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Titan Stand

Page 74

by Max Jager

  Drok said that construction had only started a little over a geem ago yet all the structural steel and outside shell were already up.

  The construction runs night and day," said Gandric, "As soon as those transports are finished unloading it's off again for Xandrus, Grieshah Gra, and Golia for more supplies." Drok then pointed out a large flat area with some structures going up along the outer edge.

  "That's where the collectors will deposit all the usable metal scrap gleaned from the ground as well as the rubble piles. They are all robotic with two androids to assist if problems arise. These collectors set down on top of the purifiers where all the scrap is then transferred up to them. Then they will land here where the various forms of scrap will be transferred to the proper holding area where the transports will load up and head for the customers smelting facility."

  As he listened, Matt couldn't help but think about the remains of a lost culture disappearing in someone's smelter forever. Yet in a way that's what happened to most of the airplanes, ships and tanks built during WWII. Once the war was over everything was mothballed and eventually ended up in a smelter. Speaking to Drok, he said.

  "How come you people didn't do this before?"

  "Because no one seemed interested. It wasn't until Gandric and Amber came along saw an opportunity to put their people back to work, and got others interested in the project. We also got the right people at Loridia interested as well. I don't know…I suppose this was the time when everything came together."

  Chapter 89

  Titan Stand Chapter 89

  They spent another hour or so looking around and talking to a couple friends of Gandric's who were supervising the job. Then it was over to where the "scrappers" were dumping their loads. Both the captain and engineer were androids, and the only two crewmembers the craft required. Zemjin was the captain's name, and Parzak was the engineer's. Zemjin explained how his craft set down on top of the moving purifier lowered his recovery sluice down into the purifier, whereby all the recovered scrap in the machine's massive holding chamber was sucked up into his ship. The whole process took slightly over a milacenton or roughly an hour. The flight out to the closest machine took only a few klix. As they came to a stop above the purifier, and prepared to descend, Matt and Ilmi watched out of the small observation window at the sight below them. All manner of dirt and dust was being kicked up and around the massive machine. Matt guessed that purifier was processing close to two acres in width, and possibly one and a quarter acres in length, no wonder thing was built in space.

  Captain Zemjin quickly set down on the raised deck, then lowered the sluice down into the purifier.

  "Come," he then replied, "Let's go take a look."

  As massive as the purifier was on the outside, standing inside was like standing inside of a moving factory. There they met the Purifier's chief operating engineer Vimak 4111. All the androids working in the machine wore protective clothing as well as full face helmets with goggle like lens that appeared to glow red. Vimak took them to a central control where four androids controlled the machine's movement as well as coordinating with other operators located in other parts of the machine.

  Vimak directed their attention to a large video screen,

  "It's too dangerous and would take too long to tour the whole machine; however from here we know what's happening in any department."

  He then tapped a button that showed the outside of the purifier as huge claw-like tines ripped and churned the ground to a depth Matt guessed was around six feet. All material was then funneled back up into the machine where all the scrap was separated. All metal, plastic, or similar materials were routed to the proper re-cycling bin, while all organic material (such as bone) was further ground along with special organics and seeds then re-introduced back into the soil. It was all very precise and efficient, nothing was wasted. Vimak changed the camera scene to the point where the tines were uncovering fresh ground, and throwing whatever lay buried. The process was so fast it was hard to see what was being dug up. Both he and Ilmi, as well as Jezang and Udel stood fascinated by what they were watching. Suddenly what looked like large robots and metallic suits appeared for a fraction of a second before disappearing. One of the android techs was monitoring the RPM's of the tines. As the purifier continued its steady momentum Vimak said,

  "It looks like we're into some sort of gravesite or scrap yard."

  "As you can see, it hasn't slowed us down one bit." Matt then asked Vimak.

  "What would happen if you should run across any explosives, wouldn't they explode and mess things up?" Since Vimak was wearing a full face protective helmet, Matt couldn't read his expression.

  "Oh we've already dug up any number of munitions, but this machine's recovery mechanisms have been designed for that. From time to time we'll hear explosions but that's about all, we just keep churning away."

  "I wondered the same thing," said Drok. "Believe me, this was a subject Gandric and I discussed quite a bit. The design engineers were all made aware of the sort of thing that might be buried beneath the surface." They then viewed the massive separator which according to Vimak made up thirty percent of the machine's operation. Mixing and re-seeding was the last operation, where a thick slurry was created, then applied back into the ground along with a measured amount of moisture.

  "Most of the moisture comes from rain which is created artificially," added Vimak, "It saves us from having to store extra water." Vimak then took them over to where the grinding and separating process began. Ilmi asked about various pieces of scrap metal scattered about.

  "Oh that's just scrap that works it's way out of the mixer, from time to time, for some reason flat pieces of metal seem to do that. But then we simply scoop it all up and toss it back into the hopper." As they were leaving, Matt noticed a large bin filled with assorted scrap.

