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Wrapped in Silk

Page 27

by Mj Fields

  Emma lay across Brody’s lap sound asleep when they pulled into the driveway, “Wake up love,” Brody whispered in her ear.

  “Mmm,” Emma smiled slightly as she stretched her back over her lap. He lightly skimmed his fingers teasingly across her chest and she smiled. He did it again a little lighter and she moaned. He smiled down at her as she began to squirm, and he giggled. She opened her eyes.

  “Good dream love?”

  “Yes,” she said and sat up.

  “Well let’s get you in the house while you are still so agreeable,” Brody smiled.

  “Please,” Emma laughed.

  Chapter 13

  “He agreed?” Brody smiled.

  “He did and I want you to tell her. She is going to be so excited!” Emma smiled and hugged him.

  “When will she be here?” Brody said hugging her.

  “An hour, why what did you have in mind?” Emma said looking down at him.

  “Em, I would like to have a chat, come sit,” he said biting his cheek hiding his smile. Emma sat and smiled at him, “Do you want more children?”

  “Wow, do you?” Emma asked.

  “I think so, I know you wanted more and well do you want another?” he asked staring at her.

  “If you do yes, but if you’re doing it because you think I need that to be happy please don’t. I have London and I have you,” Emma said looking into his eyes.

  “Well Rebecca said something about if you had ovaries egg production was still possible, she even offered to be a surrogate,” Brody told her smiling.

  “Okay will she move here while she is pregnant?” Emma asked nervously.

  “Probably not, why?” Brody asked.

  Emma took a deep breath, “I just don’t know.”

  “About having another child, one that is part you and part me?” Brody asked confused.

  “Okay you have had some time to think about this, could you please give me the same?” Emma stood up to leave.

  “Emma please just tell me what your reservations are,” Brody said grabbing her.

  Emma took a deep breath, “I can’t have my child or yours grow inside someone else’s body and not be part of that Brody, there is so much I would miss and I can’t.”

  “Alright, calm down, I’m sorry,” he held her, “So this is a no?”

  “No it’s just it would have to be someone who would let me go to appointments and be there every step of the way, Rebecca lives so far away,” Emma explained.

  “So we find someone here?” Brody asked.

  “Ok, if that’s what you want,” Emma said finally breathing out.

  “Shall we ask London how she feels?” Brody smiled.

  “No I am sure we already know her reaction, she has mentioned it enough. I also think we may…” Emma started.

  “Want to wait until we know it works?” he smiled and hugged her.

  “Yes, Brody there is also one more thing, we need to talk to Mark,” Emma said softly.

  “Oh,” he paused, “Emma if we can’t we can’t alright, I am sorry I didn’t even consider it. Very thoughtless of me, I am sorry,” Brody hugged her and kissed her.

  “Please don’t be, I just don’t want to disappoint you,” she whispered.

  “Damn it don’t think like that. Why the hell did I…” Brody said in a dark angry tone.

  Emma looked up at him, “I shouldn’t have said anything, this should be exciting for you, for us.”

  “I am calling him now, I want to know,” Brody said grabbing her phone.

  “Slow down, I also need to speak to a fertility specialist and we need to find a trustworthy surrogate,” Emma said gently taking his hand, “I am so sorry it has to be like this for you, Brody.”

  “Stop! We can both feel like shit about this and carry around a lot of guilt but the truth is regardless we knew what we were getting ourselves into and it would not have changed a damn thing, agreed?” Brody asked sternly.

  “Yes,” Emma said.

  “Like you mean it Em,” Brody begged.

  “I do,” Emma said looking down and taking a deep breath.

  “Okay, then. I am calling Mark first, no arguments. You are my life Em, now go make me and London dinner,” he snapped and smacked her on the ass.

  Emma smiled and walked into the kitchen to start dinner, she turned on the iPod and cranked up the music and she cooked pasta and sauce. She made a salad and garlic bread and kept herself busy so that she could try to avoid the damn thoughts floating around in her head. The miscarriages, the hurt and pain of four years and the cancer and disappointing this beautiful man who wanted everything she ever wanted and loved her better than anyone had or could ever.

