Weathering Storms
Page 11
Not that Anna had been entirely lacking. The second woman, clothed in a white nightgown, was seated on her floor mat at the very end of the room and she was busy writing. So focused, she didn’t hear the soft steps until they were close.
“Eh?” laying down the crude quill, Florence Knighting looked up.
“Aunt Florence!” Beulah couldn’t help it; a smile spilt her face as she sat beside her relative. Their arms snatched at each other and the hugs were ferocious and long.
Finally easing off but not letting go, the older woman snapped “and how did you sneak past all those Jacks to come see me?”
“I convinced Peter to lift your confinement, Auntie. Something has happened and I need you desperately.”
“I heard the alarms, watched the rumpus until Monitor Thaddeus put his rifle in my face and told me to close the shutters. What could happen that your gorbellied feere would let his worst enemy go free?”
“First,” Beulah was still thinking how to say it, “tell me of Anna. For a man who desires a City full of children to raise in God’s Word,”
“His version of it,” Florence interrupted,
“He beat her most viciously. I know you’ve done what you could, here.”
“I’ve had your helpers smuggle herbs and oils, and yes, the damage is terrible. Swollen inside and out. Many cuts too. I’d like to take those thorn-sticks and beat their manhood and balls, then ram it down the hole they pee through! But I digress,” she smiled again at her niece, “I’ve gotten her on her feet, she’s drinking broth from the soups the girls bring. When the lads bring seawater to flush the cesspools, I dip cloths in it and pack her; the cold helps, even though the salt makes her cry. Now… cease stalling! I didn’t train you to be unable, words or actions!”
Sighing, Beulah looked down at her hands and started recounting. She’d barely said two sentences when fingers took her chin and lifted it up, her eyes meeting her Aunt’s.
“That foul man has you enslaved, my dear girl. I do not like seeing your spirit broken like this. Look at me, Beulah, like we always did and will continue to.”
Beulah started again, this time looking at her Aunt and her voice rose to a firm note, her words crisp, diagnosis clear and prognosis as she saw it, poor.
“And you need me why?” there was a slight smile to Florence’s sharp face. “I’ve trained you well enough.”
“But Peter doesn’t know that. I’ve been agonizing for months on how to get you free and this is how.” At Beulah’s words, the woman rose and opened her footlocker. Clothes came out and she began dressing.
“Help Anna dress, dear. We’ll take her with us as our medicinal preparer, and keep talking.”
Beulah started work on the girl, waking her up and helping her move carefully as she went on. “I really am unsure about removing the object from her arm. And Auntie, she is so very frail!” Anna was moving now, helping some to get her dress, stockings and shoes on. “We’ll treat you too, sweetheart,” Beulah patted her cheek. “Your job with me will be to make the herbal mixes as Florence tells you.”
“You too, Beulah,” the Physician corrected. “You are in charge, I am assisting you.” Coming over, the woman held out her hand and Beulah took it, standing. Then Beulah took her Aunt’s other hand.
“There’s more to this, Auntie. I know it goes against your nature but… both our lives are on the line here. If you step out of line, we both will receive the worst punishment there is.” Pausing a moment to let that sink in, Beulah went on. “Please, please Auntie… follow the rules, even if only just barely. Don’t speak to any man above the rank of Soldier, don’t even look at them! We can set up shifts so either you or I are always with the lass, with two other women. But please, Florence… if we are to make it out of here someway, somehow, someday soon, you must swallow your pride and do this.”
Florence just looked at her niece.
“I know I was wrong to fall under Peter’s spell,” tears stood in Beulah’s eyes as she finally said the words aloud. “I know you warned me, you begged me to remember my training, my education and I didn’t… his charisma was overpowering. Even though I knew within a month of our settling here that all was wrong, I thought if I stayed, tried to be Peter’s common sense that he would come around.”
Still the older woman kept quiet and Beulah shut her eyes. Just before Allway had exiled the doctor to the barracks, they had had a falling out with Beulah defending her husband vociferously, despite all the proof otherwise. These words must be said before the women could band together again.
“I’m… sorry I didn’t listen. I did you a terrible wrong and when we argued, I knew then I was wrong. I let myself be sucked into the religious beliefs of woman being less, trying to obey the Scripture… he kept throwing Titus 2, verse 5 at me,”
“To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed,” Florence filled in and she nodded.
“And so many more. It was easier to give in to him than leave with you and the other Discontents. And besides… if I left, what would he and the Monitors do to the other women? But that… I couldn’t say.”
“But I knew.” Florence shook Beulah’s hands gently. “Which is why I stayed with you. Even though we rarely spoke, I did my best to be supportive. And I will again.” The 60ish woman pulled the 40ish woman into her arms and held her while she wept briefly. Then they helped Anna to her feet and went to the Reverend’s house, back to the mysterious woman.
The Monitors, with Allway blocking the door were a gauntlet the women had to pass through. The three didn’t say a word, looked down at the ground but were forced to stop at the door, Beulah in the lead, Anna after her and Florence behind. Not a word was said by any of the men either until Beulah, growing angry, dared to look into her husband’s eyes and show her emotion. But she spoke carefully, something discussed on the way over.
