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Wrapped in Silk

Page 24

by Mj Fields

  Emma looked at him and his eyes were dark blue and slightly hooded.

  “Plenty of time to get London’s room done,” Emma breathed out.

  “How about we start in ours and work our way down the hall?” he asked as he pulled her closer into him.

  Emma tried not to smile, “Why not start down here then?”

  He smiled and kissed her gently, “Right here?” he asked rubbing down her back slowly as he kissed her neck.

  “Uh hu,” Emma said rolling her head to the side giving him further access to her neck.

  “How about here?” he asked as he ran his finger tips across her breast that immediately responded to his touch.

  “Yes,” she moaned softly.

  He slowly started to lift her shirt and she stopped him, “Please not yet.”

  “Emma we have already been there, what’s the problem love?” Brody asked as he reached behind her and unsnapped her bra one handed.

  Emma pulled away slowly, “I look like the bride of Frankenstein, it’s daylight and I just can’t. Do you understand?”

  “Nope,” he said and took the right one in his mouth and Emma moaned when she really wanted to protest.

  “The way I see it,” he paused as he pulled on her nipple lightly with his teeth, “is very different than how you do,” again he paused and licked her and lightly blew on her and she let out a breath. “This may seem perfect and don’t get me wrong Em it is, pretty damn amazing, but I prefer this one.” Brody slowly pulled her black lacey bra down and slowly knelt before her.

  “Brody don’t,” she whispered.

  “Trust me Emma this is by far my favorite, this little light pink mark,” he said as he traced it with his tongue, “That is my favorite spot. What you see as monstrous I see as a blessing. This mark is where the doctors entered and removed a small piece that could have eventually taken you from me. This Emma is my favorite spot and you’re trying to keep me from it.”

  Brody stood and kissed her neck and up her face, and felt her moist cheek against his lips as he moved up her face.

  “Did I overstep?” he asked softly as he leaned back.

  “No you did not, that was…” Emma started.

  “The truth, you will not get anything else from me Emma. I may need a moment now and then but I will always be honest and truthful,” he said and kissed her soft wet lips. “I want to make love to you here Emma, may I?”

  She shook her head yes and took his face in her hands and kissed him.


  Emma sat up on the dinning room table completely exhausted. Brody smiled at her as he watched her and rubbed her bare back.

  “Ready to move upstairs?” he asked.

  “I can barely sit up,” Emma giggled.

  “Well we have five more hours to pass and I really want you in our bed,” Brody said squeezing her rear.

  “You have had me in every room and on every surface down here,” Emma laughed “I don’t think I will ever be able to wash dishes in that sink without turning red.”

  “You shouldn’t have tried to run,” Brody laughed.

  “We need to clean up the floor, it’s very slippery. Who would have thought the faucet sprayer could reach that far?” Emma laughed.

  “I am so glad it did, that damn shirt needed to come off,” he said as he sat up and wrapped his arms around her gently caressing her breast.

  “Thank you,” Emma whispered.

  “For what love?” he said and kissed her neck.

  “Everything, you are amazing and sweet and kind,” Emma said leaning back into him, “And hard… again Brody?” she gasped as she felt him against her back.

  “What do you expect, you’re sitting naked on our dining room table and all I can think about is what’s down her for me to munch on,” he laughed and grazed his long fingers between her legs.

  “Oh Brody,” she moaned and jumped off the table before he could grab her, “Meet me in that big old bed music man,” she said running up the stairs.

  He grabbed her before she got to the door and wrapped his arm around her and lightly bit her neck, “Gotcha.”

  “Well it seems you do,” Emma said and turned toward him, “So now what are you going to do about it?”

  Brody laughed his deep dark naughty laugh, “I am going to tie you up in bows love.”

  “I don’t think...” Emma started and he lifted her onto him and thrust into her savagely and she cried out.

  “No you are not to think, just feel and do as you’re told,” Brody said pulling out as swiftly as he entered her.

