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Feeding Fersia

Page 3

by L. S. O'Dea

  Charlie ran back to the closet and returned with an armful of bandages. McBrid grabbed one, swallowing back bile as he wrapped his hand. He staggered toward his chair but his knees crumpled under him. Charlie and Louis grabbed his arms, one on each side, helping him to his feet and over to the chair.

  “Get him some water,” said Louis.

  Charlie snatched the coffee mug off McBrid’s desk and ran to the sink. He was back a moment later.

  “Thank you.” He grabbed the cup, water sloshing out and onto his desk and papers, but he didn’t care. He took a drink, the cool wetness helping to clear his head. “Thank you both.”

  “Are you going to be okay?” asked Louis.


  “What?” Louis’ eyes darted to his brother. “What about Charlie?”

  He took a deep, shaky breath. “He’s fine but stay out of trouble.”

  “Thank you.” Charlie steadied himself against the desk.

  “Yes, thank you and he will,” stammered Louis. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t cause anymore problems.” For the first time that evening, there was color in the Guard’s face.

  “I-I think you two should report to me for a while.” He didn’t trust Conguise not to punish the young Guard.

  “Yeah. Okay.” Louis looked at his brother, once again unsure.

  “Good. Let’s start right now.”

  “Now?” Charlie squeaked, glancing at Aranea18.

  “Yes.” He needed her venom. He preferred to do it alone but if he didn’t do it tonight, someone would surely be here to assist him tomorrow. Conguise never waited for the accounting of creatures or parts of creatures. There’d been too many disappearances in the past. Now, everything was weighed, measured, counted and locked down. Once that happened, there was no way for him to get a sample for his own studies. He stood, bracing against the desk until the room steadied. “I need to extract her poison.”

  “What?” asked Charlie and Louis at the same time.

  He walked to the cabinet and grabbed a pair of gloves—what he should’ve done earlier. He tried to slide one over his injured hand, but there was no way that was going to happen, not tonight. He tossed two pairs to the Guards. “Put these on and follow me.”

  He moved over to the carcass. “Charlie, hold her up.”


  “Yes.” He wasn’t in the mood to argue. “She’s dead. Hold her up.”

  The Guard trembled but did as commanded.

  McBrid grabbed two vials from a drawer. He handed one to Charlie and held the other one under her fang. “Charlie, we need to catch the venom.”

  The Guard placed the other container below her other fang.

  “Louis, grab her jaw and pump it.”

  “What?” The large Guard took a step back.

  “We need to extract the venom. Stroke her jaw.”

  “Okay.” Louis sounded unsure but he moved to the table. “Like this?” He pressed his two against her jaw like a vise but nothing came out.

  “Try massaging it. Rub it back and forth.”

  The Guard adjusted his technique and the poison dripped from her fangs. It had a sweet odor almost like fruit but with a hint of spice—cinnamon, maybe. It smelled good but tasting it would be deadly. Still, if he could keep that odor it may help him administer it one day.

  After a few minutes the steady dripping slowed and then stopped. He screwed on a lid and put the container aside. Charlie did the same. He’d remove some later—when he was alone.

  “Now, I need to dissect her.” His arm trembled as he started to slice into Aranea18. With his hurt hand, he’d do more damage than good and the Guards wouldn’t know where or how to cut properly. He put down the knife. “Actually, this can wait for tomorrow.”

  Louis sighed in relief and Charlie let Aranea18 slide back onto the table. McBrid started to lift her but Louis brushed his hands away.

  “What do you want me to do with her?” asked the Guard.

  “Put her in the cage.” She was dead but he’d feel better knowing she was locked up.

  All eyes were on Louis as he carried the carcass to the cage. McBrid grabbed one of the containers of venom and slipped it into his pocket as the Guard placed Aranea18 down and then locked the door.

  “Let’s get some sleep.” He waited at the door for the brothers to leave and locked his office. “No need to say a word to anyone about anything that happened tonight.”