“An’ thou shalt rejoice in every good thing which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee, an’ unto thine house, thou, an’ the Levite, an’ the stranger that is among you, Deuteronomy chapter 26, verse 11. And be thou not forgetful of the Lord Jesus’s Disciple Matthew, who wrote in chapter 25, verse 35 - For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.’ If thou wilt have masterdom of the City, then let the Women of God pass and fulfill the commands of the Great Physician.”
Allway just nodded and Beulah pushed Anna in front of her and went past, but the man stepped in Florence’s path. She wasted no time with her speech.
“And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves?” Here Florence stopped and waited. Behind the overweight, overbearing and over-proud man his wife stood and listened, having already sent Anna up the stairs.
He answered, a bit reluctant. “And he said, He that shewed mercy on him.” Florence stayed silent, so the Reverend finished with the last half of verse 38. “Go, and do thou likewise.”
Florence pushed past but politely and put her hand on Beulah’s back. They went up the stairs and firmly shut the door. “Now to work!” the Physician announced.
They were halfway through the exam when the Men, those set b
y God the Creator over women who caused original sin, tried again. The door opened abruptly and Monitor Hosea led the way in this time. He frowned as the women did not immediately halt the chore and attend to him – them – but instead, whisked covers over the mysterious female and surrounded her, keeping her from sight.
“All but the Physician, the Righteous Lady and one other shalt depart the premises forthwith. There be no reason for such a pack to foment such garboil! Via, vulgar women and allow the Nourish and Medicine tend to the lass!” his tone was derisive, expression evil.
While the women had been working, talk had flown, ideas covering any contingency they could think of.
Beulah dropped the bloody cloth in the pot of cool water, took a dry one and wiped her hands as she approached, then veered to face her husband.
“Most Holy Lord Reverend, we be not in garboil. Those gathered here wilt be as thy Holy Tower Guards are; changing shift with each quarter-day. Being as the Medicine and Nourish shalt be, one t’ th’ other, here with the Eanling, there shalt be need of those whose office be to gi’ help in time of need.” Beulah laid a hand on his, crossed over his chest. “If it be the Deliverer God’s bosom that the lass recure, then m’ lord I cry thee; allow these, both given and ungiven in marriage to follow the Commandments of the Bridegroom; ‘if she have lodged strangers, if she have washed the saints' feet, if she have relieved the afflicted, if she have diligently followed every good work.’ Yes,” she smiled as Allway opened his mouth to correct her, “the first part, raised children I did leave out, for e’en not all those married hath affliction, for did not the Psalmist say, ‘Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed,” Beulah let her eyes water up some.
“Perchance this be the child the Great Provider hath given us,” her whisper was so soft, only Peter could really hear. Then, louder, “I cry thee, Most Holy Lord Reverend, let the assistants hear the word of the Leech that they mayst have the knowledge and wisdom given to rightly care for the Lakin; on th’ morrow we shalt begin shifts as the Tower Guards do.”
“And how long dost thy rate say this shall – facinourous woman! What is this thou be doing? Hast thy confinement made thee horn-mad?” leaping past the men, Allway pushed Sarah out of the way and reached to snatch at Florence’s hands and the lit candle she held. Monitors instantly rushed her as well and Beulah tried to thrust herself between her husband and Aunt, alarmed and confused.
Florence let him seize her wrist and push the candle back, and looked with calm eyes at the wrathful Reverend. Without a word she tipped the candle briefly and a blot of wax fell on the back of his hand. With a gasp Allway let her go. The doctor then pushed off other hands trying to hold her and bent back over her patient.
“Dost thou understand the peat’s condition? Come back, Sarah, I have need of thee.”
“That the stranger be severely injured, yes.”
“Ah, but how? What hath been done to scathe her so?” using the two ended pinching probe, Florence lifted a flap of skin on her patient’s upper back and nodded. Sarah tipped the candle and the blob of wax dripped in, filling the hole. There were several others all over her back, the wax hard now.
“I shall tell thee what betid. The lass was beaten, yes… also the Jacks dids’t drag her across muckle sharp objects, for there is filth in her wounds.” Using the tweezers again, Florence pinched and pulled out a piece of wax, held it out and dropped it in Peter Allway’s hand. He rolled it and saw a black bit in it. “The hot wax doth attach to the filth; when it cools ‘tis easily removed. And three days shalt be needed to be in prayer and constant care, knowing if the wounds be mortal or no.”
“Why three?” Monitor Hosea asked, snarling. He had been so ready to beat the woman then and there, and she had justified herself! It was almost too much to bear.
Allway answered instead, almost preaching. “Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.”
Beulah knew his reasoning was off kilter but went with it. “My lord, thou hast the knowledge. Whilst the lass may not rise up, there will be signs saying ‘rejoice’ or be obsequious. Until then, there must be quiet, tender care and much watching. This woman makes bold to ask thy blessing on us, and beg thee; if thine Monitors injure the Leech, who shall be Physician?”
