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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

Page 38

by Robert Iannone

  “Speaking about resourcefulness,” said Sylvia with a grin, “how did you get captured by Reven?”

  “Oh. I . . . I kind of fell in a hole,” she answered sheepishly.


  “There was this hole floating in the air so I peeked inside . . . and whoosh, the stupid thing sucked me in and spit me out inside the castle. I felt like a bug that gets vacuumed up. It was kind of humiliating.”

  The thought of the intrepid Flying Girl being vacuumed up like a bug was a bit too much. The girls needed an emotional outlet for what they had just been through and this was silly enough to provide it. Sylvia started to laugh until tears began to stream down her face.

  A moment later, they were all laughing hysterically.


  Sea Serpents

  “Oh, no. Oh my gosh, no.” Soo, Bl’azzz and Aeri’elle had reached the Endless Sea. And in the water were hundreds and hundreds of serpents. There were large adults and small children . . . and they just floated on the surface, bobbing up and down with the gentle waves. “There’s K’ssss. Drop me over there. Hurry.”

  Bl’azzz did as she was told and Soo splashed into the water. “Oh, K’ssss, I’m so sorry, it’s my fault (she wasn’t buying Megg’s idea that they couldn’t have done anything even if they wanted to). Please, please try to forgive me. Oh, oh . . .,” and she began to hyperventilate.

  “Dearest Soo, calm yourself. First, it is not your fault. And second, they are not seriously injured. The shock of the explosion knocked them unconscious. Help me push them to shallow water so that the Wind’dancers can examine them.”

  Aeri’elle flew low and slow and asked, “What can Bl’azzz and I do?”

  “Over there is Bl’udd. He, too, is unconscious. Put the obedience collar (like you might put on a disobedient dog) on him then drag him to shore so he won’t drown.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but he saved the Nauti village and villagers from annihilation.”


  “He grabbed the power device and dropped it in the Sea. There is no way he could have known that the serpents nested nearby. The Queen will be devastated when she finds out that the dastardly dragon is a hero.”

  “Love to see the expression on her face when she finds out. Anyway, how’s Zazzi?”

  “Shaken but relieved.”

  “And how are you doing?”

  “Shaken, relieved and excited. These serpents are now my children . . . and I will be the mother of my race. Now, go before our unlikely hero drowns.”

  Nauti & Wind’dancers

  Howl and his entire clan were standing around looking at the remains of the WingStone when they heard the explosion. They were so shocked by the destruction of their crystal that they hardly reacted to the thundering sound.

  “What was that?” asked Windy.

  “The end of the world,” answered the clan leader. He, however, was answering a different question – what would the clan do without a WingStone.

  His wife looked up at him then noticed the Wind’dancers sailing overhead. That was highly unusual. Courtesy demanded that a neighboring clan ask permission before they did such a thing. “Howl . . . Howl.” She had to shake her husband to get his attention.


  “Zephyr and a couple dozen of his people just sailed over. They seem to be headed toward the sound of the explosion.”

  Still stunned by the sight of the crystal shards strewn about the ground, the man didn’t respond.

  “HOWL. Find out what’s going on. There’s nothing you can do here. GO,” and she gave him a shove.

  Reluctantly he did as he was told. A few minutes later, he arrived at the Endless Sea to the sight of serpents floating on the surface. He looked for his counterpart and found him knee deep in water. “Zephyr, what’s going on?”

  Zephyr explained about Zazzi and his serpents. Seeing the look on his friend’s face, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

  “Our WingStone . . . it’s been destroyed by that dragon.”

  “He also destroyed ours.”

  Howl’s shock turned to despair. His only hope was to come to an understanding with Zephyr on the use of the Wind’dancer WingStone. Now . . . all was really and truly lost. He told as much to the other man.

  “Howl, we’re very busy here helping these creatures . . . these sea serpents. So, I don’t have the time to tell you everything. However, K’ssss . . .,” and he pointed to the serpent, “brought us a new WingStone. One she made. You and your clan are welcome to use it. In fact, we should create a pact that specifies it belongs to both our people from this time forth. Do you agree?”

