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Titan Stand

Page 33

by Max Jager

  Slavek was amazed at how fast Matt got the hang of things, knocking out three out of six on his first try. Slavek let him practice in "novice" mode for a couple hours before kicking things up a couple "notches" to "normal" which really started to heat things up. Matt then began to notice that he was becoming totally immersed in the action, the fighters attacking them were real…As real as they could be, every bit of his attention was focused on destroying the attackers, it was the most intense gaming action he had ever experienced. Then suddenly, a ship appeared much larger, and unlike the fighters he destroyed it as well. All of a sudden a sharp pain in his head immediately snapped him out of his concentration.

  "Congratulations Matt, you just destroyed a Malhazar private yacht, those people will hunt you to the ends of the universe, too bad We were just starting to like you," came Slavek's voice over the intercom.

  "Oh FUCK!" Gasped Matt, "Did I really? It was right in with all those fighters, oh god! What do I do now?"

  "Well nothing really," snickered Slavek, "I threw that in there to bring you back to reality, Tiag has been watching your heart and brain data, we were starting to loose you Matt." He took off the helmet, and got down out of the gunners basket and headed up to the bridge where two concerned faces stared at him.

  "You were about ready to "loose it," stated Tiag, "And Slavek had the training program set to the lowest setting."

  "I…I don't know," stammered Matt, "it was all so real, Christ, I was fighting for my life back there." Tiag looked at her brother who grimaced.

  "That training program is completely virtual," commented Slavek, but it's quite possible it's too intense for human brains." Matt shook his head, it was real man, I felt it, I was actually killing those bastards!"

  "Well you were certainly doing that," commented Tiag, "The highest score for a first time trainee in that gunnery program is around 65, you got a 78, very good Matt, however we're just going to have to monitor you a bit closer."

  "We might have to shorten the training sessions," added Slavek, "maybe just train once or twice in a cycle."

  "You know," said Matt, "Back on my planet, their just starting to introduce that virtual technology, you wear goggles, and I think something on your head as well."

  "Well I certainly hope they take proper precautions," said Slavek, "But it looks as though our technology is a little on the strong side for you."

  During Tiag's sleep cycle, Matt sat in the co-pilot's seat and monitored various instruments.

  "For such advanced technology I'm surprised these instruments aren't automatically monitored," remarked Matt. Slavek reached up and flipped a switch,

  "They are now," he commented, "Manual setting gives you something to do, the flight isn't so boring."

  "Got any tunes we can listen to?"

  "What?" Asked Slavek,

  "Music.' Slavek reached over and touched a small screen on his right,

  "What do you like?" he asked Matt.

  "At Neb's they were playing something called "Semuta." Slavek gave him a strange look.

  "Semuta? Only androids and Malhazars like that jaholb, if they were playing it at Neb's it must have been as a request from someone tossing a lot of credits around. Here, listen to this; it's what all us young people on Ruddoria listen to."

  The music vaguely resembled the drum music he and Kaitlyn had danced to, but what he was hearing had a more polished quality to it sounding a lot like 1950's beat music. Matt soon found himself tapping his toe, and slapping the armrest to the beat.

  "Eh you like that?" Said Slavek, "Maybe you might like this as well, it's called "Yaka-Dreeg," everybody on Ruddoria listens to it."

  The music had almost a distinctive Middle Eastern flavor to it but the singer was really what grabbed his attention. He had no idea what she was singing, but it "haunted" him, right away he knew that from now on, whenever he was to think of his alien experiences, this music would be its soundtrack.

  "That's Jezang Trag, that's singing," said Slavek. "Tiag and I were very fortunate in getting to meet her last yarn, she practically invented that form of music, but when your father is the foreign minister naturally you get to meet a lot of famous people."

  "What's that other kind of music you played?" He asked Slavek.

  "It's called "Chanka" but there are a number of variations to it, I happen to like this particular style."

  "Sounds a lot like the drum music we heard on Ussen Ommo," replied Matt.

  Slavek gave him a puzzled look,

  "That's right; you did tell me you were on that planet, didn't you?"

  "Just a minute," said Matt, "I want to show you something." With that, he got up out of his seat, and went back to a locker where he kept his gear, and pulled out the "souvenirs," he'd collected, and returned to his seat. Laying out his "trinkets" for Slavek to inspect, he described how he came by them. The Ruddorian examined them.

  "I might know a place where you can get any possible image data from that camera pulled up, but these tags…I'll have to think about that. As for the batteries, that's an easy one as well, there's any number of business's that manufacture them, it's just a matter of matching the right one." Matt and Slavek then began a discussion over Ussen Ommo, with the Ruddorian now eager to visit the place.

  Matt engaged in two more short practice sessions on the gun turret before Slavek "pulled the plug," lest the teen become too emotionally involved, but his score began to slowly rise, concerning the two Ruddorians over what the experience could be doing to the earth boy.

