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Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance

Page 99

by Angela Blake

  Blaire noticed how Hannah eyed the tattoos on his back with mild curiosity. He had Led zeppelin inked onto his arm, and he had a tattoo of a Latin saying on his back, something he had taken in history class. He also had a bunch of other odd quirky tattoos that he got just because he thought the tattoos would make him look bad ass, and he did.

  He smirked as he casually strolled over to her side and took her hand in his. He stroked it for a minute then guided her hand so it was placed firmly over his crotch. “This is how horny you make me. I want to do all kinds of things to you, and in all kinds of ways.”

  Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Hannah gulp and shift closer. He knew that she was gulping because she was secretly picturing it. He leaned forward and gently nibbled on her ear before pulling back and straightening his sweat pants.

  “You can show yourself out, sweetheart.” He strolled towards the bathroom and switched on the shower head. As he waited for the water to heat up, he kept his ears perked for the sound of the door shutting.

  Sure enough, a few minutes later he heard the quiet click that let him know that Hannah had left. Its better this way, he thought to himself as he stripped to his boxers. He knew that most of them only wanted one thing from him. To spend a night with the notorious bad boy, Blaire Hamilton, was like being the most popular girl in high school. Everybody would want to be them.

  He kicked off his boxers and stepped into the shower. A sigh of relief immediately escaped his lips as he felt the hot water cascade down his back, soothing away the sore muscles.

  He emerged a while later and donned a pair of ripped jeans and a form fitting black shirt. He found his keys after a couple of failed attempts and as he rummaged around for his phone, he heard it ring.

  He finally found it a moment later. “I’m on my way,” he said as soon as he found the phone.

  “We’re waiting for you,” his manager’s voice came in through the speaker sounding mildly strained. He wasn’t that late, was he?

  He took a quick glance at the watch. Well, maybe he was a little late, but it wasn’t his fault that he spent that long debating whether or not to ravish Hannah.

  He pulled on his jacket and grabbed his helmet on his way out. He hopped onto his Harley Davidson, revved up the engine and slipped on his helmet. Once he was sure he was ready to go, he pressed his foot to the gas and sped off towards the downtown modeling center.


  Blaire tried not to scowl as he squirmed in his seat while the hairstylist and makeup artist fretted over him. He rolled his eyes and made a mental note to kill his manager, Bill, later.

  The only reason he had agreed to the photoshoot was because it was good publicity, and it would probably help pay for a brand new bike.

  He dared to smile at the idea as he heard a drawer fly open behind him. The hairstylist landed with a loud smack onto the floor, and everybody suppressed their giggles at the sight of her sprawled there, looking sheepish.

  “I meant to do that,” she called out as everybody openly laughed. Once they were finally done, Blaire ripped off the apron and allowed himself to fully look in the mirror. They hadn’t cut his hair too much. They left enough to make it look artfully messy.

  Blaire stood up and saw a girl giggle from the corner of his eye. He gave her a quick wink as he headed towards the set. He might have time for that later, but for now it was all about the work.

  He headed to where they told him to stand, and he stood on his mark and hooked his thumbs onto his pockets.

  “Move a little to the side,” the photographer called out from behind the camera.

  He raised an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure I know where my mark is.”

  The photographer lowered the camera and faced him with a mildly annoyed look on his face. “Be that as it may, honey, you still have to move a little bit to the right.”

  Blaire took his time shifting like the photographer wanted him to, just to tick him off. When the photographer bent over to take his picture, he kept yelling out encouraging comments, lewd remarks, really anything that could get anyone inspired.

  “I’m pretty sure you’ve never met a man like me,” Blaire flexed his muscles and waggled his eyebrows, much to the delight of all the women in the room.

  “Sure, hon, whatever you say.” The photographer continued to move left and right as he fixed lighting, angles, and so on.

  Blaire felt a brief flash of annoyance over the fact that the man wasn’t treating him with the same stupefied admiration he got from everyone. He shrugged it off though.

  “Great job,” the photographer called out as he bent over to adjust some things on his camera. Blaire could see him going through the camera and pursing his lips. He could never tell whether it was a good or bad thing.

  “Now we move onto the bedroom part,” the photographer called out as someone helped him take his shirt off, and then sprayed him with some sort of brown stuff that made his skin turn darker.

  He glowered at his manager, knowing very well that he knew how he hated chemical products.

  His manager lifted up his shoulders and shrugged in an ‘I don’t know' motion. Blaire sighed gruffly as he lay down on the bed and propped himself up.

  “Can you do a sexy smolder and also turn over to the side a little, so we can get a glimpse of that tat on your back? Women go crazy over that.”

  Blaire obliged, and the man paused to stare at him. He stroked his chin thoughtfully before snapping his fingers.

  “Sienna!” he called out.

  Blaire froze as he saw the woman he had been thinking about every so often come out and halt in her tracks as she spotted him.

  Blaire behaved as if he hadn’t seen her in a long time, when in reality it probably wasn’t that long, but 5 years can feel like a lifetime sometimes.

  Her chestnut brown hair was longer than he remembered, and it was no longer shoulder length. It was almost down to her waist, she was still tall and lean, but she had filled out a bit, making her look all the curvier.

