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Chasing Dreams (Devil's Bend)

Page 33

by Edwards, Nicole

  He wasn’t able to bring candles because of the hay, but he did bring strings of white lights that he hung from the rafters above them. The area was lit with a soft, golden glow and as Cooper had been stringing them up, he had envisioned how beautiful his bride would look laid out naked right there so he could admire her. Tonight, he was going to get to see the real thing.

  “When did you do this?” she asked, crawling over to the bed before lying back and staring over at him. “It’s lovely.”

  He grinned, unwilling to divulge all of his secrets. He happened to like the idea of sex in the hay loft, and he planned to confirm just how much before the night was over.

  Unable to resist putting his hands on her, Cooper crawled his way over until he was kneeling on all fours above Tessa, smiling down at her. “You’re so beautiful, Mrs. Krenshaw.”

  “Awww, shucks, cowboy,” Tessa said with a mischievous grin. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  Cooper laughed, and Tessa reached up and cupped his face, her hands gentle and soft. He was wondering how she was going to set the tone for the night. He was all for making love to his wife on their wedding night, but he knew how much she enjoyed other aspects of their sex life just as much. Cooper never knew what to expect, but the way she was caressing his cheek made him think she was looking for slower tonight.

  “But I think you’re definitely overdressed,” she said, smacking his cheek gently and making him laugh.

  “Is that right? What about you?”

  “Oh, this old thing?” Tessa asked as she pushed herself to a sitting position, forcing him to move or be knocked backward. Right in front of his eyes, Tessa gripped the hem of her frilly dress and lifted it up and over her head.

  “Lord have… Holy hell, woman.” There before him was the naughtiest woman wearing the skimpiest nightie he’d ever seen. Hell, there was more material in her normal underwear. Not that he was complaining. The red silk ensemble made his mouth water.

  “Now what did you have in mind?” he asked, his breath coming in rapid pants. Her pussy was on full display for him even though he was pretty sure those were supposed to be considered panties.

  “I was thinking we could set a precedence for our marriage.”

  Darting his eyes from between her silky smooth thighs and up to her face, Cooper tried to pay attention to what she was saying. “What does that mean?”

  “It means I’d like you to show me just what I do to you, cowboy.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he groaned as he moved forward, obviously faster than she expected because she fell back onto the hay as she giggled. Sliding his hand between her legs, he slipped two fingers deep inside her and matched her mischievous grin when she moaned.

  “You like when I do that?” he asked, leaning forward to press his lips to hers. “You like when I fuck you with my fingers?”

  “I like when you fuck me, period.” She laughed. “I still think you’ve got too many clothes on.”

  Cooper remedied that quickly, undressing and tossing his clothes to the other side of the loft, not caring where they went or if they’d be there when he was done. His mind was fully focused on the hottest woman he’d ever laid eyes on and that skimpy red thing that seemed pointless since it didn’t cover a stitch.

  Taking his position over her once more, he smiled as he lowered his head to her breast, teasing her gently at first before sucking her firmly into his mouth and using his teeth to scrape Tessa’s pretty pink nipple.

  “Oh!” Tessa’s body bowed beneath him, her hands coming up to latch into his hair and pull him down to her. He thought about restraining her for half a second, but Cooper wasn’t going to be able to make it that far.

  Ever since she came walking down the aisle toward him, minutes before they made their vows to one another, he’d wanted to get her beneath him. And now that he had her there, he wanted to bury himself inside her and make her scream his name over and over.

  Cooper alternated sucking and nipping each breast, applying suction and a tiny bit of pain as she writhed and moaned beneath him. His cock throbbed, but his heart did a crazy dance every time she said his name – which was quite a bit, he realized.

  Releasing her breast, Cooper pulled his fingers out from between her legs and proceeded to lick them clean while her eyes widened, the lust burning bright and hot.

  “Tell me you love me, Mrs. Krenshaw,” he commanded as he shifted between her thighs.

