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Titan Stand

Page 39

by Max Jager

  "Yeah dad, see you then…"



  "I love you son."

  "Love you too dad, we'll talk later."

  He disconnected, and stared at the phone for a moment, then sighed. Kaitlyn was talking to Tansy and Bria so didn't hear the conversation, something was wrong, why were they asking about Kaitlyn, he decided not to say anything.

  "So how's everything at home?" She asked, he merely shrugged, and replied,

  "As you might expect, worried, want to know where I am, hopefully dad will bring his mayor buddy, I also told him to call Liam and get as many kids from school to show up as well." Kaitlyn guffawed,

  "Inviting you're old girlfriend?" He nodded,

  "Yeah, basically out of spite, but I doubt she'll come, and if she does, bitch will probably piss her pants when she sees our friends here." Kaitlyn laughed, as he studied her, wondering why his dad asked him about not knowing something about her being with him.

  Slavek then set a course to return to Ireland taking up another orbit, while everyone got a couple hours of sleep. Matt was sleeping when he felt someone poking him.

  "Let's go laddie, shake a leg!' It was Fergus staring him in the face as he opened his eyes.

  "Well aren't you a lovely sight to wake to," muttered Matt.

  "Careful boyo," came the terse reply, "I can still turn you into a goat."

  Matt patted him on the shoulder,

  "No offense there little guy, you know you're my best bud." Fergus continued to glare at him,

  "Sometimes I'm not so sure about that."

  Rather than actually landing, Slavek hovered the ship lowering the ramp to a foot or two above the ground.

  "Be careful," he warned Matt and Kaitlyn, "Contact me as soon as you get to the site and measure it, just hit the blue button it will record the total circumference and let you know if there is going to be enough room, then activate the green button and it will transmit all the data to me."

  "Will do," replied Matt. Holding Fergus, both he and Kaitlyn then jumped to the ground and quickly got out of the way as the spacecraft quickly rose in the air.

  It was starting to get light as Matt and Kaitlyn looked around,

  "You know we're in a world of shit if we get stopped, or someone get's too curious about who we are and what we're doing here. No passports, and basically no identification," mused Matt.

  "Oh well!" Replied Kaitlyn, c'mon, let's get going." They kept a slow pace so Fergus could keep up, which he seemed to do rather well.

  "How's the magicka level?" Asked Kaitlyn,

  "A bit stronger than at that first place we went, if it doesn't increase by the time we reach this glen, we've got a serious problem on our hands lass." They stopped to rest and share some water when two hikers suddenly appeared, a young couple who didn't see Fergus at first. The woman's mouth dropped when she saw him sitting on a downed tree next to Matt and Kaitlyn.

  All she could do was breathlessly point to him.

  "What's the matter?" Called out Matt, "This is Ireland never seen a leprechaun before? Both of them looked at he and Kaitlyn then at Fergus who was obviously not trying to hide himself with saucer like eyes. Then as quickly as they had arrived, they disappeared up the trail. Kaitlyn asked Fergus,

  "So why didn't you disappear?" Fergus chuckled,

  "Just being mischievous I suppose, but as you said, this is Ereland, people expect to see the likes of me."

  "It's pronounced "Ireland," said Matt,

  "I'm aware of that boyo," replied the Leprechaun, "However "Ereland" is the name of a province in Ae L´war, the original home world to the Tuatha Dé Danann." Matt looked down at Fergus wondering what else he knew that he wasn't telling anyone.

  Eventually they came to the wide area in the trail with Matt shaking his head.

  "I don't know," he mused aloud, "Doesn't look wide enough to me." Using the device as instructed, he was surprised to find that there was just enough room but it would be extremely tight. Transmitting the data to Slavek who contacted him on his comm device.

  "I'm looking at the data you sent me, it will be tight, but I incorporated a small safety zone so we should be good."

  "Well we'll head on to the little field and wait," replied Matt, I'll also get a reading on the exact distance from this site to the open area."

  "Excellent," came the reply. They continued walking as Matt took a careful reading of the exact distance measuring slightly over two hundred yards; he was impressed with the accuracy of the ship's scanner in being able to read that close.

  As they neared the glen Fergus suddenly stopped and began to look around.

  "What's the matter?" Asked Matt, spreading his arms and slowly turning, he announced.

  "The magicka is very strong here, this is the place, they are here." Both Matt and Kaitlyn looked around as if someone was watching them.

  Both took several photos then Kaitlyn suggested they get off the trail and head for the tiny clearing just ahead.

  As they began to move up the trail a group of hikers came up on them, Fergus immediately disappeared as one of the men in the group trying to start a conversation.

  "Isn't this such a beautiful place?" he exclaimed.

  "Yeah, it certainly is," replied Matt,

  "Ahh you're a Yank aren't you? Matt nodded.

  "So what do you think of our lovely Island?"