  Emma gasped, “Give that back.”

  “Demands will not be met at present time, come I want to show you something,” he said grabbing her hand and leading her to the closet.

  Brody opened the door to his closet and pushed back the clothes revealing another door, he pulled a key off of a shelf. He winked at Emma who was wide eyed with wonder. He opened the door and behind it was a a small closet that had drawers and shelves that held boxes.

  “Alright Emma why don’t you check this out,” his voice was controlled but she knew he was nervous.

  Emma pulled open a drawer and its contents made her gasp out loud. She picked up a small silver object and her face turned red.

  “Okay, just so you know, I am completely embarrassed right now and expect that you think I don’t know what these are, but I do.”

  “What are they Emma,” he asked wrapping his arms around her waist and slowly pressing his erection against her back.

  “Bullets? Silver bullets, sex toys, and hand cuffs, and a vibrator,” she moaned as he caressed her sex with his hands.

  “Okay very good Emma, how do you feel about them,” he said circling her with his finger.

  “Well I have been to toy parties, I always bought the lotions,” she said breathlessly.

  He giggled and opened the next drawer revealing several lotions and oils.

  “Yep like those,” she said pushing into his touch.

  He moaned, “So you like those hu?”

  “I think I will with you,” she said her voice shaking. She reached down to the last drawer and he stopped it from opening with his knee.

  “You aren’t ready for that yet love,” Brody said inserting a finger into her.

  “Please,” she moaned.

  “Those boxes, the black one, is for now,” he said and pulled his hands away from her and reached up to grab it, “Get in bed Emma.”

  His voice was gruff and she felt excitement burn deep inside of her as she went to the bed and covered herself as she sat waiting and wanting all things Brody.

  He bit the corner of his lip as he pulled the blanket off of her, “Give me your hand.”

  He gently tied it up and moved to the next, he didn’t have to ask she just reached her hand out to him and squirmed a little and pressed her knees tightly together.

  “You need me Em?” he asked stone faced as he cocked his head slightly to the left.

  She looked up at him wide eyed and shook her head slowly.

  “Of course you do,” he reached over the headboard and pulled two rings attached to ropes from behind it and tugged forcefully checking that they were tight enough.

  Emma gasped, and he released a soft deep haunting laugh that made her squeeze her legs together even tighter as he gently laid her down and attached her silk scarves to the rings. He was straddling her as he was tying her arm, he was in perfect position to take him in her mouth and she did. He looked down at her mouth full of him.

  “This isn’t for me, yet,” he grabbed a hold of himself and slowly dragged out of her mouth and moaned.

  He lightly dragged his head across her lips and down her throat slowly as she followed with her tongue until she couldn’t reach it anymore and she squirmed with deep desire.

  “I wasn’t going to do this yet but you’re leaving me no choice,” he said taking her ankle and tying it and then the other.

  “How flexible are you Emma, should we see?” he asked as h
e raised her ankle to her arm.

  “If any part of this bothers you you need to tell me and no or stop isn’t going to work, your going to want to say those words and not mean it, I have heard you before, tell me what word you will say Emma if you ever really want me to stop,” he said pulling more rings from behind the bed.

  They where longer and he slid them firmly under her and tied her ankles to them. She could no longer squeeze her knees together.

  “What’s your word love?”

  “I don’t know, but I need you now I want to come for you please,” Emma said panting.

  “Not yet, pick a word,” Brody demanded.

  “Uncle?” Emma said trying to squirm.

  He looked at her and tried to maintain his distant look but she saw amusement.

  “You can’t laugh at me when you have me all tied up like this, it makes me feel...” she started.

  Brody immediately went down and she stopped and moaned.

  He sat back, “No more talking Emma, or I will gag you,” he warned. “You are so fucking hot and you don’t even know it, turn off that shit in your brain and feel,” he said as he slid his finger in her and circled her.

  Emma tossed her head back and cried out.

