Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 26

by Max Jager

  "I take it there are places that contain wreckage that are not contaminated," asked Matt.

  "Oh yes," replied Blaagis, over the yarns, we have dragged teggons of scrap across the dead lands using it in our homes, that table and those chairs are all part of it. We excel in metalworking fabricating all manor of things from the scrap."

  Matt then asked,

  "What prevents hordes of scavengers from coming here and just helping themselves?"

  "A number of yarns ago, we entered into an agreement with the Loridian Trading Company," explained Drok. In exchange for protection they get a percentage on scrap recovery. Until recently, things just dragged along, but after taking a scholarship to Dy Meda University I felt the only way to speed things up as it were was to become part of the organization and become directly involved with the rejuvenation of my planet. I also suspect that the demand for rare metals and electronic scrap is driving this effort as well, but that's all right, everyone benefits from this."

  Drok's father then lowered his voice,

  "There is another reason why no one attempts to plunder us…Over the yarns; we often come across spacecraft just sitting out near wreckage sites. There is no one around, the ships are empty, yet everything is as though they just stepped out and intend to return. Since we do not know haw to fly these craft, they are still out there, we scavenge what we need some of these craft have carried land vehicles some which you will see later on."

  "So you've got people disappearing without a trace out there?" Asked Bria.

  "We will never know how many." Gandric then asked,

  "I wasn't aware of this fact, this concerns me, what about the people who will be coming from Xandrus." Drok grinned,

  "But aren't all your people androids?"

  "Yes, but what difference will that make?" Questioned Gandric.

  "Whatever is out there will have absolutely no effect on androids. I don't know why, but believe me you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

  Well I certainly hope you are right," replied Gandric, "I'm responsible for their welfare.

  Chapter 33

  Titan Stand Chapter 33

  At this point, Drok's mother and brother entered. Dropping what appeared to be a cross bow, she cried out with joy as she reached her arms around Drok and hugged him as hard as she could. Matt thought she looked like an Amazon that was aging gracefully. No flab, she too looked as though she could bust his head with one whack. Drok's brother was standing nearby holding a rather fancy looking cross bow, not much different than the ones he'd seen at the sporting goods store in Cortez. He would have to get a closer look at these weapons the first chance he got. Drok's brother was giving everyone concerned looks, he seemed glad his older brother was home, but who were these other people?"

  To Matt, he was every bit as muscular as Drok just a little shorter; finally, Blaagis was able to call for order, as he introduced everyone there. Drok's mother was named Chasi, while his brother was called Udel. Both were giving Amber and Gandric strange looks like they might kill them at any moment. Drok noticed this asking his mother what was wrong.

  "Nothing…Nothing is wrong, it's just that I have never seen mechanical people before." This caused Blaagis to give him a puzzled look, but then he immediately dismissed her comments. Matt and Kaitlyn then drew her attention

  "And what do we have here?"

  "You have Matt Grainger and Kaitlyn Parkinson; we're from the planet earth."

  "Planet earth eh?" Said Chasi, "Are you full grown or still children?"

  Matt didn't care for her attitude, what the hell was her problem?"

  "We're teenagers!" Injected Kaitlyn, "We're here with Amber and Gandric over there. Not liking where the conversation seemed to be heading, Matt asked.

  "Those are some cool crossbows, did you make them?"

  "Are you familiar with these weapons?" Asked Drok's mother.

  "Sure," he replied, they've been around on earth for at least a thousand years. The modern ones are made with better materials, more metal and composite materials, but basically the same weapon created a long time ago."

  "Have you ever fired one?" Asked Udel.

  "Uhh no, although they still make them, they are primarily used for hunting, I prefer a gun."

  "A gun?" Asked Chasi, "What is that?" Matt thought that he'd mentioned something that maybe he shouldn't have. Looking around at Amber, Gandric and even Drok, he received no indication one way or another.

  "Well it's just a weapon we use to hunt with," said Matt, rather hastily.

  Drok's mother had already moved on to talking about the fact that she hadn't planned on cooking supper because of the party honoring Drok.

  "There will be plenty of food; I shot a barbong this morning, so Udel and I were down at the square getting it ready to roast for this evening. A barbong, as Matt and the others were to learn was similar to a feral hog. Matt described a Shadox, but from the description, a barbong was somewhat larger, quicker afoot, and vicious when cornered. They roamed in packs like feral hogs, or the Shadox, and were fond of rooting up the local halx crop.

  Matt thought it best that he not say any more about his AR, or even his shotgun, maybe these people would take a shine to the novelty of firearms, and try to wangle him out of his.

  "Well the party should be getting under way about now," announced Chasi, "Let's be off." As the group slowly headed for the village square Matt noticed that Udel and Bria had struck up a conversation, with he telling jokes, and she laughing at them. Matt and Kaitlyn more or less headed up the rear, taking time to carefully observe the village, as well as the canyon it was tucked into. As before he noticed the homes were neat and well kept, a feature he found hard to square with these "Incredible hulks" and their Amazon wives, but here was the proof so what could he say?

