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Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6

Page 22

by Bernard Schaffer

  "But what if I was one of those people, Claire? Our two families have a connection that goes back before we were born. It's always been a good team, and I always felt like I could do this job as long as I had one of you at my side."

  Claire shrugged and said, "I'll talk to him when I see him if that's what you're asking."

  "I'm not talking about him," Bart said. He reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out Sam Clayton's old, worn Sheriff's star. He held it up, "What do you say?"

  Claire's eyes widened, "What do you mean?"

  "It was McParlan who suggested it. He said 'That girl's got the stuff.' I think that's a pretty big compliment from him." Bart smiled weakly and said, "I could use the help, Claire. You've always been here, never complaining no matter what life threw at you. You handled that Harpe bastard like nobody else could have. I'd be real, real grateful if you'd take the job and proud to have you wear this badge. What do you say?"

  Claire went down the steps slowly, staring at the badge like she'd never seen it before, like there were strange words written across it that were only now making sense. She took it from Bart and ran her fingers over the surface reverently. "I don't even have a pistol," Claire said.

  Bart reached into his saddlebag and removed a holster with a black-handled weapon seated inside. "McParlan thought as much, so he is lending you his Balrog. He said it's standard PNOA issue to female agents and old fogies like him."

  "When would I start?" Claire said.

  "Tomorrow. Unless you want the town to fall into complete chaos when people realize there's no law. Give it a few days and you'll get to handle a full-scale riot as your first official act."

  She slowly pinned the badge to her shirt lapel and stood there looking down at it for a moment. "Is this just a temporary job until the real thing gets back?"

  "I'm sure we'll have to discuss it with Jem, being that he's expecting to resume his duties. That's only fair. But if you like the job, maybe you two can work something out. Sam had my daddy watching his back. I'm sure Jem could use someone he trusts watching his."

  Claire looked up at the Mayor and said, "I think you mean I could use Jem to watch mine."

  Bart Masters chuckled and shook his head, "I think I like you in this position already, Claire."

  Frank Miller rolled himself forward to the edge of the porch and said, "That's Sheriff Miller to you, mister."

  Interview with Bernard Schaffer by David Hulegaard

  The following interview appeared on 7/11/12

  Q: Thanks for stopping by during this exciting time to talk to us about your new book, Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6. First of all, congratulations! How are you feeling?

  A: David, thank you for having me back. Congratulations to you as well. One of the best things about the Kindle All-Stars is that the core group of people involved have stuck together and evolved. I'm proud of you for all your hard work this year.

  I feel good. I'm really looking forward to releasing this book. It's strange to love something you create, not as a product but as a place. I write about Seneca 6 because in my heart, I wish it were real. Someday I'd like to ask JK Rowling if she felt depressed every time she finished one of the Potter books. I always feel bummed out when I have to leave.

  Q: Readers might remember from earlier interviews that you’re always working on multiple projects at the same time. How long had you been working on MGoS6?

  A: I officially started work on it April 30, 2012. I only know that because Word says that's when I created the file. I have earlier notes that go back to last year.

  Q: Upon the completion of Guns of Seneca 6, how long did it take before ideas for a sequel started coming to you?

  A: Probably right away, but not many of them got used. I needed time to let everything gel into a coherent story. The ideas rolled in like trains and I'd greet them at the station and dutifully record whatever they were carrying. Eventually, I figured it all out.

  Q: So, Magnificent takes place a year following the events of the first book. Give us a quick overview of what’s happening in Seneca 6.

  A: Guns ended with Jem Clayton taking over for his father as the Sheriff. Jem is a pretty badass character and as I sat down to write about him being in his office, all these little townsfolk kept coming in to bug him with their petty grievances. As I wrote it I realized that Jem would be thinking the same thing I am. "Get me the hell out of here."

  Ultimately, Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6 is about following our own destiny. Jem starts off as a Sheriff because he thinks it's what he's supposed to do. Haeinwa'tha goes off on a quest because it's what he's expected to do. Ultimately, their interpretations of their "perceived destinies" is what gets them into trouble.

  Q: If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be “scope.” There’s a lot going on in Seneca 6 and a large cast of characters in motion. Was expanding its figurative universe a conscious decision going in, or did it just sort of develop that way as you went along?

  A: I realized early on that Seneca as a planet is much bigger than one little settlement. Look at Earth. We've got arctic regions, deserts, rain forests and more. Life of all different varieties exists everywhere you look. You can see drastic change just by jumping in your car and driving for a little while. Seneca is a lot more remote than we are, but I have yet to fully explore it in my mind. Who really knows what lies beyond the wasteland?

  That being said I wanted to fully develop the area we're focused on. I wanted to explain exactly who the Beothuk are as a rich and varied people of multiple tribes, much like our own Native Americans.