  “Em,” Brody said looking at her as he stood in the doorway and tears burst out of her eyes.

  “Please, I am sorry, I am so sorry, but I do have good news,” he lifted her face and kissed away her tears, “We can move forward with this Em.”

  “I don’t know if you understand what hell this is going to play on your emotions Brody, it is horrible and awful. When you try and lose and try again and have a little hope because the pregnancy is a few weeks longer and then you lose and it sucks so bad,” she sobbed, “You question everything, you wonder what the hell you did to deserve all this. I would not wish this on anyone ever and certainly not you, I can not bear to disappoint you.”

  “Emma please, please I can’t see you cry like this and know I have made you feel this way, please,” he held her tightly.

  “Shit,” she said pulling away and pulling the overflowing pot off the burner, “Damn it!”

  “Let me have a look at that,” Brody kissed her burned hand gently, “Do we have a first aid kit?”

  Emma laughed, “Yes.”

  “Could you tell me where it might be?” Brody asked scrunching up his nose.

  “I will get it,” Emma walked away and he grabbed her and set her on the counter, “I want to.”

  Brody set the kit on the counter, “Good Lord Emma, this is quite a kit, should we put wheels on it, it’s a bit heavy,” he smiled and opened it. “Is all this necessary, I think you could perform surgery with all the items in here.”

  Emma smiled and blew on her burn. He took her hand and lightly licked across the red area and blew on it.

  “Does that feel better?” he asked looking up at her through his startling long dark lashes.

  “It makes me feel something,” she gapped at him.

  “Oh yes?” he smiled.

  “Yes and London will be here soon so please,” Emma said quietly.

  “I know what you need Emma,” Brody smiled as he sprayed the burn cream on her hand.

  “Don’t,” Emma snapped.

  “Shhh,” Brody said as he wrapped her hand.

  Emma scowled at him and he bit his cheek, “You’re not funny you’re being...”

  “Shhh, love shhh,” Brody said concentrated on wrapping her hand, “What you need to realize is that without you I would be empty, you are my life Em. With or without any extra,” he kissed her hand and smiled looking at it.

  Emma looked down and laughed, “You are perfect,” she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  “We are together, do you like the bow?” he smiled.

  “I love the bow,” Emma laughed, “I am burning dinner.”

  “You are sitting on mine,” Brody whispered as he walked away.


  “Thanks for coming out,” Lila smiled and hugged Emma.

  “I miss you,” Emma said.

  “Can you believe how well those two get along?” Lila asked looking at Brody and Mark sitting at the table deep in conversation.

  “Thank God,” Emma laughed.

  “We ordered drinks,” Brody said as he pulled out the chair for Emma to sit.

  “Thank you,” Emma smiled as she sat.

  “So Mark says all your blood work came back perfectly,” Brody said and kissed her hand, “Do you know what that means?”

we are good to go,” Emma said taking a drink.

  “Have you found someone?” Lila asked.

  “No we have another appointment next week at the fertility clinic,” Emma said looking over the menu.

  “Emma is a bit picky,” Brody laughed.

  “I just need to be sure, it’s important,” Emma scowled.

  “I agree with you Emma, there are crazy’s out there,” Lila laughed, “She will be carrying Brody Hines child, what if...”

  “Lila, she doesn’t need anymore to worry about,” Brody cautioned.

  Emma looked up at Lila and they exchanged a nervous glance.

  “I will do it,” Lila said quickly.

  “What?” Mark asked.

  “Why not, I am healthy and she is my best friend in this world, Emma I will do it,” Lila smiled.

  “Lila you don’t have to do this,” Emma laughed, “We will find someone.”

  “No I want too, I want to do this for you,” Lila said with conviction.

  “Lila you should really think about this and discuss it with Mark,” Brody said kindly.