  “Got it,” said Louis.

  Charlie nodded.

  “Good. Report to my office tomorrow morning. You can assist with the dissection.”

  Their faces paled but they nodded.

  “It’s not fun, but it’s also not dangerous.”

  “That’s true.” Some of the tension left Louis’ eyes.

  “I guess.” Charlie still wasn’t happy about the task.

  He wanted to chuckle at the young Guard but being that transparent was dangerous, especially around here.

  He left the lab and headed home. He’d sleep, eat and go through Ableson’s notes again. Even though he didn’t believe that these creations could be controlled they may retain some of the characteristics of the host. Ableson’s River-Man had, if the other scientist’s notes were to be believed, and there’d been no reason for Ableson to lie in his personal papers. It may not work, but it was worth a try. All he had to do was determine what kind of Servant would be a perfect host for Aranea19.

  CHAPTER 6: Fersia

  “FERSIA, HURRY UP.” JOCKO waved her toward the library.

  “Are you sure we won’t get caught?” Fersia glanced around. She wasn’t supposed to go into the library. She was a kitchen Servant and that meant she stayed in the kitchen, dining room or her quarters. The rest of Professor Conguise’s house was off limits.

  “Live a little.” Jocko took her hand. “Conguise is in the lab. Viola isn’t due home from college for a few days.” He tugged, pulling her close against his lean frame. “No one will find out.”

  “Barney will.” She had a healthy fear of the old Servant. He saw everything.

  “Nah. He’s busy supervising the cleaning before the big dinner party next week.” He leaned down until his lips were only inches from hers. “Come on. I want to show you something.” His shy smile lit up his handsome face and made his grayish-green eyes sparkle.

  “Okay, but we have to be quick.” She’d do anything to make him happy. She wasn’t the kind of female who attracted males like him. She was quiet and tiny, even for a Servant. Her hair was brown—a rich mahogany her mother said, but it looked plain brown to her—and her eyes were green but not a pretty green. They were more mossy and dark. She’d been wary when Jocko first started flirting with her, but he’d kept it up, day after day, week after week and her wariness had turned into gratitude. Most males overlooked her but Jocko saw through her physical appearance to the real her.

  She followed him into the library and he shut the door behind them.

  “So many books.” Her mouth dropped open, as her eyes roamed the room.

  “I knew you’d like it.” He strolled along the perimeter, skimming his hand across the spines.

  “It’d take me years to read them all.” She had no idea where she’d even start.

  “Nah.” He walked over to her. “It’d take me years, but you...You’re so smart. You’d have them done in a few months.”

  She blushed. He knew her well. She loved to read.

  “You’re special, Fersia.” He stepped closer. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  She tipped her head, waiting for his kiss. She was fifteen. It was time for her to find a mate. Her mother disagreed and unfortunately so did the professor. Conguise’s Servants and Guards weren’t allowed to have offspring.

  His mouth came down on hers and she leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He was such a good kisser. She could do this forever but his hands were wandering to places they shouldn’t.

  “Stop.” She grabbed his wrist.

“Please, Fersia. I love you.”

  Her grip loosened a little. He loved her. There was nothing wrong with what they were doing. His lips trailed down her neck and his hands started unbuttoning her pants.

  “Jocko, no. We can’t.”

  He took a deep breath and kissed her again. “We can. It’s natural to do this if we’re in love. I love you. Don’t you love me?”

  “I do love you.” She kissed him. “I do. I swear.”

  “Then why?” His eyes were pleading. “I need you. Let me show you how much I love you.”

  She wanted to agree. She wanted him to be her mate but... “I can’t have offspring. Conguise will take us both to the shelter.” That would kill her mother but she didn’t say that because Jocko and her mom did not get along.

  “You won’t. I swear.”

  “You can’t promise that.” She stepped away from him. She wasn’t an idiot.

