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Chasing Dreams (Devil's Bend)

Page 16

by Edwards, Nicole

  Breaking eye contact because she truly didn’t want him to think that way, Tessa eyed Cooper’s truck and an idea came to her.

  “Give me your keys,” Tessa said firmly, releasing his chin so she could hold out her hand.

  “What?” It was Cooper’s turn to be surprised, but Tessa didn’t want to explain more.

  “Just give me the keys, Krenshaw.”

  When he finally handed them over, Tessa ordered him to get in the truck. She moved around to the driver’s side and started the engine. A few minutes later, they were heading back to Devil’s Bend.

  Before Cooper had a chance to regret his decision to go after his dream, Tessa wanted to remind him what he had. And she knew exactly how to do that.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  He was such a selfish bastard.

  Selfish, selfish, selfish.


  Up until that moment when Tessa laid out how her dream had evolved, Cooper hadn’t given much thought to the fact that he was actually stealing her dream out from under her. And why? Because of something he wanted? Did it even matter that they both had the same goal in mind? Had he even considered how important Tessa’s dream was to her?

  The answer was a resounding fuck no. He knew what she’d wanted, but that hadn’t stopped him. Hell, he had even been given the opportunity when Luanne decided to up the ante on the property. But then Tessa had selflessly pushed him to go after the land, to make sure that at least one of them could accomplish what she’d been working toward her entire life. And he didn’t bother to think of anything except what he wanted.

  He felt like a total ass. Here he was abandoning his entire life because he wanted to get away from it all and do something meaningful. And once again, he hadn’t thought about anyone but himself. The irony was a brutal slap in the face.

  “Where are we going?” he asked, knowing he sounded as angry as he felt.

  “Just sit back, cowboy. Let me do the drivin’,” she said, a smile in her voice.

  He wished like hell he could force himself to smile. He wanted to. Just being around Tessa made him happy. Sitting beside her, even if she was driving his truck like a mad woman, should’ve been enough to erase all of the anger building in his gut. But it didn’t. It didn’t go unnoticed that she was taking care of him when he should have been the one putting her first. Realizing that only made him feel worse.

  When they pulled up to Tessa’s house a few minutes later, Cooper glanced over at her. So she wanted to go home? He actually couldn’t blame her. Before he could get his door open, she turned on him.

  “Sit right here. Don’t you dare move from that seat. I’ll be back in five minutes.”

  Cooper could hardly comprehend what she was saying because his own anger was like a hornet’s nest in his brain, the buzz unbearable. She was coming back? He forced a simple nod and stared out the front window of the truck as she climbed out. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t even watch as she made her way up her front steps.

  Just like she said, Tessa was back in less than five minutes. Her arms were full, and he was about to climb out of the truck to help her when he saw her shake her head. What was she up to?

  She walked around to the bed of the truck, tossed everything inside and then moved back around to the driver’s door. Once she was inside, she buckled her seatbelt and put the truck in Reverse, tearing out of the driveway once again.

  “You gonna tell me where we’re going now?” he asked, suddenly nervous.

  “Nope. And you’ve asked more than your share of questions tonight, cowboy. Just keep your mouth shut and enjoy the drive.”

  If she was trying to improve his mood, she was doing a good job. Her feisty attitude was warming his blood like a pot on simmer. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She was so focused on driving that he allowed himself a few minutes to stare. And like every other time he had looked at her, his head swam with a jumble of thoughts and images.

  He still had a perfect picture of the first time he saw her at The Rusty Nail, her tight black t-shirt molded to extraordinary breasts. Then later when she’d inserted herself between two pissed off cowboys because it was her bar and she wasn’t having any of their shit.

  Of course, his mental scrapbook wouldn’t be complete without the one of her standing on her front porch in those white shorts and tiny tank top…

  The more the images flashed in his head, the more his anger subsided. Only now the blood that had been boiling in his veins was taking an immediate detour directly to his groin.

  By the time the truck slowed, Cooper was looking around to see where they were. He watched out the front windshield as they passed his house, heading down the dirt path that led to the barn. He was just about to ask her what the hell she was up to, but her quick “uh-uh” shut him up.

  And exactly why did her sudden authority make his dick that much harder?

  They passed the dilapidated barn and continued through what would eventually be a pasture, down a bumpy decline until they were pulling up near a pond. He hadn’t had time to check it out more than just a glance as he passed by, but he knew this was one of the three small stock ponds on the land, probably from when there were cattle grazing these fields at one point.

  The truck turned abruptly and then Tessa was backing toward the water. He was just about to get nervous when she applied the brakes and then grinned over at him.

  “Ok, you can get out now.”

  Tessa didn’t wait for him, so Cooper climbed out on the passenger side and then headed around to the back of the truck, just a few feet from the water’s edge.

  The scrape of the tailgate lowering caught his attention, and he turned to see Tessa climbing up into the bed of the truck.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, no longer caring to be kept in the dark.

  “Just get in, would ya?” she called to him as she proceeded to throw a blanket down into the bed of the truck.

  That’s what she’d been carrying. Blankets and pillows. Oh, and a six pack of beer.

  Would she ever cease to amaze him?

