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Titan Stand

Page 70

by Max Jager

  "Well you're most welcome Matt." Then she studied him for a long moment.

  "Matt do you mind if I ask you something?"

  "Sure, go ahead."

  "It's about that Malhazar girl Holliqua."

  "Is it that obvious?" He replied,

  "I'm not sure what you mean by that but you didn't look very happy when she was sitting over there." He sat down next to her so he could keep his voice low.

  "Jezang, what is your opinion of the Malhazar's?"

  "They are a dark and humorless race with an almost unrivaled propensity for violence. Now, having said that, I will add the fact that there are more than a few who are quite the opposite. Are you asking me if I think your friend falls into the former category, I cannot honestly say. My profession has brought me into contact with enough Malhazar's to form some solid opinions on them. Do you know what her chosen vocation is?" Matt thought a moment, then shook his head.

  "I'm not sure; I don't recall ever asking her. The fact that she was on that gun ship seems to indicate she might have some military connection."

  "With Malhazar's that isn't always the case, replied Jezang,

  "It's also very possible her family got her aboard that ship for other reasons."

  "Well her last name is Karlnoti and it was due to the fact that family members were killed by raiders that set them off."

  "Can you recall any other names?" she then asked. He thought a moment then replied.

  "There was a guy called Tyron Vott who was some sort of advisor. Back on earth, the Mafia always have what they call a "consigliere" a sort of legal advisor."

  Jezang nodded in agreement.

  "I have heard of this man, suffice to say it was most likely him that suggested destroying Bline-Aichel."

  Matt gave out with a nervous chuckle,

  "So you're saying that I was hanging with some real bad people eh?"

  "All I can tell you at this point Matt is to sit down with her and just talk, find out why she was on that ship, what her plans for the future are. I'm also very curious as to why she's so interested in you. As a general rule Malhazar's don't exhibit a lot of outward friendship to other races, but perhaps it's because you come from a race of people outside the empire as well as this galaxy. One more thing, if you speak to her, do not voice your opinions on raiders, or the destruction of Bline-Aichel. And whatever you do don't bring up this Mafia you speak of."

  Matt nodded silently in agreement, then said,

  "We spent one night together, and when I left I thought that was it. Then she shows up on that gun ship along with the memo she left for me in her locker. I don't know Jezang, she's trying to promote something, I don't want to piss her off, not coming from a family like that."

  "All I can tell you is to just talk to her," replied Jezang, "But try and find out where she's headed in life."

  The Malhazar gun ship crew were all down in one corner of the cargo bay sulking so Matt bided his time talking with Ifwol and Rekton. Lieutenant Sanroc made one more plea to take them to Moriedia but Brand refused. Matt was lying on his bunk thinking about Holliqua when a knock came to his door.

  "It's unlocked," he called out. He had a hunch it was her as she peeked into his room.

  "Oh hi, what do you need?" He asked.

  "We're going to be landing before long and I, um, just wanted to talk, can I come in?" Indicating a chair, he sat on the edge of the bed as he added.

  "Come on in, have a seat." Holliqua cautiously entered, and sat down.

  "I just want to thank you again for saving my life," she began.

  "It's all right Holliqua. Look, I'm sorry we're not taking you people straight to Moriedia but the Ruddorian's have a bunch of questions they want to ask you. You guys really pissed off a lot of people and got the Ruddorian's talking about war."

  "Well I can't help that," replied Holliqua, "We sent a message to the raiders they won't soon forget."

  "Yeah, yeah, fuck with the bull and you get the horns," snapped Matt,

  "I get all that but you've really tipped over a hornet's nest here, actions have consequences."

  "Well I can't help that," said a defiant Holliqua, "The way we look at it a problem has been solved, the others will eventually come around to our way of thinking, you'll see." He grimaced and slowly shook his head.

  "Yeah they'll remember you all right especially if a war starts over this."

  "So is that all you're going to do," replied a now irritated Holliqua, "Harangue

  Us for wiping out those miserable raiders?" Sensing that this conversation was starting to go in a direction he hadn't planned Matt changed the subject.

  "By the way, what were you doing on that gun ship anyway; I didn't think you were in the military."

  "I'm not," she sniffed, "My uncle has, umm…Connections, we felt it only appropriate that a direct family member be on board that ship as an act of revenge. Besides, I'm an expert in a gun turret." He looked at her thinking himself,

  "That figures." She then asked,

  "I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me Matt, it's another reason I was on that ship, I knew you were on Klo'ax's ship, so I thought there might be a chance we could see each other again."

  "We went on to earth," replied Matt, we had no idea you were damaged as bad as you were." Well we wiped out those "pojict's" and that's all that mattered. Enough of that, I came here to talk because it seems like you are avoiding me."

  He now realized things were about to take a dangerous turn so it was time for a little "tough talk."