  He propped her up with pillows, “You need to watch me make you come, see what I can do for you,” he said as he took her again in his mouth.

  She watched as he skillfully licked and sucked her, he used his fingers as he claimed her clit with his tongue and teeth, he looked up at her to make sure she was watching and slowly eased his finger out of her and his tongue took it’s place.

  “Emma you taste divine, I want you to come for me, I want to taste you more,” he said and she felt his tongue moving further south and she gasped.

  “No don’t please...” Emma said and he shoved two fingers in her and she felt her body tightening as he rimmed her and fucked her with his fingers until she exploded, screaming out his name.

  He removed his fingers and savagely sucked between her legs thumbing her clit. Her orgasm lasted forever and when she finally finished he moved between her legs and thrust deeply into her, filling her completely. She couldn’t move and he didn’t stop. She felt the release of her arms and legs and then his mouth was on her right breast and fingers on her left pulling and sucking her until she felt the tightening in her belly again.

  “Oh please, oh stop, ahh” she cried out and came again.

  Brody flipped her around on her stomach drawing her ass in the air and pushed into her again, this time slower and deeper until they both climaxed together.

  Brody finally sat up and grabbed tissues off the nightstand and gently cleaned between her legs.

  “I can do that.” Emma said half asleep as she tried to stop him.

  “My mess, I will clean it up. Rest now Emma because our next task is going to be as exhausting, we are going to talk about my past,” he said quietly and kissed her inner thighs as he finished up.

  “How do you suggest I rest now?” Emma asked sitting up and looking at him.

  Brody smiled, “I will be right back, lay down.”

  What do I ask first? No just listen Emma just listen, she thought to herself.

  Emma jumped under the covers and went to put on her shirt when he returned with bottled water and sandwiches.

  “Don’t put that back on!” Brody yelled and she jumped in response, “You have had those covered for a month now, I just got them back and I really like them a lot,” he said kissing her and sliding under the covers.

  “Ok,” she said quietly leaning into him as he took the top off her water and gave her a drink.

  “Alright so my Mom left when I was eleven, we now know why and I am in a good place with all that now. But we have yet to really discuss my father. So he began to drink a lot, Bobby and Rebecca kind of picked up the slack around the house and tended to me, the youngest. Dad simply drank and worked, he was not affectionate like my mother had been and when he looked at us when he was sober he looked hurt. I get that all now as well. When we lost my childhood home we moved in with his younger brother, my uncle. His guest house actually. Uncle Bo was a bachelor and a party machine. He and Dad spent a lot of time together entertaining. His parties were epic. Wild women, booze, and drugs. I was fascinated by his lifestyle. It was unlike I had ever seen. My family didn’t live that way when my mother was alive and well. We only saw Bo on New Years Day, I assume it’s because the days after his big parties he was much calmer, hung-over and used up,” Brody laughed. “My mother kept us from all of that, which was the right thing to do. The last Christmas Mom was alive Dad dropped us off at my Aunt and Uncles in London for two days. You know I didn’t even know she was sick, I was so pissed at her, so angry, I believe I hated her Emma and that must have hurt like hell, in her last days I hated her.”

  “Brody, she wanted what was best for you. To not remember her as sick,” Emma said and wrapped her arms around him.