  Cooper climbed up into the bed of the truck, waiting until she sat down on one side before he lowered himself beside her. She popped the cap on one of the beer bottles with the skill of a professional and then handed it over. He grabbed the bottle but never stopped looking at her.

  “Now relax,” she commanded, fluffing one of the pillows up against the cab of the truck.

  They both got situated, propping themselves up and staring out at the water.

  Holy shit.

  Out in front of him was nothing but darkness. Well, except for the white light of the giant moon as it reflected off of the black water.

  “Perfect, ain’t it?” she asked, her voice quieter than before.

  Cooper glanced over at her, thinking that she certainly was perfect. For him.

  “I’m talking about the night, Cooper,” she said with a chuckle. “Now be quiet and just breathe.”

  Cooper did as she instructed, drinking his beer and watching as the moon rose higher in the sky, the reflection on the pond shifting on the glassy water. Up above them, the stars shone brightly and the warm breeze moved through the trees. Aside from the rustling of branches and the sound of crickets, there wasn’t another sound.

  So this was what peace was. A perfect night, a cold beer, and a beautiful woman. It was the antidote to all of the anger he’d built up just a short while ago. And exactly the place he felt he needed to be. After years on the road, nights spent in front of hundreds of people, singing his heart out, this was what actually filled Cooper with that peaceful serenity he’d been searching for.

  He had no idea how much time had passed, but he didn’t budge until Tessa shifted beside him, setting her beer bottle down as she moved to lay flat in the bed of the truck. Cooper followed suit, getting comfortable beside her, their arms touching as they stared up at the sky.

  “I used to love to sit outside under the stars. Ok, that’s not entirely
true,” Tessa said quietly. “I still love it. There’s more light at my house, so the sky isn’t quite this clear from my yard. Sometimes I’ll grab a blanket and join Havoc and Harmony on the grass, just enjoying the peace and quiet.”

  Cooper wasn’t sure he’d ever seen the sky so clear. A sea of black, dotted with bright stars and a brilliant moon overhead. He could imagine Tessa laying on a blanket beneath the stars, the two massive animals cuddled up to her side, seeking her protection and offering their own.

  “This is what it means to slow down, Cooper,” Tessa told him, her head turning to the side. He turned his head to face her, utterly in awe of her.

  “I could get used to this.” If she were beside him, Cooper was pretty sure he could get used to anything.

  “Me too,” she admitted, her eyes never leaving his.

  The only thing better would be if he had her in his arms. And honestly, now that the idea had planted itself in his brain, he couldn’t think about anything else.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tessa’s heart was thumping against her ribs as she stared over at Cooper. Even in the darkness, his eyes glowed, and the way he was watching her made her chest swell with a strange feeling. One that she hadn’t felt in years. Not since…

  Knowing that she was the one to bring him here, to show him the place she used to love to come and watch the stars and that he enjoyed it as much as she did… well, Tessa felt more complete than she had in a long time.

  This particular spot was one she loved to visit, especially in the summer when the water was warm enough to get in. That was what she considered being the perfect night – skinny dipping under the stars, nothing to hinder her body or her mind.

  When Cooper moved, propping himself on his side, and his warm hand cupped her face gently, Tessa wondered if tears would spring up to her eyes. Her emotions were running rampant, and the only thing she wanted right then was to be as close to this man as she possibly could. Only she couldn’t get the words out.

  “Tessa.” The way he said her name sent a shiver across her skin, made her heart skip a beat or two as she waited anxiously to see what he was going to do or say next.

  She hoped he could read her mind, could sense what she needed because she was sure if she had to ask him then she was going to lose a piece of herself that she so desperately wanted to keep securely in place.

  When his mouth brushed over hers, Tessa slid her fingers into his hair, letting the warmth of him ground her. Whatever was happening between them right at that moment felt like something different. Something she wasn’t sure she wanted, but knew down deep that she needed.

  It was a connection.

  As his tongue caressed hers gently, easing into her mouth and tentatively exploring, she sighed. Keeping her touch gentle, she allowed the soft strands of his hair to tease her fingers while the heat of his chest seared her breast. The farther he leaned over her, the safer she felt, and she didn’t want his touch to disappear.

  “God, Tessa,” he whispered against her mouth. “Darlin’, I –”

  She had no idea what he was going to say, but she was grateful that he locked the words up tight. Right now, she just wanted to feel. Words weren’t needed. The moment was just right, his body was more than perfect against hers, and the lost look in his eyes told her that he was feeling the same thing she was.

  When he managed to prop himself over her, one knee pressing between her thighs, she eased his t-shirt up and over his head, leaving her hands free to roam the taut, smooth skin of his chest. Her fingertips traced down his neck, over his collarbone, then over the muscled planes of his chest.

  They were staring into one another’s eyes, neither of them saying anything, their mouths not searching for the other because their eyes were saying more than anything else possibly could. Tessa knew she wasn’t going to survive this experience with her heart intact. This man was quickly getting to her, embedding himself in her soul, which terrified her.

  She reveled in the gentle scrape of his fingers as they deftly unhooked the buttons down the center of her blouse, moving ever so slowly. As each button escaped its mooring, his fingertips raised goose bumps on her sensitive flesh and her breath lodged in her throat.