  “I don’t understand. She made one? A sea serpent? How is that possible?”

  “Not only did she make it, she redesigned it. Sailing an Ascension Storm is a thing of the past . . . but you’re in no condition to hear about that now. So . . . do you agree?”

  “Zephyr, my friend, please forgive me.”

  “Forgive you. For what?”

  “I’m about to give you an embarrassingly big hug.”

  Meggy, the Royal Princess

  When the Queen and her husband arrived on Zynn-Zaz’zia, they were greeted by Zephyr, Howl, Zazzi and the Hameggattic Sisterhood. After the appropriate time meeting and greeting, Rose and Z’kkk excused themselves to talk to their daughter.

  Megg, still wearing the scarf around her face, gave each of her parents a hug.

  “I was told you were injured. A scratch I believe is the way you described it to your father. Is that what you are hiding under your scarf?”

  “It is nothing, mother.”

  “Please let me be the judge of that. Remove the scarf.”

  “Before I do, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to go with the Sisterhood on this mission. The experience will, I believe or at least I hope, make me a better person and certainly a better Queen.”

  “M’egg-Alynnia, please remove the scarf.”

  As she slowly unwrapped it, she said, “I consider this a badge of honor. I am sure you both will agree.” The scarf fell away to reveal half a face of discolored and scared skin.

  Z’kkk, who had been holding his wife’s hand, began to squeeze it. The pressure became so great that Rose had to swat it to make him stop. Neither mother nor father could speak.

  “I hope you both will thank Spirit for healing me. I am told that the injury was perhaps a tad more serious than I mentioned.”

  Rose finally found her voice. “You received this saving the Wind’dancers from the fire. You and Aeri’elle put your lives at risk?”

  “Perhaps nothing quite so dramatic.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “Not at all.”

  “I am so very proud of you, my daughter.”

  “We are very proud,” corrected Z’kkk.

  “As much as you prefer to wear this symbol of honor, I believe you would be better served if you had earth physicians remove it. They are skilled in such things.”

  Megg replied, “I could only agree to that, your Majesty, if they were to leave at least a small reminder of this injury. As you are well aware, your daughter will no longer be an active member of the Hameggattic Sisterhood. This was my first, and my last, mission. I wish to remember it always.”

  “As you request. I was also informed that when my sister . . . our sister, Egg was held captive, you were the acting leader of the Sisterhood. It was under your guidance that Mobius was finally removed from our lives. Is this true?”

  “I played some small part.”

  “From this day forward, I will have the history books changed to include BreeZee, Spirit and M’egg-Alynnia as heroines of Aerianna. You, my sweet daughter, were able to accomplish what even the great Dazzle could not. You defeated Mobius. I stand in awe.”

  Wedding of K’ssss and Zazzi

  The citizens of Zynn-Zaz’zia, Wind’dancer and Nauti alike, were dazzled by all the pomp
and circumstance. Never had there been a wedding ceremony as stunning as this in the entire history of the planet.

  They were in Zazzi’s cavern that had been decorated by a team from Aerianna. Glow globes illuminated everything. Flowers had been brought in by the thousands. A variety of food and drink from both worlds were in abundance.

  Some of the winged people sailed slowly overhead to get a better view. Serpents, fully recovered from their ordeal, swam in the water. Perhaps sensing the solemnity of the occasion, the young ones stayed close to their parents.

  Sentinels from Aerianna had built an ornate, floating platform for the Queen and her throne. There was also seating for Lord Z’kkk, Zephyr and his wife, Howl and Windy, Tink’rrr, his wife and youngest daughter. And, it goes without saying, all of the Hameggattic Sisters were there as well.

  Megg and Spirit weren’t seated with the others. They stood to one side, each holding their flute-like instrument. The Princess had her Angel’s reed while the Thought Weaver her Res’sikk. They were playing a hauntingly beautiful wedding song traditional on Aerianna.