All the women held their breath now. The appeal was made, they had to wait for the weighing of the request.
“Yea, thou mays’t. Be oft in prayer and meditation, bring what chore that can here. When in attendance, thou are excused from exercise. The note-taker wilt come and expostulate the Word of the Lord to thee after. See’st that all be bending and duteous.” With that, the Reverend strode to the door, opened it and waved out the Monitors. “Shalt make report direct to this Man of God, same as the Tower Guards must.” And he left, banging the door just a bit.
In a flash Grace was at the back window, calling out to any close by. She gave a series of orders and shut the shutters just in time to hear Florence giving way to her rage.
“Coystrils! Exsufficate men! Lewdly, braid, abhorrent swinge-bucklers, may they dig new levels in Hell!” Burying her face in the blanket, the woman roared her rage, then shut it off. After silence reigned for a long minute, Beulah rubbed her back. Grace did as well and by the time the women in the crowded room had all touched her, Florence was in control again.
Just in time for the knock at the door. All motion ceased as Beulah sucked in a breath and opened it a crack. Her breath whooshed in relief and she turned her head.
“Beist the goods we requested. Come ladies,” and things were handed in.
“Eight bolsters for the stranger; bedding of each of God’s most wondrous women,” the teen was pushing it, with a Monitor at the bottom of the stairs watching the 6 doing this chore, “two thick, soft bed-throws from the supply cabin. Food from supper be arriving soon. Benjamin be building a small fire in the sitting room place to warm the bricks. He hath the bedpans too; wilt deliver upon thy call.”
“Thou art blessed,” Beulah said loudly enough for the Monitor to hear. Dropping her voice, she said “Thanks much, lads, and remember, keep your wits about you. Do not fall prey to the preaching, only repeat the words. Something has to happen soon so we can flee.”
“We know,” his nod was barely there, lips twitching a bit. “Just don’t know how much longer… Jeremiah’s not doin’ so good. Says it hurts ta piss and one,” he gestured, “is startin’ ta swell.”
“Tell him hot packs, hot as he can stand several times a day. And to bind up snugly. If a white spot appears, prick it and squeeze gently to drain, then pack immediately. I’ll leave a daub of ointment at the infirmary; he can pick it up when he delivers the firewood.”
“Yes, M’lady,” the boy nodded and the group hurried out.
Outside Allway stood with his Monitors at the tower near the trail. One of the Monitors had mounted the ladder, then carefully used the crossbars bracing the tower to slip to the side where he could see in the window.
“Well?” since the Monitor was silent a long moment, he prodded.
“They be placing linens and bed items aside, Reverend. Now… four women be in the way, doing the same. Ah, they have lifted the stranger and be holding her. Cannot see what the others do but they be laying the lass down. Od’s Bane, the shutters hath been shut.” He clambered back down and dusted off this black jacket and pants, took the hat from another and donned it.
“Thou shalt sit in the guest chair at the foot of the stairs, Japheth, and listen carefully to all that doth occur. There be two scions in the Sitting room, they be quartered until the Righteous Lady doth call for warming pans. Of a surety thou shalt report,” he was cut off by a small boy running up to ten feet from the men and stopping, face down and waiting for acknowledgement. “Yes, young Dierk?”
“Mos’ Holy Lord Rev’rnd, the cooks bade me make advock-shun fer the children… it be past supper an’ th’ familes be waiting for thee an’ thy Monitors to come. There be wailing now, an’ the cooks cannot leave the pots for fear t’will spoil th’ food, a sin in God’s eyes. What shall I message?”
Allway looked at his men who looked back with equal surprise. Forgotten supper? The camp was indeed uproarious for that to happen!
“Reverend, I shall take thy message if that is thy desire…” Monitor Caleb, another young, fresh Monitor stepped forward.
“Tell the congregation to sit, pray briefly and partake. After all have dined, cooks as well, have food brought to all members unable to attend. Tomorrow shalt be of a more normal walk. Much thanks and praise to thee, young man, for thy good works. God hath scribed thy name for a crown in Heaven.” Allway was feeling gracious.
“Many thanks, Mos’ Holy Lord Rev’rnd,” the boy tugged at his hair, bowed and ran after Monitor Caleb.
In the room though stomachs growled from hunger, all thoughts were on the patient – two, technically. While Sesha was being positioned, Florence and Beulah treated Anna’s back and labia wounds, putting her down to sleep at the side.
“This is how?” Grace asked, gesturing. On the bed the pillows had been laid three lengthwise, then three widthwise on top of those, then two widthwise. Sesha was draped over the firm pads, arms up, but at an angle down, as was her head.
“Yes, but roll a baby quilt and place it under her head, her face turned away from the injured arm.” Florence drew in a deep breath. She had missed this for so long…
“Rachel, Hannah, kneel on the back of the bed each one over a leg. Hands will be on a thigh and lower buttock. It is important to keep her still. Leah, on her other side. Though her arm is bound to her, hold her shoulder down, her elbow firmly. Sarah, her head. Ruth, hold her wrist below the bracelet and just above, pull firmly downwards. Beulah… let us do what we are best at.”