink, Catherine stood frozen. Shawn approached her from behind and encased her in his arms. He then rested his chin on her shoulder, making eye contact with the enthralled woman in the mirror.

  Taking a deep breath, Catherine noticed he had a light citrusy scent, like tangerines. It was comforting, but nothing like the spicy musk of her mystery lover from earlier. She smiled. There had been something almost familiar about the scent, but she hadn’t been able to quite place it. The spice had been strong enough to cover up another underlying odor.

  “I’m glad you like it, doll.” Shawn beamed, giving her waist a squeeze.

  “Oh, Shawn, I do, I swear I do! You have no idea what this means to me.”

  “I think I’ve got an idea. He’s a lucky man, Erin.”

  Catherine jerked her head over her shoulder to look at him head on. “I’m sorry, what? I mean, how?” The poor girl was at a loss for words.

  He threw his head back and belted out a deep laugh. “Listen, doll, it’s written all over your face and shines in those big green eyes of yours.”

  Catherine gaped at him.

  Shawn became serious. He spun her around to face him and cupped her cheek with a tender touch. “Believe me, Erin, I’ve seen but a handful of people in my lifetime who were what I would consider ‘in love.’ Even fewer who were in this lifestyle, but I know love when I see it, and trust me, doll, I’m looking at it right now. You love your Master.”

  Her head started nodding ‘yes’ of its own accord, and her heart took up a frantic staccato. “I didn’t know what true happiness was before I met him, Shawn. Love is such a strong, meaningful idea; I’ve been trying to figure out all day if Master is willing to entertain it.”

  His lips brushed against her forehead. “Of course he is, doll. I’m happy for you—both of you.”

  They shared a contented sigh.

  “Okay, enough of the serious talk. This is your day, and I’m not done with you yet.” Shawn grinned while clapping his hands together and rubbing them back and forth.

  Yeah, this was going to be awkward. “Uh, Shawn, I—I’m not sure,” Catherine started, and then paused, taking a deep breath. “Oh, hell! I’m supposed to thank you for your services, and I have no fucking clue what to offer you!” she spat out in frustration and embarrassment.

  Confusion marred Shawn’s features while he sorted out her words. He stared at Catherine with his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. When what she was suggesting clicked, he burst out laughing and staggered back, clutching his stomach.

  “Oh, doll! Oh, my goodness, you are too precious! You don’t need to do a thing for me. Just seeing the delight on your face is all I need.” He took a calming breath. “Besides, Jayden took care of my payment,” he said still grinning ear to ear.

  Paranoia flooded Catherine’s veins, and her smile disappeared at Shawn’s words. Had Master taken in yet another lover? Maybe she was wrong about his feelings for her? “What—what do you mean ‘Jayden took care of your payment’?” She fought to keep her breath calm while she choked out the words.

  Shawn took in the look on the poor girl’s face. “Oh shit, doll! No, whatever you’re thinking, stop! I just meant to say that he introduced me to Micah. I’ve been looking for a sub that meets specific requirements, and I think Micah is going to work out perfectly,” he explained in a rush.

  Catherine let out the breath she’d been holding. “Dammit, Shawn, give a girl a heart attack, why don’t you?”

  He laughed, and there was a hint of guilt flushing his dark cheeks. “I’m not saying I wouldn’t have liked to tap that ass of your Master’s,” Shawn wiggled his eyebrows, “but he wouldn’t hear of it. He’s all yours, Erin. You’ve got to believe that. I’m sure you know it in your heart; you just need to wrap that pretty little head of yours around the idea!”

  With an exhale, Catherine stepped in closer and gave him a hug. “Thanks, Shawn. You’ve been a really great friend today. So, you said you weren’t done with me . . .”