  "Look Holliqua, what we had that night was special, and I was under the impression that's all it was…One night. Apparently you feel different, okay, let's talk about that." She looked at him with a frightening glare,

  "I suppose you've already got someone else on the line, and if that's the case I'll understand. I'll leave you alone." Matt sighed,

  "Sorry to disappoint you Holliqua, but I've just been too busy with other things."

  "Just out of curiosity's sake," he then asked, "Was there something you had in mind involving the two of us?" Her face then brightened,

  "There's been talk about putting together two or three gun ships and possibly an attack ship to roam the galaxy hunting down raiders wherever we find them and perhaps leaving them a little present."

  "As in a "planet buster" bomb," he asked sarcastically.

  "Of course, what would be wrong with that? I hear that you are pretty good on a gun turret as well, think of it, we could travel this universe wiping out the Vel'Takz where ever we found them."

  "Christ!" He thought, "She really is crazy, no way I'll be a part of that."

  "You people really do live for vengeance don't you?" He exclaimed. She glared at him as she replied,

  "Call it what you like, but no one wrongs us and gets away with it."

  "I suppose that if I were to reject your offer you'd whack me as well huh?"

  Holliqua immediately jumped over to his bed sitting down next to him and pulling him to her.

  "Oh Matt! Is that what worries you? Are you afraid I might get mad at you for some reason and come after you?" He tried to gently push her away as he replied.

  "The thought has occurred to me." He then managed to move away from her,

  "You know Holliqua, I honestly don't know a whole lot about you, I mean like are you going to school, are you in the military? What are your plans for the future?"

  This snapped her back to reality,

  "Umm, well I'm supposed to begin attending Dy Meda University next ceme but lately I've become bored with the idea, however Uncle Sandrek is insisting I go for at least a yean."

  "Then what?" He asked,

  "I wouldn't think that there's a whole lot of opportunities for a college drop-out in this galaxy."

  "I wouldn't worry about it," she replied, "I'll be fine." Upon further discussion he learned that there was some sort of private school in the Malhazar city of Ondaar she would be eligible to attend, but that's all sh
e would say about it.

  About this time Malvak's voice came over the room speaker.

  "Holliqua you are requested to return to the Malhazar quarters, Lieutenant Sanroc wishes to speak to you."

  She stood up and sighed,

  "We must be getting ready to land. Look Matt, I do want to see you again."

  "Well it won't be until after this raider business is resolved," he replied, "I'll be around." After she left he laid back down and cursed her name.

  Chapter 85

  Titan Stand Chapter 85

  For the rest of the trip Matt managed to avoid Holliqua spending all his time with Jezang or Rekton, although it didn't take them long to figure out what he was up to.

  "Why are you avoiding that Malhazar girl?" Asked Rekton out of the blue.

  "Is it that obvious?" replied Matt.

  "Well when you see her constantly watching you with sad eyes and you pretend she's not there, yes I guess it is that obvious." He then gave Rekton the short version of his troubles to which the Golian responded.

  "Look Matt, I'm no expert but still, I've had a lot of experience with Malhazars in my time. For the most part, they don't concern themselves with outsiders which surprises me about Holliqua. Now I don't presume to tell you what to do but if you're going to spend anytime at all here in the empire, it's always good to have a lot of friends. Clearly this female is interested in you; at least speak with her find out why she's so interested in you."

  "I don't know," replied Matt, "I honestly can't decide how I feel about her especially being a Malhazar and their vengeful nature." Rekton laughed,

  "Ahh! So that's it, I might have known. If she was anyone else, I'd tend to agree with you however from my observations and especially that situation back on Tumar-Ju I suspect she's something different. Talk to her Matt, you never know what might come of it."

  Now that his friends had taken note of his situation and were pushing him to reconcile with Holliqua he had no choice, now it was just a question of how.

  Most of the time she was huddled with her crew who tended to glare at him if he got too near their "space." Then on the last cycle before they were due to land on Ruddoria he awoke to find her sitting next to his bunk just staring at him.

  He sat up as he said,

  "Everyone's telling me we need to talk so talk."

  "I've been doing a lot of thinking about "us" Matt. I don't know, perhaps you're right, and we should just be glad for the time we had and go our separate ways."

  Matt grimaced, then replied,

  "I was thinking the same at first but after talking to my friend's maybe we're being too hasty. You know you have never really told me anything about yourself. Look Holliqua, right now I'm just tear-assing around the galaxy with my new friends, I don't really know what I want to do, that girl I was with…Kaitlyn, she seems to have found her calling her friends are setting her up for an honest-to-god career. Me? Huh! All I'm doing is running excursions back to earth, or helping to hunt down raiders. Sooner or later this shit is going to get old, and then what will I have? Just a lot of memories and probably broke and no way to get back home."

  "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you don't want to hitch your wagon to a guy like me. I'm sure your family has big plans for you." Holliqua gently put her hand on his arm.

