Diamonds: Motorcycle Club Romance (Savage Saints MC Book 8)

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Diamonds: Motorcycle Club Romance (Savage Saints MC Book 8) Page 12

by Hazel Parker

  I could feel the tension building for the second orgasm before he pulled out, flipped me on my back, and inserted into me. I worried that the sudden switch might cause me to lose the orgasm, but it came running back in no time.

  “Dom…” I murmured. It was more like “Do-o-o-o-mmmm,” honestly.

  I came just seconds later. My legs tightened so hard around him, I thought I was going to break his body. I begged for him to slow down when it got to be too much. I laughed and kissed him when I came out of it.

  “Christ, no wonder the ladies love you,” I said as I kissed him on the cheek. “This better not be a one-and-done.”

  “Far from it,” he said.

  He buried his head between my neck and shoulder. I put my left hand onto his hair, holding on for dear life as his thrusting picked up pace. It wasn’t long until he had me approaching my third orgasm.

  By the time Dom started to approach his own climax, he’d already gotten me through four orgasms, and he probably could have gotten me to a fifth if he’d held out. Not that I was complaining—only one other person had even given me two in one session, let alone four. And for three of them to come through penetration… Dom was just something else, I supposed.

  He came when I was on top, straddling him. His eyes never left mine until the moment of orgasm, when his entire body seemed to collapse into a different world. His orgasm was much louder than even mine as if it was a triumphant roar. This seemed to surprise even him, suggesting that it was not in the norm for him.

  When he finished, I leaned forward, letting my breasts run over his face. He didn’t hesitate to kiss them and gently fondle them. I let him do this for a few moments before I kissed him.

  This was all so surreal. Dom… me… in his apartment…

  Did this really just happen?

  “That was amazing.”

  Did that really just get said?

  “You’re sweet,” I said, kissing him again before I lifted my hips off, leading to a quick grunt of surprise before Dom got himself back together. “But you can’t possibly be serious.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Dom really seemed confused by what I was saying. He stood up, slowly rolled the condom off himself, and tossed it in the kitchen trash can. He sat by me on the couch, lying behind me. I took his cue and cuddled with him.

  “I’m not accusing you of anything bad, just… I’ve seen you with the other girls. I like to think I’m good in bed, but I don’t know that I’d call myself amazing. You know?”

  Dom wrapped his arms around me, squeezed me close, and kissed me on the cheek. In a way, that was almost more tender than if he had kissed me on the lips.

  “You’re amazing here because you’re amazing in general,” he said. “No one else has made me make love the way I just did with you. No one.”

  Not even… Danica? I didn’t dare ask that question for fear of the consequences. Even if I was right, reminding him of her this quickly after sex seemed about the most callous thing I could possibly do.

  But still, Dom’s words were incredibly sweet.

  “Are you going to go back to the club and just see other girls?”

  That was stupid. The question got blurted out without me stopping it, an intimate moment ruined by a stupid question. I shouldn’t have—

  “Not right now, no,” Dom said.

  He is serious.

  “You’re sure? You can have—”

  “Confession,” Dom said, a word that made me a little nervous. “We do our club parties on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and obviously, today being a Tuesday, I went to the club expecting to do what you just said. Find some rando, bring her back, do the deed, and do it again tomorrow. But I kept failing. At first, I figured I was just off a little bit. But now?”

  Oh, Dom…

  “I know it’s because you were on my mind this whole time.”

  “But why?”

  I didn’t even know why I was fighting it. I guess a part of me just wanted to believe it was too good to be true, that the man who had hated me for the better part of a decade could suddenly turn into a tender lover.

  “For the way I’ve treated you this whole time, you could have just shoved me off and given me the middle finger. But you helped me even when you did that. You showed me the truth. And when you took those blinders off of me…”

  “I was just doing my job,” I said.

  My job. It’s going to be interesting going to that tomorrow. At least I don’t have to be in until ten.

