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Wounds of A Viscount: (The Valiant Love Regency Romance) (A Historical Romance Book)

Page 15

by Deborah Wilson

  When she was gone, Uncle Alex said, “She’s the one. The one who will finally make you the man your father would be proud of.”

  “Oh!” Aunt Emma cried. Her hands went to her face. She looked ready to weep.

  Garrick stood. “She’s not the one.”

  “What did he say?” Aunt Emma asked her husband.

  Uncle Alex grinned. “He said he loves her.”

  “No!” Garrick shouted. “Tell her the truth. Tell her what I said.”

  Aunt Emma stiffened and looked troubled. “Why are you upset, Garrick?”

  Uncle Alex answered, “He worries the lady does not return his affection.”

  Garrick groaned.

  Emma sighed fondly. “Oh, I’m sure she does. She seems like such a sweet woman, and her daughter sounds quite pleasant. Ebba said she was well behaved. How terrible that her husband died before his time and alone in a hospital room. It’s awful the way consumption takes people. He didn’t even get to say goodbye to Miriam. She deserves some happiness, don’t you think?” Had his aunt truly gotten all of that out of Lady Honora in such a short time?

  Garrick knew about how her husband had died. He hadn’t known that Miriam hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye. Had she cried? She’d been eight. She’d known her father. Surely, she would have.

  “She knows how to sign,” Uncle Alex told his wife.

  “Oh, marvelous,” Aunt Emma remarked. The two went on. In the back of his mind, Garrick was aware that they were planning his wedding and a life he had no means of taking. He needed to speak to Honora alone and warn her that his family was likely to embarrass her if she stayed.

  ∫ ∫ ∫

  2 8

  * * *

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Nora, did you see the way he looked at you when you walked in?” Ebba sat in front of her vanity and applied another layer of rouge that some would find offensive. A lady could get away with a touch, but Ebba looked rather provocative now. And marvelously happy. “I believe the two of you were made for one another. I’m rather proud of myself for arranging it.” She paused and stared at herself in the mirror. “Perhaps, this is my true calling. Matchmaker.” The final word was said far too dramatically.

  Nora thought about what she’d seen Lord Paxen sign to Garrick and cringed. She could understand why Garrick’s aunt and uncle would want Garrick to marry. They adored him. Lady Paxen had told her that twice, along with other facts about Garrick, like how he could appear shy, but in reality, he held deep intellect.

  Nora already knew that. Garrick was clever. If a woman could catch his attention and hold it, then Nora knew she’d be one of the most fortunate women in the world. Sadly, she was not that woman. All she had to remember was his disappearance the other night to know the truth.

  If Garrick settled, his wife would have to look the other way when it came to his habits, and Nora would never be able to.

  Yet Lord Paxen seemed so certain, and he’d only just been introduced to her. Had Ebba said something to her parents? “Ebba, what did you tell your parents about me?”

  “Nothing.” Ebba turned and looked at her. She grinned and crossed her arms. “I only told them to add another guest to the table. I have many friends. A few will be here this evening. You were of little importance to them until you walked into the receiving room, and they saw the way Garrick looked at you.”

  Nora looked away. “Garrick loves women. I am a woman. That is all that you saw, a man who appreciates the sight of a woman.”

  Ebba shook her head slowly. “My father has been parading one woman after another in front of Garrick for years. He’s worse than my mother when it comes to the marriage market. Never had Garrick taken a second look, until today.”

  Nora’s cheeks burned. “He didn’t take a second look at me.”

  “You’re right.” Ebba turned back to her mirror. “He’d have had to look away in order to look a second time.”

  Nora scoffed. “Why do you wish me to kiss your cousin? What is it you get out of this?”

  “I want my cousin to be happy.”

  “Might you please tell me the truth, Ebba?” She was nervous because she was planning to seduce Garrick into a kiss. She thought knowing the reason behind Ebba’s blackmail would help her.