  “But I can.” The look she gave him must’ve made it clear that she wasn’t buying that lie because he added, “Mostly. There are things we can use to keep you from getting pregnant.”

  “You have those things?” She’d heard about them from some of the other young, female Servants here.

  “I do.” He smiled and pulled a small, square wrapped item from his pocket.

  “Can I see it?” She moved closer. “I’ve never seen one before.”

  Now, he grinned. “Absolutely, but I’m only opening it if I’m going to use it.”

  Her eyes met his. She wasn’t sure she was ready to do this.

  “I love you.” He kissed her. “Please say yes. Please.”

  She wanted to. She wanted him. “Ah..okay.”

  “What are you doing in here?” The door opened and Barney glided into the room.

  She jumped and Jocko stumbled backward.

  “Nothing.” Jocko stuffed his hand and the package into his pocket.

  Barney’s intelligent, green eyes stared Jocko down until the young Servant squirmed and looked away.

  “I was showing her the books. She likes books,” mumbled Jocko.

  “I don’t know how she could see them with you kissing her.”

  Jocko flushed and Fersia wanted to hide. Barney would tell her mother. The two of them were friends.

  “This isn’t the first time I’ve caught you...showing a young, female Servant the books.” Barney’s gaze went to her as if in warning.

  If he meant to surprise her it didn’t work. Jocko had a reputation but he loved her. If he only wanted a female to mate with he could have a lot of the Servants who worked here but he’d been flirting with her and spending time with her for weeks. She was special.

  “Ah...” Jocko glanced at her and she gave him a small smile.

  Barney frowned, noticing their exchange. “This violation of the rules will need to be taken to Professor Conguise.”

  “No, please. You can’t.” Jocko’s eyes darted to the door.

  Barney stepped to the side, blocking the escape. “I’ve given you numerous warnings.” He closed the door. “And yet, you still bring in female after female like this is your private mating hut.” His eyes once again landed on her.

  This time she squirmed a little. It didn’t matter how many females Jocko had brought here before her. He loved her and she refused to believe otherwise, but if Barney reported this both she and Jocko would be taken to the shelter. That meant almost certain death. “We won’t do it again. I swear, Barney. I won’t come back in here. Please, let us go. Please.”

  Barney’s face softened a bit and his green eyes warmed. “I want more than your promise, because he will come back here if not with you than with someone else.”

  “No, I won’t. I promise.” Jocko’s voice was shaky.

  Barney ignored him. “I’ll let you both leave but only if you agree to stop seeing him.”

  She gasped. She couldn’t do that. She wouldn’t do that. She loved him.

  “It’s okay, Fersia. It’s the only way you can stay safe.” Jocko walked over to her and took her hand. “I’d die if anything happened to you.” He gave her a quick wink with the eye that Barney couldn’t see.

  “Oh...okay. I guess.” She wasn’t a very good liar.

  Jocko stepped away from her, his eyes downcast as if he’d never been so sad in his life.

  “Do you promise me and your mother that you’ll stay away from this young male?” Barney’s voice was stern.

  She hated lying to him. He was the closest thing to a father she’d ever known but she loved Jocko. Her hands shook and she didn’t have to force the tears to her eyes. “Yes. I’ll stay away from him.”

  “Very well.” Barney opened the door and stepped aside. “You may both resume your duties.”

  They hurried past Barney, but he grabbed Jocko’s arm and they both stopped.

  “The next time you come in here, I will report it.” Barney’s gaze went to her. “No matter who is with you.”

  CHAPTER 7: Fersia

  FERSIA TURNED TO DUST the shelves in the dining room and her hand froze in midair. Barney, the traitor, must’ve tattled about the library because Mom was storming across the room straight toward her. She hurried for the side door.

  “I told you to stay away from that male,” whispered Mom as she grabbed Fersia by the arm.