  “Maybe at the start, sure,” Dom said. “But just trust me. My feelings for you are real. I’m not faking any of this, nor would I ever.”

  I turned to him, smiled, and kissed him. A gentle silence fell over us. I think one of us was waiting for someone to say something else.

  But instead, the silence slowly turned into heavy eyes, which soon turned into sleepy eyes, which then turned into both of us falling asleep on that couch.

  Chapter 13: Dom

  The first thing that woke me up was the sound of footsteps in the apartment.

  But Jenna was still cuddled up against my naked body.

  I opened my eyes very slowly, trying to make it seem like I was still asleep. Hopefully, it was just Pork, but if it was someone else…

  Thankfully, it was just Pork. He was in the kitchen in gym shorts and a tank top, making some oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts. But that meant that we were also fully visible, our naked bodies on the couch, to my roommate.

  Well, let it never be said that I was a modest person.

  I didn’t want to wake Jenna and panic her; it might have been a little selfish, but I was pretty sure that if I just let her wake up to being naked and my roommate waving to her, she would walk out the door and refuse to ever see me again. I needed Pork to leave.

  But goddamnit, Pork wasn’t leaving! He was sitting at the island, scrolling through his phone. What the fuck? Did he want to see our naked bodies on the couch?

  Or is he just so used to this sight that he doesn’t even think twice about it anymore?

  It was a little embarrassing to realize that it was closer to the latter than anything nefarious. I usually brought the girls to my room, but naked girls on the couch or the floor weren’t uncommon.

  Man, I really was a whore.

  Jenna stirred underneath me, and I felt a rush of panic. Did I try to grab Pork’s attention and get him to go away? Could I do that without making too much noise and waking Jenna? Or did I just pretend to be asleep and deal with the consequences of Jenna freaking out?

  She didn’t stir any further, suggesting she hadn’t fully awakened yet. Thank God.

  A good ten minutes of nothingness passed as I awkwardly opened my eyes every few seconds, trying to catch a peek of Pork eating his goddamn oatmeal in the kitchen, treating us more like naked art than naked friends. I swore I was going to kick his ass so hard when Jenna finally got out.

  Finally—final-fucking-ly—he left for his room, shutting the door behind him. Hurriedly, I stood up, found my boxers and jeans, threw them on, and put a blanket over Jenna. This caused her to awaken, but the most embarrassing and awkward scenario seemed to have passed.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I said.

  “Hey,” she said, a sheepish smile on her face. She puckered her lips forward, and I gladly took them on my own. “Sleep well?”

  “Oh, I’m fine. You’re the one who passed out on an unfamiliar couch.”

  “Yeah, but it’s a big couch. Plus, I had a nice body to rest against.”

  “Mmm,” I murmured as I felt myself getting hard in my jeans.

  She stared at me, her eyes going wide. The message was pretty clear.

  I leaned forward and started to scoop her up.

  “Oh, hey, you’re awake.”

  I jumped and turned to see Pork eating a banana in the door frame, nodding to me and then looking at Jenna.

  “Sup, guys?”

  “Do you mind, Pork?” I said.

��Hell, I thought you were asleep,” he said with a chuckle. “I figured you’d knocked each other out last night, if you know what I mean.”

  “I know exactly what you mean,” I said.

  “Hey, don’t accuse me of making it a big deal; not the first time I’ve come across you like this.”

  Oh, lovely, Jenna’s going to have questions about that I’m sure.

  “But, in any case, if you’re not doing anything later, Mama and I are going to check out the mob museum downtown. You’re welcome to join.”

  “We’ll get to you on that later, thanks. In the meantime—”

  “Oh, right, of course. I’ll be in my room for the next twenty minutes.”

  He wheeled, turned, and shut the door. I let out a very long sigh so Jenna could hear my frustration with this. I sat down and turned to her, expecting her to be pissed at what Pork had said.

  But instead, she looked like she was about to laugh.

