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Wrapped in Silk

Page 6

by Mj Fields

  “Yes before,” Brody laughed and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Before what?” Lila asked.

  “Before that whose name we cannot mention,” Joe laughed.

  “Well then we won’t,” Emma laughed. “So why not live like you did then, happier times?”

  “It was in England, five years ago. We were twenty three then,” Brody smiled looking down. “So you two were thirty?”

  Lila laughed, “I was, Emma was twenty nine.”

  “Happier times,” Emma said and smiled as she grabbed her phone and sent a text to London.

  -I miss you London, cant wait to see you….Mommy

  -Miss you too. I am having a great time with Grandma. I am tired and going to bed I will call you tomorrow…London

  -Sweet dreams, make sure you say your prayers…Mommy

  “Are you texting London?” Lila asked.

  “Yep,” Emma smiled.

  “You know people in London?” Joe asked.

  “Her daughter’s name is London,” Brody told him.

  “How old is she?” Joe asked.

  “She is seven,” Brody and Emma said at the same time.

  Brody smiled, “She is a beautiful girl Emma. You miss her.”

  “Thank you and yes very much,” Emma said.

  She looked at her watch and it was only eight o’clock.

  “Are we keeping you from something? Maybe a date with a Rock Star,” Brody smiled making her uncomfortable.

  “Hmm is Maroon Five playing here tonight?” Emma laughed, “Or no how about Pearl Jam.”

  “Eddie Vedor,” Emma and Lila said and laughed.

  “Isn’t his music quite serious?” Brody asked.

  “Yep, he was a favorite in college,” Lila answered.

  “Greenday,” Emma laughed.

  “Emma you’re drunk,” Lila laughed.

  “Wow, I think I am,” Emma smiled at her. “We should go out and dance Lila.”

  “Or we could dance here?” Lila said standing up and flipped through her music.

  “But who would be the lucky Rock Star,” Brody said and looked directly into her eyes as he bit his cheek trying not to smile.

  “Do you think you could play the part?” Emma smiled as she winked and laughed at him. He blushed.

  “Emma!” Lila said shocked.

  “I was joking,” Emma laughed.

  “Well that’s a shame,” Joe laughed, “Isn’t it Brody.”

  Brody smiled seductively, “Sure is.”

  Lila and Emma cleaned up the coffee table and sat on the couch looking through a college yearbook. Brody, Joe, Quinn, and Max laughed over their shoulders as they showed them pictures.

  “Well do you have pictures from eleven years ago, I am sure they would be just as funny,” Lila laughed.

  “We were seventeen,” Max laughed.

  “Wow that makes me feel ancient,” Lila laughed.

  “No kidding,” Emma smiled and laughed. “We could be their mothers!”

  Emma and Lila laughed until tears came out of their eyes.

  “Were you sexually active and menstruating at seven?” Brody asked, his voice and face suddenly turned serious.

  Lila and Emma laughed harder.

  “I don’t think so,” Emma said laughing.

  “Well when did you have sex for the first time?” Brody asked.

  “Are you always this serious?” Emma asked looking at him shaking her head trying not to laugh.

  “Just curious,” Brody said looking intensely toward them.

  “Well I was in high school, it was after my junior Prom,” Lila laughed. “Emma here made Troy wait two years before she put out. So that was thirteen years ago right Emma?”

  “Yes,” Emma laughed. “I tormented him, perhaps that’s why he turned out to be an ass.”

  “Oh now it’s your turn guys lets have it,” Lila said.

  “It’s really not something I would like to share,” Brody said biting his bottom lip trying not to smile.

  “Too private? Maybe you should sing it then,” Emma laughed.

  “Well my dear Emma, I was thirteen. So by my best guess I had sex for the first time before you. Making it impossible that you could be my mother, do you understand?” Brody said searching deeply in her eyes.

  “I do, you were a slut,” Emma laughed and everyone joined in which broke Brody’s intense look.

  “I was not,” his smile hit his eyes.