  I also like the idea of bringing Bob Ford back. In the first book, he's pretty much a patsy for Jem's Gentleman Jim. Something that gets thrown away. I wanted to explore what happens when you throw someone away and they come back.

  Q: In the original Guns of Seneca 6, Jem Clayton was the clear lead character. In Magnificent, it appears as though Seneca 6 itself has become the real star. Talk about what you learned from writing the first book and how that played into your creative process with the sequel.

  A: Each of the characters was already a living, breathing thing by the second book. If you notice, I didn't introduce anybody we've already met. There's no preface. If you're reading Magnificent Guns, I assume you already know whats going on. We just get down to business.

  Q: Speaking of your creative process, is it different for each series that you write? With Whitechapel, you maintained a painstakingly detailed timeline on a whiteboard next to your desk. With Superbia, you were able to draw from your own personal experience on the force. How does Bernard Schaffer prepare for a book rooted almost entirely in fiction?

  A: It's by far the easiest because I can just let fly. The Whitechapel books are difficult because they are constrained by reality. Timelines, vernacular, anachronism, all must be considered. Not always followed, as some of my British reviewers so kindly pointed out, but yes, considered.

  Superbia is more a case of saying, "All right, I know what happened. A whole bunch of other people know what happened. How do I tell the story but tweak it enough to keep it interesting and fictional?"

  For the Guns books, I just need to be in the mood. I included my Guns iPod playlist in the Acknowledgments section to pay homage to the songs that kept my fires going.

  Q: Guns of Seneca 6 was described by many reviewers as a steampunk/western hybrid with elements of science fiction. MGoS6, while still steampunk, appears to have left the sci-fi elements behind in favor of a more traditional Wild West flavor. Did you find that your influences varied a bit between the two books?

  A: It was more of keeping the story consistent with who the people in the story are. The stars of this book don't really have access to too much technology, so it doesn't play that big of a role. And generally, when they do get their hands on some, it goes badly.

  Q: Readers got a taste of the native people of Seneca 6’s culture in the first book, but the Beothuk are at the heart of the story in Mag
nificent. Giving life to that culture, including language, must have been exhausting. How did you go about its creation?

  A: I've spent an ample amount of time with Native Americans. My old partner is a Seminole, and through him I've been exposed to their culture in ways that I could never have imagined.

  Anything you see about the Beothuk in the Guns series begins with what I believe to be true about the American Indian.

  Most of the language in the books derive from Native American words, including the names of the main Natives who are based on real people.

  The seed for the Beothuk involvement with this story began a long time ago with one of my mother's friends.

  It's a common joke among Natives that every white person they meet has a grandmother who was a Cherokee princess. I've seen it happen.

  My mother's friend is kind of daffy, I mean, she's a sweetie and would do anything for you, but you understand what I mean. So, long story short, I was telling her how we'd just gotten back from a powwow and her eyes kind of glazed over. "Those are my people," she said. "All of my life I've felt a special connection to them and have visions of being one of them. I bet if I went to a powwow and TOLD them that, they would take me in as one of their own."

  Yeah. Because the Native Americans have nothing better to do than adopt needy old white ladies, right?

  History has really done a grave disservice to the American Indian. We've turned them into some sort of fairy tale. I suppose that's better than the Scary Red Injun John Wayne preferred, but I'm not so sure all this post-Dances With Wolves casino wealth myth is any better.

  Ask any average American if people are lucky to be Native American. I bet they say yes. I bet they say all Natives got rich off casinos. Meanwhile poverty, unemployment, and substance abuse is running rampant on most reservations.

  Christ, I sound like Marlon Brando. I can't apologize for it though. It's a serious issue.

  Q: Your ability to create rich, entertaining characters is well-documented. Readers always have a hard time identifying their favorites. What about you? Is there a personal favorite for you within MGoS6?

  A: I love Sam Clayton. It's one of those things because I killed him off so early in the first book but he just looms over everything. I'm still not done writing about Sam, though. Or Tom Masters, for that matter.

  The other character I adore is Bug. It's funny but I call them their nicknames in my head. To me, he'll always be Bug, the daredevil child doing tricks on the back of his destrier.

  Q: Since you love to bury hidden references within your books, any hints to the readers as to what area of knowledge they should brush up on in preparation?

  A: I think anyone who knows the history of the Old West is going to love the books. For the people who don't, they are in for a treat because the Western genre is as deep as any other. If someone reads Guns and decides to watch "The Wild Bunch" or go read a Ron Hansen book, I did my job. If they go to a powwow and experience Native culture (without, somehow, managing to tell everyone about their Cherokee princess relative) then it's a win.

  I certainly didn't invent the Western, or the sci-fi Western, or Steampunk Western. I'm just doing my part to carry on the tradition.