  Ebba sighed and looked over her shoulder at Nora. She made the most beautiful portrait in that pose. Her chin aligned with her shoulder. Her expression relaxed. Her eyes watchful. Nora wondered if she’d practiced the move. “I want to play Lady Macbeth. My father will let me if I can get a lady to kiss my cousin.”

  “That is all? He wants a woman—”

  “A lady,” Ebba corrected.

  “So, you’ll tell your father that I kissed Garrick?”

  Ebba shook her head. “I won’t tell him who kissed him. Only that it was done.”

  Nora narrowed her eyes. “That makes no sense, Ebba.”

  Ebba shrugged. “Which is why I didn’t tell you. It makes no sense to me either, but I suppose my father wishes Garrick to get a… taste for an upper-class lady. Maybe then he’ll settle for one.”

  Nora scoffed. “He won’t.”

  Ebba’s shoulders lifted and fell away. “Matters not to me. I just want to be Lady Macbeth.”

  Nora stared at her. “You won the part of Lady Macbeth?”

  Ebba turned fully to Nora then. A large grin was on her face. “Yes. I tried for the part and it was given to me. However, my father will not let me do it unless you help me.”

  Nora sighed. Ebba’s news was exciting, and Nora had already decided she’d do it. She’d kiss Garrick. “Do you have the gun?”

  Ebba tapped a drawer on her vanity. “It’s here, waiting for the moment you kiss my cousin.”

  “And it must be done in front of you?” Nora didn’t understand how that would work.

  Ebba nodded and stood. “I must see it. Now, let’s return to my family before they chase Garrick away.”

  Nora rushed to the door. “Is that a possibility?”

  “Oh, yes. My father drives him quite mad.”

  * * *

  Garrick tried to get Nora alone before the other guests had arrived, but his family hadn’t allowed it. It was as though they knew what Garrick was about. He wanted Nora to leave, but since that hadn’t worked, Garrick moved to his next idea. He ignored her, certain that his disinterest would make his aunt and uncle see that he had no plans to marry Nora.

  It worked.

  It had only taken half an hour for them to give up and then their focus had turned to what they loved best. Each other.

  Ebba had tried to get Garrick to engage in a conversation with her and Nora, but Garrick had turned to his assistant instead, using Andreas as a means to avoid them.

  He prayed Nora would leave then, but she hadn’t. The guests began to arrive soon after that, and it wasn’t long before Ebba was introducing Nora to her other friends. A glance around showed the numbers to be even. There was a man for every woman present. His aunt did like such order in her life, and she was trying desperately to get Ebba married.

  Garrick didn’t see that taking place.

  His cousin Noah Blanc was among those to arrive late. He was the only bachelor left in his family. He kissed his mother on the cheek and then began to shamelessly flirt with every lady in the room, never caring if they were married or not.

  When the meal was finally called, however, Nora’s place was next to his. His uncle offered her a different seat as he watched Garrick closely, but Nora refused to sit anywhere else.

  They settled down together and Garrick continued to ignore her, telling himself he did it for her own good. He also worked to convince himself that he was not upset with her. If she was in love with another man, it was none of his business. Nora was a widow and free to seek her pleasure wherever she wished.

  He tightened his fist.

  There was the ringing sound of a clash and then Garrick looked over to see that Nora had spilled her wine on the table.
r />   “Oh, I’m sorry.” She winced and reached for a napkin. Her fingers were trembling. Her face grew pale. He wondered if she would faint.

  “It’s all right,” Uncle Alex called from his place at the table as he motioned a maid forward and offered Nora a smile. “It happens all the time. Let a servant see to that.”

  Garrick placed a hand on Nora’s shoulders and settled her back into her chair.

  She took her place willingly. The table was quiet as the maids worked with efficient movements. In seconds, the mess was cleaned up, and a new glass of wine was placed before Nora.

  Her hands rested on her lap. Her eyes were downcast. What was wrong with her? Had she actually wanted to sit by him? He thought it unlikely. She’d kicked him out of her room last night. She’d seemed anxious to get away from him.