  “Nope, I’m not.” Now Shawn sported a mischievous look in his eyes. “I work with other mediums besides tattoo ink. Paige will be here any minute to freshen you up, and then I’ll see you again out in the gardens.” As if on cue, there was a quiet knock on the door, and Shawn called, “Come on in, Paige. She’s all yours for the next,” he looked at his watch, “ten minutes.” A quick peck was placed on Catherine’s forehead, and Shawn whispered, “See ya soon, doll.”

  He patted Paige on the head when he walked past her, leaning in to say something to her under his breath.

  “Hi, Paige.”

  “Hey, sweetie! Let me see!” She was bouncing on the balls of her feet.

  Taking her time, Catherine turned around in a circle so Paige could view the entire tattoo. Surprising herself, she warmed with pride over her new ink and wondered when she would get an opportunity to show it off.

  Paige squealed. “Oh my God, Erin! It’s so pretty. Do you love it? Did it hurt?” she threw the questions at Catherine one after the other while her fingers came close, and then hovered right above Catherine’s skin like she wanted to touch it.

  “Geez, Paige, take a breath. Yes, I love it, and no it didn’t hurt. It was relaxing, truth be told. I ended up napping.”

  Giving in and allowing her finger to stroke one of the orchids, Paige asked, “Do you know why he picked the orchids? They seem so fragile but strong.”

  Catherine smiled. “Well, Master has told me I remind him of an orchid for the reasons you just gave, and there’s a happy florist down the street from my house who gets a weekly order from him.”

  Paige’s eyes filled with teary emotion. “That is one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard. Wow, he’s good.”

  They both laughed when Catherine nodded her head.

  “Okay, then; tell me about the rope.”

  “I have to make a guess on this one until I get a chance to talk to him and confirm it. My last name is O’Chancey, which is Irish. By using something from my culture – my history – I think he wanted to have a symbol that I am my own person, a willing participant in this lifestyle.” Catherine wasn’t sure if that’s what Master had in mind, but it felt right to her when she expressed her ideas.

  Her friend let out a dreamy sigh before she startled them both back into the moment with a sharp clap of her hands. “Well, I love it, Erin! Okay, time to get busy. You go pee, and then I’ll work my magic, and we’ll be on our way!” Paige chirped.

  Done with the bathroom, Paige touched up Catherine’s make up again and pulled the front and top sections of her red hair into a clip at the back of her head. Next, Paige assisted the submissive into a gauzy skirt, which matched the peasant blouse and reached mid-calf, being careful not to let the waistband drag over the new ink.

  “You do realize that I feel more naked in this see-through stuff than when I was just walking around with nothing on?”

  “It’s sexy, Erin.” Paige was giggling while she responded, and Catherine didn’t miss the blindfold she held in her hand.

  “Aw, Paige, do I hafta?” Catherine whined at her. “Shawn already sa
id I was going out to the gardens, so why can’t I see where I walk?” she implored.

  “Damn that man’s big mouth,” she complained with a huff. “That’s neither here nor there, Erin. You have to be blindfolded so you don’t see what’s happening out there. It’s supposed to add to the experience.”

  Paige made a valiant attempt at convincing her, but Catherine narrowed her eyes and fixed her gaze on her new friend. “Do you know what he has planned for me next?”

  Averting her eyes, Paige started looking around the room, everywhere but back at Catherine. “Um, yes,” she squeaked.

  “Paige, we’ve become good friends today, right?” Catherine could play sweet and coy if need be, and she started by batting her eyelashes.

  “Erin, please, I can’t tell you. Our Masters will tan both our hides if I spill!” she pled, having made eye contact with Catherine again.

  “Fine,” Catherine gave in, “put it on me, and let’s get out of here.”

  “Thank you, Erin. Trust me; it’s going to be so worth it.” She giggled.

  “Paige, I’ve conceded to not insisting you tell me; you don’t need to tease me!” the reluctant girl mock-growled at her friend.

  Laughing, Paige slipped the blindfold into place and teased some more, “No, I don’t need to, but it sure is fun!”


