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The White Billionaire's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance)

Page 7

by Skye, Lena

  “Whoa, you’re not wasting any time are you?”

  “We’ve waited long enough and one month seems like forever. I want to steal you away and do it now, but I know that you want a real wedding.”

  He was right, I did want a wedding. If we didn’t have one, I would regret it for a long time. I only wanted to get married once and so it had to be right because it was a moment that I would never get to experience again.

  “I do want a wedding.”

  “Okay, the date is set, and nothing is going to stop us this time,” he said matter of factly.

  I was excited for the first time in days. I was more than ready to be Mrs. Kane. He was everything that I wanted in a mate and so much more. Once again I felt like I was in a fairy tale, and we’d finally gotten to the good part. We went through all of the adversity and emerged relatively unscathed. Things would be tense for a while, but I wasn’t going to let anything steal my joy. I had my man, a career, and my wonderful friends. They were all that I needed to get by. I was rich in so many other ways than money. Once I put things into real perspective, I perked up and pushed all thoughts of Marcus to the back of my mind. He made his choices, and I made my own. I just happened to make a lot better choices, and I deserved every ounce of happiness that was coming my way.


  A few days later I went to hang out with Sandy. She couldn’t wait to catch up on all of the good news. I had been noticeably absent from my friends since the trial, but it was because I still wasn’t feeling well. My nerves were still on edge, and it was effecting my day. I cared way more about Marcus going to jail than I originally thought because it was taking a toll on me physically.

  “You know how much I hate it when you disappear,” Sandy said.

  “I know, but I’ve felt like crap for the last few days,” I admitted.

  “Believe me, I noticed. Your trips to the bathroom were hard to ignore in the courtroom.”

  “It seems to be getting worse. It’s been this way all day too.”

  “If I didn’t know any better I would think that you’re pregnant,” Sandy said with a raised eyebrow.

  I rolled my eyes at her and was about to combat what she was saying. I then thought about my lack of a period. I contributed that to my stress as well because I’m known for skipping it when I’m being a high strung mess.

  “I don’t know about that. I’m on the pill,” I said.

  “Girl please, we know how the pill can be. They’re not 100% especially if you aren’t taking it at the same time every day.”

  “I guess I’ll grab a test on my way home. I really hope that’s not the case for me,” I said in a low voice.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that,” Sandy said as she jumped up from her couch and headed towards her bathroom, “I have one here already.”

  “Who just has a pregnancy test lying around?” I asked.

  “Don’t judge me Camille,” Sandy yelled from the bathroom, “You should be thanking me.”

  I slowly rose from the couch and met her in the bathroom. She pulled it from her medicine cabinet and placed it in my hand, “They work pretty fast and so we’ll know in a few minutes.”

  “I’m getting sick just thinking about it,” I said.

  Sandy walked to the door and peeked her head in before closing it, “Get it done so that you can know for sure and not obsess over it.”

  I sat on the toilet for a few seconds and thought about it first. I was afraid to take the test because I knew that there could be a real possibility of me being pregnant. I wasn’t ready for such a huge step yet.

  Sandy knocked on the door, “I don’t hear any peeing in there!”

  “Get away from the door girl. I’m about to do it now creep.” I said.

  A few moments later the digital stick was sitting on the edge of her sink and I was pacing. I didn’t want to wait alone so I stepped outside of the bathroom.

  “Don’t worry,” Sandy said, “Either way you’ll be okay.”

  I shook my head, “I’m on the pill for a reason. I’m not ready for this to be a possibility in my life.”

  “You’re probably not even pregnant. That’s why it’s important that we find out for sure. We both know how you can over think some shit,” she said.

  “I wasn’t even thinking about this until you brought it up. I’m stressed enough as it is without you fucking with my head,” I countered.

  “No need to snap at me for stating the obvious. You are having sex regularly, and pregnancy happens. You are having sex regularly right?” She said.

  I giggled, “Hush up. You know that we get it in all the time. He can’t lay next to all of this every night and not want a piece.”

  “Just freaky,” she laughed.

  “Alright I think it’s time to go look,” I said.

  Our eyes locked and her look mirrored my own. It was one of uncertainty. I walked into the bathroom and looked at what it said. I stood there staring because I was unsure of what to say. So many mixed feelings were running through my body.


  “I see him a little differently now.”


  “What does it say?” Sandy asked.

  I handed it over to her, and she squealed, “I’m going to be an Auntie!!!!!”

  Hearing her say those words out of her mouth jarred me and my reality came crashing down.

  “Yeah that’s what the test says,” I said.

  “I always thought that you would be the first one to have kids out of the three of us. Oh my god, wait until Cynthia finds out. She’s going to freak out, and she’ll probably start buying baby stuff 5 minutes after she finds out.”

  “Cynthia will find any excuse to shop and we both know that,” I responded flatly as I walked back to the couch and sat down.

  “You’re pregnant now baby girl. You have every reason to be happy. It’s something that you can’t take back, and you’re about to get married in less than a month. It’s not the end of the world, but the beginning to a new one,” she assured me.