  "Human brains seem to have a problem sorting fact from fiction, reality from virtual reality,' said Tiag, Slavek or I can run that training program and never once think that what we're seeing is anything other than simply a training program. In a way I suppose it's a good thing you think you're experience is real as it better focus's your mind on the task at hand, but there is a dangerous trap there as well, and we'll have to watch for that."

  Arriving at Fort Kamata, Slavek went to see about fueling procedures, while Matt and Tiag went to see Deev Mocon. The "fort" was still as busy as Matt remembered it so he was able to direct Tiag to the Loridian trading office. Suddenly he heard "Matt!" it was Bria just down a connecting passage way waving her hand. Rushing up to him he noticed her giving Tiag a thorough "going over." Stepping out of the flow of traffic, Matt made the introductions.

  "Tiag, this is Bria Valsung, from the planet Doradus, Bria, this is Tiag Slykhor from Ruddoria, her brother Slavek is getting our ship re-fueled. Are your bags nearby?" He then watched as Tiag smiled, and made a gesture with both her hands, suddenly Bria's expression changed, and she returned the gesture prompting Tiag to bow her head. The whole thing happened very quickly, and neither offered any explanation. Thinking it was some secret greeting he wasn't supposed to know about Matt let it pass.

  "We were on our way to the Loridian office," explained Matt,

  "So was I," replied Bria, "I just got a call from Mr. Mocon telling me something's wrong on Denedra, and to get down here."

  "I hope it's not Kaitlyn!" he exclaimed. Together, they hurried on to the Loridian director's office.

  Deev Mocon was waiting for them, a concerned look on his face. Looking straight at Matt, he stated,

  "Zeb just sent me word from Denedra that you friend Kaitlyn has been taken by someone named Kiggham Stenuck who apparently is some sort of warlord hiding up in the mountains."

  "Is he asking for ransom or what?" Gasped Matt. Deev started to speak,

  "I…" Suddenly Zeb's face appeared on Mocon's computer screen.

  "Matt! Is that you?

  "Yeah Mr. Kifire," he replied, "What's going on? A grim looking Golian sighed, then said.

  "Earlier today, your friend…Kaitlyn, was taken by persons unknown, although the queen's security people inform me that they were members of a group of outlaws hiding up in the Witchfire Mountains. A ransom note has been received stating that the female will be released unharmed if the boy known as Matt Grainger turns over a certain w
eapon, otherwise he will never see her again."

  "So is the queen doing anything about it?" Growled Matt. Suddenly Queen Breca stepped in front of the camera.

  "WE…Dear Matt are doing all we can, but Kiggham has an army of spies, it's very hard to make any move against him without him knowing about it. Fortunately, we know where his hide-out is, unfortunately, it's extremely difficult to reach it without being spotted. I am here on our new transport ship with Mr. Kifire, who assures me our communications are secure, and that Stenuck won't be able to find out what we are planning."

  "Well that's something I suppose," said Matt, "I'm sorry your highness, for my behavior, I had no call."

  "Your apology is noted young sir."

  "So he wants my rifle in exchange for Kaitlyn's life, how do I know he can be trusted?"

  "Well it might be hard for someone like you coming from another planet to understand, but while Kiggham calls himself a warlord he has honor. Basically, we don't bother him, and up until now, he doesn't bother us. He generally claims certain areas of the Witchfires, demanding tolls and bribes from those who travel through those areas."

  "A regular "Robin Hood," mumbled Matt. Slavek suddenly entered the office stopping in his tracks when he saw the looks on everyone's faces.

  "Who is this?" Asked Deev. Matt then made hasty introductions all around, and gave the Ruddorian a quick run-down on the current situation.

  The queen was still on the screen, so stepping in front of it he bowed, introduced himself, as well as his sister and made with the arcane hand gestures again. Queen Breca then replied,

  "Master Slykhor, it is a pleasure to meet you, is by any chance your mother's name Chani?" Both Ruddorians eyes lit up.

  "Why yes it is."

  "I met her a long time ago when we were just young girls, but I digress."

  "Your highness," said Slavek, "Would you permit me a moment while I speak to Matt and Mr. Mocon?"

  "Why yes, I will wait."

  Turning to both of them Slavek said,

  "Let my sister and I become a part of this, my father is quite the diplomat as well as an excellent negotiator, I like to think a lot of it has rubbed off on me, and in fact it is what I intend to make my life's work." Deev looked at Matt who thought a moment, then shrugged,

  "Why not, I certainly wouldn't know what to say, all I know is that he's not getting that rifle, there must be another way to get Kaitlyn out of there." Deev then looked at Matt, asking,

  "Just out of curiosity, how would you do it Matt?" He looked at the Loridian rep, then at Slavek.

  "Well since this Stenuck guy would see us coming, I'd fly up into those mountains cloaked. I'll bet with all those sensors, and scanners you've got Slavek, we could find his hideout easy enough, even if it's in a cave, there would still be activity outside from people watching for someone coming his way. I'd set down right out in front and threaten to blow his whole fucking mountain up if he didn't produce Kaitlyn."