  Q: Without spoiling anything for the reader, I will just say that you’ve certainly left enough slack at the end of this book to pick up later. Are you already thinking about a third Seneca 6 book somewhere down the road?

  A: A few people have called Magnificent Guns my Empire Strikes Back. I can promise you two things. One, the Guns of Seneca 6 will return. Two, it won't have any Ewoks or music numbers.

  Q: You’ve got an amazing Superbia series. You’ve got an amazing Seneca 6 series. You’ve got amazing collections of short stories. You’ve talked about your impending return to Whitechapel, but you’ve been unusually quiet as of late about your upcoming plans. So, what’s next for Bernard Schaffer?

  A: I learned earlier this year that I needed to shut my trap about my plans. Nobody cares what you say you will do. It's what you finish and deliver that counts. From here on out, I'm only discussing projects that are definite.

  Each series has its own audience, and my goal is to make every release from now on a major event.

  I feel like my writing is only growing stronger and I want to bring that to Superbia 3 and Whitehapel 2. If you liked what came before, find something to hold onto because I'm not swinging for the fences anymore. I'm trying to put it out of the stadium.

  More Guns of Seneca 6

  The Guns of Seneca 6 novel is available on Kindle and in paperback through Amazon.

  "Old-Time Lawmen" is available on Amazon Kindle for just .99 cents. This short-story prequel reveals the incident between Sheriff Sam Clayton and the man who attacked Anna Willow when she was a child. Get your guns ready!

  Go Deeper!

  The creators of the ApiarySociety Wiki Page work very closely with Bernard Schaffer to catalogue the references to historical figures and facts that he uses in his work. Take a look to see if you caught them all!

  For wallpapers, artwork, video interviews, and more, visit the Guns of Seneca 6 and Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6 webpages on the Books of Bernard Schaffer site.

  Finally, explore the Guns of Seneca 6 Series Inspirations page on Pinterest to see what influences author Bernard Schaffer drew from to create the series.


  I write these acknowledgments all the time, so I feel like I'm starting to repeat myself. My kids are tired of me calling them over and saying, "Look, daddy put your name in his book." But, just the way that people feel compelled to praise Jesus when they win the Super Bowl or a Grammy, I feel compelled to say it. So, let's just get it out of the way. Thanks to all my family and friends who make this possible.

  Laurie Laliberte, my partner in crime, is the editor. She's a rock star in every sense of the word.

  Tony Healey and David Hulegaard have been with me since the beginning and were both particularly supportive of Guns of Seneca 6. They were kind enough to act as first readers and early reviewers on this project and I was happy as hell that they enjoyed it. Tony has already christened the next GOS6 book as "The Guns of Seneca 6 Ride Again." We'll see, Tony. We'll see.

  I wanted to do something a little different this time around on this page, which people might think is fun. If you're the kind of person who reads acknowledgment pages (and I am) then you are probably ready for a change of pace. Here we go.

  Aside from all the other people I cited as inspiration for the first book, which they still were for this book, I wanted to let you in on a little secret. I create playlists on my iPod for each book I write. Not monster ones either, just a few like that would appear on a real soundtrack. I listen to it when I drive, because it keeps me in the mindset of the project I'm working on and helps me think.

  So, without further ado, the Magnificent Guns of Seneca 6 soundtrack.

  1. F the CC, Steve Earle

  2. Rebel Within, Hank Williams III

  3. Raw Power, Iggy and the Stooges

  4. Outlaw Blues, Bob Dylan

  5. The Wolf, Shooter Jennings

  6. Slaves and Bulldozers, Soundgarden

  7. Ace of Spades, Motorhead

  8. Wide Awake (Live), Chris Cornell

  9. L'America, The Doors

  10. Hell or High Water, William Elliot Whitmore

  11. Pocahontas, Johnny Cash

  12. My Apocalypse, Metallica

  13. Jesse James, Bruce Springsteen

  14. Still One Outlaw Left, Confederate Railroad

  15. Angel from Montgomery (Live), John Prine

  16. Lucky Day, Tom Waits

  All those guys kept me in the groove for the duration of this project and if you check out some of the songs by artists on there that you've never heard of, I'd be much obliged.

  About the Author

  As a teenager, Bernard Schaffer starred in Nickelodeon’s “Don’t Just Sit There,” musical productions, television commercials, and a skit on Satu
rday Night Live. He left acting to pursue a career in law enforcement. Since 2000, Schaffer has worked as a patrolman, detective, and narcotics officer in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

  In 2012, he released a series of books titled SUPERBIA about a dysfunctional police department. As a result, he was stripped of his detective rank.

  Schaffer is the founder of the Kindle All-Stars. The project’s first release was an anthology titled RESISTANCE FRONT that starred Harlan Ellison and Alan Dean Foster. All profits from that book are being donated to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.


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