  He let her go gently.

  She turned her eyes to his. There were tears there. “I’m sorry.” Then in an act that would further draw attention, she pushed back her chair and excused herself before rushing from the dining table, only claiming a pain in her head far too late for Garrick’s liking.

  Ebba followed her out but not before shooting Garrick a heated glare. What had he done? She’d wanted away from him, and he’d given her exactly what she’d requested.

  With that thought, he knew he could no longer deny it. He was still angry with her.

  His aunt quickly filled in the silence, but all Garrick could think was to go after Nora. He remained to be polite but then scoffed. When had he started to care so deeply about Society’s social rules? They never accepted him anyway.

  Nora had. Even if she didn’t wish him in her room or her bed, she’d accepted him for who he was.

  He excused himself, Andreas speaking on his behalf, then he and his manservant left.

  Uncle Alex called after him in the hall, “She likely took her to your mother’s drawing room upstairs.”

  Garrick turned sharply to his uncle. “What are you doing? This is your dinner. You should be at the table.”

  “Emma is more than capable of managing on her own. She’ll find a way to remedy all this.” He smiled. “The ton will call my dinners unusual. Everyone will vie for an invitation after tonight.” Then his expression grew serious. “I can’t believe you would be so callous to a woman. Never have I been so disgraced in my life and to think people say you take after me, that you’re a charmer and rake.” He scoffed. “I’ve never in my life ignored a woman, especially one as beautiful as Lady Honora. She’s been trying to speak with you all evening, and you turn your back on her at every turn.”

  Garrick shook his head. “She has not been trying to speak to me. She doesn’t like me.”

  “Fool! I would take a whip to you if you were any younger than you are. Of course, you can’t see the longing in her eyes. You’ve been avoiding looking at her since she and Ebba returned to the receiving room.”

  Garrick wanted to disagree, but the tears in Nora’s eyes made him shuffle on his feet. He needed to find her. “I’ll speak with her.”

  “Of course, you will. Why do you think I’ve come? I’m allowing our company to think it is me you wish to speak to and not the lady. That will stop any gossip before it can start.”

  Garrick nodded. “Thank you.”

  They both went upstairs. Garrick heard voices from the other side of the receiving door. He turned to his uncle. “Wait here.”

  “Of course, of course.” Lord Paxen waved him on. “Go and make peace with your lady.”

  Your lady.

  Did the man still have hope in that direction?

  Garrick opened the door and braced for what he would find.

  ∫ ∫ ∫

  2 9

  * * *

  Nora and Ebba sat on the couch and stopped speaking the moment Garrick walked into the room. He closed the door behind him and tried to think of a way to send Ebba away.

  Ebba figured it out on her own and stood. “I’ll wait outside the room.” She turned to Nora and said, “Knock if you need anything.” As she slipped past Garrick, she patted his cheek.

  The door closed soundly behind her.

  Nora stood and used one hand to pull on the thumb of the other. She was nervous. Why? “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.”

  No, she shouldn’t have, but he had to ask, “Why did you come?”

  Her shoulders lifted and fell with her next breath. “I needed… a favor from you, but apparently, I’ll have to find another way...”

  He moved across the room. She looked up when he drew close. “What do you need?”

  Her eyes went wide. “Oh, I couldn’t ask you now. It was poor judgment on my part to think you could be persuaded.”


  Garrick couldn’t help the way his eyes dipped down her dress. At the moment, he could be persuaded of many things. He didn’t care if she loved another man. If asked, he’d bed her right here and now. Whoever the other man was, he didn’t deserve her. He didn’t protect Nora and wasn’t there for Miriam. Even a ghastly fellow like Garrick deserved her a little more than him, surely. “Ask me for anything, and I will give it to you.”

  She swallowed. Her eyes fluttered in thought and then she shook her head. “No, that isn’t necessary.”

  “Nora,” he whispered. “You can ask me for anything. If I have it, it is yours.”