  “I love you, Mr. Krenshaw,” she said softly, her hands resuming their place on his cheeks.

  “What’s that? I don’t think I heard you. And this time, lose the mister.”

  Tessa laughed, placing her wrists on his shoulders and cupping his jaw again, their eyes locked on one another. The words weren’t necessary anymore because Cooper knew just what he meant to this woman and he made sure she knew the same. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy hearing her say them for as long as he lived.

  “I love you, Krenshaw,” she teased. Cooper pinched her nipple roughly, her scream of shock was followed by an uncontrollable giggle.

  Shoving his cock deep inside of her, he watched Tessa as her breath locked in her chest, her eyes wide with surprise.

  “Try again,” he ordered, trying to keep the demand in his voice. Cooper didn’t move while he waited, letting her slick pussy sheath him in heat, making his body break out in a sweat.

  So, so worth it.

  “I. Love. You. Cooper.” Tessa’s words resounded through him, and he smiled.

  “That’s better, baby. I love when you say my name.”

  “I thought you liked when I screamed your name?” she asked playfully.

  “Oh, trust me, that comes next.” Cooper pulled out and slammed home. Then again. He didn’t stop pounding into her, their eyes locked, her hands still cupping his jaw as every ounce of love they felt for one another was transferred not only between where their bodies were connected, but also through their hearts.

  “Tell me one more time, Tessa.”

  And this time, as Tessa said the words, he drove into her, punctuating every word with a punishing thrust while Tessa’s body bowed, her hands moving behind his head, her fingers finding their way into his hair.

  “Now come for me, darlin’.”


  Yep, that’s exactly what he’d been waiting for.

  The End

  Books by Nicole Edwards

  The Club Destiny Series:








  The Alluring Indulgence Series:




  The Devil’s Bend Series:

  Chasing Dreams

  Nicole would love to hear from you:




  And don’t forget to sign up for Nicole’s monthly newsletter on her website or on Facebook.


  To my amazing husband: First and foremost, you are what motivates me each and every day. Your love and support is more than I ever could’ve imagined. You are the love of my life and my soul mate. I love you.

  To my readers: Every day I receive the most amazing emails and letters from those of you who have read my books. I’m moved in more ways than you will ever know by your kind words and your stories. It is a blessing that I can do this and I have every single one of you to thank for it, but to have the opportunity to interact on a more personal level is the most wonderful feeling in the world. Thank you.

  Nicole-Nation: As always, you ladies keep me going every single day. The compassion and love that you show me and each other is inspiring. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from:


sp; An Alluring Indulgence Novel

  Nicole Edwards

  Kaleb: Chapter One


  “Are you fucking kidding?” Kaleb could barely make out his youngest brothers words as Zane doubled over in laughter.

  “Hell, no. I’m dead serious. Sawyer was standing on the side of the road, holding up a sign that said ‘will work for sex’. I shit you not,” Kaleb finished pouring his coffee before taking his mug back to his desk, dodging Zane in the process.

  Hello? This was Sawyer Walker they were talking about, so Kaleb shouldn’t have been all that surprised really. But, he’d been hard pressed to keep his jaw out of his lap as he drove past his brother standing shirtless, wearing jeans and shit kickers while standing on the side of the road holding up the damn sign. To top it off, there was a truck full of women pulled over talking to him.

  “You know Dad’s gonna be pissed when he sees it,” Zane doubled over in another fit of laughter.

  Kaleb wasn’t all that worried about their father and what he thought about Sawyer’s wild and crazy antics. It was their mother they actually had to worry about. Curtis Walker would laugh right along with Zane, but Lorrie Walker would be fit to be tied.

  But that was Sawyer for you. At thirty three, he wasn’t supposed to be the wildest of the seven of them, but he even gave Zane a run for his money.

  The screen door slammed and Zane sat upright, immediately choking on his laughter. As Travis made his way into the small kitchen, Kaleb barely suppressed a groan.