  "It's great," he replied. Not wishing to talk anymore he simply replied,

  "If you will excuse us." The other hikers continued up the trail as Kaitlyn and Matt moved into the small clearing.

  "Boy," said Kaitlyn, "This place is beautiful I was in a place not much different from this on Denedra, those scanner images simply don't do it justice."

  "They are gone now," announced Matt, at which time Fergus made himself visible again.

  "Whew! That was a close one boyo," he exclaimed, "Those folks were on us before I knew it."

  "Well let's find a place down there the trees and bushes will hide us from people coming back down," suggested Matt. They noticed a number of rocks placed somewhat evenly around the perimeter of the clearing with Kaitlyn observing,

  "This id definitely a fairy circle, no doubt about it." While Matt and Fergus sat down on a fallen tree, Kaitlyn found herself a large rock just down from them. Matt brought out several snacks and water he shared with her then sat down to have something to eat.

  "I believe I have a beer in there," said Fergus looking up at Matt.

  "What do you mean?" he replied, "There's no beer in here." Fergus just smiled and said,

  "If you don't mind laddy I'd like to look for meself."

  Matt shrugged, then passed his backpack over to the little man. Reaching in he pulled out a frosty mug of beer, and proceeded to take a long drink.

  "What the fuck! How'd that get in there?" Fergus just laughed,

  "Well I was planning on sharing it with you but if you're going to act that way…"

  Matt immediately apologized whereupon Fergus handed him the mug allowing him to take a moderate sip of beer.

  "Damn that's good!" he replied, Fergus I've got to hand it to you; you certainly know all the essentials." Just then he heard Kaitlyn announce in a very low and quiet voice.

  "Matt, Fergus?"


  "Theerrre heeerrre!"

  Chapter 49

  Titan Stand Chapter 49

  "What's she talking about?" Asked Fergus, Matt didn't respond, but turned to Kaitlyn, who was partially obscured by a Hawthorne tree.

  "What's the matter Kaitlyn?" He called out. She didn't reply for a moment then slowly replied,

  "Umm there's a little man standing here just staring at me."

  "Is he a leprechaun?" Asked Matt,

  "I don't think so; he's a lot smaller than that.' Matt turned to Fergus with a questioning look in his face. Fergus shook his head, then called to Kaitlyn.

  "Don't move lass, I'm coming to investigate just stay calm." Slowly he got up
and carefully started to walk towards Kaitlyn. Shortly Matt heard voices talking, but couldn't make out what they were saying. Then Fergus called to him,

  "Carefully step this way boyo, make no sudden moves."

  As his vision became unblocked by the tree, Matt saw Kaitlyn sitting on a rock with Fergus standing in front of her; both were looking at something close to the ground. As he got closer, he could see it was a little man dressed in brown a little less than a foot tall. When the little man saw Matt approaching, she started to move, but Fergus said something that caused him to stop.

  "I think that's far enough boyo," announced Fergus, "Our friend here isn't sure about you." He immediately stopped and remained motionless as Fergus spoke.

  "He says his name is Fennel Eastwick, and he is a Gnome, but honestly I don't know what they are."

  "Ask him if he can speak English, or Irish, the local language!" asked Matt.

  Fergus spoke to him for a few moments, then said,

  "Apparently not, he only speaks the language of the Aos si´ and he says we're early."

  "Ask him if I can come over there and sit down," added Matt. Fergus spoke to the little man who must have agreed, because Fergus announced.

  "Come ahead boyo."

  He slowly approached and sat next to Kaitlyn on her rock, keeping his hands in front of him. Fergus spoke at length to the Gnome who suddenly disappeared.

  "Quick! Everyone get down intruders are approaching," said Fergus. They lay down behind the rock as the two groups of hikers they had met earlier stepped into the clearing and began to move their way. Matt wondered how he was going to explain hiding from them, but suddenly they stopped and started looking around. Then suddenly they quickly exited the clearing and practically ran down the trail. Everyone stayed where they were for a little longer, then stood up.

  "I think our friends frightened them off," stated Fergus. "So what did you find out?" Asked Kaitlyn.

  "Well I certainly hope Tansy has better success conversing with them," sighed Fergus, "They seem to speak the same base language, but the dialect, as well as numerous words have changed. I was only able to make our roughly every other word. I informed our little friend that a very large machine would be landing later this night further down the path and that there was one aboard who wished to perform a ceremony."

  Matt then used his comm unit to call Slavek and inform him of the situation.

  "Most excellent," he replied. Matt then asked to speak to Tansy.

  "Yes, what is it?" She asked.

  "Well you've no doubt heard that we've made contact. However the individual we encountered calls himself a Gnome, ever hear of them?"

  There was a short period of silence, then Tansy replied.

  'I'm…I'm not sure. The old tomes speak of all the known races, fairies' elves, dwarves, pixies, centaur's even Succubi but they are very difficult to read, I'll admit that perhaps I misread something, or maybe text dealing with them is missing entirely. If so, I stand corrected."