  Soo and Ven’trrr – as Maid of Honor and best man, swam up to the floating platform together . . . then one went to the right and the other to the left. Zazzi and K’ssss followed.

  When they reached the Queen, each bowed. Rose’Alynnia stood and quietly asked the couple if they were truly and freely ready to marry. Satisfied, she looked up at the huge assembly and read the ceremonial words that bound the two together for life.

  Upon finishing, BreeZee took to the air and sailed over the newly married serpents. She placed the Hameggattic scarf around each. Then, she reached down, took one end in either hand . . ., and tied a knot to symbolize their joining (a suggestion by Egg). She hugged her sister and Zazzi then sailed back to her place with the others.

  Sylvia leaned over to her friend and whispered, “You are such a goof.”


  “You know darn well that’s not what they mean when they say married people tie the knot.”

  “Well, they’re serpents. They couldn’t exactly exchange rings, could they?”


  He was taken before the Queen surrounded by armed Sentinels. As he reached the appropriate place, he went to his knees and bowed his head.

  Rose’Alynnia stared at the dragon trying to get her emotions under control. She could never forget or forgive his betrayal of her father and the people of Aerianna. However, she forced herself to think of the present.

  “You may rise,” and the dragon slowly did so. “You will answer me honestly. Why did you do it?”

  “I didn’t do it. I didn’t do anything.” He had no idea what she was referring to so the best course of action was to deny whatever she was accusing him of doing.

  Rose wanted to laugh at this pathetic creature. But, his actions deserved a more dignified response. “I refer to your . . . heroic . . . effort on behalf of the Nauti. You risked your life, and Mobius’ wrath, to save them. I ask you again . . . why?”

  “Oh, that.” He tried to think what answer she wanted to hear, but couldn’t. “I don’t know. Sorry.”

  She persisted. “Your actions saved thousands of lives. Your effort could have cost you your own. I would know why.”

  “Your Majesty, I’m not very smart. What I am is very big. I found out early on that I could get whatever I wanted by being mean. By scaring people. But I never, ever, hurt anyone physically. I just bullied them into doing what I wanted. When Mobius came, he liked that about me. Nobody ever liked that about me. So I helped him. But when he was going to let those people die, I . . . I couldn’t let that happen. That would have been wrong.”

  “And you were willing to sacrifice yourself to help those you did not know?” Maybe there really is some good in everyone.

  The dragon shrugged. “I didn’t think about any of that. Well, not much anyway. I just knew what I had to do and I did it.” Then he added “but I hurt those serpents, didn’t I?”

  “Your ignorance of their existence exonerates you from guilt.”

  Bl’udd just stared at the Queen since he had no idea what she just said.

  “Do you have anything to say on your own behalf before I pass sentence?”

  He just shook his head. The last time she put him in that spaceship. He was afraid what she might do this time.

  “Very well. I have consulted with the authorities on Zynn-Zaz’zia and they are willing to allow you to stay on their world. You will do whatever tasks they assign. Your obedience collar shall remain. However, over the coming years, if you continue to comport yourself with honor, the bronze torc will be replaced with silver. Eventually, based on your behavior, it may be replaced with gold. Once that happens, you will be allowed to visit Aerianna once a year. Until that time, you are banished – again – from the planet you once called home. Do you understand?”

  He had expected much, much worse. “Thank you.”

  “Sentinels, remove him from my sight.”

  Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood

  It was just the girls . . . Egg, Sylvia, Meggy, Aeri’elle, Bl’azzz, Soo, Spirit, BreeZee, Sassi and K’ssss. They had some important business to attend to.

  Egg faced the new recruits. “Bree and Spirit, do you still wish to become Hameggattic Sisters?”



  “Then repeat after me, “We are the Sisters of Mystery and will protect each other from danger and keep each other’s secrets for as long as the sun shines and the stars twinkle.”

  The girls spoke the words.

