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Gracie's Plan

Page 6

by Rose Lange

  She raked her hand through her hair, closed her eyes, and blew out a shaky breath. Hell, she was already regretting this evening, and wasn’t sure why. She put a hand over her chest in an attempt to quell her racing heart. Realizing that as much as she wanted him it could never happen again. If she was going to come out of this relatively unscathed then she had to control her emotions, her desires more specifically.

  But how was she supposed to continue on as if nothing happened and pretend as though he didn’t have any effect on her? It would be like trying to resist an ice cream sundae just sitting there, waiting to be eaten as it melted in the hot sun.

  Annabelle sat up in bed, knowing it would be a futile effort in getting any sleep. A nice warm glass of milk sounded good and it usually soothed her to sleep.

  As she walked into the kitchen, she was startled to find Kade at the kitchen table, with only the light above the sink illuminating him.

  Her gaze connected with his, but it unnerved her because she couldn’t tell what he was thinking. His expression gave nothing away. Biting her lower lip, she walked toward the refrigerator.

  “Hey, Annabelle.”

  “Hey.” She kept her eyes averted as she rifled through the refrigerator, not sure how to handle this awkward situation.

  “Look, about earlier . . .” he began.

  She hoped he wouldn’t bring it up, but it was too late for that.

  “It’s nothing.” But she said it much too quickly.

  “What do you mean?”

  She cleared her throat, trying her best to gather her thoughts. “It was nothing, and while we’re on the subject, it can never happen again.”

  “You know, Annabelle, you didn’t exactly stop me.”

  Flames of embarrassment leapt up into her throat, turning her body into an inferno. Her chest tightened like a drum canvas. She averted her gaze.

  Damn him. Did he have to point out the obvious?

  That she’d given in to his touch and his kisses, and practically squirmed remembering the way he’d taken his time. Making sure she’d been thoroughly satisfied. That she wanted to go further and take him to bed? To finish what they’d started.

  Annabelle looked him square in the eye. “And a gentleman wouldn’t point that out,” her voice never faltering, “it just can never happen again.”

  “I guess.” He got up, and turned to leave.

  She let out an irritated breath. “Things would just be a lot easier if I didn’t have to live with you,” she blurted, and he turned back to look at her.

  “As I said before, this hasn’t been easy for me either so I suggest you get used to the idea and quick.” With this she watched him turn and leave the room, not bothering to look back.

  Kade lay awake that night for hours. He remembered that escapade on the couch in vivid detail, and his mind raced with the memories. Goodness how receptive, yet self-conscious she’d been to his touch. How jittery and nervous she seemed at first of her beautiful body, which hadn’t been the case when they were married.

  He grinned, because there was nothing to be ashamed of. She had the most glorious curves he’d ever laid eyes on. Curves that yielded to his touch, and her creamy white skin was soft beneath his fingertips and pure heaven. Her breasts were still perfect, her round, voluptuous bottom still sexy as hell . . . everything about her made his body tighten in response. And my God how sweet she’d tasted as she came. He recalled the complete look of ecstasy on her face. Mouth parted, head thrown back, and completely eager for his touch.

  Damn it, he couldn’t help it when his body responded with the erotic memory.

  He blew out a frustrated breath as he rolled over and attempted to sleep. Knowing without a doubt, this would prove impossible as long as he and Annabelle continued to share a roof.

  The next morning Annabelle woke up to an unusually quiet cabin. Also absent were the wonderful smells emanating from the kitchen. Most mornings those were the things she was used to waking up to, his wonderful cooking and his radiant smile.

  She frowned, smacking her forehead in an attempt to rid herself of the memories. Especially considering she’d told him it could never happen again. Talk about being a hypocrite.

  Annabelle quickly showered and dressed. Deciding in light of what happened last night, she couldn’t do this anymore. She was going to see the lawyer before heading to work, to see if there was some sort of escape clause.

  Even if she had enjoyed last night very much. Probably more than she was willing to admit. She enjoyed living with Kade even though she’d lied to him, saying it would just be easier if she didn’t have to continue living with him. She was kidding herself. Her time with Kade was the most fun she’d had in a long time, but she was getting in way over her head. She couldn’t help the swirl of mixed emotions inside her, and decided it was easiest and best to run.

  Again. Even though it meant losing a piece of her aunt’s memory.

  And she couldn’t believe those words had come from her. Her Aunt Gracie meant the world to her and she felt like she was letting her down.

  Half an hour later she pulled into the lawyer’s office only to see Kade’s olive green jeep parked in front. Her jaw dropped.

  What the hell is he doing here?

  Annabelle knew where the office was, and ignoring his secretary trying to stop her, she barged in, and found Kade sitting there as though he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “Why are you here?” she demanded.

  He looked her up and down, a dark look in his eyes. “I guess I could ask you the same thing.”

  Slamming the door behind her, she attempted to keep calm, but it was difficult. The lawyer instantly rose from his desk, a puzzled look crossing his features. He removed his glasses and set them aside.

