Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 25

by Max Jager

  "Any metal is ground up, sorted, and saved as scrap, everything else is returned to the soil along with added nutrients, grass, and tree seeds. There is a very controlled regeneration process that takes place as this thing moves along. We plan to start with the lesser contaminated areas first, while this is going on, teams of androids will be dismantling the larger pieces of wreckage and salvaging anything useful."

  By this time, their food was starting to arrive so the meeting took a temporary break. Looking at his food, Matt though.

  "Well it certainly smells good, looks good, well, here we go!" He was pleasantly surprised when the food met and exceeded his expectations. Smiling, he looked to see how Kaitlyn and Bria were reacting. Bria seemed indifferent, as she chowed down; Kaitlyn wasn't making faces or gagging, so he assumed she was enjoying her selection. As he dug in, he was rewarded with a meat that was just like turkey, not a Butterball mind you but nicely textured breast meat. The ronol tasted exactly like asparagus although the stalks were about the thickness of pencils. The zaca tasted of sweet carrots, and the yama was warm and fresh.

  "So do you need to transmit any personal authorization to Deev Mocon, or Xandrus," asked Airron, "You know we can arrange for a private and coded message if you like."

  "No," replied the android, "that shouldn't be necessary, but I do want to have a look at Ussen Ommo as well as the purposed timetable. I want to be able to tell the council this is what will actually be required, we will need this many people to actually come here. Accommodations will have to be established. Tell me Drok, will your people have any objections to having a number of androids living near them?" The Gri'Foda thought a moment then shook his head.

  "Not that I can think of, my people will realize that they are there to help them. Now I could think of a few humanoid races they would easily object to, but androids…No."

  "Excellent," replied Gandric, "Then I guess all we need to do is head for your planet and look it over." They spent the rest of the meal going over the smaller details with Airron promising to alert Deev Mocon, and Zeb Kifire at Fort Kamata of the plan so they can contact your council, and get things moving on their end."

  As the meal was winding down and everyone fully relaxed, Drok asked Matt and Kaitlyn where they were from.

  "A galaxy far far away, our home world is called earth although I've heard it called Terra," said Matt. Drok shook his head,

  "Sorry, never heard of it.

  "Few have," injected Kaitlyn. Drok then asked Bria several question about her world becoming quite interested when she brought up the subject of Doradian metal working.

  "That is a specialty of my people as well, remarked Drok, "Metal to fashion blades and specialty hand tools is certainly not in short supply." Matt immediately thought of a very appropriate verse.

  "And they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. Neither shall they learn war anymore. Isaiah 2:3."

  Kaitlyn and Bria just stared at him with puzzled looks,

  "What made you think of that?" asked Kaitlyn Matt shrugged,

  "I don't know, I really don't, read it somewhere I guess." Drok quietly said,

  "I can't think of anything better to describe our situation than that Matt, in fact, I would like to copy that."

  "Well you're certainly welcome," replied Matt.

  "Is that something from your planet?" Asked Airron,

  "It's a passage from our bible," replied Matt.

  Since they were planning on leaving early, Amber decided that it was probably best to return to the ship. Drok promised to arrive early with his gear; Matt wondered how the big guy was going to enjoy the trip cramped up in the Nora-Lee.

  Drok certainly kept his word, banging on the door. Matt looked at his watch and groaned,

  "Christ! We've only been asleep for four hours, well he did say early." Amber dropped the ramp allowing Drok to trundle aboard; he carried the equivalent of three army duffle bags over his shoulders and asked where he could bunk.

  "I'm sorry," replied Amber, "We're just a little cramped but let's see what we can do here." She and Gandric spread several shipping pads over which they spread a large sheet that wasn't cloth, but was soft and flexible like a blanket. Drok carried the equivalent of a sleeping bag which he then laid out over the pallet.

  "This will do fine" he proclaimed, "I've slept in worse places than this." It didn't take long for Kaitlyn and Bria to teach him how to play poker, and before long they had a serious game going.

  At one point during the trip, the subject of steel came up, with everyone comparing blades. Drok carried a short sword hat looked something like a short machete that was not only a work of art, but was razor sharp.

  "My father made it for me," said Drok, "Nothing fancy, just your standard utility knife, I carry it just to give people an idea of the quality of our crafters."

  Even Bria thought it was as good as or perhaps even better than anything made of Doradus. After two cycles, they arrived over Ussen Ommo, Drok directed Amber as to the flight path she should take so they could get a good look at the planet.

  Chapter 32

  Titan Stand Chapter 32

  Ussen Ommo seemed to have a haze over the entire planet, they traveled at what Matt guessed was around twenty thousand feet so as to get a good view of things, what Matt and the others saw simply made them gasp.

  Matt thought they could have been flying over the Sahara or some vast desert. Amber monitored the scanner which indicated "hot spots" of contamination. They were high enough not to have to worry, but they wouldn't be able to land in those areas.