  “Thirteen? Did you even know what the hell your penis was for at that age?” Emma said laughing.

  “Apparently I did, I still do. I think anyways, it has been a very long time,” Brody snickered.

  “You’re a Rock Star hot stuff, get out there,” Emma laughed.

  “You first Emma,” Brody smiling as he looked her up and down.

  “I am not divorced, oh and I am a Mom,” Emma laughed.

  Brody smiled at her, “But I should just go have sex with anyone willing?”

  “Well not anyone, I mean I am sure you can be picky,” Emma said and Lila and her giggled, “Besides if you just had sex with anyone willing you would probably never finish your album, you would be a very busy boy.”

  “Thank you for the ego boost,” Brody’s eyes expressed amusement.

  “No problem. I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you all. I am going to bed,” Emma smiled. “Goodnight.”

  Emma walked down the hall and went to bed.

  “What is going on with you Brody?” Joe asked.

  “Whatever do you mean,” Brody asked in a serious tone.

  “Emma, do you have a thing for her?” Joe asked.

  “I find her interesting, refreshing actually. As far as a thing goes, I would not say that,” Brody said deep in thought.

  “You wouldn’t but those of us watching what goes on with you when she is present would beg to differ,” Lila smiled. “On that note, goodnight everyone.”


  Emma walked into the midtown office building and had butterflies in her stomach. She rode the elevator to the twenty second floor. When the doors opened she stepped out into the lobby of Writes House and looked around as she walked to the rounded counter. The brunette behind the desk asked if she could help her and she sat and waited to be called for her interview.

  Emma’s interview went well. She had three more that day all of which made her feel uneasy, not because she felt like they did not like her but because she did not want life to change for London. She wanted something to be normal.


  Emma walked into Lila’s apartment and Brody was sitting at the counter with his ipad, looking serious.

  “Hello Brody,” Emma said as she walked past him.

  “Oh good afternoon, I didn’t hear you come in, how did your interviews go?” Brody asked turning towards her.

  “They went fine,” Emma said softly.

  “Why do you look bewildered?” Brody asked pulling out the chair next to him and patted it for her to sit.

  Emma sat and looked up at him, “I guess because I am, if any of them offer me the job it would mean I would have to move.”

  “And did you not expect that?” Brody asked.

  “Well,” Emma said looking down in deep thought, “I guess, I just don’t want to do that to my daughter. She has already had to make a lot of changes.”

  “Children are resilient right?” Brody asked.

  Emma laughed, “That’s what they say. I think they just have no choice. The adults make the decision not taking into consideration what they want or need,” Emma laughed knowing she was getting too serious. “But it’s my job to figure out what is best for her, and I will.”

  “What are your options?” Brody asked.

  “Well, I could stay where we are and hope to get enough substitute teaching jobs to pay living expenses, dance tuition, oh and I promised piano lessons. I could continue being there for everything which I have been fortunate enough to do, even after the split. Or I could take whatever offer I am given an
d move with my parents until I find a place and depend on them to pick up my slack,” Emma said shaking her head.

  “Or you could run away with your daughter like you had mentioned before,” Brody said and smiled.

  Emma laughed, “That too. Lots to figure out. So what’s next for you?”

  “I guess I am going back to my house in Liverpool to finish my album and breathe,” Brody said looking confused. “After I wrap some things up here,” he said as he sat back.

  “Well I truly wish you the best Brody Hines,” Emma said with a smile.

  He looked intensely in her eyes and she couldn’t pull her eyes away from him. Oh he is beautiful she thought, as she took a quick sharp breath.

  “Emma, are you alright?” Brody whispered.

  Her eyes widened and she shook her head yes. He took her hand and kissed it.

  Holy shit she thought as she looked down.

  “Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked.

  “God yes,” Emma gasped nervously.

  “Can I hug you Emma?” Brody asked softly staring at her making her visibly uncomfortable.

  Sure at least then I wouldn’t have to feel you staring at me. She shook her head yes and he stood and wrapped his arms around her.