  “I knew your reputation, but I didn’t know you two were so open about it,” she said, barely able to contain her laugh.

  “Yeah, you know, it’s not really ‘that’ often, it’s more just it happens once or twice, and—”

  But Jenna hushed me, motioning for me to kiss her. I wasn’t about to refuse that request as I bent forward and kissed her on the lips.

  “Just be fully honest with me, and we’re all good,” she said. “I know we’re not exclusive and that this doesn’t mean anything beyond we like each other’s bodies. I know you’ll see other girls, maybe even as soon as tonight. Just be honest with me, and we’ll be good.”

  “Of course.”

  But I wasn’t being fully honest. I didn’t think being fully honest was a great strategy.

  If she knew the absolute full truth, she’d realize just how much I liked her. She’d discover that I had no intentions of hooking up with anyone else, not so long as she was in the picture. She’d learn that last night was some of the best sex I’d had in a long time, and that morning embarrassments aside, I hadn’t had a bad moment with her.

  If she knew all of this, there was a very good chance it would just scare the hell out of her and shove her away. I didn’t want to do that, not when I’d just gotten her in my grasp. I’d finally made peace with losing the first person that I loved; I couldn’t quite say that I loved Jenna yet, but she easily had the most potential for being that person in my life since.

  “So what now,” she said. “Oh, shit, what time is it?”

  I checked my phone.

  “Nine-ten, fuck, it’s early.”

  “OK, that’s not as bad as I thought it would be, but unfortunately, probably cancels out a round two,” she said. “I start at ten. I need to get home to get a new change of clothes before showing up.”

  “Aww,” I said, but I wasn’t really that disappointed. We weren’t going to break up suddenly. There wasn’t anything I could think of that was going to potentially disrupt us, at least not in our own lives.

  Well, we were probably going to have to remain low key to some degree. I’m sure Jenna didn’t want Mario knowing about us, or any of her coworkers knowing about us. But as far as us making the effort to see each other, I didn’t see anything to prevent us from hanging out in private.

  “I can walk you to your car.”

  She looked like she really wanted to say yes. But unfortunately, she also looked like she had no way of saying yes.

  “Dom, I already got in trouble for being on the roof with you at The Red Door a few days ago.”

  Shit, for real? Who saw that? Probably some other cop or something. But still… we weren’t even touching when that happened. What the hell?

  “As it was, when you walked me to my car last time and you almost kissed me, I got nervous. That’s actually why I didn’t let you kiss me then, because if anyone saw us kissing in public, it would be over.”

  “But the parking lot and the street—”

  “Anywhere that isn’t here or my place should not be considered private. In fact, I’d go so far as to say my place isn’t that private either; everyone at the station knows where I live, and while it’s a bit away in North Las Vegas, if someone drives by and sees a bike there…”

  “You’ll get a lot of questions, even if they can’t substantiate them,” I said with a sigh.

  “It’s much easier for me to drive my normal car over here, park in the visitor’s section, and then spend time with you in this apartment than it would be for us to convene anywhere else.”

  Well, reality could be a bitch.

  “How long will it need to be this way?”

  Jenna shrugged.

  “No idea. For a while, probably.”

  Maybe this is going to be a problem. Maybe this will be the thing that keeps us apart.

  “Ah, well, guess I’ll just have to sneak you up here in style, huh?”

  Jenna laughed and kissed me as she started to get dressed. I knew that my humor and charm had diffused the question for the time being, but it couldn’t extinguish it. At some point, things were probably going to come to a head—Jenna was going to have to come out, or we were going to have to break up.

  Break up? You aren’t even dating her. You’re thinking so far ahead right now, bud. Slow it down.

  I shook my head. Jenna saw me, smirked, and kissed me.

  “You’re cute when you’re like that,” she said. “Actually, you’re cute all the time.”

  “You flatter me too much,” I said, but I sure as hell flashed the million-dollar smile her way when she kissed me.