  “Miss O’Sullivan what is the meaning of this?”

  She schooled her features, hoping she wouldn’t give her emotions away, and tried to make her lies sound as convincing as possible. “I’ll tell you. This man is impossible to live with and I can no longer be a part of this.”

  Kade sprung out of his seat. “I’m impossible to live with? You are impossible to live with.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Mr. Fox repeated.

  Annabelle looked him straight in the eye. “I can’t do this anymore.” She glared at Kade. “And it’s apparent that neither can Mr. Hoffman. The deal is off.”

  The lawyer looked from one to the other. “Please, if you would both take a seat I’m sure we can work this out. It is after all part of your aunt’s Will, Ms. O’Sullivan, and it will be null and void if you quit before the two months are up,” he gently warned.

  She took a seat, scooting her chair away from Kade’s, crossing her legs away from him.

  “If you would be so kind as to read this it might bring you some clarity.” He handed her a sealed envelope, with her name neatly written on it in her Aunt Gracie’s handwriting.

  “This is impossible. How . . .?” But she couldn’t complete her sentence.

  The lawyer sat down, examining her with thoughtful brown eyes. “She knew you better than you thought. She wrote it before she died. Please, read it, or if you’d like you may take it home and do so in private. But, I do think it will clarify a lot of things.”

  Annabelle took a deep breath, gathered her purse, and quietly left the office. She drove until she couldn’t anymore. Then she pulled over and took out the letter, the tears began to prick her eyes when she saw her aunt’s handwriting:

  My darling Annabelle:

  If you’re reading this then you know I’m no longer on this earth. But, I am still with you. Don’t ever worry about that sugar. You’re probably wondering why I decided to put you and Kade in my cabin. Well, it’s something I won’t reveal here, because I want you to realize it in your own goo
d time. You need to figure it out for yourself. I know you must be going crazy, wondering why, and how difficult it must be to live with your ex-husband for two months but you’re a strong, beautiful woman, and I know you can do it. I have faith in you.

  Please, give Kade a chance. He is only human, and you can’t blame him for being just as frustrated as you are. Honey child please don’t give up. If you listen to my words, and trust me, believe me that everything will reveal itself in good time. Things happen for a reason.

  So don’t give up like I know you want to and he no doubt wants to, but hang in there, and both you and Kade will reap the rewards. People come and go into our lives for a reason and we might not know what that reason is but in time you will find out, and it will reveal itself to you.

  I love you and please hang in there for me darling, if not for anyone else.


  Aunt Gracie

  Annabelle brushed her tears aside, holding the piece of paper to her chest. Taking a shaky breath, she folded the letter and tucked it in her purse. She sat there for a moment, thinking about what her aunt had written. The words were precious and profound and yet she didn’t know what to make of them. She was right, she thought with a smile. Her aunt knew Annabelle better than she knew herself. Knowing she’d find it difficult and want to run away instead of staying and toughing it out.

  With these sobering thoughts she drove home, hoping, praying that Kade would still be there.

  “I know, Dad, it’s just that I can’t take this anymore. It’s too much.” Kade gripped the phone like a vice.

  He had to talk to someone about this or he’d burst. This was going to be a lot harder than he’d ever anticipated. He knew it would not be easy by any means but this was getting ridiculous.

  “Son, you need to be patient. It’s not like you to just give up.”

  His dad was right. It wasn’t like him to so easily throw in the towel. But damn this was getting hard, and his emotions were running high.

  “I understand but she’s not the same person, it’s like a huge part of her is missing. She’s different somehow, but I can’t put my finger on it.” He sighed, taking a seat at the kitchen table.

  “Then maybe instead of giving up you should stay. Stick it out. Help her go through whatever it is she’s going through. Or went through. This can’t be any easier on her,” his dad said gently.

  Kade closed his eyes and took comfort in his dad’s words. He knew he was right and that he should stay. Knew that he’d feel like the worst sort of coward if he left. Knew he couldn’t leave her when she probably needed him the most, even when she wouldn’t admit to it. He’d figure out what was different about Annabelle, or he’d die trying.

  Then he heard her pull up into the driveway outside. “Dad, I have to go. She’s here. I’ll talk to you later.”

  He hung up and braced himself. Deciding no matter what she had to say he was now in a better frame of mind to listen. He was having a difficult time, but realized she couldn’t be taking this any easier, and felt like a heel for how he’d talked to her last night. In the aftermath of what happened on the couch, he’d been less than a gentleman.

  Noticing the dishes hadn’t been done from this morning, he proceeded to busy his hands and take care of them. But now that his mind was made up, and he wasn’t going to leave he was afraid she’d still want to. As much as she’d infuriated him and turned him on, and put his emotions into a tailspin, he was getting used to having her around again. He smiled with the thought. He had to admit, as crazy as things were, he’d had more fun these last few weeks that he’d had in a long time.

  Annabelle, in her own unique way, had brought a measure of joy back into his life. Even if things had been going less than smoothly lately.

