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The Billionaire From Portland: A Sexy BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 10)

Page 32

by Simply BWWM

  Julian lowered his feet off of the table and sat up in his chair, feeling that something a little more significant than their standard dull meetings was about to take place. He looked at Antonio, but Antonio was staring at the glass in front of him and not looking up at anyone. Glancing at the other board members, he saw that none of them were looking at him either. He frowned and his heart picked up its pace as he returned his gaze to his cousin Marcus.

  Marcus never took his eyes off of Julian. “Some changes have taken place that you are as yet unaware of. Each one of the board members has given a percentage of their ownership in the corporation to your brother, Antonio. He is now the majority owner of all of it.

  You may show up to meetings whenever you like; your presence will no longer be required at any of them, as you have no controlling say in any matter. You may offer your vote, or your opinion, but that is all, and neither is guaranteed to sway any decision by the board or your brother as far as the business is concerned. This change is already in effect. This meeting is for no other reason than to inform you about the changes.”

  Marcus looked at Julian seriously. “As you are well aware, Medici Corp officially owns all of the Medici wealth, businesses, and properties. Ownership of the properties and control of all the wealth and businesses except for your magazine is now in your brother’s hands. All of it. There is nothing that the Medici’s own that you have any ownership of from here forward. Do you have any questions?”

  Julian’s mouth fell full open. He was utterly shocked. He had never in his wildest thoughts imagined that he might lose any kind of control of the money, the properties, or the businesses. It was theirs, his and Antonio’s. It had always been theirs. There was no way it could be changing. He struggled with the words that he had heard, trying to make them make some kind of sense in his mind, but there was nothing he could do to untangle what he could not understand about what they had told him.

  His eyes shot to Antonio, and Antonio was still staring at his glass. That was when it hit him. Antonio was not shocked by what they had just been told. Antonio did not look the least bit surprised. Antonio had known all along. Rage erupted in him and he vaulted up from his chair, glaring hatefully at all of them sitting before him.

  “You! All of you have taken away my birthright! All of you have stolen away what my father left me and given it to my brother?! How dare you! You have no right! You have no authority! How dare you! You’ll be hearing from my lawyers!” he spat angrily at them. He grabbed his chair and shoved it forcefully into the table, turning around and storming out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

  There was silence in the room again and Marcus looked at all of the board members with a sad sigh. “That went well,” he said sarcastically.

  Antonio looked up at him. “I need to go talk to him. I need to try to reason with him and help him see the sense of this. I have to try to do something.” Then he turned and looked at all of them. “Thank you so much for your faith in me and in what I can do to keep this company strong and solid. I swear to you that I will do my best, and we will make it the best that it has ever been.”

  They nodded at him and when he stood up, they all stood up around him and shook his hand, wishing him good luck. He left them then, and drove home, wondering what kind of state he would find his brother in when he got there.

  He found out not long after he left the meeting. Julian had gone straight home and was in the bar with a bottle of booze in one hand and several shattered tumblers at the other end of the room. Antonio looked around him carefully as he walked into the room, heading to the leather sofa where Julian was sitting with the bottle, taking long gulps from it every few minutes.

  Julian looked up and saw the cause of all of his problems approaching him, and all he wanted to do was throw the bottle of whiskey at him, but then he considered that it would be a waste of good liquor.

  “You son of a bitch. You rotten, lying, low down, sneaky bastard,” he began, his words only slightly slurred by the booze he had already drunk. “You knew.”

  He leaned forward as Antonio sat on the sofa facing him, and he glared at him. “I saw you in there, in that façade of a meeting. That joke… you never once looked up at me. I should have known it! You knew exactly what they were doing, you probably knew the whole time, and you never said a damn word to me! You just left me sitting out alone in the cold while you and the board stole everything that father left me right out from underneath me! What kind of big brother are you? What kind of family and blood are you?” He meant it rhetorically, but as he sat there fuming, he realized that he was right.

  “Seriously! What the hell have you gone and done? You stole from your own brother behind his back? That which our own father left to us? Where the hell is your loyalty? Where is your sense of commitment? You low life son of a bitch! How could you do it? How could you do that to me!” he jumped to his feet and began to pace, turning back and forth as he walked, swinging his bottle of whisky round him.

  Antonio sighed. He knew he didn’t have much time to try to reason with his brother while his brother was still partly sober. He knew he would have to help him understand it before the booze settled into his system and he was completely incoherent.

  “Julian, please listen to me. It wasn’t my idea. The board saw how you were handling your business and your personal life and they saw the Fanellis trying to come after us and they had to make a protective move! No one is trying to shut you out, they are all just trying to protect what we have! Don’t you understand that? Can’t you see that?” He stood up and turned to face Julian who stopped mid-stride and stared at him.

  “I’m not taking anything from you,” Antonio continued, “I’m just holding it until you straighten your life up a bit and behave a little more responsibly, and then I’ll give those controlling shares back to the board members, and you’ll have as much say as you ever did. You weren’t ever interested in running any of the company anyway, so what do you care about who is making decisions? It’s safe, it’s in my hands, and I’m not going to let you be without anything. You have to trust that everything we are doing is best for the company and best for us!”