  She smiled. “How can you be so kind to me and hate me at the same time?”

  “Hate you? I don’t hate you.” He was offended by the very thought. Angry. Jealous, yes, but he could never hate Nora. “I could never hate you.”

  “Your actions say otherwise,” she challenged.

  He ran a hand through his hair and blew out a breath. “I was trying to be respectful of your wishes.”

  “Garrick, I never asked you to abandon me completely. I simply didn’t want you in my room, especially knowing you…” She closed her eyes. Then she opened them again. “You were perturbed the other night. You accused me of having an affair when that is not the case. The man you saw is helping me with a matter. That is all there is between us.”

  Garrick didn’t know if he could or should believe her. What if she was simply ashamed to be seen with a servant?

  She blinked up at him in surprise. “Either you truly think the worse of me or Clive is right. You’re jealous. However, since I can find no reason for the latter, it must be the former.”

  “I do not think anything wrong with you.”

  She crossed her arms. “So, you are jealous? Is that is?” she asked with heated sarcasm.

  Garrick went against the nagging in his head that told him to deny her question and nodded.

  She opened her mouth to say something, but his nod seemed to render her speechless. “You were jealous?”

  There was a shuffle outside the door that gained both their attention, but when no one opened the door, they turned back to one another. It was likely a passing maid.

  “Why would you be jealous if I took a lover?” she asked. “You have many. I can’t begin to recount to you all the stories I have heard about you and that brothel in which you reside.”

  Garrick said nothing, because he knew it made no sense. He did have plenty of women to choose from and Nora was not his to claim. And yet, a stubborn part of him had claimed her. He’d tried to hold himself back but had failed. She was now an intricate part of him, residing in every portion of his being that kept him alive. She was still his guiding light. A part of him reached out for her when he needed to be sure of his humanity, when he needed to know that all wasn’t wrong with the world. So long as Nora was there then there was still a portion of the world that deserved to live.

  “What do you have to say for yourself?” she asked, seeming worried and anxious.

  “Ask me for anything, and it is yours.”

  She placed a fist on her chest and turned away in thought. “I should ask,” she said, likely more to herself than him.

  He touched her chin with his hand and turned her back to h
im. “Anything,” he whispered.

  * * *

  Nora thought of at least a dozen reasons she shouldn’t make her request to Garrick, but her one reason for doing so surpassed them all. “I need you to kiss me.”

  There wasn’t even a flicker of surprise on Garrick’s face before he slipped his hand behind her neck and started to bend toward her.

  She placed her hands on his chest, partly irritated. “Wait. Don’t you wish to know why I am asking you to kiss me?”

  He shook his head and then started toward her again.

  She placed a hand on his lips. Her fingers had been bare since she sat to eat. She felt the heat of his mouth and then something wet stroked her palm. She gasped at the feel of his tongue and snatched her hand back even while her body was engulfed in erotic flames.

  Then he kissed her, and she swooned and unleashed that wild part of her that only came out when Garrick touched her. She felt untamed as she gripped him closer. The other women didn’t matter. He was hers at the moment.

  But not truly. Even now, Ebba stood outside the door and all she had to do was knock on anything — the wall, the door, and mantle, anything that would make noise— to summon her. Ebba would see the kiss and then give Nora back her gun.

  Yet as she lifted her fingers from where they’d threaded through Garrett’s hair and moved them toward the wall, Nora couldn’t do it.

  She broke the kiss. “Garrett.” Her breathing was hard. “There is more to this favor.”

  “Anything,” he whispered. The dark promise inched its way up her thighs and settled.

  She closed her eyes. “I mean…” She fought to think past the taste of Garrick in her mouth and found it difficult. “Ebba.”


  “Yes. She needs to see the kiss.” Nora opened her eyes. “She needs to witness it.”

  He pulled away but not completely. His hands had yet to let her go. One rested behind her neck. The other was on her lower back, ready to pull her in and resume their kiss. “Why?”

  “She took something from me, and it is the only way to get it back.”


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