  There were no trees, no structures of any kind, absolute total wasteland. Eventually they began to arrive over very rocky terrain but still no vegetation of any kind, just stark brutal rock. Then they began to spot the remains of extremely large structures scattered on the ground some of them partially covered with sand or soil.

  All that wreckage you see down there," explained Drok, "Are all that's left of incredible fighting machines. Most of them are contaminated by whatever powered them. Shortly we will travel over an area you simply won't believe."

  Both Matt and Bria were commenting on the fact that they weren't seeing any trees, or vegetation of any kind,

  "I don't know who these people were," he whispered to Bria, "But they sure fucked this planet up." Both Bria and Kaitlyn were equally upset by what they were seeing,

  "This is unreal," replied Bria, "We dwarves have had our little "spats" with our neighbors in the past, but we didn't literally erase every trace of vegetation. "

  "I think it was the weapons they were using, chemical or nuc's, or some sort of radioactive contamination like that." Bria acted puzzled by his comments but said nothing.

  Soon they began to over fly places Matt and his friends thought were ruined cities.

  "Aren't those ruined cities?" Asked Matt, pointing to the massive wreckage appearing on the scanner.

  "No," replied Drok, shaking his head.

  "Those are the remains of war machines, they are just so thick on the ground they resemble ruined cities."

  They continued to pass over areas so thick with debris and wreckage Matt doubted anyone could even walk there. In fact, he began to use the special eyepiece on his headset to study the scanner images much closer. All he could do was shudder as he observed scenes that made the pictures of Berlin, Hiroshima, and Stalingrad look like nothing.

  As he became more familiar with the eyepiece, he focused it on areas especially thick with wreckage. Finally he could begin to see evidence of structures, and destroyed buildings. He also discovered that if he concentrated on looking at something, the image he was seeing became 3D.

  "Those are the places most contaminated," pointed out Drok, we can continue to view the destruction if you like, but it's rather pointless, the "green" area is not that far away, come, let's go there."

  All readily agreed, Matt flipped up the eyepiece, and replied

  I'm so sorry Drok, my own planet are experts at war as well, but even we haven't done anything as bad as this."

  "There's nothing to be sorry about," replied Drok, "We will retain the worst areas, if only for those who wish to see what war can lead to. The cleansing of Ussen Ommo will take many yarns; we will slowly expand out from the "green" area skirting the worst areas. We will recover, you will see."

  Drok directed Amber towards the only place on the planet that contained any vegetation, and where the only settlement existed.

  "That is Shongvac, the capitol, and only settlement on Ussen Ommo," announced Drok, as they approached a large area that looked to be nestled in a large box canyon, there also appeared to be a small lake at one end, the canyon walls rising up around it. Matt expected to see a collection of rude huts and shacks, but instead saw structures built of brick and stone, there were also structures that looked to be built up along the canyon walls. Drok indicated to Amber that she should land in a cleared area near the open end of the canyon as that was the planet's "official" landing port.

  "That must be my new office and communications tower, over on the edge of the landing area," said Drok, "Airron told me they were constructing one." Matt looked at a small building with what appeared to be a steel spire next to it sitting between the landing area and the mouth of the canyon.

  "Is this where you and Greg landed before?" Asked Kaitlyn.

  "No," she replied I think it was on the other side of the planet."

  As they landed, Matt kept an inconspicuous eye on the radiation indicator, but it stayed in the "no danger" level. When they exited the craft it seemed to be in the high 70's to Matt but with a very slight breeze.

  "Well at least it's not some damn desert anyway." Bria pointed to the "welcoming" committee that was coming their way, Drok stepped to the front of the group and raised his hand palm out. At this signal, the local's began to walk faster, and even began to cheer. As they got closer, Matt could see that all appeared to be wearing everyday type clothing, pants and shirts but nothing colorful. He chuckled to himself as he imagined them as a bunch of bikers, or wrestlers, but definitely people not to fuck with. There were several women and even a scattering of children, all looking like "bust-ass" bruisers. The women were actually not bad looking, but still looked like Amazons or women wrestlers. "So this is what constitutes the survivors of the war," he thought.

  The people formed a large circle around the group as Drok introduced them and told everyone he was glad to be back.

  Then a large man stepped forward reaching out to grip Drok's outstretched hand. Matt assumed he must be Drok's father, and judging by their grip he guessed they could crush coal in their locked hands and make diamonds.

  "Welcome home Drok it has been too long, we received word that you have been named as a representative of the Loridian Trading Company, and I see you brought friends."

  "Yes I did father," replied Drok. "This is Gandric; the purifiers are to be built on his planet, with some of his people coming here to dismantle the scrap. They are all androids that will be able to work in contaminated areas. This is Amber, Gandric's friend and our pilot. Bria is the daughter of the king of Doradus; they too are experts at metal working. Finally we have two young people from a distant world called earth. Everyone, this is my father Blaagis." They all shook hands with him, but trying to grip his massive paw was practically impossible.