  Julian roared furiously and took a few steps toward his brother, stopping short of being able to reach him. “You’re lying! You wanted it! You wanted to take it from me, just like you wanted to take Gabriella from me! You know what, though, you lousy jackass…” he laughed and trailed off a moment and then spoke again, as he swung the bottle up to his mouth for a long pull and then lowered it again. “I got you good on that one. Yes I did. I stopped you from seeing her altogether, and no matter how bad you wanted her, I was able to keep her from you, so that’s something at least.”

  Antonio felt his temper begin to burn, but he bit his tongue, knowing his brother had just suffered a huge blow and was in no condition to fight with.

  Julian wasn’t about to let it go. “You know what I did?” He laughed wickedly. “I got a hotel room down in Beverly Hills and she came up to see me. Yes she did… that girl can kiss, I’ll tell you that, but I went ahead and fired her. She is long gone, and she has been for a while, but you didn’t know that, did you, big brother? You thought after I was done with her that you might get another chance with her… well not now.

  That little whore is gone. Her career is done, her contract was tossed into the fireplace, and she will never model again. She should have screwed me when I told her to, but she had her head so wound around you that she couldn’t see the light of day, but that’s all right. She’s history now.

  You’re never going to see that cheap ass little bitch again, are you! That’s right, brother… you may have gotten the business, the houses, the money… but you didn’t get the girl you wanted, and that’s something you can’t change.” He laughed wickedly and took another swig from the bottle in his hands.

  Antonio had heard all that he could stand to hear. “You took that away from her? You fired her anyway? I let you have her and you destroyed her w
hole career? You selfish bastard! How could you do that to her! Her career was everything to her! I can’t believe you could be that self-centered!”

  He took a few steps toward his brother, wishing he could punch him, but looking at the man before him, he saw a shell of the man his brother once was. He saw someone who was lost and heading down a dark one way street much too fast with little hope of redeeming himself, and his anger became disgust.

  He shook his head and turned for the door. “Go to hell, Julian!” he shouted, and then turned and left, and all he could hear behind him was Julian laughing until the door closed.

  Antonio went straight to his office and searched through his contacts to find the number he never thought he would use. He dialed it and a man picked up the other line, answering with an accent.

  “This is Pierre,” he said lightly.

  “Pierre, this is Antonio Medici,” Antonio said in as calm a voice as he could muster. Rage was still coursing through him like a raging river and he was doing all he could to control it.

  “Antonio! What a pleasant surprise! I’m so delighted to hear from you. How are you doing?” Pierre asked in a friendly tone. Pierre Renault was the owner of the leading competitor magazine of Julian’s magazine. They were fierce rivals, and Antonio had talked with Pierre on various occasions at public functions, discovering that the two of them had a great deal more in common than either of them did with Julian.

  They had developed a healthy respect for each other over many years, and though Julian would have considered it absolute sacrilege to know that Antonio was speaking with Pierre, Antonio no longer cared what his brother thought.

  “I am well, thank you my friend.” Antonio hoped he sounded more convincing than he felt. “Listen, I have a business situation that I wanted to bring to your attention while I can. The timing on it is crucial.”

  Pierre gave an interested hum. “Well, that sounds fascinating. What is it?”

  Antonio lowered his voice ever so slightly, to give the feel and air of secrecy to Pierre, even though he knew full well that his brother wasn’t going to hear the conversation he was having.

  “My brother has a model that he is going to launch into an international level, but she is upset with him because he keeps coming on to her and she wants to work with integrity rather than sleeping her way to the top.

  She is unhappy with him, but she is a dedicated and hard worker and it means a great deal to her to reach the next level in her modeling career. Julian would shoot me if he knew I was telling you this, but her contract is up for renewal and he is anxious to sign her again, but she is hesitating because she does not like his advances.” He paused for effect and he knew that Pierre was listening closely.

  “Go on! Go on!” Pierre said in a hushed voice, as if he was sharing the secret.

  “I want to give her the chance that she deserves without my brother trying to make her sleep with him for the contract. I’m willing to give you her contact information if you promise me you will have a contract ready for her as soon as possible.” Antonio paused again. “I would consider it a great personal favor, Pierre.”

  Pierre sounded delighted. “It would be my pleasure. Anyone that you recommend, and in particular, anyone that your brother is trying to keep and launch, would be of interest to me. Send me her details and I will have a contract drawn up for her immediately.”

  He tried to keep his sigh of relief quiet so that Pierre would not hear it. “Thank you, old friend. I’ll send it right now. I appreciate it. Please don’t tell Julian that you got her from me. He’ll never forgive me.” He knew it was a lie, but it was the best way to ensure that Pierre was going to grab Gabriella up as fast as he could.

  “Of course not! I’ll take care of this right away, and thank you so much for the tip, Antonio, I always enjoy speaking with you. Until next time,” he said in his hushed tone.