  His blue eyes met her weary hazel ones, and for a minute, it was like all the years between them melted away, and they were back on campus standing frozen in the middle of a throng of people rushing by.

  An involuntary smile made its way to his lips as he stared at her, her lips curved up, and she almost smiled back, but then she frowned and strode forward purposefully.

  Blaire tried not to notice the way the jeans clung to her hips, or the way her shirt showed off her impressive form.

  She stood in front of him and hunched over. “Close ups?” she called out to her boss.

  “You got it,” he responded.

  She began to chew on her bottom lip as she studied his features carefully. She circled him a few times before finally coming back to the front and giving him a small smile. “Just try to relax.”

  Yeah, how hard how could it be to relax around the only woman he had ever really loved, and whose heart he had broken so many years before? How was he supposed to do that when she was looking at him with those eyes that he swore could see straight into his soul?

  It wasn’t hard, not one little bit.


  Sienna gulped as she swallowed back the nerves and attempted to squelch the butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. She knew that it was hard seeing an ex the first time after so long apart, but she knew it wasn’t just that. Seeing him again brought back all those memories of nights spent staying up until dawn talking, kissing till she was dizzy and debating which was better Harry Potter or Star Wars.

  Back then Blaire had been a little arrogant, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle, and she knew that secretly he had a heart of gold, but he didn’t like people knowing that. He always shrugged it off when she asked him, claiming that it was easier to be detached as a guy.

  Might be easier, she had thought, but was it worth living?

  She quirked an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side, partly to get a better feel for the shot, and partly to take in his tone
d physique. The last time she had seen him he was in shape, but this was completely different. He was all hard-sinewy muscles and toned in all the right places.

  She avoided meeting his gaze unless it was through the camera, but even with a camera between them, the heat of his gaze didn’t escape her. His blue eyes had turned a stormy blue that was piercing right through her.

  She called out instructions as she snapped a few pictures here and there before going through her camera. She chewed on her bottom lip thoughtfully as she tried to figure out what she felt was missing. She snapped her fingers and strode towards him. She wove her hands through his hair knowing that the stylist would probably kill her for it later, but Blaire was too coiffed and made up for the bedroom scene. She needed him to look more like he just got out of bed and less like he was posing for a billboard.

  She heard Blaire’s quiet intake of breath as her hands began to shake out his head. She tried not to think about how soft it felt, and how different things had been the last time they were in this position together.

  “Blaire,” she shrieked as she kicked out with her legs, “Stop!”

  Blaire loomed over and grinned as he poked her sides, “Never.”

  “You need a hobby.” She stuck her tongue out at him playfully. He stopped his merciless attack on her sides and gazed down at her, an amused smirk playing at the corner of his lips.

  “Need a new hobby, do I?”

  She nodded, “Yes, you do.”

  He pretended to think for a second. “What if you’re my new hobby?”

  Sienna blushed as she playfully shoved him backwards. “Aww look at you being all cheesy,” she teased.

  He mock gasped as he clutched his chest, “Me? Cheesy? Never, I am Blaire Hamilton, basketball God, I am never cheesy, I am a big tough man.”

  Sienna rolled her eyes and mocked him. “Big tough manly man, I am Blaire, me man, you woman.”

  Blaire tried to fight off the grin that threatened to erupt onto his face, “Are you mocking me?”

  Sienna feigned nonchalance, “Me? I would never.”

  “I would never,” he imitated her. Sienna playfully scowled at him as she pinched his arm. He raised both eyebrows as he watched her try to get him to yelp.

  “What are you doing?”

  Sienna grunted in frustration. “Trying to tickle you.”

  An ear splitting grin erupted onto Blaire’s face, “Oh, really? And what makes you think you’ll succeed?”

  “Well,” Sienna faltered for a second before regaining her composure. “Aha!” she exclaimed as she finally found his sweet spot. He yelped in surprise and inched back as he eyed her carefully.

  “Now, we agreed that we wouldn’t play dirty, you can’t tickle me.”

  Sienna stood up and pretended to brush imaginary lint off her pants, “Did we now?”

  “Yes, we did.”

  Sienna’s hazel eyes met his blue ones, and they were filled with mischief, “And yet you’ve been playing dirty for the past half an hour.”

  “Well, you’re such an easy target.”


  “Hey now, I’m all for women’s rights,” Blaire held up his hand in mock surrender as Sienna backed him into a corner.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Really, after all I do love women.” Blaire’s gaze turned heated as he began to peruse every inch of her body.

  “Oh, is that so?” Sienna tried not to let his gaze affect her as she reached out to poke him. Before she could though, he captured her hands with his and lifted them over her head. He brought them up and around his neck and slid his hands down, so they rested on her waist.

  “Oh, yes women have all sorts of assets.” He cupped her ass and squeezed it firmly causing a jolt of desire to sing through her veins, “and I love every single one,” his voice had dropped an octave lower, the register turning into that husky sound she loved so dearly.

  “Mmm,” She responded as his hands slowly glided across her back before they rested on her shoulders and began to massage them gently.