  Catherine would have smacked Paige, if she could have seen her. Instead, she growled again, at which Paige just laughed. She then took Catherine’s arm and guided the blindfolded woman outside.

  This was not Catherine’s first time in the gardens; she’d indulged – at Master’s insistence – with a gourmet lunch on more than one occasion when spending the day at the spa for treatments. Because of this, she knew the space was surrounded by a high privacy fence.

  Stepping out, Catherine could hear muted voices a few feet away that abruptly stopped when Paige cleared her throat, alerting whomever had been talking to their presence.

  “Hello again, doll,” Shawn’s warm voice greeted a now-nervous Catherine. “Thank you, Paige. That will be all.”

  A moment of panic tried to overtake Catherine when Paige’s hand left her arm and she was left standing on her own. When Shawn spoke again, he was much closer, and she jerked in reflex.

  “Relax, Erin. We’re going to have some fun.” Faint clicks could be heard. “Perfect.” Even knowing he was right there, Catherine still jumped when he put his hand on her elbow. “Alright, ready for a little photo session?”

  So that explained the clicking.

  He must have felt her tense. “I told you to relax, Erin. Don’t worry; I won’t even be processing the film. The memory card will go straight to your Master when he picks you up,” Shawn explained with patience. “All you have to do is follow my instructions and enjoy your moment of fame! Ready?”

  “Sure, I guess.” Catherine wasn’t sure, but nothing bad had happened in her time with Shawn thus far today, so she decided to trust him. With her permission granted, he began walking Catherine forward until she felt something brush against her knees.

  “That’s a hammock in front of you, doll. I’m going to help you sit in it, and then step back to get my camera. Remember, just follow my lead, and we’ll get some great shots. Won’t be hard with a beauty like you,” Shawn complimented, giving her a quick hug before guiding the submissive onto the hammock.

  Catherine could feel a light breeze lifting and tossing her hair while the birds chirped in the background. Using her toes, she pushed off the ground, causing the hammock to swing a little. She let the motion affect her and tipped her head back to enjoy the sounds of nature around her and the sun on her face.

  Off to the side, the camera clicked and whirred.

  In a subconscious gesture, Catherine licked her lips while the concept of what they were doing settled into her head. She could do this; she could even have fun with it.

  Faint sounds could be heard while Shawn moved around her, and the wanton female felt the wetness starting to seep between her thighs. She leaned further back into the hammock, locking her fingers in the net to test and make sure she wasn’t going to flip herself out of it.

  The snapping shutter captured her pose.

  In an attempt to achieve some friction, Catherine allowed her thighs a discreet rub against each other. In such a short amount of time, she had become quite turned on, surprising herself.

  That’s why you’re an exhibitionist, Erin.

  “You’re doing great, doll. Now, take your hands and roam them along your body the way your Master would,” Shawn said softly.

  A breath caught in her throat at his words. Could she do this? Of course she could—and she would for her Master. Bringing her trembling hands to her knees, she started running them up her body, feeling the skirt gather and lift as she did.

  Fast and furious, the camera’s sounds broke through the chirping birds.

  A hiss escaped her when her fingers came in contact with the fresh ink, and it soon turned into a needy moan. Another click told her Shawn wanted to preserve everything. Her self-perusal continued until she was cupping her breasts through the transparent material. To be naked at that moment would have been heaven.

  More pictures were taken while Catherine gave her breasts a gentle squeeze, and then took the rings between her fingers and pulled. Her wet lips fell open in a silent moan.

  “That’s it, doll; let go. Enjoy that lingering touch. Tease yourself,” Shawn coaxed.

  One hand kept tugging on a ring while she ran the other up over her chest to her neck, where Catherine fingered the paddle on her collar. A single click hit her ears before a momentary shift of the breeze carried that delicious musk and spice scent from earlier to Catherine’s olfactory lobe. Her heart rate picked up, and she sucked a finger into her mouth.