  Not turning around, he heard the door quietly open and close.

  “We need to talk,” she said.

  He finished, and turned toward her as he dried off his hands. “Yeah, I think we do.”

  He waited patiently while she collected herself, shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot.

  “I’m as much to blame for last night as you are. I guess I enjoyed myself a little more than I’d like to admit,” she murmured. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting. You don’t deserve it and while this won’t be easy for either of us, please, let’s try and stick it out.”

  He nodded, remaining silent for a moment, surprised by her honest words. He’d enjoyed last night just as much as she had, and it killed him because he’d wanted to go further. And had the sinking suspicion she did as well. And that made him want her all the more. He didn’t know how he’d managed to stop where they did. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself deep within her, and make love to her, until he was dizzy from his desire for her.

  He cleared his throat. “I appreciate your honesty, Annabelle. I haven’t made things any easier on you and I’m sorry.”

  She smiled, extending her hand. “Truce?”


  Annabelle leaned back in her chair, relishing in the early lunch break. Her body and mind were relaxed. Since she and Kade had made peace last night, the stress that had been building up for weeks was gone. She got up to put the other half of her sandwich in the mini fridge and took out a bottle of raspberry iced tea, taking a moment to savor the coolness of it running down her throat.

  “So, have you slept with him yet?” Becky asked. The blunt question not surprising in the least.

  Annabelle quirked a brow. “I was wondering what took you so long to ask. And no I haven’t, if you must know.”

  Becky grinned mischievously. “Of course I must. My best friend is living with her hot ex-husband and I’m not supposed to be curious.”

  Annabelle couldn’t help it as her pulse quickened as memories of last night came unbidden into her mind. She casually polished off the rest of her beverage as if the question didn’t make her squirm. Since their scorching hot encounter on the couch she hadn’t been able to think of anything else. It replayed itself in her mind like a movie reel, over and over again, as though it had been permanently burned into her memory. Her face went warm. She’d thought about it nearly every second, of every day, since that day she’d first laid eyes on him again.

  “Come on, you’re telling me you’ve never even thought about knocking the boots with him?”

  She shook her head, the question breaking her erotic thoughts.

  Looking up at her friend, Annabelle beamed, not able to help herself. “Well, maybe it’s crossed my mind a couple times.” Then she leaned forward, and whispered, “And we got close just one time.”

  Becky burst into a fit of giggles and Annabelle truly felt like they were young girls in college. Talking about guys and sex.

  “And I’m sure he’s only gotten better with age,” Becky hedged.

  “Oh, yes he has,” she whispered.

  “I knew it!” Becky fanned herself, making a big show of swooning just to tease her friend.

  “I guess we’d better get back to work,” Annabelle said, cleaning off her desk. She went to use the restroom quickly, and when she came out the phone rang. Just as she was about to pick it up her friend beat her to the punch.

  “Yeah, just one second.” She covered the phone, then cooed, “Annabelle, it’s Kade,” a teasing, melodic tone to her voice.

  Annabelle quickly went to grab the phone, trying her hardest to ignore Becky, who was making kissing and cooing sounds in the background.


  “Annabelle, babe, how’s it going?” His deep voice sent shivers of need up her spine.

  She pressed a hand to belly in an attempt to quell the butterflies. And the way he said babe made her toes curl.

  “Fine, and you?”

  “Great, now that I’ve heard your voice,” he murmured.
br />   Rolling her eyes, she sat at the edge of her desk. “So, what’s up?”

  “I was wondering if you’d like to go out on a date tonight.”

  Annabelle’s spirits perked even more at the prospect. “That would be great. Where are we going?”

  His throaty, sexy laugh reverberated through the phone, and straight to her heart. She loved the way he laughed, loved the sound of it. “I guess you’ll have to wait and see. Dress comfortably and I’ll see you later.”

  As she hung up the phone, she couldn’t help but wonder what tonight would bring.

  Chapter 6

  Annabelle was excited her day was over. Giddy over what tonight would bring, she practically skipped to the front door of the cabin when she arrived. For a moment she paused, shaking her head, and telling herself to get a grip. They were just going on a date it wasn’t as if they hadn’t been on one before.

  When she entered the cabin he was nowhere to be found. Looking toward the stairs, she noticed the light was on, and could hear the shower running. As she tilted her ear closer to the sound it suddenly stopped.

  Why on earth did he use the upstairs bathroom instead of his own?

  Then he materialized at the top of the stairs, a towel wrapped around his mid-section, and she couldn’t help but stare. He was gorgeous, sexy, in a rugged and absolutely delicious sort of way. She grimaced. That was the problem. He was too sexy for his own good, and for that matter, for her own good.

  As amazing a man as he was, her mother’s ugly words whispered through her mind. You’ll wake up one day, Annabelle, and he’ll be gone, run off with another woman. You just wait and see . . . He’s too much a man for you, Annabelle. You’ll never be able to hold him . . . He’s too good for you, Annabelle, why do you think you deserve a man like him?


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