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Gracie's Plan

Page 2

by Rose Lange

  As she pulled up next to his jeep, Annabelle said a little prayer in her head before getting her suitcases from the trunk of her car. She could do this. There was too much at stake to back out now. She’d been running the shop for the last several months, helping her aunt out when her health began to fail. That shop meant the world to her, and she wouldn’t let anyone—let alone her ex-husband—stand in the way.

  The front door swung wide open, revealing Kade. A huge smile covered his face. She bit her lower lip and pressed a hand to her stomach, attempting to quell the large butterflies suddenly taking up residence there. She took a deep cleansing breath, wanting to pull herself together before she spoke and said something stupid, or worse, did something stupid.

  “Hey there, gorgeous, do you need some help?”

  “I’m fine, and I don’t need your help.”

  He didn’t look convinced, and strode over to pick up both her suitcases. Rolling her eyes, she followed him into the cabin.

  Glancing around, she admired how simple the décor was. She wondered when her aunt had re-decorated. During happier times, as a child, it’d looked different. Annabelle walked through the cabin, taking in the familiar and comforting scents of vanilla and firewood. This had been her only home as a child. Pausing, she smiled, recalling her many happy memories here. Of her aunt taking fresh baked chocolate chip cookies out of the oven, and how she’d let Annabelle and her brother take turns licking batter off the spoon.

  It’d been nothing like the violence and alcoholism in her childhood home. Of her dad using her mom as a punching bag, leaving her with blackened eyes, and yellowish purple bruises on her body. Of him getting so drunk Annabelle would usually find him passed out on the couch, dozens of beer cans surrounding him, stinking to high heaven.

  Her mind inevitably drifted to Brad, her abusive ex-boyfriend, and how he’d do the same thing to her. Beat her until she bruised, talked down to her, and made her feel worthless. How he’d demand sex, and didn’t allow her to have a job or leave the house. She’d been like a prisoner, weak and powerless. Shame curled in her stomach.

  She shook her head, forcing her mind back to reality.

  “I feel like we’re stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.” She blew out a frustrated breath.

  Kade waited until they approached her bedroom, set the suitcases down, and turned to her with the devil in his eyes.

  “I could think of a lot of things to do.” He looked her over, only this time slowly, and deliberately.

  Annabelle’s face heated. She brushed up against the softness of the feather down quilt on the bed, and suddenly feeling self-conscious, stepped away. “Kade, you’ll never change will you?”

  “Hey, you set yourself up for that one.”

  Her gaze landed on what she now remembered was a connecting door. With everything going on, it had slipped her mind. Opening it, she took a quick glance into his bedroom, and took a deep fortifying breath to soothe her nerves.

  Oh shit.

  “What the hell is this?” Even though she knew damned well what it was.

  “Don’t look at me. This wasn’t my idea, and I’m sorry to say these are the only two bedrooms in the house.” He watched her, a smug grin on his face, and didn’t look the least bit remorseful. In fact, he looked quite amused with the situation.

  “This just can’t be happening.” She frowned and ran her hand through her hair.

  Kade chuckled, then walked toward her and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her closer. She tried to pretend that being this close to him wasn’t affecting her, but God damn him, he was still hot as hell.

  “Although, you’ve gotten sexier with age,” he murmured, “and it will be hard to resist you. I’m pretty sure I can handle it.”

  “I’m sure you can, you’re a big boy.” Her voice husky, but she couldn’t control her tone.

  He raised an eyebrow. “But I might get tempted so you’d better sleep with one eye open, honey.”

  Annabelle lay in bed that night. Her mind raced, and she was unable to fall asleep. Her senses heightened, she could hear everything from his room as though he was right next to her. Could hear his clothing fall to the floor as he stripped down. The sound of water running in his bathroom, in particular, the shower. It made her crazy thinking about him naked and glistening wet. She closed her eyes and imagined the water gliding over all those perfect muscles. Pictured the water running down the flat planes of his stomach, and then further down to his groin. She could see clearly in her mind the deliciously naked sight of him and her mouth watered.

  Her body flushed, remembering how amazing he’d looked when he’d strode through the door of the lawyers’ office a week ago. She’d been unable to stop thinking about him ever since. How her hungry gaze had rested on his lips. They were perfect. Annabelle could easily recall his kisses from when they were married, how exquisite his mouth felt on hers, moist, full, and so incredible. She wondered if they’d still feel the same, and just thinking about it made the temperature in the room rise.

  Rolling onto her stomach, she groaned into her pillow. How in the hell could she do this when every five minutes she was thinking such erotic thoughts?

  Kade’s slate blue-gray eyes were even more striking. Her breath quickened as she flopped onto her back and stared at the ceiling. Her cheeks warmed recalling that he’d been a marvelous kisser, as well as a very giving, and intense lover. Unfortunately, those memories had not faded with time. She could picture him, naked and in bed, his hair tousled from sleep and sex, and a white sheet splayed over his muscular and sinfully sexy frame.