  “What’s going on?” The oldest of the seven Walker brothers wasn’t smiling, and Kaleb had a feeling he wouldn’t find Sawyer’s antics all that funny anyway, so Kaleb kept his mouth shut.

  “Sawyer’s down on Main and First half-dressed holding up a sign,”

  “Fuck,” Kaleb muttered and pinned his brother with a death glare. “Seriously, Zane?”

  He was met with a shrug.

  Telling Travis anything that didn’t pertain to Walker Demolition was like telling their mother as far as Kaleb was concerned. The oldest of the Walker boys at thirty five, Travis had turned into an old man in recent years – at least as far as his mood was concerned.

  “Fuck,” Travis groaned as he turned to the coffee pot sitting on the counter. “When will he ever grow up?”

  Today, just like any other day, Kaleb was going to give Travis a wide berth, not to mention, knock Zane upside his head for telling on Sawyer. “Likely never if I had to guess,” Kaleb chimed in, knowing that was the only sufficient answer.

  “Did you hear back from Carl Stranford?” Travis glanced over his shoulder at Kaleb before returning his attention to pouring his coffee. “You were going by his house yesterday?”

  Suddenly wishing he’d had more coffee, Kaleb rubbed his hand over the back of his neck trying to squeeze some of the tension out. Not that there ever was a good time to have this conversation with Travis, but now certainly wasn’t it.

  “Yeah,” He definitely stopped by Carl’s, just like he had several times that week, but his brief conversation hadn’t resulted in anything other than the expected ‘Let me think about it, Kaleb, and get back with you.’

  “Shit,” Travis groaned again, obviously knowing what that response had been before Kaleb even had to say it out loud. “That man keeps stalling, and I don’t know what the hell for. You’d think he’d be ready to sell off a portion of that land by now. He’s all but lost every one of his crops and to tell you the truth, I’m getting damn tired of waiting,”

  And if Carl didn’t do something soon, he’d lose a lot more than just his crops, but Kaleb wasn’t going to share that with Travis just yet. Until he had the chance to talk to Zoey about it, he wasn’t ready to spread the devastating news.

  Not to mention, it wouldn’t matter what he told Travis because until he had a firm agreement from Carl, none of it mattered. His oldest brother would just get even more pissed off than he already was.

  Walker Demolition – the company Kaleb and his brothers had built from the ground up – had grown leaps and bounds over the last few years, and instead of being content with what they’d built, Travis was ready to venture in another direction, expand their horizon’s he’d said.

  Instead of focusing solely on tearing shit up, Travis had come up with the idea to build a resort. Not that Kaleb didn’t think it was a brilliant idea because he did. He was just content with the tearing shit up part.

  The plans he’d seen for a mega resort the likes of which their small town had never seen, were underway. They’d received the necessary approvals, and now the only thing left to do was to secure the land. Travis had already bought out two of their adjacent neighbors, acquiring a good three hundred acres of decrepit old farmland, but he hadn’t been satisfied with that. Now he was looking for another hundred that backed up to what they’d already purchased. Only this land belonged to Carl Stranford, an ornery old farmer who had been giving them the runaround for the better part of the last six months.

  “Call him,” Zane’s tone was laced with sarcasm. “Or better yet, go see him. Maybe some of your macho intimidation will make him come to a decision,”

  Kaleb groaned.

  Zane was the youngest of seven and considering the age difference between him and Travis, he didn’t remember much of the Travis they had all grown up with. The fun loving, hang on by the seat of your pants guy they’d all wanted to be like. But that man never returned from the four year stint in the Army. In his place was the grouchy, unsmiling man that sat before them now.

  “I might just do that,” Travis snapped, before turning and walking out of the room.

  When the screen door slammed behind their brother, Zane turned to Kaleb. “Why don’t you go talk to Carl? Or better yet, Zoey?”

  “What does Zoey have to do with this?”