  “We weren’t doing anything.” She tried to pull free but Mom’s grip was tight and she didn’t want to cause a scene. Servants lurked everywhere and they were notorious gossips.

  “Hush and come along.” Mom tugged her out of the room and down the hallway.

  She hated living here. They weren’t allowed to speak in the main house. They were always to be quiet, unnoticed. They cleaned and cooked for the Almightys but in the shadows as if all the work was done by magic.

  As soon as they were in the stark Servants’ hallway, her mom turned on her.

  “You are not to go near that young male again. Do you hear me?”

  “Mom, he’s nice.” She hated fighting with her mother. “If only you’d get to know him.”

  “I know him well enough. Everyone knows what he’s like. Ask any of the dozen or so young females he’s taken to the library to see the books.” Mom rolled her eyes. “You’re smarter than that, Fersia.”

  “It’s different. He loves me.”

  “Please tell me you haven’t mated with him.” Mom glanced around nervously.

  She should let her mom believe whatever she wanted, but there was true fear and worry on her mother’s face. “No. We haven’t mated.” But she would as soon as they were alone again. She loved him.

  “Good.” Mom almost sighed with relief. “I don’t know what we’d do if you got pregnant.”

  “I won’t get pregnant.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Jocko would protect her from that.

  “Yes, you will.” Mom grabbed her shoulders, fingers digging into her flesh. “Young, female House Servants get pregnant all the time and the males go on their merry way. Jocko doesn’t love you. He loves himself and as soon as you give him what he wants, he’ll move on to the next foolish, young female.”

  “Just because that’s what Dad did to you doesn’t mean it’ll happen to me.” She held her breath, trying to ignore the hurt in her mother’s eyes. She wouldn’t end up like her mother. She wouldn’t.

  CHAPTER 8: Fersia

  FERSIA CREPT OUT OF bed and across the room, careful not to wake her mother. She slipped on her jacket and grabbed her shoes, stuffing them into her pocket. She opened the window and moved onto the ledge. It was thin but barefoot she wouldn’t have any problems. She closed the window and moved along the side of the house. Her feet protested at the cold brick, but a little discomfort wouldn’t keep her away from Jocko.

  The day after Barney had caught them in the library, one of Jocko’s friends had slipped her a note. They’d been meeting in the woods at midnight ever since. Last night, Jocko had said that he couldn’t get free tonight but she’d seen him leave the house. He’d probably tried to send her
a note, but her mom had been with her the entire evening. He was going to be so surprised when she arrived.

  She raced across the ledge, slowing at the first window. She peered inside—another room of Servants. They were all sleeping. She hurried past and down to the corner where the large tree waited as if guarding the house. She cautiously passed Viola’s two windows. It’d been easier when the professor’s daughter was at school but Fersia wasn’t going to let the young Almighty’s presence stop her from seeing Jocko. As soon as she passed the last window, she hurried to the tree and leapt to the nearest branch, quickly moving into the sparse foliage. She glanced at the house to ensure everything was quiet before she hurried down the tree, exposing her claws to help with traction. The earth was as cold as the brick, so she slipped on her shoes before racing toward the woods.

  The night was beautiful—full moon, crisp and cold. She loved the freedom and the space. She wanted to yell, scream her happiness but the Guards patrolled outside and if they caught her, she’d be in big trouble. Guards and Almightys ruined everything. She darted into the brush and saw his shadow. He spun around and she jumped into his arms.

  “Fersia, what are you doing here?” He pulled her arms from around his neck.

  “I saw you leave the house.” She grabbed his hand and kissed it. “I’m glad you were able to get free tonight.”

  “Ah...You shouldn’t have come. It’s too dangerous for you with Viola home.”

  “Nah.” She pressed against him. “She reads a lot and doesn’t pay any attention to her windows.” She giggled. “Thankfully, Conguise doesn’t let her keep a Guard or Servant in her room.”

  “It’s still too dangerous. You should go back.” He disentangled himself from her grasp.


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