  “It’s my body and I say I want too,” Lila said defensively, “Besides, I certainly don’t want your child, you won’t have to worry about me flaking out.”

  “You have a career and a life, don’t be so quick to offer to do this. It isn’t something to take lightly,” Brody stated.

  Lila laughed, “I can think about it but I think everyone sitting here knows when I have made up my mind about something it doesn’t change,” Lila glanced at Mark who sat quietly looking down.

  “Brody can you dance with me?” Emma asked as she stood.

  “I would love to wife,” he laughed.

  Brody and Emma danced and held each other, the song changed and another slow song was on.

  “You needed to give them a minute?” Brody whispered in her ear.

  “Ya, he looked upset. This is the longest relationship that Lila has had in years, they are perfect together, this shouldn’t come between them,” Emma said resting her head on his chest.

  “Ok but she would be perfect,” Brody said and kissed her head.

  “She needs to worry about her,” Emma said looking up at him.

  “I know, sorry.” Brody kissed her nose.

  Their dinner was at the table when they returned. They ate quietly, Mark laughed and looked down shaking his head. Emma looked at him and smiled and he closed his eyes and sat back. Lila stood abruptly and stormed towards the bathroom, Emma knew to give her a few minutes.

  “Sorry Mark,” Emma whispered.

  “Emma this isn’t your fault,” Mark smiled.

  “Well it kind of is,” Emma said uncomfortably.

  “Hey,” he said and grabbed her hand, “Honestly it just shocked me, kind of messed up my plan for this evening.”

  “What do you mean?” Emma whispered.

  Mark took a box out of his pocket and showed her, “I thought she and I were in a different place.”

  “Oh my goodness Mark, don’t you even think about what just happened with us you...” Emma hugged him and laughed.

  Brody scowled at his plate and Mark laughed.

  “Is something amusing, is there something I am missing?” Brody said trying to retain his anger.

  Emma sat and smiled and turned to Brody, “He was planning to propose tonight. We screwed that up.”

  “Oh, oh Mark I am so sorry,” Brody said apologetically.

  “Don’t be, it probably just saved me a ton of embarrassment,” Mark blushed.

  Lila returned and began to eat and stopped and looked at them, “I am doing this, Mark do you have a problem with that?” she snapped.

  “No dear,” Mark said and looked at her, “I actually think it’s a wonderful thing to do for someone you love.”

  “Okay so I will go to your next appointment with you so I know what’s going on…” Emma began to interrupt, “It still gives me a few days or you all a few days, I am ready to do this. Emma I know you would do this for me.”

  Brody smiled down at the table and squeezed Emma’s hand. Emma continued looking down and saw the ring box still sitting on the table and gasped.

  Lila followed her eyes and saw the box, “You get a new ring Emma?” Emma’s eyes widened and she looked at Mark and he laughed. “What’s so funny?”

  “What the hell,” Mark laughed and took the box, “Lila dear, I have known you for a few months now, I love every moment, even uncomfortable ones like these and I wanted to ask you something tonight.”

  “Oh my God,” Emma said and covered her mouth.

  Mark went down on one knee, “Lila will you marry me?”

  “My God get up,” Lila gasped and looked around, “I am doing this for them Mark, so if this is some sort of…”

  “You’re a stubborn pain in the ass, I have had this for a week but our schedules never seem to allow this to happen and apparently they won’t for the next nine months or so. I love that you want to do this for your friends, our friends, and I love you. Marry Me?”

  “Fine!” Lila snapped and then laughed.

  Mark hugged her and put the ring on her finger and they kissed.

  “It will have to be a long engagement, I want a big wedding, and I will have a baby for them first,” Lila said in her authorative voice.

  He laughed, “You win on that one but you’re going to have to start at some point realizing this will be a partnership.”

  Lila smiled, “I love you, thank you.”


  “Wake up love,” Brody said, “I need you now.”

  “You need me all the time,” Emma giggled.

  “I do but in a much different way today,” he smiled.

  Emma sat up and smiled, “You’re happy.”

