Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 81

by Max Jager

  "So how about you earthling, any idea on what you'd like to do?" Keeping a straight face, he replied,

  "Actually I'd like to become an intergalactic bounty hunter like Brand Ti'Korvo, and hunt down bad guys." This did not bring the response he expected. Both girls sadly shook their heads,

  "Sorry Matt," replied Holliqua, "It's a closed profession. For one, you have no military background. Two, you have to have a working knowledge of all laws pertaining to dealing with criminals, as well as knowledge of at least half a dozen languages, not to mention that you're required to be sponsored by some planetary government."

  Matt shrugged,

  "That tough eh?"

  "That tough," replied Ilmi, "People like Brand and Rekton make it look romantic and easy, but it's not. Right now I think there's only around five, maybe six bounty hunters in the whole galaxy, and with Brand and Aesil preparing to get out it will be a long time before anyone replaces him."

  "Could someone like Amber or Jezang become a bounty hunter?" He asked.

  "Absolutely not," said Ilmi, "Androids are forbidden by law from becoming bounty hunters, there's a story behind that but I don't want to go into it just now."

  "So right now you ladies are between semesters and rather than take some boring summer job, you're up for a little excitement." More giggling,

  "I suppose you could say that," replied Holliqua, "Tell me, do you have any other friends we could meet back on your planet?" Matt chuckled,

  "Actually, the one I would really like you to meet is my old girlfriend. Together, you two could really put the zap on her brain. I've lost track of the seasons back on earth so she might be off at school or something."

  "So what was she attending school for?" Asked Ilmi. He thought a moment, then replied,

  "Fashion designing I think." Ilmi sat up and exclaimed,

  "Fashion Designing! What's that?" Matt gave her a puzzled look.

  "Designing clothes for people," silly, but mostly women's clothes."

  "And there is a good career in this?" added Holliqua.

  "Yeah, I guess, if your good at it, lots of competition though…At least from the little I know about it."

  "So what's the plan once we reach your planet Matt?" Asked Holliqua

  "I dunno," he dully replied, "Call my folks as well as Doctor Frick, you two want to see the "A'Le'Inn" and all the freaks who hang out there hoping to meet aliens, don't you?"

  "Well…Yeah," said Ilmi, "But are they dangerous?" Matt broke out laughing and shaking his head.

  "Listen, as soon as we walk in the place just act tough, you'll have those people eating out of your hands. If they start shoving ink pens and an autograph book in your face, just smile and sign their damn book. You can also add something like;

  "To Joe Blow, or whatever their name is, good luck with your life but just stay the hell away from Moriedia, or in your case Ilmi, Lyskanda. Be sure to write it in your own language.

  "That's mean Matt," she replied, "We will be acting as unofficial ambassadors from our planets as well as the Trading Company, and you want us to write rude comments to your own people."

  "Just forget it," he replied, "Sorry I said anything."

  "How about Bria and Caedmon?" Asked Holliqua,

  "Probably should drop them off first, Amber knows the coordinates it's in a country called Ireland."

  "I'm somewhat confused," said Ilmi. "You speak of all these different countries as you call them, are they large places?"

  "Some are," he replied, "The United States where I live is, Ireland is across the ocean, and is a very small country. See, you guys are all spread out over a very large galaxy, you Lyskandan's all live on one planet, you Malhazar's on another, the Golian's on another. On earth, all the different races, and peoples all live on one planet." Both Holliqua, and Ilmi looked at each other in horror.

  "Do you have many wars?" Cautiously asked Holliqua. Once again he broke out laughing.

  "Oh God yes, you can't mention the history of earth without mentioning war. That's one reason I took so many pictures on Ussen Ommo. I plan on giving them to Doctor Frick, hopefully he can show people and make them understand what total destruction can lead to."

  "Well all I know is that I want to meet your parents," said Holliqua,

  "Same here," added Ilmi, "Plus any of your other friends."

  "Well it depends on whose around," he replied.

  Later, after everyone had had a good rest, Ilmi and Holliqua began to spar in the cargo area. Each had a medium length cudgel as well as a short training sword. Once again it was a no holds fight, although there was no mud to roll in.

  It also appeared that Ilmi had picked up a few techniques from Jezang. Because of the limited space, there was more calculated movement. Both girls appeared to be roughly equal in their skill. Twice Ilmi had Holliqua, but she always managed to slip from the Lyskandan's sword thrust.

  Bria and Caedmon had Joined Matt and Gandric watching the match with intense interest. At one point Caedmon came up to Matt whispering in his ear.

  "I'm not sure of her reasons but that girl with the long white hair is holding back for some reason. She also acts as if she has a hidden weapon she's afraid to use. Watch her closely and you'll see what I mean." Matt then watched carefully, Caedmon was right, Holliqua was indeed holding back, but so subtly that the casual eye wouldn't notice'

  "What was she up to?" He wondered. Then as their fight neared it's end it came to him.

  "She's got a hidden knife in her boot, but since this is just a sparing match, she can't use it," he thought to himself. "Ilmi would be dead if this were a real fight." Then he remembered how upset she got when he mentioned the word "assassin."

  "She's letting Ilmi win rather than reveal her secret, I was right all along, Holliqua has either been trained as an assassin, or is in training to become one." Later, when he thought about it some more, he found himself humming the theme to Godfather again.

  Ilmi won this one, but he was sure that would not have been the case had this been a real fight. After a short rest period, Caedmon challenged Ilmi to a match.