  A soft ‘Oh’ escaped her lips as she tried to remain in control of the situation by sliding her hands downwards and making Blaire chuckle in spite of himself.

  “Now, now Ms. Hummel, if you don’t stop doing that, I’m going to have to punish you.”

  “Just exactly how would you do that?” Sienna breathed as one hand traced the curve of her neck while the other was splayed out on her stomach.

  “Like this.”

  In a second, Blaire had shifted them around, so she was pressed up against the wall, and he was pressed up against her. He hovered over the pulse point in her neck as one hand moved down and hooked her leg over his.

  Sienna’s entire body thrummed in anticipation as she wondered what he would do next. He grinded against her, and she could feel his erection pressed up against her, and it made her moan and claw at his back.

  Blaire laughed near her ear and pulled back. “Impatient, are we?”

  Sienna raised an eyebrow at him, “You wish.”

  “I don’t wish, I know.”

  “Oh, is that so? Well, just remember that as much as you affect me, I affect you.” She brought one hand up to rest on the front of his pants and stroked lightly.

  His blue eyes darkened as he licked his lips. She moved her hips suggestively, and Blaire thrust forward in response. Sienna smirked at him as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around him. She leaned forward, and Blaire’s lips parted in response but before she pressed her lips to his, she whispered, “Just remember, I know too.”

  Blaire groaned as he captured her lips firmly with his. He maneuvered them, so they were heading towards the couch. He gently lay her down on it and hovered on top of her.

  He momentarily pulled back to toss his shirt somewhere in the room, and Sienna took the opportunity to take off her shirt as well.

  Blaire began to massage her breasts gently as he pressed himself closer to her, both of them needing the friction. Sienna fumbled with the zip of his pants, and Blaire groaned as he helped her pull them off.

  He reached behind her back and undid the clasp on bra, her breasts stood proud and erect and Blaire hungrily took one in his mouth while he massaged the other one.

  Sienna arched back and groaned as her hips began to move of their own accord.

  “Too many layers,” He grumbled as he yanked his mouth back and began to kiss his way down her stomach.

  He paused and eyed her carefully as one hand slipped beneath her underwear. Sienna shuddered as she pressed herself closer. Blaire’s finger circled the sensitive nub back and forth until he was sure Sienna was completely ready.

  He slowly, without breaking eye contact, lowered her sweat pants. He began to kiss her again, sweet at first, but soon their tongue began a battle for dominance as Sienna slipped her hands down to yank off her underwear.

  Blaire was soon doing the same until there was nothing between them at all.

  Blaire wrenched his mouth away and pressed his forehead to hers as he positioned himself. He gave her a quick kiss as he thrust into her quickly and swiftly.

  They both moaned at the impact, and Sienna began to buck her hips as Blaire began to take her at a steady even pace.

  Sienna’s hands stayed on his back as she dug her nails in. She placed both hands on his hips and pushed him harder. Blaire responded by gently nipping on her neck. He began to move faster and faster until both of them were riding out their high together.

  Sienna shook her head as a voice floated at the edge of her conscience, “….maybe we’d better take ten?”

  She blinked slowly and noticed that the whole room had stopped and were moving around except for Blaire who was staring at her from across the room.

  She gave her colleague a thumbs up and took the phone out of her pocket. She made a quick phone call and tried not to acknowledge the tingling she felt because of Blaire’s eyes burning holes into the back of her head.

  “Can we take a walk?” Sienna whe
eled around in surprise as her hands went up to her chest.

  “Jesus, don’t do that.”

  “Sorry,” he grinned sheepishly.

  Sienna eyed him for a moment before nodding, “Okay.”

  He gestured for her to follow him as they made their way outside while a crowd of onlookers began to whisper and giggle. She knew what they were probably saying. They probably thought she was another conquest. They had no idea that Blaire and her had history. She knew him before he was the notorious womanizer with a bad boy attitude, tats and a motorcycle.

  The tension between them was palpable as they walked around in silence for a minute.

  Blaire finally cleared his throat. “So how have you been?”

  “I’ve been good, you?”

  “Good, good, so um,” he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, a gesture that she had always found endearing. “You’re a photographer now?”

  “Among other things.”

  “What other things?”

  “I teach a lit class at night for adults over in the community college.”

  “Oh, that’s great, I remember your passion for literature. What else?”

  Sienna wondered, why the sudden curiosity, but she thought he was probably just trying to fill the silence. “Well, I’m also taking a Spanish course.”

  Blaire’s eyes shot up in surprise, “I didn’t know you had an interest in the language.”

  “It’s pretty recent,” Sienna shrugged. “What about you? Big NBA star, huh?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he laughed awkwardly.

  “Well, you made it. You’re living the dream, you got everything you’ve ever wanted, right?”

  “Yeah,” he trailed off uncertainly before he nodded as if to reassure himself. “Yeah,” he said once more, with more conviction this time. “The fame, the money.”

  “The women,” Sienna added for him.

  Blaire had the decency to look chagrined for a moment before he puffed out his chest. “You know how it goes.”

  Sienna smiled wryly at him, “No, I really don’t.”


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