  “Yes Mrs. Hines, and you should really try it. It seems the only time you smile these past few weeks is when London’s around or when, well when I am about to attack you,” he kissed her neck and moved slowly down.

  “Hold up there hot stuff, you need to save your swimmers for later,” Emma laughed.

  “Awe I see, point made. You’re going to make me come, in a very public place, do you know how hot that is?” Brody growled and he moved his hands swiftly down between her legs and she moaned.

  “Brody,” Emma breathed out.

  He smiled and whipped the covers off of her and lifted her shirt as he looked down at her, “You have breakfast ready Emma it would be rude of me not to eat.”


  Emma’s fertility treatments had started almost two weeks ago. When Emma had done the treatments before she had given herself the injections, Troy would not. She didn’t argue or fight about it, she just handled it herself. It was completely different this time, Brody gave her the shots every day.

  “Good morning Em,” he kissed her and she sat up, “Oh no lye down love.”

  Emma laid down and Brody pulled up her nightgown and kissed her belly. He opened the alcohol pad and gently cleaned the injection site.

  “Okay Emma I am very sorry about this, just a little pinch, followed by a burn, I am so sorry love,” he said as he pulled out the needle and set it on the table and covered her belly with light kisses.

  Emma laid back and smiled. It was the same every time, the kisses, the gentle cleaning, the step by step narrative, and more kisses followed by…

  “Oh God Brody…” Emma moaned.

  His tongue spread her softly, “Like silk,” he purred.

  Brody circled her clit with his tongue, avoiding applying pressure, bringing her to the edge and slowly sucking ever so gently so that she was almost there and he then moved lower plunging his skilled tongue inside her lapping upward skimming her g spot and then back to the teasing until she could not take it anymore and then in an instant he would push inside her, letting out a groan that’s sound alone could cause her to go off.

  “Em,” Brody winced and pulled back.

  “Sorry, oh damn….stop stop stop,” Emma moaned.

  Brody hande
d her a pillow and she screamed into it and felt him jerk inside of her.

  “Emma,” Brody breathed rolling to his side.

  “I am sorry, I love you,” she said between breaths.

  Emma took to biting a pillow to muffle her moans so that she would not wake London and when one wasn’t available she sometimes used Brody.

  “I love you Em,” he laughed and pulled her into his arms.

  Brody was there every step of the way, he even scheduled his upcoming tour around the possible date of the baby that may be theirs one day soon and around London’s school schedule.


  Emma picked up a magazine from the rack in the sperm collection room at the fertility clinic.

  “So this is fun, we could watch a movie,” she said and picked up the bin of blurays sitting next to the television.

  “We should have brought our honeymoon video,” he smiled and hugged her.

  “You said not until our anniversary,” Emma laughed.

  “We have never watched Porn,” Brody said flipping through the bin smirking.

  “What’s so funny?” Emma asked.

  “Well how about Assman and Throbbin,” Brody laughed, “Oh no this one might work, Raiders of the Lost Womb, huh Emma?”

  Emma laughed and so did he.

  “Oh I have just the one Assvengers, Skyballs, oh how about the Dark Bone Rises,” he laughed loudly.

  “Maybe that’s not a good idea,” Emma giggled.

  Emma watched his expressions as he looked through the movies. His facial expressions were so expressive when it was just them, she did not wonder what he was thinking. It was much different than when they had first met, the mask he adorned was held in place then. Hiding from everyone his true self. Emma thought it must come with the territory. In the public eye he was a mystery, just as he had worked so hard to be. But day by day he was coming out of his shell.

  “What the hell decade are these from, honestly these women seem to literally have monkeys upon their laps, Emma do they not know about wax or hair removal or just trimming?” He looked disgusted and Emma laughed.

  “Step away from the Porn Music Man,” Emma laughed.

  “No this is classic stuff Em, do you think we could get the receptionist to bring us some Popcorn?” Brody smiled, “Make it a movie Date?”

  “Do you see deep throat in there?” Emma asked quietly.


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