  Shawn continued snapping the pictures and giving her verbal cues, and all too soon, the breeze shifted again, taking the scent with it. Catherine missed it at once without understanding why. Taking her now-wet finger, she slipped it under her blouse and began rubbing her thick nipple.

  “Work your skirt up for me further, doll. Does that finger feel good?”

  “Mmhmm,” the amateur model moaned and kept rubbing her nipple, adding in a light pinch while her free hand found the bottom of the skirt. Slow and steady, she inched the material higher, exposing her pale skin.

  Several more images were saved to the memory card.

  “Good girl. Part your legs; let your Master see you glisten.”

  Damn. For a gay man, he sure knows how to talk a girl crazy! Catherine thought, and then she lifted one leg. With care, she found the edge of the hammock and hooked her heel in the netting before letting her knee fall out to the side.

  “You’re doing wonderful. Now spread those pussy lips for your Master,” Shawn commanded; his voice had taken on a deeper tenor—more powerful.

  The submissive recognized his Dom persona coming forth and obeyed. With both hands, Catherine reached down and pulled herself open, delighting in the feel of the breeze when it blew across her exposed pussy.

  The camera clicked, and she shivered at the naughtiness of it all.

  Catherine was slick; so much so that she could feel the juices leaking onto her fingers. Her hips began rocking, and her body ached for something, anything to tame the fire that was building inside.

  “Pinch your clit,” Shawn ordered, and she obeyed, her moan escaping on the breeze. Another click echoed. “Pull on it while you pinch.” More clicks followed.

  Harder and faster, her breaths came while she pinched and pulled as commanded. Her nipples were aching, they were so tight. Catherine was quite aware of the metal impaling them. Using her free hand to circle around her opening, she gathered the wetness she found there; all while the camera whirred away.

  “Beautiful, doll. Keep going.”

  Excitement magnified with each beat of her heart. She pushed her finger between her folds and inside while she released her clit to start rubbing
slow circles around it. Breaths became gasps when Catherine slipped another finger in to join the first, and she moved her other hand in tighter circles so that she was rubbing right on top of her clit.

  The camera caught every move.

  Catherine’s hips rocked with more force while she worked her fingers in and out of her dripping core. Wanting more but not getting it, she broke the silence with frustrated mewls and could hear her moment being forever saved on digital film.

  A calm settled over her the moment Catherine began imagining it was her Master’s fingers expertly teasing her and working her into a frenzy. “Mmmm . . . Oh, Master,” she whisper-moaned, but her spell was disrupted by a tap on her knee.

  “Here ya go, Erin; use this,” Shawn directed while he rubbed something through her folds.

  Curiosity and shock won out when Catherine extracted her pruning digits to take what he was offering. When her hand wrapped around the familiar-feeling synthetic, she was pretty sure it was the mock cock, and she dripped even more. Throwing caution to the wind, she lifted her other leg and hooked her heel into the hammock, opening herself to the breeze. Catherine groaned with gusto the whole time she eased the dildo into her hungry passage.

  “Fuck, that’s so hot, doll. Jayden’s gonna come when he sees these,” Shawn encouraged her while he moved about, firing off shots of her.

  A loud smack echoed around her, and she thought she heard a low “Ow” from Shawn. What the hell? Uncertainty rising, Catherine started to close her legs when she realized they weren’t alone. Once again, she caught a fleeting whiff of that enticing scent when the breeze swirled around her, and she calmed.

  “No, doll, keep them open,” Shawn barked. “You just keep working that thick cock into your wet pussy.” His tone was firm, commanding.

  The submissive reacted to the order, and her knees dropped back down. At the same time, she forced the cock all the way inside in one shove. “God!” Catherine could have cried at the feeling of completion and fullness. Savoring the feel of it, Catherine dragged the toy out with almost painful slowness before slamming it back into her body. Her fingers left her clit to begin pulling on her new nipple rings again while she fucked herself with the dildo.


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