  “I want you to be alright, I just don’t know why?” Brody whispered.

  She wrapped her arms around him, “Thank you.”

  Damn he smells good, and he is so damn gorgeous and oh boy this isn’t good, she thought. She felt him pulling away and lifting her chin.

  “Emma I want to kiss you,” Brody said.

  Emma opened her eyes just in time to move her face so that his kiss landed on her cheek.

  “Oh, oh, I am very sorry,” Brody said releasing her and stepping back looking dismayed.

  “Oh please don’t be like that, please,” Emma said and grabbed his hand.

  “No I overstepped, I just thought… Damn it,” he said uncomfortable.

  “Oh Brody please don’t make this awkward, I have enjoyed getting to know you,” Emma pleaded.

  “I don’t know how I can avoid awkward after that,” he said and started walking towards the door.

  “Please don’t go,” slipped out of Emma’s mouth before she could stop it.

  He turned and looked at her. His face was a cross between mad and confused.

  “Emma, I thought there was something…. I am sorry,” he confessed.

  She watched him grab his jacket and felt panicked.

  She didn’t realize until that very moment that she really liked him, no she needed him, “Maybe I messed up,” she said loudly and gasped.

  “Emma,” he breathed out as he turned around, “You are confusing me.”

  “Well you just confused me and now you’re leaving?” she asked.

  “Do you want me to stay Emma?” Brody asked searching her face.

  “God yes,” Emma said softly.

  “But how do we get past that?” Brody asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe try it again,” she said looking down.

  He walked to her and wrapped one arm around her waist and lifted her chin with the other, she was trembling.

  “Emma you’re shaking,” he said and kissed her cheek.

  “Sorry,” she said breathlessly.

  “You don’t have to,” Brody said softly as he stroked her hair and pulled her closer to him.

  “I want to,” Emma said softly.

  “You’re sure?” he asked looking into her eyes.

  She quickly closed them, “Would you just shut up and kiss me?” Emma whispered.

  His lips lightly touched hers and she kissed him lightly back, she let out a breath and he kissed her again. His light kisses made her head spin and they became longer and firmer. Oh this is nice, this is really nice, she thought. She felt him start to slow and pull away. Emma’s eyes were still closed as she caught her breath.

  “Was that alright?” he asked softly in her ear as he held her closely.

  “Uh hu,” Emma let out a breath.

  She looked up at him and he was looking into her eyes. She closed hers and grabbed his face lightly and kissed him. Brody moaned and kissed her. She kissed him harder and he returned her kiss. He gently kissed her top lip and then her bottom and she gasped as he kissed down her neck. He returned to her lips and gently pulled at Emma’s bottom lip with his. She opened her mouth and his tongue gently entered her. Emma closed her lips around it and lightly pulled her mouth down his tongue. He breathed hard and grabbed her face and kissed her hard and she gasped. He moved down her neck and she could not restrain the moan that escaped her mouth. Brody lifted her and pulled her legs around his tall lean muscular body. She held tightly around his neck as he walked towards the living room and he pulled back and looked at her.

  “Emma,” he started and she pulled his hair gently towards her.

  She kissed him as he pushed her against the wall. Emma let out a breath and kissed his neck and bit lightly down. He moaned and picked her up and walked to the chaise lounge and laid her down. He was on top of her and she wrapped herself around him and pulled his face to hers and kissed him again and again.

  “Oh Shit,” Lila said as she walked in the apartment and saw them making out on the chaise.

  He stood up and clenched his jaw and turned away from Lila. Emma saw the bulge and bit her cheek trying not to smile. He gave her a frustrated sexy smile and walked down the hall and into the bathroom.

  “Oh Emma I am so sorry,” Lila said in shock.

  “Excuse me please,” Emma said turning a hundred shades of red and ran into the bedroom.

  She shut the door and buried her head in her pillow.

  “Sorry about that Lila,” Brody said trying not to smile when he returned to the living room.

  “I don’t think you are,” Lila laughed.

  “Where did she go?” Brody whispered.

