Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 80

by Max Jager

  "When you get to earth see that my family get's this letter, this other one goes to them as well, it's sort of an introduction to you and a personal request that they help you in finding a few volunteers to come here. I don't know if it will have any affect, but it's worth a try."

  Grabbing their bags, Matt and Ilmi boarded the Nora-Lee for the long trip back to earth. The metallic canister containing part of all the New Town citizen's ashes was also loaded into the cargo bay. Their first stop would be Fort Kamata where they would fuel up Matt hoping his credit account could stand it. He also contacted Holliqua over the Stellar Com learning that she would be waiting at the fort for him.

  "Shit! He thought, "Crunch time is coming sooner than I had planned, what the hell am I going to do?" He started thinking how he was going to approach Ilmi, but she came to him.

  "Matt is there something wrong with Amber? She seems troubled by something."

  Grimacing, he replied,

  "She is but she won't tell me. Back on Z'ha'dum, I saw Tucker talking to her, Gandric and Jezang, whatever it was, has upset them I think, even Gandric is acting different. Um Ilmi, got something I need to talk to you about."

  She moved close to him and put her arm on his shoulder.

  "I'm listening…"

  "Well I got a message from Holliqua, who's going to be waiting at the fort. Now there's a good chance she might want to go with us, if I tell her its okay, will you object?"

  "Trying to get rid of me eh?"

  "Oh hell no Ilmi, I told you I'd like you guys to like each other and get along, I don't need a big cat fight aboard the ship here."

  "Well that all depends on her I guess," she replied, since Jezang isn't here, I might have to size her up, we'll just have to see." Now he had something to really worry about,

  "Crap! This could go either way, or maybe I could end up dead cut to pieces by two jealous girls…Shit!"

  For the time being he worked on math problems and worried about Amber and Gandric. Androids didn't telegraph their feelings like humans, and when you realize they are pissed about something, it's generally too late. On the other hand, continually asking her about her problem wasn't a good idea either.

  Fort Kamata was just as busy as it ever was, with their first stop being the fueling dock. While Amber helped him calculate fuel usage and costs he noticed her outward attitude had improved, not to her old self, but a definite improvement.

  He also noticed his credit account was in better shape than he thought, in fact it looked as though someone had made a couple of very sizeable deposits in his name.

  He realized that whoever had done this looked at him as a friend; it certainly couldn't have come at a better time. One deposit easily covered the fuel costs with even enough for a refill on the return trip. They then moved to one of the temporary docks which always reminded him of the one hour parking zones back home. It was just long enough to grab some last minute food supplies including a large portion of take-out Eabak and some Yamma bread, along with some Clandian beer. As he was leaving the bar, still looking for Holliqua, a voice called him from behind.

  "Matt…Matt Grainger, is that you?" Turning around, he came face to face with Bria Valsung with a male dwarf standing slightly behind her.

  "Bria! What are you doing here?" He exclaimed. It was then he noticed that she didn't appear to be her old self, somewhat thinner, and wearing a haggard look.

  She indicated a place where they could get out of the traffic, then with a deep sigh, said,

  "Are you by any chance going to earth?"

  "Yeah, and we're leaving right away…Why?" Tears now started forming in her eyes.

  "Matt we need a big favor, is it possible to take us there?" He studied them both as he now realized that the guy with her was her husband Caedmon.

  "Bria, you don't look so good is there a problem?" Her husband then spoke.

  "Her parents have simply refused our marriage or even acknowledge that I even exist. All of Bria's assets have been frozen, and in fact we were forced to leave

  Doradus under the threat of imprisonment. We're in very bad straits laddy we have no credits, and are at the end of our rope.

  "You guys don't look like you've eaten in awhile, let's go back to the bar, where you can order something to eat, it's on me." With that, he called Amber and Ilmi to let them know where he was and who he was with.

  Once they were seated, and the couple had ordered, Matt heard a terrible tale of woe from Bria.

  "My parents just went crazy," she explained, "We couldn't get a word in edgewise.

  I've never seen them this way in my life, total unyielding blindness. Caedmon and I were forced to flee to Denedra until my father threatened to cancel some very lucrative trade contracts. Queen Breca's hands were tied; she did however get us on a shuttle back here to Fort Kamata where we've been living hand to mouth for a couple geem's now."

  "Does Kaitlyn know about this?" He asked. Bria shook her head,

  "No, in fact, I've been very careful not to let her know. Right now our only option is to return to Caedmon's home, at this point, it look's like I'm never going to see Doradus again." With that, she put her head down on the table and began to sob. Caedmon gently tried to comfort her until the waiter showed up with their food.

  With tears still in her eyes, Bria looked at Matt and said,

  "We can't pay you Matt, we're completely broke, but in Ireland we'll have a home surrounded by people who care about us." Matt patted her on the shoulder,

  "I know we've had our differences in the past Bria, but I've always considered you a friend, even if a contentious one. It would be my pleasure to take you back to earth. Then an idea occurred to him. Looking at Caedmon, he asked,

  "Caedmon, do you know any humans back on earth?" The dwarf chuckled,

  "Well I'm not really supposed to, but yes, I know a few…Why?"