  As they neared the square, they could hear the sound of drums beating; Matt didn't pay much attention at first, caught up in the crowds of people spilling out into the street looking for a good time. The closer they got, the drums became more pronounced, in fact Matt began to notice that it had a really rocking beat. He wasn't the only one either, Kaitlyn started to rock to the beat as well. There was also the sound of a clarinet, or something that sounded like one. The crowd was dancing and clapping, and from the looks of things doing a lot of drinking as well. The drummers were knocking out an irresistible beat; Matt called out to Kaitlyn,

  "Hey Kaitlyn, let's dance!" A big smile appeared on her face as the two of them just let the music take over. Matt found it strange a culture like this would have music like this, but then a lot of things about these people wasn't making much sense. Right now, it was time to dance and just have a good time. Kaitlyn seemed to be having a good time as well really getting into her dance. Others were now hopping and jumping around, but unlike Matt and Kaitlyn who were dancing, but not physically touching each other the other dancers were. People were grabbing their partners and tossing them around and even picking them up.

  The music seemed to have a hypnotic effect on everybody but by now Matt and Kaitlyn were having to concentrate more on avoiding the other dancers who were now quite exuberant and bumping into each other. Matt was forced to grab Kaitlyn and pull her out of the way from a couple lost in themselves that would have rolled right over her.

  The dance had now taken on an ominous and edgy tone; both teens moved off to the side watching the whole thing become something short of a controlled street brawl. They didn't seem to be in any danger, so Matt looked around for his hosts but they weren't readily visible. Hungry and thirsty, they sought out the barbong roast where the Gri'Foda equivalent of beer was also being served. Matt then spotted Drok and his dad, but they were laughing and talking with a group of other men. Someone shoved a plate piled with steaming meat and something that looked like diced red potatoes, along with a large mug of beer. Kaitlyn was equally equipped, so they sought out a large flat rock where they could sit, and observe the festivities at a safe distance.

  Both Matt and
Kaitlyn remarked at how good the food tasted,

  "I don't know about you," said Kaitlyn, "But this is some damn good barbeque. The meat's not greasy, just a bit dry but that's all right, I hate most pork barbeque."

  "Same here," replied Matt, "These halax taste just like red potatoes, pretty good sauce on 'em as well." As they were eating, Matt asked,

  "Is there anything about this planet that seems strange to you?" She looked around and shrugged.

  "Other than that drum music being a little out-of-place for people like these, not really…Why?"

  "I don't know, this whole place just doesn't seem…Right, Amazon's and Incredible Hulks, only they aren't green, but red, and all looking like they would pound the crap out of you at the slightest provocation."

  "Oh you're just being silly," replied Kaitlyn. "Look, there's Bria and what's his name…Udel, they look like they are having a good time." Matt sighed,

  "You know, you're a pretty good dancer, Kaitlyn giggled,

  "Well you're not so bad yourself, but then I suppose you went to all the school dances." He snorted,

  "You think? Actually Liam, Nathan and I always went by ourselves hoping to pick someone up, but we always just stood around looking stupid."

  "Well all I know," replied Kaitlyn, "Is that you were really getting down out there." Matt just chuckled.

  He finished eating then began to sip on his beer,

  "You know this isn't half bad beer, I wonder if they make it here?"

  "Well why wouldn't they?" Replied Kaitlyn.

  "Cause you need stuff like barley, hops, brewers yeast, I didn't notice a whole lot of farm fields."

  "Aw who cares," replied Kaitlyn, "All I know is that this stuff is pretty good, and nobody's "carding" me, fuck it, I wanna get drunk!" After they had finished their first mugs, both teens were still able to walk, and find their way over to the outdoor bar where one of the "hulks" was filling mugs. After they had both gotten "topped off," Matt suggested a bench under a weird looking tree where they would be out of the sun, but could be seen by their friends.

  The next thing Matt remembered was waking up. Looking around, he realized that he was still sitting on the bench but Kaitlyn wasn't around, neither was anyone else. The sky was filled with stars, along with two planets roughly the size of the moon. Thinking it was probably a good idea to head back to the ship he tried to get up but simply couldn't. Thinking that Kaitlyn or Bria had somehow glued his pants to the bench he tried even harder, but only managed to fall down.

  Thinking to himself,

  "Now what the hell am I going to do, shit! I can't get up!" Lying on his side trying to build up enough "steam" to make another try, something caught his eye.

  Looking towards the street he caught the sight of three "Hulks" standing there looking around. He started to call out but at the last moment changed his mind as something about them didn't look right.

  Suddenly a cold chill went down his back as he realized that he was seeing ghosts.

  The three appeared to be dressed as soldiers with some sort of dull looking armor, and all carrying extremely large weapons. Two of them wore helmets that resembled Roman helmets minus the crests on the tops. They were talking to themselves and pointing but he couldn't understand them. Finally they threw their weapons over their massive shoulders and headed off in the direction of the small lake farther up the canyon. He lay there for a moment wondering just what the hell was going on.