  "It's rather amusing Matt," she began, "Here your friends are telling you to speak with me and get to know me better while my people are telling me the same thing about you, everyone seems to know more about us than we do. But I think I know what is bothering you. You have just arrived into an amazing new world you've never experienced and you're eager to try everything. I don't know maybe I'd be the same way were I to come to your world." Matt laughed as he shook his head,

  "Believe me Holliqua, you wouldn't be able to stand it there, but since all I seem to be good at is running tours back to earth, maybe a trip back there would explain a lot of things to you I don't seem to be able to. Look, you've caused me a whole lot of sleepless nights, so there must be a reason for that. Let me throw something out there and you tell me what you think okay?"

  She looked at him for a moment then began to smile,

  "I'm listening."

  "I thought at first the best thing to do was that we never see each other again but after a lot of thinking about it I now realize that's no good. Let's just call it a mutual friendship, stay in touch and see where it takes us. Let's make that trip to earth part of the deal as well. Honestly Holliqua you caught me by complete surprise that night." Without saying a word, she slid over to his bunk sitting next to him. Matt then slipped his arm around her as they rested their heads against each other.

  "I like your idea Matt," she quietly replied, "I too have things to do and places to go however there's no reason our paths can't cross from time to time, and yes, I would love to accompany you back to your home world. Are you familiar with the stellar com?"

  "I've heard of it," he replied, "Isn't it some sort of private communications system?"

  "Yes," replied Holliqua, "Give me your wrist comm." He removed the device from his wrist as she removed the necklace she was wearing. As he watched, she inserted an object on the necklace into a square opening on the edge of the wrist comm. Handing it back to him she said,

  "There, your comm now has my coded number, just use the code "Hack 4," and you can leave messages."

  "I can't contact you directly?" He asked, shaking her head, she replied.

  "No, it's one of the security features. Don't worry, I check it at least a couple times a sike. By the same token, I can leave messages as well, and anything urgent, I can always contact you by the data comm."

  "Any limit to the length of messages?" he asked, "What if I just want to get something off my chest, or share something that happened to me with you." Holliqua smiled,

  "There's no limit, and I hope you do, please Matt, don't be afraid to use it." He then pulled her to him as their lips coupled.

  Back on Ruddoria the revelations of Tumar-Ju caused quite a sensation and uproar. Matt, along with everyone else gave a sworn deposition as to what he had found and seen. A full investigation was gearing up. Tomorrow morning he, along with Jezang would be leaving on a shuttle bound for Fort Kamata where they would link up with Amber and Gandric. But right now, he was enjoying the party being given by Roikas Slykhor and his wife. The guest list included Slavek, Rekton, Brand, and his wife, Doak, Orlak, Jezang, Skart, and Ifwol. Most of the talk centered around the investigation being conducted into the Malhazar destruction of Bline-Aichel. But now with the revelation of what the Khufrian's had been up to on Tumar-Ju, along with the Diyari, the investigation had moved to a whole different level with the Loridian Trading Company taking over. Naturally, the Khufrian's were denying everything, and a standing order had gone out to bring in certain raiders, Alejac Slyr being one of them.

  "So what do you think will eventually happen?" Matt asked Rekton.

  "This business with the Khufrian's is very serious; I suspect it will overshadow the destruction of Bline-Aichel. I can't say for sure, these things have a strange way of twisting back on you and popping up with a completely different outcome. It's very possible that instead of getting Z'ha'dum in exchange for the loss of Bline-Aichel, the raiders will wind up with Tumar-Ju, along with the promise that they cease their raiding in the Quami sector."

  "Do you think they will?" Asked Matt. Rekton shrugged,

  "Hard to say, I think Alejac and his people are really looking for someplace to settle down and if they can come to some sort of accommodation with those creatures, they will have some formidable allies. The main thing we're very happy about is that it looks like war has been averted, although at this point anything could happen. The Malhazar's have a vengeful streak but in a case like this they are not rash. Since all the attention has now fallen on the Khufrian's, I think the Malhazar's will find a way to quietly slip out of the picture."

  Matt was using this opportunity to say goodbye to his friends, at le
ast for the foreseeable future. Brand had a few unfinished contracts to take care of, Slavek would be attending a diplomatic school on Uwan.

  "It's going to be a real challenge," explained Slavek, "They practice a method of diplomacy unlike anything the rest of us are familiar with. Add the fact that their language has so many contractions in it and it's no wonder this training session they offer is in such demand." He then slapped Matt on the shoulder.

  "Keep in touch Matt any time you're on Golia check in with my mother, or my father if Ruddoria is where you find yourself. Don't forget, you have full Ruddorian citizenship as does Kaitlyn." This was another reason he was eager to get to Fort Kamata, Kaitlyn and Tiag had just returned from earth where they had picked up Bria along with her new husband.


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