  Matt then quickly explained the reason for returning to earth and the need for humans to populate Z'ha'dum. Caedmon scratched his head, I do know a couple farmers, but I'm not sure they would be willing to pull up stakes and head for some unknown planet, but I'll talk to them anyway."

  He then looked over Matt's shoulder and formed a grin.

  "Are you by any chance involved in female troubles?"

  "What makes you say that?" He asked Caedmon chuckled in his Irish brogue.

  "Well there are two ladies making their way over to this table, and they are staring at you!" Almost immediately, Ilmi and Holliqua were on him,

  "So here you are, sitting in a bar again!" Exclaimed Ilmi,

  "Now just hold on ladies," he protested, "I know these people!" With that, he stood up and introduced everybody all around.

  "Political refugees, danger, and intrigue, I like it!" Stated Ilmi. Invited to take a seat, she and Holliqua sat down as he closely studied them for the slightest indication of hatred.

  "It turns out we have a mutual acquaintance," said Holliqua, "But it's nobody you would know." Apparently, that's where she was going to leave it, as the subject now turned to the forthcoming trip to earth.

  When asked if she was able to go, Holliqua replied,

  "I've got a little less than a ceme to fool around. The class I'm required to attend is only held three times a yean, so I've got some time to kill." Matt winced when she mentioned that word but she was now talking to Bria, and didn't catch his expression. As they headed for the Nora-Lee, Matt noticed that Bria and her husband only carried one bag each, what a sad state of affairs. He simply couldn't understand why Brea's parents found the guy so objectionable, he kind of liked him, and although a dwarf, he spoke and behaved just like a typical Irishman. He then remembered that Bria had mentioned once that her parents had someone all picked out for her but that he never gave it much thought.

  With two more on board, sleeping arrangements were forced to change. Naturally, the ladies all got the bunks, and since none would accommodate two people, Caedmon fixed up a pallet next to Matt's.

  The first o
rder of business was getting all the gear stowed, Caedmon was amazed by all the weaponry Matt carried. Although Jezang wasn't here, her RPD light machine gun was, along with Matt's AK 74, his AR, the M4 shotgun, as well as his CZ75 carried in a drop down leg holster. After they were out of Fort Kanata's orbit, Matt and Caedmon started working on their sleeping arrangements.

  It didn't take long to rig up their beds so the two of them sat down and talked with Caedmon confessing.

  "Keep this under your hat, but in a way I'm glad to be finally heading back to earth. And while I love Bria dearly, I'm afraid Doradus just isn't for me, too many bog trotters."

  "I've been there," replied Matt, "And it's hard for me to believe they treated you that badly."

  "Oh it wasn't everyone; actually I made quite a number of friends there, two or three I feel that I could truly trust with my life. It's just the fact that Brea's parents are so hidebound in their ways, they simply wouldn't listen to reason." Caedmon paused to collect his thoughts then added.

  "I was always under the impression we dwarves were pretty much all the same, in that we thought alike and believed in the same things. Well now I see that that simply isn't true."

  "I'm certain that one of the problems is the fact that we of the Aos sí who live on earth tend to think more like the humans who surround us. Although we are all of the Tuath Dè, we tend to identify more as Irish than a tribe of wee folk. Let's face it bucko, we are part of the national identity, Celtic tradition and all that."

  "Do you ever reveal yourselves to humans?" Asked Matt Caedmon chuckled.

  "Me? Sorry lad, I'm too big and clumsy, that honor goes strictly to the Leprechaun's, good Lord lad there'd be wigs on the green if Aengus thought others were horning in on their turf. Besides they are good at it, fast and quick, and they are who the people expect to see."

  "Speaking of Aengus," replied Matt, "Didn't they try and intercede on your behalf?"

  "Up to a point," said Caedmon, but they couldn't risk being tossed over the side as well. And although Aengus can be a bit of a blaggard at times, he will be subtly dropping a word in someone's ear, a small suggestion to another over there. He can be bleedin' deadly brilliant when it comes to getting people to see things his way. Why do you think Aine was so eager to send him off? No me bucko, Bria and I will return home, work on raising a family, then one day a ship will land with news that all is forgiven and we are more than welcome to return to Doradus."

  The whole thing sounded crazy to him, but he only saw the fairy folk as an outsider realizing that their outlook on life and way of thinking differed greatly from that of humans. As an after thought, he looked at Caedmon, and said.

  "For what it's worth, you two are always welcome to settle on Z'ha'dum, you'd be in the same galaxy anyway." Caedmon grinned, and patted Matt on the shoulder.

  "Thank you laddy, but it wouldn't be home for either of us. Besides, Bria wants to study the ancient texts some more, and with Aengus gone, I have a feeling the earth mother will have something for me."