  “By the powers vested in me as leader of this motley amalgamation of interplanetary misfits, I declare you both Sisters of the Hood.”

  Surprise, surprise . . . everyone hugged everyone else.

  The conversation then turned to random subjects.

  “Meggy,” asked Bl’azzz, “when are you going to Earth for the operation?’

  “My mother insists that I go immediately. However, I have a reputation to repair first. Perhaps the sight of a horribly disfigured former mega-brat will evoke sympathy.”

  “They’ll be eating out of your hand in no time,” said Soo.

  “I thought you found our earth sayings dumb,” teased Sylvia.

  “True dat.”

  “Spirit, what are your plans?” asked Aeri’elle. “Are you going back home?”

  “That still is not an option. I guess Jynx and I will take a little tour of the galaxy. I suspect there are some sights worth seeing.”

  “Is your spaceship big enough to hold passengers?”

  “It is quite large. Why BreeZee?”

  “I thought maybe I could go with you . . . if you wouldn’t mind?”

  “I would love the company. Anyone else seeking a little excitement?”

  “Excitement no, but Syl and I would love to go if we could. Maybe next time.”

  “Actually, I’d like to go” said Bl’azzz.

  “Really? Why you amazing astronautical adventurer . . . if you go, so will I. That okay with you, Spirit?”

  “One can never have too many friends. Soo, you and Bl’azzz are most welcome to join us.” The Thought Weaver hesitated then added, “I so did make the right choice to help the Sisterhood. I appreciate the Queen’s medal of valor . . . but my true reward is your friendship. Thank you . . . all of you.”

  That too deserved and received the appropriate hugs.

  “Sassi, I expect you to bring Kiss’immee to visit her namesake here on Zynn-Zaz’zia.”

  “Well, of course, K’ssss. She will absolutely love seeing Wind’dancers and Nauti. And your new home is so spectacular. Does that mean you aren’t going to age . . . like Zazzi?”

  “Actually my husband . . . H’sssss . . . sorry, that word still gives me shivers . . . was informed by the Circle of Life that the technology that kept him from aging has been deactivated. In fact, it has been destroyed.”

  “Why?” asked Egg.

  “The explos
ion actually had an unexpected side effect on our serpents. The jolt to their nervous system has pushed them one step closer to sentience. Now, it is only a matter of time and nurturing by Zazzi and I and the first intelligent serpents will emerge. Therefore, the great experiment nears its end. Zazzi will be able to complete his task during the remainder of his natural life.”

  “But why was the thing destroyed?”

  “So no one could use it to prolong life for selfish reasons. However, the good news is that the harvesting technology will not be destroyed. Perhaps one day we can figure out how it works and use it on Aerianna or Earth.”

  “They would be wonderful,” said the Princess. “Please ask for any help you might need, my dear sister.”

  “Thanks . . . Meggy. H’sssss”.

  “Why are you laughing, you . . . you . . . you . . . rats, I got nothing.”

  “Then say it.”

  “Say what?”

  “I give you permission . . . to say it one more time,” and K’ssss smiled.

  “Why you slithering sack of silly, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Feel better?”

  “Oh, yes. Thank you.”

  They grew quiet for it was about time for each to go her own way. Worse, the next time the Sisterhood was called upon to help, some of the faces wouldn’t be there.

  “Maybe we need to come up with a retirement ceremony. Three of you guys are . . . I mean won’t be . . . um . . . “. The rest of Sylvia’s sentence was lost in soft sobs.

  “As the next Queen of Aerianna, I expressly forbid the shedding of tears. This is a joyous occasion. The induction of two new, talented and beautiful sisters is something to celebrate. The Sisterhood is still at seven. And, think of it, we now have representatives from four worlds. We will be the stuff of legends.”

  “We already are,” said Spirit.

  “What does that mean?” asked Egg.

  “I should have said that the Sisterhood will soon be legendary.”

  “Is my newest sister peering into the future again?” asked K’ssss.


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