  “Ya not a good idea. I think we went through that hu Em? I also think because of your shenanigans I understand what she was trying to do now. I however would have preferred her to have given me the opportunity,” Brody sadly spoke. “Okay so she died, and Dad went from depressed to male whore overnight,” Brody laughed. “He ended up moving in a much younger girl, Betsy, I think she was just eighteen maybe nineteen. Well her sister would visit us a lot, we fed her. Her and I hung out a lot, Bobby left for the military and Rebecca ended up going away to school. So I was thirteen and very curious, so I would sneak out to Bo’s on party nights and hide and watch the adults in there suit and ties and fancy dresses as they drank and did drugs and danced. They looked happy, so happy compared to the sadness I had lived for two years. Victoria, Betsy’s sister, was sixteen. Well she followed me one night when I went to peek in the windows of the main house to watch the adults party and I didn’t know it. When I told her to go back to the house she said she would tell on me. So I let her come along. I was much braver with an audience and well, we hide in my Uncle Bo’s room. That night he had two women in his bed tied up and he was fucking them forever. When he finished they practically fell to his feet. I remember being so happy when they finally left to get the hell out of there. Victoria and I didn’t speak of that night for a week or so, until she caught me sneaking out again. I told her if she followed me I would tie her up and she said okay. That was my first experience. She was three years older than me and probably got sick of the fact that I couldn’t last more than ten minutes, so being competitive I started making sure I would,” he laughed, “Shall I stop Em?”

  “No please go on,” Emma said kissing his chest.

  “Well fast forward a year, Betsy moved out and Victoria wasn’t around and Dad practically lived at Bo’s. I went to London to try to get my head on straight and stayed with my Aunt and Uncle. I attended the music school my Aunt taught at, on scholarship and shockingly I excelled at piano, I then took to guitar and became fast friends with the other scholarship kids. All in my band, one my driver.”

  Emma smiled up at Brody, “I love you.”

  “I love you and trust me Emma I wish I could end there but there is more. If I did not completely trust you, love you and know you feel the same I would end the story there. What I am about to tell you no one, I mean no one, except the guys know. This is how much I trust you, with my life Emma, I trust you with everything.”

  “I trust you just as much,” Emma said and kissed him again.

  “Alright so one night I overheard my Aunt and Uncle quarreling over money. He was angry about her wanting to buy me a new guitar and he basically said he was fed up with the charity case she brought to their marriage. Again I know now he was just frustrated and I am over it. Anyway I moved out, got a job at a dive, I was sixteen and looked twenty, you know tall with facial hair...”

  “And hot,” Emma laughed.

  “My story remember?” he laughed and kissed her head.

  “So I tended bar and played a bit of piano. Over the next year I wen
t from shit holes to the penthouse. When I wasn’t tending bar I was playing gigs with the guys at all sorts of clubs. We got invited to a party and it was wild. We fucked a lot and I used my teenage skill set on everyone I could. My boys don’t know that, that’s all for you,” he laughed.

  “Does Ariel know, I mean did you tie her up?” Emma asked.

  “No, after Jemma died so did that part of my life,” Brody said.

  “Jemma?” Emma asked.

  “Yes, we lived together briefly. She actually introduced me to the S & M scene, opened my eyes to what I had not learned from Bo’s parties. But it was all promoted as control. They had no control, they had kids on drugs fucking, that’s it. My first Dom was an older woman, not Jemma” Brody said sadly.

  “I am sorry you lost her,” Emma said softly.

  “It wasn’t like that, she wasn’t someone I was in love with. She introduced me to drugs and I woke up tied up getting my ass beat at a party one night,” Brody laughed, “Jemma was four years older than I was and very worldly. I was a toy.”

  “Is there more?” Emma asked.

  “I think that’s good for the night, unless you want me to talk about the Jemma years,” Brody said looking down at her with a yuck look on his face.

  “So it disgusts you, why still do it?” Emma asked.

  “When done right without vengeance or perversion it’s the most beautiful thing in the world,” Brody said and closed his eyes, “With you it’s beautiful and how I believe it should be.”

  “I guess I am confused,” Emma said looking down.

  “Okay how do I best explain this to you? When you are laying there wrapped in bows,” he chuckled, “You’re giving me complete control of you, you are trusting me completely, you know I won’t hurt you or give you more than you can handle. That is the ultimate trust one could give another, trust, complete trust.”

  “So until then you didn’t trust me or believe me?” Emma asked.

  “Of course I did, or I would not have had you that way,” Brody said rubbing her shoulders.

  “So what do you get from it, I mean seriously, you could have your way with me anytime you’d like,” Emma asked sincerely.


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