  Lila laughed, “The bedroom, I think you should go see how she is.”

  “Did she look upset to you?” Brody asked with deep concern in his voice.

  “I’m not sure, you should go find out,” Lila said turning away so he could not see her smile.

  Brody knocked on the door and didn’t wait for her to answer, “Emma are you alright?”

  “Um, yes,” she said trying to hide the smile from her voice.

  She felt the bed move as he sat next to her. “Why are you hiding your face then Emma?”

  “Well Brody,” Emma said using her best English accent and laughed, “I am embarrassed.”

  “Why is that?” Brody asked lying down next to her.

  He is laying in a bed next to me, he so hot, and he is laying down next to me. She thought burying her face even further in the pillow as she giggled.

  “Emma are we twelve?” Brody asked laughing.

  “No but I just kissed you and I liked it,” Emma said and looked at him in shock.

  He gasped mimicking her expression and they both laughed.

  “You also bit me,” he said teasingly. “No one has ever bit me before,” he smiled and pulled her into his arms, “and I liked it” he whispered gruffly against her neck.

  “Lila is here,” she said as he continued to kiss her neck and moved back to her lips.

  “Mmm,” he moaned.

  They kissed passionately and Emma pulled back quickly, “What time is it?”

  “I don’t care,” Brody said and kissed her again.

  Emma pulled back and smiled, “London is going to be here at seven,” she said pulling away and leaned over and grabbed her phone. “One hour and I get to see my little girl.”

  “I would like to meet her,” Brody said and smiled. Emma’s face fell, “That’s not alright with you is it?”

  Emma took a deep breath, “Yes you’re Lila’s friend.”

  “And London’s very beautiful mother’s future lover?” Brody laughed knowing it would make her uncomfortable. “Oh I am sorry, do you think she is a tad young to hear that?” Emma’s face was crimson and her
jaw had dropped. “Emma I was joking, I would never tell her of my intentions, I have not even told her mother yet.”

  He smiled and kissed her.

  Emma sat staring at the bed as he stood up, “Brody I…” she started.

  “Don’t worry. I will behave,” he smiled.

  “But,” Emma began and looked at him smiling, “You are being silly.”

  “Do you prefer the tormented chap you’ve known for a week now?” Brody laughed.

  “Well no, but which one are you? I am confused,” Emma said looking down.

  Brody sat next to her, “Tormented was when I knew I was wildly attracted to you when I ran into you at the park, then amused at the club, then angry the next day, then poignant that I could have hurt you by being self centered, then very intrigued by how you care for your child and said you felt about my music, and yesterday with your ex I was angry and felt protective, and then very turned on by your confession of what you might want to do to some Rock Star,” he laughed. “Then last night Emma, you are lovely. I have not felt this way about anyone and I mean anyone in years, if ever. And now I want to kiss you again.”

  “Okay,” she said and closed her eyes.

  He kissed her and she kissed him back. He pulled her closer and they held each other tightly as they caught their breath.

  “I want to know how you are feeling right now Emma,” Brody said gazing in her eyes.

  Her phone chimed.

  -Mommy we are about thirty minutes away!!! <3 London

  -I CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU!!!!...<3 Mommy

  “To be continued Emma? By the way, you need to do something with your hair, you have sex hair,” he laughed and kissed her then walked out the door.

  Emma showered and threw on some Khaki cargo pants and a button down shirt. She toweled off her hair and walked into the kitchen. Lila, Brody and Brody’s friends all looked at Emma.

  “Hey Emma,” Joe smiled knowingly at her.

  “Hello.” Emma said and looked panicked at Lila, “London and Mom should be here soon. I think I am going to get a room tonight.”

  “Why would you do that?” Brody asked looking at her.

  “Well, I know you are all having a great time and I don’t want to interrupt that,” Emma smiled.

  “First of all no, you are staying. My friends leave in an hour for the airport. Lila said you all have plans tonight. Secondly Emma, I promise I won’t behave badly,” Brody smiled and his friends laughed.


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