  Chapter 97

  Titan Stand Chapter 97

  Matt was half dozing on his pallet when he felt something sharp just barely cutting into his neck. Smart enough not to make any sudden moves, he opened his eyes to see Ilmi standing over him, and Holliqua kneeling down with her knife at his neck.

  "Your time is at end earth boy," she hissed, I know everything."

  Something wasn't adding up, he thought, thinking that they might be playing a joke on him, he carefully replied.

  "So what part of "everything" has pissed you off to the point of killing me?"

  "Let him up Holliqua," exclaimed Ilmi, he didn't fall for it." Holliqua grunted, then sheathing her knife, slowly got up.

  "What the hell was that all about?" He demanded. Ilmi shrugged,

  "I don't know, we were just tired of talking about you and got bored, so we decided to come and pick on you."

  As he stood up, he glared at them both,

  "What time is it, shouldn't you two bee asleep?"

  "Well, ah yes," replied Holliqua, but Bria and her husband are…Well you know, enjoying each other's pleasures."

  "Oh!" he replied, "Well if you're tired, you can crash here, I think there's room."

  Both females took advantage of his offer, but forcing him down as well. As the three of them lay on his pallet Matt asked,

  "So what have you decided about me?" This brought on female giggling.

  "First of all Matt," said Ilmi,

  "Holliqua and I had a long talk not only about you, but Amber, Jezang, and even Gandric. We also find that we have a lot in common, even knowing some of the same people. I don't know how much you know about the way we grow up out here, but in many ways it's quite similar."

  "She's right," said Holliqua, Ilmi and I are around your age and are in the first level of advanced education."

  "I thought you guys just went to a university for a few yeans, graduated, then went out and got a job in the career you chose." Both girls laughed,

  "Were it that easy," replied Holliqua,

  "Slavek and Tiag told me that after basic education they had a couple yeans to fool around before settling down to a career path."

  "Well in their case that is true," replied Ilmi both of them are already settled into "careers" as you call them in the foreign service, your friend Kaitlyn will also become a part of that, but for some of us things are a little different." He looked at Holliqua and said,

  "I thought you told me your family is involved with the Malhazar Government, and that that's where you were headed?" Holliqua chuckled.

  "Only some of them, but I never said I was going into Government service, I am however starting my formal education as is Ilmi here." By now he wasn't sure what to think.

  "Hell Holliqua, with you being on that gun ship, and part of the crew, as well as from what I heard I thought you were some sort of assassin in training or something." She gave him a steely-eyed look that made him very uncomfortable.

  Then in a cold and calculating voice replied,

  "You thought correctly Matt but any further talk on this subject ends right here and now, is that clearly understood?" He gulped, his throat suddenly becoming very dry.

  "Absolutely, I'm sorry I said anything."

  "Never be sorry Matt," she replied, in a softer tone of voice, "Never be sorry or ever apologize. Now as I was saying, our schooling involves a number of different experiences, being a part of that gun ship crew was simply a part of my military commitment. By the way, I received a nice little award for my efforts, things like that count. Like Ilmi, I take a varied course of study, which doesn't necessarily mean I attend a single school in one location. All of this is carried out through the Trading Company which together with the galactic governments operates the University."

  "So there's only one University?" He asked,

  "One University but many campus's," said Ilmi.

  "Tell me," he asked, "When you start this University, do you have to have some sort of career in mind?"

  "No," replied Holliqua, "But it certainly helps, but regardless, no one ever attends school in one location."

  "I'll bet that's a lot of fun," replied Matt, "One class on Moriedia, the next one on Ruddoria, the next on Golia."

  "Oh it isn't as bad as all that," chuckled Holliqua, "Generally while you're studying at a particular campus, related courses are included. Who knows, perhaps eventually if you manage to get enough humans living on Z'ha'dum, Loridia will establish a small campus there."

  "Well you two have told me all about attending school, but not what you are majoring in."

  "Well right now," said Ilmi, "I'm seriously thinking about the medical profession. I have this crazy dream of picking up a couple of med-bots and heading for some sparsely settled planet and opening a practice."

  "Like Z'ha'dum perhaps?" said Matt. Ilmi just looked at him and grinned.

  "How about you Holliqua? He asked. She merely shrugged,

  "Right now, I'm p
retty much looking towards a business-tech program, it's somewhat open ended and will allow me to make changes as I go if I so desire."

  "So," he added,

  "What if you wanted to become a "professional student," the Universities back on earth are loaded with them."

  Both Ilmi and Holliqua laughed,

  "Some try," said Ilmi, "But if they think that's what you are up to, you'll suddenly find yourself whisked off to some sort of functionary position on one of the mining planets. However one of my father's friends was doing that, and suddenly found himself on a survey ship locating mineable asteroids and small moons. According to my father, he really loves it and is actually training to become a captain." Then Holliqua looked at him for a moment, asking.


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