  She was absolutely starving. The heat of her thoughts crept up into her neck, making the sweat trickle from every crevice of her skin. She jumped from the bed and opened the window slightly, allowing the cool night breeze to calm her down and cool her off. She put her hands to her face, closed her eyes, and took a few cleansing deep breaths. Really, she had to start controlling her thoughts better.

  Of course, this would be easier said than done.

  Deciding a snack was in order, and clad in shorts and a tank top, she softly crept into the kitchen. She was thankful Kade had stocked it before her arrival, and it was full of all her favorites, oranges, strawberries, and chocolate pudding, among other things. The man never forgot even the smallest details.

  Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around her waist, and she jumped.


  “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” He was so close she could smell the exhilarating scent of his body wash, so masculine and clean. Vivid memories of the past flooded into her mind, none of them G-rated.


  She shook her head. “Yes, I’m sorry did you say something?”

  “Mind if I join you?”

  “That’s fine. I was hungry and couldn’t sleep. I figured a little snack would help.”

  “It usually does.” He grinned wickedly. “I also remember most of the time those midnight trips to the kitchen wouldn’t end with food.”

  Annabelle felt the heat rising on her neck once more, burning clear into the roots of her red hair, remembering those erotic trysts in the kitchen.

  “Kade, must you.” She looked up into his eyes, only then realizing they were still standing in front of the open refrigerator, and he was much too close. So close the warmth from his body radiated into hers.

  “Of course,” he murmured, staring at her mouth. “What fun would it be if I didn’t tease you just a little?”

  Her breathing ceased when he cradled her face with his hands, and slowly rubbed her lower lip with the pads of his thumbs, back and forth. So achingly slow, that it was hard to breathe. She gazed into his eyes, unable to look away even though it made her squirm. Part of her wanted to run but the other part was nailed to the floor. Couldn’t move i
f a tornado swept the house away.

  She felt as though she were in a beautiful, wicked, and seductive dream. And she didn’t want to wake up.

  “You’re so beautiful, Annabelle.” His eyes darkened, as he caressed her cheeks between his palms, which felt warm like a potbelly stove on a winter morning from his touch. Good grief, if standing this close to him with clothes on, she could only imagine if they were naked. Goodness, but it had been a long time since she’d stood this close to Kade, and she realized a long time since she’d been thoroughly kissed.

  Brad didn’t count, he was a jackass, but Kade was different. He’d always been an incredible kisser, and a fantastic lover. Those searing hot memories made her belly do flips.

  She wanted to speak but the words got stuck on her tongue.

  It had been a long time since Kade had touched her this way. It felt like a dream to be this close to him again. Annabelle’s heart quickened as he gently took her mouth in a searing, sweet kiss. He nibbled and teased, and caressed her tongue with his. She hungrily kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck, settling her fingers in his thick mane of sandalwood hair. She couldn’t help herself as her hands traveled down his back, her fingers enjoying the hard, corded muscles she found there. Then she cocked her head to one side to greet his tongue. He groaned in response.

  Keeping one arm around her waist, he used the other to slam the fridge door shut and pulled her tightly against him. Her breasts flattened against his chest and she tried to catch her breath. Then his kiss became punishing, almost angry, and oddly enough this passionate side of Kade turned her on even more. His hands roved down her back, settling just above her bottom, but not going further, an agonizingly sweet tease that set her entire body aflame.

  Annabelle responded with equal passion. Her pulse raced furiously as she kissed him back with both intensity and eagerness. Not able to control herself, her greedy fingers grabbed his ass and squeezed. She could feel her self-control slipping away quickly. He was like quicksand and she found it hard to stop herself from sinking into his heat, his kiss. He left her wanting and begging for more. Drunk from his kisses, the sensual way his tongue made deliberate, slow circles around her mouth was enough to turn her insides into silly putty.

  She was drowning, and could not imagine a more beautiful death.

  “Oh, Kade,” she whispered, hardly able to find her voice.

  In one swift motion he picked her up by the waist, setting her down on the counter as he continued to scatter kisses along the edge of her mouth, on her jaw and collarbone as voracious fingers grasped the bottom of her tank top, pushing the material up until bare skin touched bare skin. Grasping the side of his face she mimicked him, placing reverent and soft kisses on his mouth, neck, and the tiny thatch of his chest exposed by the V-neck opening of his T-shirt. Wildly out of control now, she reveled in him, and this moment. Annabelle smiled as the evidence of his desire pressed into her belly. The knowledge that he was as affected by her thrilled her.

  “God. Damn it. Annabelle . . .”

  She was unable to formulate a response as he grasped her hips and slowly eased his hands down to her bottom, filling his palms with her ass and drawing her even closer. He lowered his head and took her breast in his mouth through her tank top, sucking on the globe until her nipple ached with need and the fabric of her shirt was moist. Then lavishing the same attention to the other. Her nether regions started to tingle, and she realized nothing stopped her from going further, from giving in to her strong urges.

  Alone, in a cabin with two very large and comfortable beds, she realized it would be so easy to give her body up to him . . .