  Antonio bid him goodbye and then sent him all of the information he had on Gabriella, along with some photographs of her. Ten minutes later, Pierre responded and told him that it was well under way.


  Gabriella was sitting on a park bench looking out over the San Francisco Bay when her phone rang and she saw that it was an international number. Frowning in surprise and confusion, she answered the call.


  The voice that spoke was male, and French. “Yes, hello, I am looking for Gabriella Williams, is this she?” he asked hopefully.

  She blinked in surprise. “Yes, this is she,” she answered.

  “Miss Williams, this is Pierre Renault. I represent Stylesque magazine,” he began.

  She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth as her eyes grew wide. She knew who he was. He didn’t represent it, he owned it.

  “Oh you have heard of us! Well, that’s wonderful. I am so pleased to know that. You see, I understand that your contract is up for renewal with Julian Medici, and that you have not yet signed it,” he continued.

  She frowned and her shoulders sank as she realized just how misinformed he was.

  “I would like to talk with you before you do sign anything with Julian. I would like to offer you a contract here with our magazine. This contract will put you on the international modeling circuit, and you would be doing both print and runway all over the world, though mostly in Europe and America.

  I have the information on your existing contract with Julian, as provided by his brother Antonio. Antonio tells me that he is representing you in this. I would like to offer you two and a half times the salary you are currently making, and of course all of the benefits you have as well as several others that would be appropriate for you new position with our company.

  I can email this to you, but it is ready for you, all I need is a signature if you decide you would like to sign with us.” He paused and waited for her response.

  Gabriella could barely breathe, let alone talk. She realized what it was that Antonio had done for her, and she was overwhelmed with gratitude, joy, and absolute happiness. “Yes! Yes, Monsieur Renault, please email it to me and I will sign it right away and get it back to you immediately!” She took a breath and closed her eyes, trying to steady herself so she didn’t sound like a high schooler getting her first job.

  “I do want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a chance and making me this offer. I promise you that you will be glad you did. I’ll work very hard for you, Monsieur Renault,” she promised.

  He laughed lightly, sounding like a friendly and delightful man. “Of course. I know you will. Any recommendation of the Medici’s is someone I know will be good to have here. Thank you for signing with us; I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be bringing you on here. Don’t worry about Julian; he’ll get over it eventually,” he added at the close, laughing a little more as if it pleased him to pinch Julian just a little.

  She knew that he had no idea just how angry Julian would probably be, and she didn’t care. “Thank you again. I look forward to talking with you in person, and working for you. Have a wonderful day,” she told him, somehow managing to remain calm until she ended the call and squealed in absolute joy. Her toes curled and she closed her eyes and laughed out loud, she was so happy.

  She called Lila and told her the good news, and Lila was ecstatic for her, telling her that karma had come around and was giving both her and Julian just what they deserved. Gabriella laughed at that and told her she would be home to have dinner with her in a short while.

  When she hung up from her quick call to Lila, she looked at her phone and realized that she had another call to make. A call that she had been wishing she could make for a long while. She searched for his name and swiped her finger over her phone, calling it as she looked at his photograph; his dark brown eyes looking at her, his smile warming her heart.

  “Gabriella?” he asked breathlessly as he answered. “Is it you?”

  She was almost giggling, she was so happy. “It is me. How are you?” she asked, her whole body flooding with joy and

  “I’m wonderful now! God it’s been far too long since I heard your voice! I can’t believe I’m finally getting to hear you… to talk with you… how are you doing?” he asked her back, holding in a million questions that he had for her as he tried to have a sensible conversation with her rather than jumbling all his thoughts and emotions through to her at once.

  She laughed again, “Antonio, I could not possibly be better, and it’s all because of you. You called Pierre Renault, didn’t you?”

  He blushed a little and sat down on the chair in his office. Pierre was much faster than he thought. He grinned. “I might have, yes,” he admitted humbly.

  “Well, he just called me and offered me the chance of a lifetime. He’s sending a contract over to me right now that is better than anything I ever dreamed of. I’m getting my chance to finally realize my dream, and it’s all because of you!” She reached her hand up to her eyes and wiped away a tear that escaped. It was a tear of pure joy.

  “You more than earned it,” he told her affectionately. “Congratulations!” Then his heart got the better of him, and all of his thoughts streamlined into one focal point. “I wish I could see you. I miss you so much. Much more than you could ever know,” he said in a soft voice, closing his eyes and pretending that she was right there next to him.

  She hesitated for less than a moment. “Come… I’m up in San Francisco visiting my best friend Lila. Come to San Francisco and see me,” she said quietly, hoping that she wasn’t asking too much of him.

  He opened his eyes and suddenly sat up straight in his chair. “Are you serious?” he asked as excitement flooded through him.

  She grinned and bit her lower lip slightly. “I am. Come see me, please. I would love to thank you in person.”

  Antonio turned and faced his desk, turning his computer on and going straight to his favorite travel website. “I’m booking it now. I’ll be up there tonight. Can I call you when I get into town?” he asked, his heart pounding and his breath growing short and rapid.


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