  She finished getting dressed and grabbed my hand. Maybe she likes me as much as I like her. But I can’t scare her off. If I really say how I feel, she’s never coming back.

  “This was fun,” she said when she got to the door. “Let’s do this again, OK?”

  I nodded enthusiastically, bent over, and kissed her.

  I didn’t let go of the kiss until she had to step back for a breath.

  “I’ll see you around.”

  She gave me one more kiss before departing down the hallway, out of sight for the time being. I found myself looking at where she had just been, wishing that she was back there. With that hair, those curves, that smile, those eyes, that spirit, that body, that soul… life just felt so much better when she was around.

  “I haven’t seen you look at ass like that since you nailed the porn star.”

  I jumped in surprise to see Pork leaning in the frame of his door.

  “Were you watching that whole time?”

  “Nah. I heard the front door open and figured it was safe to come out. But you must really like this chick, huh?”

  “We’re going slow—”

  “Uh uh, I don’t wanna hear it,” Pork said with a laugh. “Dom isn’t a Dom anymore! You fell under the spell! You’re like the rest of us in the Savage Saints! Oh, this is amazing!”

  Pork kept laughing. I tried to feign being bothered and being annoyed. I really tried to put up a fight.

  But there was no point. I really did like Jenna. And I actually didn’t care if everyone else figured it out. Maybe I wasn’t going to promote it, especially with her being a cop, but if Mama found out, if Richard found out, if Barber found out, if anyone in the club found out…

  Well, good on them. I had Jenna, and I didn’t much care what else happened as long as it didn’t disrupt that.

  * * *

  Because of her schedule, we weren’t able to meet up again until Thursday night. But before we got to that, I had a matter to deal with that all of us now faced.

  I sat at the meeting table in The Red Door, with Richard to my right, and the rest of the officers to my left. We had no poker guest tonight because we had an issue that could not be ignored.

  “Everyone, thank you for coming, as always,” Richard began. “A week ago, behind me, Trace, Splitter, and BK from the California chapter of the Savage Saints stood. We explained that we had a peaceful agreement in place to figure out some way of compensating them, an
d that one of the possibilities was to merge with them. We all said that we had two weeks to figure it out.”

  He sighed, puffing on a cigarette for some form of relaxation.

  “Unfortunately, that was something of a gross overstatement. I nearly fell into the same problems that plagued us with Pork and Krispy, namely that I played things close to the vest. Thankfully, our VP smacked some sense into me, and so I’m here to tell you the real deal. The California Saints are not going to let us walk away without becoming part of their organization. I have gone to Green Hills a few times to try to figure something out, but unfortunately, at the moment, it seems like they have us by the balls.

  “They outnumber us by at least three to one, probably more. They know, just as we know, that without them, we’d be dead, or at the very least, The Red Door would cease to exist as a safe place because of what the Degenerate Sinners did. I have looked for leverage in whatever place I can, even reaching out to my niece, Trace’s wife, but she has less of an opinion of me than the other Saints do, given that I was out of her life for such a long period of time.”

  He took another puff of his cigarette.

  “I refuse to engage us in violence. We went through a goddamn war zone to defeat the Sinners, and I don’t feel like putting anyone here through that again. But frankly, they don’t have the same trepidation that we do. They fought before they battled the Sinners, and I think they would be willing to do it again. Actually, I know they would. They didn’t say as much, but I’m not willing to gamble on them being literal speakers.

  “So, this is all to say that we’re facing a kind of civil war here if we don’t figure something out in the next week. We either agree to let them take over us, and we operate as is, but they control our finances, or we say no, but then we risk a mutiny on their end.”

  He let the words hang for a few moments as everyone processed what was just said. I had already heard all of this before; the only difference between now and then was that we had less time to figure something out, but we never had a ton of time to begin with. And it wasn’t like we needed a long time to figure out a course of action either; our guns were right here, and our members were all in this building.


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