  "Well Fergus says they speak the old language but with a different dialect, he's hoping you can speak it."

  "Well it would seem that we have a challenge ahead of us," replied Tansy, "We will be landing shortly before midnight so make yourselves comfortable."

  "Will do," he replied. "Well you heard the lady," he announced, "we've got a few hours ahead of us, maybe we'd better move a little further back, I don't know if this place has rangers who come around looking for people but I'd hate to get caught right now."

  They moved down the hill a little more to a small area with large flat rocks where Matt laid back to take a nap. It seemed like he had only closed his eyes when Fergus said,

  "Laddy, don't make any sudden moves but gently open your eyes," doing as he was told, he focused on a small figure standing on the rock barely inches from his face, only it was a female.

  "Well hello miss," he quietly said,

  "Hello to you too," came the reply, but with an Irish lilt to it.

  "I thought you people only spoke the old language," he added.

  "We do, but we also speak the native tongue, how would we know what you humans were up to if we didn't"

  "I suppose you're right," he said. Then calling out, he exclaimed,

  "Kaitlyn, Fergus, did you know there's a female gnome standing here talking to me…In English?"

  "We do," replied Kaitlyn,

  "As a matter of fact," added Fergus, "There are several others as well along with a fairy who is conversing with the lass."

  "I thought you told me they could only speak the old language?"

  "Err my mistake boyo," added Fergus.

  Matt remained where he was, turning his eyes back to the gnome who asked,

  "Where are you from I don't recognize your accent."

  "The united States, along with Kaitlyn over there, Colorado to be exact."

  "Ha! I thought you were a yank, what are you two doing with the lepreehun?"

  "Huh? I thought you people knew all about us and where we were from. There's a fairy and a dwarf still aboard our spacecraft who are here to perform a ceremony joining the three worlds, what's the matter with you?"

  "Nothing," replied the gnome, "By the way, my name is Sunflower Rockside, what's yours?"

  "Matt Grainger, that's Kaitlyn Parkinson, and well, you have already met Fergus. So you haven't told my why you don't know why we're here."

  "Ahh we don't talk to the fairies all that much, dwarves, sometimes, but they are always wanting us to do things for them so we tend to avoid them."

  "So tell me," said Matt, are there elves here?"

  "Not to our knowledge."

  "How about centaurs or pixies?" Sunflower let out a tiny sigh,

  "I don't even know what centaurs are, as for pixies, they died out a very long time ago."

  "Well I know there have to be leprechaun's here, after all, this IS Ireland."

  "Well they are around, but tend to keep to themselves, sorry to disappoint you."

  "Oh that's OK. Frankly, I'm surprised there's any fairy folk at all on this planet, much less this country."

  "It surprises all of us," she replied, "life is a real struggle for us wee folk."

  He noticed the sky darkening as dusk came upon them. Sitting up, he noticed an unusual glow to the area they were located in, revealing a couple other gnomes talking with Fergus, as well as a gnome and a fairy fluttering next to Kaitlyn; it was a very surreal setting.

  "Are there more like you scattered around the country," he asked.

  "Other than the lepreehun I'm not sure," replied Sunflower, "We hear rumors from time to time, but in case you haven't noticed, Ereland is a rather large country for wee folk like us, mighty hard to get around, not to mention all the dangers."

  It had become truly dark out now with Fergus suggesting they return to the open area to wait for the others. As he started to get up Sunflower suddenly jumped on his left shoulder, the weight felt like a small cat but she announced,

  "Do you mind?"

  "No, not at all, I'll be careful,"

  "See that you do."

  They moved closer to where the trail came in finding a couple logs to sit on. The fairy light as Sunflower called it cast a gentle glow over the area reminding him of a backyard party. Before long, he thought he heard the rumble of the spacecraft.

  "Well I think they're here," he announced. Everyone kept watching the main trail for signs of Slavek and the others, soon a distinct glow began to move their way. It was only then Matt noticed the glow illuminating the tiny meadow had grown brighter, and that there were more fairies as well as a few dwarves and what appeared to be leprechauns. Slavek, Tiag, Bria, and Tansy were being accompanied by a contingent of fairy folk with Tansy in the lead. When everyone was inside the open area a bright light slowly descended from the tree tops gently landing in front of the group which Matt, Kaitlyn and Fergus had now joined.

  The glow surrounding the clearing seemed to grow brighter as a small group just seemed to appe
ar in front of them. One of them appeared to be a woman about his height; another was a fairy, and the third a leprechaun. Nothing happened for a couple minutes giving him time to study the group. The woman wore some sort of robe with a garland of flowers intertwined by what looked like vine. She held a staff with an ornate globe on the end of it. She looked to be in her late twenties or early thirties, sometimes it was hard for him to judge the ages of people older than him. The fairy just hovered next to the woman while the leprechaun looked bored.


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