  “I know but Kyle would have wanted to plan this and discuss it beforehand. He didn’t want a kid for at least 8 more years,” I admitted.

  “8 years! He’s crazy as hell. You don’t want to start popping out babies in 8 years, that’s some white people shit,” she said.

  “You’re so ignorant but I thought the same thing when he told me that. I’ve never wanted to be an old parent,” I admitted.

  “Now you won’t be. I think that once you tell him, he will get with the program. He loves you, and he really doesn’t have a choice at this point.”

  The more Sandy spoke the more excited I became. I didn’t want to admit to myself that I was overjoyed about having Kyle’s baby. I was nervous about telling him the news, and it wasn’t something that I’d done on purpose. I hoped that he would be happy once I told him because it would crush me if he wasn’t. He’d been very clear about what he wanted, and this was going to throw a huge wrench in our future plans. Timing was everything in this situation, and so I was going to have to wait to break the news to him.

  “You’re right but I’m going to need you to keep quiet about this. I’ll tell Cynthia the next time I speak to her, but only the two of you can know until I break the news to Kyle.”

  Sandy mimed as if she was zipping her lips closed, “Not a peep from me.”

  “Thank you.”


  I really hated the fact that Kyle set up an appointment for me to go wedding dress shopping with his little sister. But it seemed to be pretty important to him and so I caved in. I would have preferred to go with my friends, but his family wanted to be involved in the process, and he thought that it would be a great opportunity for us to bond. I was just grateful that only one of them was coming because I wasn’t sure if I could take them both at the same time. Twins could be overwhelming, and they were both really opinionated.

  It turned out not to be as bad as I thought that it would. She took me to some
great wedding dress boutiques that I never knew existed, and we got the VIP treatment. A glass of champagne was in our hand from the time that we entered each place. I couldn’t drink any of it because I was pregnant. So I had to constantly make excuses as to why I couldn’t partake. I chose to go with the ‘I want to have a clear head while I make my choice,’ route.

  I’d tried on over 15 dresses, and I was starting to get pretty tired. I also kept envisioning myself with a baby bump in the dresses. I knew that I was tripping because my wedding was a little over 2 weeks away, and I wouldn’t experience that kind of rapid growth in such a short period of time. Then I tried on a simple mermaid dress with beautiful beading underneath the bust. It fit to perfection, felt wonderful against my skin and accentuated all of my curves. It fit me perfectly which was a surprise because I was about 2 sizes larger than the tradition sample sizes. When I looked in the mirrors I knew that it was my dress.

  “This is the one isn’t it?” I asked in excitement.

  “Yeah, I think it is.”

  “You’re glowing in this dress! Pose for the camera,” she said as she took a picture of me with her phone. “I’ve gotta send this to my sister.”

  “Have you thought about accessories?” The beautiful blonde attendant asked.

  “No, I’m really starting from ground zero.”

  “So do I have permission to jack you up?” She asked.

  “Absolutely and don’t hold back,” I grinned.

  The attendant clapped excitedly and quickly sauntered off to find the overpriced accessories in the store. As she went off the rest of the attendants oohed and ahhed over me and told me how beautiful I looked. I welcomed the adoration because I could use all of the positive energy that was coming my way. Shortly after, I had on a veil, a bracelet, a beautiful necklace, and earrings.

  “This is beautiful,” I said, “You don’t think that it’s too much?”

  “Absolutely not!” The attendant exclaimed.

  “You’re supposed to be too much, it’s your wedding day,” Ashton chimed in.

  Tears started to fall down my face as I continued to look in the mirror. My wedding was right about the corner, and I was about to really be Mrs. Kane. It had been such a long journey that felt endless, and now it was coming to a close. Marriage wasn’t going to be a cakewalk, but a lot of our drama would come to a close. I was going to stick with him forever, and I believed that he was going to do the same for me. We were about to be an official team, and nothing was going to tear us apart.

  “I can’t believe that this is really happening. Kyle is about to really go through with it,” she said.

  I scrunched my face, “What do you mean?”

  She looked as if she said something she shouldn’t have, “I just mean that I couldn’t believe that this is happening.”

  “No that’s not what you meant at all. Tell me please.”

  “No it is nothing Camille. The champagne just got to me a bit.”

  “I don't think it did. Is there something I should know?” I knew something was up, she was not a very good liar.

  “If I tell you then you have to promise not to tell Kyle that I said anything,” she said.

  I thought about it for a moment. Some things were better left unsaid and some things you just don’t need to know about your partner. However, all of my past had been exposed to Kyle, and he still was with me anyway. He also claimed that it made him love me more. He felt closer to me because he knew what I’d been through. I was too curious to let this moment slip through my fingers, and I hoped that I wouldn’t regret digging into his past.

  “I promise that I won’t say anything.”

  “We’ll take it all,” Ashton said to the attendants. “I’ll help you out of all of this while I fill you in.”

  We walked back to the huge dressing room, and she started by taking my veil off, “Kyle has been engaged once before a while ago.”

  “How long ago,” I asked quickly.