  Oh goodness, she felt like a loose woman, but she was ready for him to make love to her on this very counter. She might regret it in the morning but she didn’t give a rats’ ass. She wanted him. Ready to throw her inhibitions and her pride out the window.

  “Kade you’re driving me insane.”

  “That’s the point,” he whispered.

  She burned from his kisses. Her heart beat erratically, and her breathing threatened to cease at any moment. And then he suddenly stopped and stepped back, as though he were turning away from a used tire sale.

  She shook her head, feeling dizzy and high from his kisses.

  Did I miss something?

  “What the hell was that all about?” Her heart pounded furiously, and her body begged for release, but instead, she’d been left hanging.

  Kade flashed her a wicked grin, but didn’t say another word as he turned and walked away.

  She merely sat there with her mouth hanging open, unable to believe what had just transpired. Angry with herself for getting swept away in the moment, in his kisses, but realizing she couldn’t help it even if she tried. It would have been a futile effort.

  She retreated to her bedroom, only then realizing she hadn’t even grabbed the much- needed snack. She fumed, no longer hungry anyway, and crawled back into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. Staring up at the ceiling, she let out a frustrated breath.

  Annabelle tried to fall asleep, but it proved impossible with the shower next to her room, running yet again.

  It served him right.

  She smiled a devilish smile. At least she hadn’t been the only one sexually frustrated.

  Annabelle sat up in bed and stretched. Last night’s encounter still weighing heavy on her brain. The way he’d taken command and kissed her, and the way he’d kissed her. She put a hand to her stomach, trying to quell the butterflies forming there. She shook her head. Deciding if she wished to come out of this relatively unscathed, what happened last night could never happen again. She could not lose control like that again, but didn’t know if she was strong enough to resist him.

  Taking a deep cleansing breath, she pulled the curtain back to take in the gorgeous view outside her window. The sun was just rising, painting the sky in rich oranges, purples, and reds. The clouds so white and fluffy, they looked like cotton candy laced with sugary pink patches. She closed her eyes, relishing in the cool breeze that scattered across her face. This cabin was the only place she’d called home. Coming here after the divorce, she remembered how her aunt had pleaded for her to go back to him. After her second relationship had failed because her boyfriend, felt like he could use her as a punching bag any damn time he pleased, she’d come back here. Deciding she just wasn’t good at relationships.

  She opened her eyes and glanced down at the pool only to get an eyeful of Kade’s gorgeously bare behind. Leaning forward, her jaw fell open. Annabelle took a deep breath, unable to take her eyes off him. She’d guessed right, time had only made him more tempting. Her hungry gaze roved over his body, and it was just as she’d pictured it, as perfect now as it had been years earlier, and even more so. Her mouth salivated at his perfect male physique. She shamelessly stared at him, like he was a tempting piece of candy.

  Every muscle and plane of his body, twice as defined and carved out like fine granite. Kade was tanned and looked like a statue of smooth gold. She couldn’t help it when her gaze connected with his very large cock. She knew from first-hand experience that he knew how to use it, and they’d used it very, very well. As a matter of fact he knew how to use everything to her satisfaction, including those incredibly full lips. She was the worst sort of voyeur, but she couldn’t help herself. Self-consciously, she pulled the curtain back and hoped he couldn’t see her.

  She frowned. Did Kade know her bedroom had a direct view of the pool? Had he set her up? She wouldn’t have put it past him. He’d always been bold. Time hadn’t changed that either apparently.

  Annabelle pulled back the curtain a tiny bit, and watched a few minutes longer, not able to resist the temptation. She took one last glimpse of his naked behind before he exited the water, and put his shorts back on. Red-hot flames crept up into her neck and spread across her face
. Clearing her throat, she shook her head, trying to get the very clear pictures out of her mind. She disrobed and decided it was time for a shower.

  Finishing, she quickly dried off and threw on her usual jeans and T-shirt. Glancing in the mirror, she grimaced at the appearance of her hair, knotted, wet, and disheveled. She gently combed it before blow-drying. The heavenly aroma of breakfast cooking filled the air. It smelled delicious and made her mouth water. Kade had always been a better cook, and she remembered him telling her stories about how his Greek mother taught him when he was just a little boy. Her stomach growled an angry protest of hunger.

  When she finally made it to the homey, lived in kitchen, she smiled at the sight. A fresh bouquet of daisies sat in the middle of the kitchen table. Placemats were set, as were two glasses of orange juice. The blinds were open above the windowsill allowing the sunshine in through the slats, bathing the room in a soft, warm glow.

  Taking advantage of his back toward her, she openly stared. She couldn’t help the wicked flashbacks that entered her mind. Of that cute butt greeting her. Only moments ago he’d been gloriously naked, just outside her window, and she’d been half-tempted to strip down to nothing and join him.

  She cleared her throat. “Good morning.”

  Kade turned, throwing one of his devilish grins her way. “Good morning, Annabelle. Take a seat, breakfast will be ready soon.” He set a very hearty plate of food in front of her. Two thick cut pieces of French toast with powdered sugar and three pieces of bacon. “How’d you sleep?”


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