  “So pretty,” he whispered as his head tilted downward, the heat of his breath brushing over the skin his hands had just warmed. “Baby…”

  Another sentence left unsaid, causing Tessa to wrap her arms around him, her hands trailing over the rigid muscles of his back.

  While Cooper worked to remove her shirt and bra without forcing her to let go of him, Tessa closed her eyes and inhaled his musky scent. The smell was like a drug, entering her bloodstream and instantly making her light headed, yearning for more. The frenzy that ignited in her veins caused her to let go of him, wanting nothing more than to get him naked and feel him skin to skin. She maneuvered her hands between them, working to release the button on his jeans, letting him know how eager she was to get a move on. She needed him. Needed to feel his skin against hers, to take him inside of her where she could get closer to him.

  “Cooper.” His name came out as a broken sob and Tessa feared she was going to lose it. He was so tender, so sweet. There wasn’t an ounce of the desperate passion she’d seen in his eyes the last time they’d been together. This time there was more. A connection that he was trying to make, and despite her resistance, her heart was answering the call.

  “I want to make love to you, Tessa.” The words were spoken against her neck, his breath a warm tickle over her skin.

  “Please,” she pleaded. What was she asking for? She didn’t want to make love, didn’t want to let this man get that close to her, but his emotional hold on her was unbreakable.

  Finally, they both had to move in order to rid themselves of their clothes, but once they were naked, and Cooper donned a condom, he was on top of her again. The weight of his body reestablished the safety and security she managed to find in his arms.

  Their eyes met briefly before their lips touched. Tessa was tempted to deepen the kiss, to push this faster, but she couldn’t. Her heart was controlling her body, and the slight tremble in her limbs was more than a desperate need for his touch. As he shifted her legs farther apart, Tessa made room for him until his thick, hard erection was pressing against her entrance.

  The deep rumble from his chest as he pushed inside of her sent another bolt of electricity racing over her skin, her entire being lighting up from where their bodies joined.

  Cooper adjusted their positions until he was resting on one forearm, his hand cupping her head while he held himself up with his other hand. His hips were moving ever so slowly as the heat built inside of her, their bodies melding together in a dance as old as time and as moving as the dawn of a new day. The thick, hard length of his cock teased every sensitive nerve ending inside of her. Slowly. Ever so slowly until Tessa’s entire body was strung tight.

  “Cooper, please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” he asked, his lips coming down to brush against hers. “Tell me, darlin’. Tell me what you need.”

  “I need you. I need you just like this,” she admitted, scared of what that really meant.

  Another deep rumble in his chest made Tessa’s pussy clench tightly around him. The sensual way he loved her body, cradling her in his arms while he pressed inside of her was too much. More than she thought possible. This was supposed to be sex, and without even wanting more, Tessa realized she was quickly getting attached to this man.

  “Look at me, Tessa. Open your eyes.”

  She hadn’t even realized she had closed them, but Tessa managed to lift her eyelids, staring up into Cooper’s handsome face, the soft, golden glow of his eyes captivating her, drawing her closer to him.

  “Tessa… Baby… You’re so hot. So sweet.”

  She barely heard his words as they were whispered against her mouth, and she wondered for a second if Cooper had even said them.

  And then his body shifted, his cock burying deeper
inside of her as she wrapped her legs around him, holding him as close as she could.

  “I can’t hold out much longer,” he admitted softly, his eyes fierce with the same need Tessa felt growing inside of her.

  “Then don’t,” she offered with a smile. Meeting his thrusts with her own, their bodies finally took over, seeking, searching, driving for that release that they both had been holding back.

  “God, yes, Tessa. Baby, you feel so good.” The dark, rich sound of his voice made the words all the more erotic.

  Tessa’s nails dug into his back as her brain went on the fritz, her body taking over completely. She bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out, but there was no way to stop the way her internal muscles locked down on him.

  “That’s it, baby. Come for me, Tessa,” Cooper whispered.

  Her head dug into the pillow beneath her, her neck straining as she gave into the orgasm that threatened to tear her in two. Heat, light, waves and waves of pleasure consumed her. Just when she thought she was safely crashing back to earth, Cooper’s mouth crushed down on hers, his tongue thrusting inside as his body stiffened, his hips locking as he buried himself deeper. This time, the rumble in his chest reverberated through her and another orgasm crested, the tremors felt all the way to her toes.

  Tessa knew without a doubt, no matter how hard she fought and pleaded with her heart, Cooper was going to be the next man to break her. It was inevitable.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Cooper had never been as content as he was right in that moment. Lying beside Tessa, her soft body pressed up against him while she slept, he was sure he would never actually find another place he’d rather be.

  He wasn’t sure what happened between them a little while ago, but he knew she felt it too. While they made love, he had noticed something in her eyes. And it filled a hollow void deep inside him. In fact, she had filled it to overflowing, and he wondered whether she understood what that meant to him.

  Not in as long as he could remember had Cooper felt such a powerful hunger for any one woman. And his need for her had nothing to do with sex either. This was deeper. Stronger.


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