  "Why that's insane!" Gasped Mocon.

  "Actually I like the idea," replied Slavek, "However I think I might be able to come up with some refinements that won't seem so threatening to this Stenuck fellow."

  Chapter 42

  Titan Stand Chapter 42

  "We have a special department within our security agency that deals with this sort of thing," said Deev Mocon, but they are located back on Golia, but I can send a request for their services."

  "No," replied Matt, it would take too long. If that asshole want's my rifle, I'll give it to him but it might not be in a way he likes. I am banking on the fact that he doesn't understand its true capabilities. Look, we're just wasting time here, let's get going." They had to wait for Bria to get her gear form the hostelry and meet them at the ship. While they waited, Matt asked Slavek about what he had in mind.

  "Well I like the part about coming at this fellow with superior firepower, however I'm pretty skilled at negotiating , and quite honestly Matt, I was hoping I would get a chance somewhere along the way to practice my skill."

  "Look!" Replied Matt, there is a girl's life involved here. If I have to, I'll kill this guy and anyone who gets in my way. For now though, we'll try it your way, if we come in all cloaked up and appear right in front of him maybe we can bargain from a position of strength."

  "I had something like that in mind as well," replied Slavek, "But I really want to talk with this Stenuck fellow, but between now and the time we get there, you're going to tell me all about this weapon of yours."

  Matt brought out his AR, took it apart, demonstrated how it worked, along with describing to Slavek the ammunition, and how it fired.

  "Interesting," observed the Ruddorian. "So you say these bullets have quite an extensive range?'

  Yeah," replied the teen. "They are also quite powerful, I was afraid they might go through the hull when I was shooting at those raiders.

  "Well I doubt these bullets as you call them would penetrate a ship's hull. However they might damage controls as well as life support equipment," observed Slavek.

  "Why do you think Kiggham would want this, has he ever seen it operate?"

  "Not to my knowledge," replied, however when I was on Denedra, I had occasion to kill several wild animals they call shadox. They look like barbongs which are found on Ussen Ommo but they run around like dogs." Both Tiag and Slavek looked puzzled until she brought up an image of a barbong on the computer.

  "Yeah," exclaimed Matt, "Something like that. Anyway I impressed the locals killing as many as I did, apparently they had never seen guns like mine before. It's possible that Stenuck heard about it and thinks the only way is to hold Kaitlyn for ransom."

  Then Bria spoke up.

  "There are certain bands of "nomads" on Doradus as well. They like to hole up in the mountains too, but it's mostly because they shun civilization for some reason. For anyone venturing into their "area's," they will charge a toll, however some of the more imaginative ones will offer their services as a guide and will keep some of the more dangerous animals from bothering you. They will steal from travelers now and then, but most people heading up into the mountains already know what to expect so they're prepared to play the "lurker's" games."

  "Is that what you call them?" Asked Slavek. Bria nodded, "Because they're fond of lurking near critical bridges and narrow passes waiting for the "toll."

  "Has your father ever done anything about them?" Asked Slavek, Bria shook her head.

  "Oh once in awhile he'll send a few of the constabulary up to talk to them, especially if they have stolen from somebody, but like I said, it's a sort of "live and let live," situation. In some ways they do more harm than good, so we generally leave them alone which is all they really want anyway."

  "Well perhaps this Stenuck character is the same way," speculated Tiag.

  "We can only hope," replied her brother, "In any case I want to do a full reconnaissance before we decide what to do."

  "Are you going to see the queen first?" Asked Matt.

  "I've been thinking about that," replied Slavek, and as much as it would be proper protocol I'm afraid word of our arrival would gat back to Kiggham. If we set down right in his "front yard" completely by surprise, he won't have had time to formulate any plans.

  I'm also betting on the fact that he has no doubt ever seen a starship, especially one landing totally unseen right on his doorstep, might just be the edge we need."

  "Well let me give this some more thought," said Slavek, "It would appear that we are dealing with a very non-technical people who are possibly viewing this rifle of your's as some sort of "magical" weapon."

  "Could be," replied Matt, "They claim to have a lot of magic on that planet, and I'll be the first to admit that I've seen things I can't explain."

  "Don't discount the magic," added Bria, "I'm willing to bet that we on Doradus have just as much magic as they do on Denedra, we're all Tuatha Dè Danann, just different "tribes." Slavek looked at his sister,

  "Something tells me that we are
going to have to spend some length of time on Denedra and Doradus. Bria, we would be very honored to meet your parents." Bria's face lit up,

  "Well I'm sure they would enjoy meeting you as well."

  During the flight, both Ruddorians dug up everything they could find about Denedra, as well as anything Matt and Bria could add.

  "I really hate not stopping to see the queen first," lamented Slavek, "But I'm afraid our only edge will be the element of surprise."

  As they approached the planet, Slavek made contact with Zeb Kifire explaining the situation they were in and the fact that they were heading straight for Stenuck's suspected stronghold.


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