  "We empty that back into the hopper every now and then," said Vimak, "If there's anything in there that catches your fancy help yourself." Both he and Ilmi pawed through it with both coming up with what looked like curved short swords. Matt also selected two or three lightweight metal pieces that appeared to have been painted red but were scraped up and missing paint around the edges. The metal was very light, and he was always on the lookout for things such as these he could fabricate things. Even Jezang picked out a smaller blade, with Vimak commenting.

  "Those old blades are always slipping through the gaps in the separator and land out here, that's one reason we wear helmets around here. We just pick them up and throw them in the bin."

  "I've got an idea," exclaimed Matt, "Any of these blades you find, set them aside, and sell them to the dwarves and elves on Denedra, and Doradus, I'm sure they would love to get them to create something new."

  "Well I'll keep that in mind," said Vimak. "I'll let Emmik over in the other purifier know as well." While Vimik and Zemjin talked to Gandric and Drok, both Ilmi and Matt examined their new blades. The handles were long gone either due to being in the ground for so long, or torn off in the tines. Either way, the blades were still reasonably sharp and showed no signs of rust.

  "I'm guessing these blades are made from a Kokron alloy," said Ilmi. "Probably have a thin layer of Mekkarion steel in there as well tempered with chay, and you've got yourself a damn fine sword. Of course you have to sharpen the blades on a piece of Vulnite to get a decent edge, but every thing has it's price."

  After saying their goodbyes everyone climbed back aboard the "scrapper" for the return trip to the new base. Shortly before they were getting ready to head home a storm alert was sounded which meant that anyone working on any sort of elevation as well as all flying robots were ordered to stand down. Since Drok and Udel didn't want to be caught out in the open they decided to wait the storm out in the gate portal. One side contained a medium sized room equipped with a table and chairs, while the other served as a security office. The storm came up fast, forcing everyone inside. Although the gate portal was constructed using recovered stone and rubble Matt notice
d the mortar work was excellent, and the stone floors were also well done.

  "Did those robots do this or the androids? He wondered. As the rain and wind lashed the structure he and Ilmi sat together as he told her about his first visit here.

  "Well I'm having a good time," she replied, "Like I told you this is the first time I've ever been here, and some of the things we've seen, well I had no idea."

  Well I've got one last piece of unfinished business," he replied. "And that's going to Z'ha'dum, after that, maybe visiting that professor from Selantria I met on the shuttle."

  "What a coincidence," replied Ilmi, "I have friends on Selantria, one of them I've already told you about."

  "The guy who might be able to figure out the ID medallions I found, as well as the camera?" Ilmi grinned and nodded,

  "Yup, "He works for his father; they make custom instruments and monitors for spacecraft. They live on Selantria."

  "Jeeze, maybe you should tell them about Ussen Ommo, I'll bet there's work for them here," said Matt.

  "Oh I don't doubt that," replied Ilmi, "But last I talked to him they were swamped with work, every time some navy or independent ship builder develops a new prototype spacecraft, they get involved. Anyway, you'll like them."

  The rain and wind continued to lash the structure but the interior remained cozy and dry. Jezang then sat down across from looking bored.

  "Are we having fun yet?" asked Matt,

  "Drok was telling me all about the incredible war this planet suffered over two hundred yeans ago. I simply had no idea that the people who once lived here destroyed not only their whole planet, but themselves in the process."

  "We've been threatening to do that on earth since before I was born back on earth," said Matt. "Came pretty damn close a couple times," he added.

  "Then I come here to Ussen Ommo and find a planet that actually did it, I sure wish all the world leaders could take a tour of this place and see what a full scale nuclear war would do."

  Matt and Jezang continued to make small talk while Ilmi just sat and listened to them, finally she spoke up.

  "Have you two given any more thought in letting me tag along on your adventures, I promise I won't be a burden." Both Matt and Jezang gave her a puzzled look.

  "I thought that was settled," said Matt, "As long as you pay for your own meals and drinks I certainly have no objections." Ilmi started to breathe a sigh of relief, then looked at Jezang who wasn't smiling.

  "When you asked us before Ilmi, it was aboard ship and there wasn't anyplace we could spar." Then with a nod to the door, she added.

  "What's your weapon of choice other than a Phatron?" Ilmi thought a moment then replied,

  "Knives, fighting staffs, uh, let's see, oh yeah, a double bladed polearm, and fighting hatchets." Matt just sat there as she rattled off her proficiency with martial weapons.

  Jezang grinned and shook her head,

  "Double bladed pole arms eh, the only people I've ever heard of using them were the Vaeon's, but it's an interesting weapon. Perhaps another time. You said knives, well it so happens I've got a couple small training knives in my flight bag. I'll tell you what, impress me, and you're welcome to join us."