  When Matt awoke again, he was in his bunk clothes and all. Looking around his eyes focused on Gandric performing one of his inspections on an electrical system junction module.

  "Gandric, who brought me back here? Gandric turned to him and replied,

  "I did, Amber carried Kaitlyn, the party was ending when we found you and Kaitlyn passed out under a tree. Drok was afraid that Clandian beer was a bit too strong for you two.

  "Wait a minute!" Exclaimed Matt, "You said that the party was ending when you brought us back here, when was that?"

  "Around dusk, the sun was just starting to disappear on the horizon."

  "Something's wrong here?" Thought Matt, "I remember waking up and it was well after dark, plus there wasn't anyone around except…" Another cold chill went down his spine

  "Fuck!" He whispered to himself.

  "Where is everyone?" He asked Gandric,

  "Well your friend Kaitlyn is right over there in her bunk, although it doesn't appear that she's awake yet. Bria is off with that Udel fellow, I'm just finishing up here but then I'll be joining Drok and Amber over at his office. Later we're scheduled to take a trip out into the wasteland, Drok and his father want to show us something."

  Matt slowly eased himself out of his bunk and made right for the ships head with the feeling that he was going to be sick. After five minutes of waiting, the feeling began to pass. Popping a couple aspirin, he thought he'd try and meet the day. Kaitlyn was just climbing out of her bunk as well, and like Matt, she had to make a fast trip to the bathroom with the same results.

  "I thought for sure I was going to toss," said Matt, but I waited for a few minutes and the feeling passed…Weird!"

  "Same here," replied Kaitlyn, but that was some really good beer."

  "It sure was," he replied. "Say Kaitlyn, do you remember when they brought us back here, Gandric told me it was just before it got dark, do you remember?"

  "Whew!" She exclaimed, "I was three sheets to the wind, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't dark yet, Bria told me these people don't like to be out much after dark."

  Matt nodded in agreement, and muttered,

  "And I know why."

  "What did you say?"

  "Nothing, never mind," replied Matt. "Say where is Bria anyway?" Kaitlyn snickered, "I think she spent the night with Udel." Matt belched, then replied,

  "No comment."

  "Now you leave her alone!" Snapped Kaitlyn, "I like her a lot, if she wants to have a good time it's none of our business."

  "Whatever." Gandric approached them and announced,

  "I'm finished with my inspection let's go join Drok and Amber over at his office.

  As they walked over to the new office Matt kept staring out towards the vast openness of the dead lands. The sun was starting to get hot, and the wind seemed to be picking up. Just then a strange looking vehicle went skating by; both he and Kaitlyn did double takes as they followed what looked like a sailboat on wheels.

  "The fuck!" Gasped Matt.

  "The Gri'Foda call them "wind wagons," explained Gandric, "That's how they travel around the wastes."

  "Way cool!" Exclaimed Kaitlyn, "I hope we get to ride in one." Both watched as the wagon disappeared into the distance. As they approached Drok's new office, Matt noticed that it had a sort of temporary look about it, he hoped that it wasn't a reflection on Drok or this planet; hopefully, it was the way all of them were built.

  The office was very bright with a futuristic look to it. The building was constructed in a sort of "I" shape, A large office on one end, with a counter area in the center with another office on the other end. Instead of an office, the room looked to be a conference room holding a rectangular table and chairs. Part of the room also contained communication equipment which Drok and Amber were discussing. Drok turned to the two teens and dryly commented,

  "It would seem that Clandian beer has rather deleterious effects on you two." Kaitlyn uttered a nervous laugh,

  "Well it was good beer, what can we say?"

  "Well you can say maybe next time I'll go a little easy on my drinking."

  Chapter 34

  Titan Stand Chapter 34

  Drok and Amber had been talking to Airron back on Grieshah Gra, and now that Gandric was here, he was pulled into the conversation as well. Since they were discussing matters that didn't really concern Matt or Kaitlyn, the two teens drifted back outside only to see Udel and Bria roll up in a small two seat wind wagon. As Matt studied it, he thought it looked a lot like ones he'd seen people running around the California desert on TV.
Both Bria and Udel were sitting in the rear of the thing in what appeared to be a cockpit. He had his hands on a steering wheel, as well as a lever that controlled the sail. Bria wore a big smile on her face looking like she was having fun.

  "Whatcha got there Udel?" Inquired Matt. Wearing a smug look, Udel just grinned,

  "It's a wind wag, we use them all the time to travel the wastes. My father will be along very shortly with a much larger one that all of you can ride in. Make sure you bring all your gear, you will be out overnight." Matt carefully looked the machine over, noticing that it looked to be built from salvaged materials. Basically it was a rectangular metal frame which held a sort of sheet metal tub with two seats inside with a steering wheel and lever to control the large square sail. The wheels were also metal with thick spokes, and a cleated rubber-like tread wrapped each wheel. When asked what kept the nose of the wagon from flipping up, Udel pointed out two heavy weights bolted to the front of the frame. Matt also noticed that despite being made from scrap, the vehicle seemed to be quite well made, someone had spent a lot of time on it.


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