  Zane liked to give Kaleb shit about Carl Stranford’s only daughter. Not only had she been Kaleb’s closest female friend for the better part of the last decade, she was also the woman Kaleb had always wanted, but never had. Despite the ever present physical attraction, he’d somehow managed to be friends with her without ever trying to push it any further, although he’d wanted to.

  More than wanted to.

  Since she’d never shown even an inkling of interest in him other than friendship, Kaleb had opted to take what he could get and they’d established a very solid friendship. Hell, the woman knew everything there was to know about him and most of his brothers, yet she still chose to associate with him, so he considered himself lucky.

  They were infamous in their little town, but that was mostly due to their wild and crazy behavior since about the time each of them could walk. They were a rowdy bunch, and there was a long list of rumors associated with them – some true, some not entirely true. For whatever reason, Zoey chose to ignore them, and for that, he was grateful.

  Not that Zoey Stranford wasn’t as wild as they came. That was partly what he found so damn attractive about the woman. She didn’t care what other people thought about her, and it seemed her one goal was to have fun and not hurt anyone in the process.

  So, he’d mastered the art of pretending when it came to Zoey. First and foremost, he was her friend, but that wasn’t the problem. His issue was in learning to hide the unbridled lust burning deep and hot for as long as he’d known her.

  And since his brothers had dubbed her the one woman who wouldn’t give him the time of day, they loved to give him a hard time about her.

  It certainly wasn’t a hardship being friends with Zoey, but it had gotten increasingly more difficult in the last few years. Ever since she and that jackass Jason Tribbons divorced, Kaleb did everything he possibly could to make sure he kept his feelings for her hidden. But hell, he wasn’t a saint and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could pull off the charade.

  “Zoey doesn’t have any say in what her father does with that land,” Kaleb added as he watched the wheels turn in Zane’s head. His little brother was going to piss him off, he co
uld feel it.

  “Yeah, but she likes you,” Zane goaded. “I’m sure if she goes running to daddy, telling him her boy toy wants to buy the land, he’d sell it in a heartbeat,”

  Boy toy? “I know you’ve got something better than that,” Kaleb pushed.

  Kaleb had grown quite fond of his own dick over the years, and he didn’t have any intentions of losing it, thank you very much. Carl Stranford would just as soon cut off Kaleb’s dick than let him date his daughter.

  Carl was an overprotective son of a bitch when it came to his one and only daughter, and he and Zoey had had to clarify their friendship on more than one occasion over the years. Granted, Carl was close to eighty now, and Zoey was very much a grown woman who didn’t let her daddy tell her whom she could see, but still...

  Hell, he’d expected Carl to answer the damn door with a shotgun in his hand the night he had taken Zoey to her senior prom. Thankfully Carl hadn’t, but that was probably due to Zoey’s mother who had liked Kaleb. Not that Kaleb could blame the man. If a nineteen year old man had the balls to show up on his doorstep asking to take his seventeen year old daughter to the prom, Kaleb knew damn well that young man would know how acquainted he was with his gun collection.

  But true to his word, even back then when he was ruled by hormones alone, Kaleb never laid a finger on Zoey, no matter how badly he wanted to. And to this day, he’d never so much as kissed her, and his dick knew it all too well.

  Shaking off the thought, Kaleb pushed himself out of his chair. “I’ll go talk to Carl. Until we get that land, Travis won’t let it go,”

  “Nope, he won’t,” Zane agreed as he stood. “Tell Zoey hello for me,”

  “Fuck off,” Kaleb grinned as he walked out the back door.

  Not fifteen minutes later, Kaleb was pulling up to Carl Stranford’s house, wishing like hell he didn’t have to do this again today. Thankfully Zoey’s truck wasn’t in the driveway, which meant she was probably working – something Kaleb should’ve been doing. Instead, he’d get the pleasure of explaining to Carl yet again what he wanted and why he was there.


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