  "Where's mother?" Asked Drok,

  She and your brother are out hunting, they should be returning soon, come let's get your things and return home. Come everybody, we have much to talk about."

  Not knowing exactly what the situation would be, Matt, Kaitlyn and Bria returned to the ship and grabbed their flight bags, then followed the procession as it headed back into the canyon. As they walked, all three took the opportunity to study their surroundings. The red rock canyon reminded Matt of places in his home state; Kaitlyn even thought the place reminded her of the "Garden of the Gods," near Colorado Springs. Although the rest of the planet was bereft of plant life it certainly wasn't lacking here. Getting a closer look at the homes, Matt could see pride, it was obvious they didn't have much else, but judging from the neatness, and orderliness these Gri'Foda certainly had pride in themselves, always a good sign. The brick and stone had obviously come from nearby but he also noticed something else. Where there would normally be wooden trim around the house back on earth, there was metal. The roofs were of painted metal sheeting, and various trim was metal. It gave the homes somewhat of a commercial look, but he guessed that wood was in such short supply here metal was substituted, probably scavenged from all the wreckage no doubt.

  Matt also noticed that all the homes were somewhat larger than he was used to seeing, especially the doors, they too looked to be metal. Drok's father led them to a modest looking place along a dirt, but well groomed street nestled between two other houses with the rear facing one wall of the canyon. Stopping at the front door, Blaagis held his hand up, and announced to the crowd behind them.

  "We will be at the party shortly; I wish to speak with my son, as well as his guests first." Everybody cheered their approval, dispersing back to their homes. Entering the home, Matt took careful note of the furnishings, and interior. The walls appeared to be plastered and painted bright colors with various designs and symbols all over them. The furniture all seemed to be made of wood.

  However, he noticed what looked like a small table, and a couple chairs were made of metal, and looked like they were salvaged from a spacecraft, or possibly some sort of vehicle. Blaagis indicated that everyone should sit while he admired his son for a moment.

  "Shongvak is throwing a party in your honor," announced Blaagis, but it will begin a little later, right now I wish to know more of this plan of yours to restore Ussen Ommo." Drok grinned, and leaned back in his chair,

  "Well nothing will happen until those purifiers are built, and transported here I don't know if any of Gandric's people will arrive here first, that won't be up to me. Like we told you father, the purifiers will hopefully be built on Xandrus, Gandric's home world, but all this has to be arranged with the council that runs his planet. All that, will be handled at their end by Deev Mocon, and Zeb Kifire the Loridian representatives on Fort Kamata, which oversees that part of the Golian Empire."

  "Well how long will this take?" Asked Drok's father,

  "Actually not that long," injected Gandric.

  "The purifiers will be assembled in space; however the decks and various components such as the engines, crew area, the bridge, factory areas will be constructed on the ground according to standard prints. Believe me sir; this is the sort of thing my people specialize in. According to Airron Deegom back on Grieshah Gra, the project has a high priority so I would guess around six to seven months. Those purifiers are spacecraft in their own right so it's just a matter of flying them here."

  "He's right," added Drok, don't worry. Gandric is here to get an idea of the challenges awaiting the machines, as well as the androids that will come to dismantle the wreckage.

  Blaagis frowned, then replied,

  "I worry Drok, I worry that something will go wrong and we will be forgotten again." Drok shook his head in disagreement, while his father spoke to the others.

  "I don't know how much Drok has told you about Ussen Ommo, but we find ourselves in a situation here. The planet is contaminated from the effects of a long ago war, if you have flown over the surface, you have no doubt seen the vast destruction…It is a heritage we want no part of, it is a ghost we wish to be rid of."

  Matt took a chance, and spoke up.

  "Sir, we did fly over your planet, I saw with my own eyes the incredible destruction yet still find what I saw hard to believe. So you wish to be completely rid of all traces, as well as any reminders of your past?" Blaagis nodded his head.

  "Yes. I don't know how many yarns I have to live, but it is my only wish to remain alive long enough to see every trace of wreckage and destruction totally w
iped from this accursed world. These purifier machines will scrub the land pushing back the contaminated areas then the scavengers can come and rid us of all those ghastly reminders moldering out there in the dead lands." Matt was quite surprised at his response and attitude towards Ussen Ommo's past, tragic history or not.

  Drok and Gandric patiently explained to Blaagis more details of the plan everybody was hoping would save the planet. Matt was puzzled by all this interest in scrap metal but asking Drok, he was told.

  "If all this was just about simple scrap metal, I certainly wouldn't be here, nor would there be any talk about salvaging. All that wreckage we flew over is loaded with certain metals that cost a fortune to produce from ore. And not only that, all that wreckage contains electronics. Naturally, all of it is obsolete, but again, all of it contains rare metals, and derivatives highly sought after. This is what will pay for the purifiers to restore the health of the soil and the land."


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