  “He was 21 then,” she said.

  “So what happened?” I asked.

  “Well during the engagement she got pregnant and it all went downhill from there. They couldn’t stop arguing. Kyle was pretty adamant about the fact that he didn’t want children, and he felt like she was trying to trap him,” she said.

  “That’s one of the craziest things that I’ve ever heard. He was about to marry her so why would she feel the need to trap him?”

  My head was spinning because he’d never shared that information with me before, “So where is the child?”

  “He arranged for her to have an abortion and after she had it they broke up,” she said.

  “He forced her to get rid of it?” I asked in disbelief.

  “Not technically but he made it pretty clear that he wasn’t happy about it and that he preferred for her not to have. I really think that he’s afraid of having children.”

  “Wow,” was all that I could muster.

  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told you that. Besides it was a long time ago, and I’m sure that he’s grown and matured since then. Besides it’s not like you’re preggers. There’s no way that you would look so fabulous in this dress if you had a baby bump,” she laughed.

  My word. I was really not expecting to hear this.


  “You need to let it go,” Sandy scolded.

  “But I can’t. It’s really bothering me,” I responded.

  “I’m sorry, but that was a long time ago, and you shouldn’t have promised her to keep it from him. Now it’s bothering you and you can’t even say anything. Is this how you want to start off your marriage?” Sandy asked.

  I looked at Cynthia for support, but she looked away and took a sip of her water.

  “So you’re not going to back me up?”

  “I’m sorry but she has a point. He was 21 then, and 21 year olds make messed up decisions. That was over ten years ago for him and so I really don’t understand why you’re holding it against him,” Cynthia said.

  I regretted telling him about the conversation that I had with Ashton. It had been over a week since I’d picked my dress and the information was eating me alive inside. I needed to confide in my friends, but they weren’t telling me what I wanted to hear.

  “I see him a little differently now. What if he treats me the way that he treated her?” I asked.

  “He’s not going to do that. He’s been through the ringer with you, and he’s not going to let you go over a baby. He’ll probably even be happy and see it as a second chance to get it right,” Sandy said.

  “Just tell him about the baby and see what happens. He loves you and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed,”

  I rested my head against the table and thought about it. My biggest fear was that he would ask me to get an abortion. I knew that was something that I just wasn’t willing to do, even if that meant that I had to lose him. I wanted my baby even if it was unplanned. My wedding was around the corner, and my fiancé didn’t even know that he had a baby on the way. It was time for me to spill the beans, or I would regret it.


  “Some things school just can’t teach,”


  My plan to tell Kyle was an absolute bust.

  I kept trying to find the perfect moment but the time never seemed right. I would try at night but once his hands were all over me, I didn’t want to ruin the morning. I couldn’t tell him in the morning because I didn’t want to ruin his day either. We were in a state of perfect bliss, and I wasn’t ready for it all to be over even if it was a lie.

  So there I was, on the private jet and on my way to get married in Fiji, and I was still holding a secret. It was hard trying to cover up why I wasn’t drinking. Kyle was getting suspicious, but he chalked it up to me not wanting to be like my mother and I let him go with that idea because it was partially true.

  “Are you okay babe?” Kyle asked.

  “I’m fine,” I said as I sipped my ginger ale.

You’re not thinking about backing out on me are you?” He asked in amusement.

  “I wouldn’t ever do that! You belong to me,” I grinned.

  “Now that’s what I like to hear,” he said before his attention returned back to his laptop.

  It felt like we were always working, and I wasn’t mad at that because it was what I preferred. But now that I was pregnant, my thoughts and priorities were changing. I wanted to be an active parent in my baby’s life, and I refused to have a nanny raise my kid. I didn’t mind some help, but I wanted me and Kyle to be the main people in it's life. Those were the kinds of things that we hadn’t discussed at length. But then again, maybe we hadn’t because Kyle thought that he had at least 8 years before that kind of conversation had to be taken seriously.

  We arrived at our resort, and I was still taken aback by the beauty of the places that Kyle took me to. I probably should have been used to exotic locations, but I didn’t think that I would ever get over it. Living in a metropolitan city will make you forget that there is life outside of modern furniture and steel buildings.

  “When is everyone else arriving?” I asked Kyle as I lay in the bed.

  “They’re arriving later on tonight but we won’t see them until the morning.” His face nuzzled my neck. We weren’t going to be leaving our room for a few hours because we had other things to do and a huge nap to take. Our morning was going to be beyond hectic because we were getting married pretty early in the morning, and the jet lag was already beginning to settle in with me. I was usually a bit more resilient, but I think that the baby may have been making me more tired, then again it could have just been in my head.

  “Are you nervous?” I asked.

  “No, I’m not nervous. I’m anxious because tomorrow can’t come fast enough. I’ve never been so sure of a decision in my entire life,” he said honestly.

  I could see the truth in his eyes. He really meant every word that he said to me, and I was worried that I wouldn’t see that glint in his eyes after I told him the truth about what was about to occur. I didn’t think that I could handle him thinking that I was trying to trap him.


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