  Without batting an eye, Ilmi replied,

  "It's still raining outside,"

  "Afraid of getting wet?" Snickered the android. Ilmi looked out the door, shrugged, then replied,

  "Bring it on!" By this time Jezang had already produced two training knives she carried with her. On one occasion, he had watched her and Brand spar finishing with a draw. By this time Amber, Gandric, Drok and his brother were interested as well, thinking they were going to spar inside the portal room. Both Ilmi and Jezang unbuckled their belts and tossed their gear up on the table with Jezang tossing Ilmi one of the training blades. They were blue, each being made of teroba, which was like rubber. The knives strongly resembled karambit's, but out here everyone called them disula's. The wind was still blowing, but not as hard, the storm was winding down, however the rain was still coming down. Both Ilmi and Jezang were immediately drenched, but that only added a handicap to the fight. Everyone either tried to catch the action from the doorway, or ran upstairs to watch out of the small window in the upper chamber.

  Matt carefully studied their moves with each completely disregarding the rain as they circled and plotted their next moves. Surprisingly Ilmi attacked first, but Jezang was ready for her; however Ilmi managed to twist just enough to avoid the blade. Both were throwing everything they had into the fight with Jezang coming the closest to a killing cut across Ilmi's chest. Matt started to notice that Jezang never held back when it came to rolling in the muddy ground, while Ilmi seemed hesitant at getting muddy.

  However it wasn't long before she began to realize her mistake by diving towards Jezang straight into the mud and coming up right behind her. At first he thought Jezang being an android as well as a "Tharg," would have the natural advantage, which for the most part she did, but Ilmi was like a cat, jumping and rolling missing Jezang's blade by a fraction. By now both looked like drowned rats but they never slowed or quit. Slowly, the wind and rain died although it remained overcast. Jezang started to show signs of slowing which surprised Matt, but he happened to look over, and see Amber wearing a wry grin, something was up. Moments later, Ilmi made a lunge thinking Jezang was weakening. Big mistake! Jezang immediately thrust her left leg out tripping Ilmi, causing her to fall. This gave Jezang the edge she had been looking for as she dropped down on the young woman, to which Ilmi did an immediate twist bringing her knife across Jezang's arm on up to her neck. Both lay there for a moment until Jezang rolled to her right jumping to her feet. She immediately did a deep bow to Ilmi as she announced.

  "Ilmi, you have beaten me in a fair fight, not an easy task, I salute you!" It was clear as she helped Ilmi to her feet the young Lyskandan girl clearly at the end of her rope. Jezang held Ilmi up by her arms as she exclaimed.

  "Ilmi, I would be proud for you to accompany us in our adventures. Your skill was amazing, and I am truly impressed."

  There was a small room off the side of the opposite portal which was a bathroom. Both Jezang and Ilmi grabbed their bags, and headed for the place, returning a little while later reasonably clean, Jezang wearing her new leather outfit, and Ilmi some sort of cut-off's and a black tee-shirt type shirt with Lyskandan lettering on the front, with a depiction of a spacecraft on the back with more lettering under it. Both were chattering away, it was very obvious to Matt that Jezang had made a new friend. The run back to Shong Vak seemed to take a little longer as the wind had died down. Back aboard the Nora-Lee, Matt felt a little left out as Amber, Jezang, and Ilmi holed up in the crew dining area while Gandric went off with Drok to work out new arrangements over the communications net with Deev Mocon the Loridian trading company's district supervisor.

  Matt spent the time studying his languages, and pilot's manual, after all, just 'cause Kaitlyn seemed to be getting all the breaks it didn't mean what he was doing was any less important.

  Chapter 90

  Titan Stand Chapter 90

  Matt found himself doing a lot of thinking and reevaluation of the current situation, Ilmi in particular. He had to admit to himself that first impressions could sometimes be wrong. This then led to him thinking about Holliqua again, Hell! If he could be wrong about Ilmi, then maybe he'd been wrong about the Malhazar. The mock fight she had with Jezang revealed her to be one tough chick. Then when you factored in her general attitude, and sense of humor, he started liking the idea of having her join the crew even more. However the real "cherry on top," was her offer to give him some decent knife training in exchange for showing her how to shoot his AK. He had asked Jezang to teach him the basic fundamentals of knife fighting, and she did…To a certain extent, but Jezang was who she was. Basically, a "terminator" droid with a vastly superior intelligence. Oh they both called each other friend, but when you got down to it was kinda like a "nobody" teenage kid hanging with a female movie star.
  Ilmi, on the other hand was like him. In a way he missed Kaitlyn but she was always moody, and not always pleasant to talk to. He truly hoped she would find happiness on Ruddoria. Ilmi was like Kaitlyn in some ways, she was certainly curious like Kaitlyn but with a better attitude. Right now, he was sending Holliqua a message over the Stellar-Com describing the visit to Ussen Ommo, along with the fight between Jezang and Ilmi. Matt thought hard about the closing.

  "Fuck it!" He thought, "Maybe now's the time to find out about her feelings towards joining a crew that's already got two dangerous females in it."

  "In closing, let me toss this out for your consideration. Amber says one more crew member wouldn't bother her, nor would it bother me. Would you consider joining our crew? Even part time would do. It would consist of two android "Tharg's" A male android who is Amber's companion, I, and Ilmi, a very adept Lyskandan in our age category. Give it some thought, talk later…Matt.


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