  Things quickly escalated to a whole new level. The dwarf was a master of the cudgel, or what he termed a Shillelagh, keeping Ilmi always on the defensive.

  "For a little guy, he's pretty good," thought Matt. Commenting to Bria about it she replied.

  "That's all they do back in the Glen, just beat on each other with those stupid sticks."

  "Sounds like you disapprove," he replied. Bria sighed,

  "I did at first until I realized the whole purpose of their cudgel bouts was to stay limbered up, and flexible. It helps when you have to disappear in a hurry. Everyone is pretty much equal in skill and they all win at some point. The real weapons are the falchion's everyone carries. When Caedmon and his friends train with them, someone always gets hurt."

  In the end, Caedmon simply overwhelmed Ilmi, however he helped her up and promised to teach her some of the finer points on the effective use of the cudgel.

  Oddly, when he asked Holliqua for a match, she jumped right in. This time it was a little bit different.

  At first, Caedmon seemed to be getting the better of her, but Ilmi whispered in Matt's ear that it was only a feint.

  "She's studying him," Ilmi whispered, "looking for weakness." Matt didn't know enough about this type of fighting to make an honest assessment of either one's skills, but it didn't look like Caedmon was weakening. Suddenly, Holliqua made her move, however, she quickly realized it was a grave tactical error on her part, as Caedmon swiftly counterattacked, and immediately had her on the deck. Holliqua quickly recovered, driving into the dwarf with a fury that surprised everyone. While Holliqua had the advantage of height, as well as agility, Caedmon had the strength, and better agility. It was now clear that this contest was no longer a friendly sparing match.

  One thing Matt learned about dwarves was that they were tough and a whole lot stronger than their size led people to believe. In the end, Caedmon kno
cked Holliqua's legs out from under her causing her to fall backward to the deck knocking herself out. Quickly Ilmi and Bria rushed to her aid. Holliqua was only stunned, Caedmon stood over her offering his hand.

  "Are you hurt lass?" She lay on the deck for a moment looking at him while Ilmi checked her out. Finally she slowly extended her hand, to which Caedmon gently pulled her up.

  "Got a little carried away there," he observed,

  "I did the one thing I was taught never to do and that was loose my temper, it's my own fault.' Caedmon stood there smiling at her,

  "Lass, you really gave me a work-out, I've fought many with me Shillelagh, but none stayed in the fight for as long as you did, well done lass!" Both then shook hands.

  Later, as he and Caedmon were settling down in their beds, Matt asked the dwarf about Holliqua's skills.

  "Well lad, since I come from earth as you do, I am not familiar with these Malhazar's, however Bria tells me that to her knowledge, only dwarves and elves train with cudgel's, so my suspicion that she's had formal training is no doubt correct. I will also warn you not to engage her in a serious fight."

  He lay on his pallet trying hard to sleep, however, all he could think about was Holliqua, and if he should tell Ilmi about his concerns, most of all, he really wanted to confront Holliqua about who she really was.

  Chapter 98

  Titan Stand Chapter 98

  Author's note: Aj, sorry about that…Advice taken.

  Between the training sessions, studying, and chatting with whoever, the trip to earth seemed to pass swiftly. After they dropped out of hyperspace near Jupiter,

  Amber gave Matt another navigational, and flying exam. This time it looked like his studying was really starting to pay off.

  "I have been noticing you working harder at your studies Matt," said Amber.

  "This is good. You still have a lot to learn yet, however, were something to happen to Gandric or I, I feel confident that you could pilot this craft, and possibly get back to Fort Kamata." Amber's vote of confidence really bucked up his spirits. She also seemed back to her old self, so he took a chance and asked her if anything was troubling her.

  "You know Amber, you mean a lot to me, and I worry about you. When we humans get upset, well it's all part of the human emotion, but when androids are troubled, that's a different story. Did Tucker tell you and Jezang something that upset you?"

  She sat in the pilot's seat studying him for a moment, then replied,

  "Yes he did Matt, but I simply cannot tell you what it was. It is something the three of us wish to keep to ourselves. Believe me, it has nothing to do with you personally, or Ilmi or even Holliqua." It was clear he wasn't going to get her to open up, best to just forget it."

  "All right Amber, I won't ever ask you again, but know that I care for you very much. You were, and are my first alien friend, and that means a lot to me." As he started to get up, she gently touched his hand.

  "Thank you Matt, your concern is duly noted. It's not often that sentient beings warm to droids, yet you did from the beginning, that's why it is so hard to not be able to tell what it is that troubles me." He looked at her and smiled,

  "Maybe you're more human or whatever, than you think Amber. All of us have personal secrets we keep to ourselves, welcome to the club."

  The first order of business was to locate the communications satellite that Skart and Gyod hacked so that he could make untraceable phone calls. The first one went to his folks.

  "Matt! Is that you?" Asked his father,

  "Sure is dad, just letting you know I'm sitting up here in earth orbit, we've got to drop off a couple friends first, then we'll be stopping by."

  "Well listen, son, we've moved, got a place, got close to eight acres. Do you know where county road 207 is northwest of town? Lightner creek runs right next to it?"

  "Yeah, I think so."

  "Well we bought a nice brick ranch about three quarters of the way down from where 208 and 207 split on 207. Think you can find it?

  "I'll position a flashing light just behind the small shed out in back, so one will see it. About one hundred feet back is an abandoned gravel pit. One of the reasons we bought the place is because of that old pit. You can land there and not bee seen. I also made a path so you can get out of there." "All right dad, we will look for it, catch you later say hi to mom for me."

  The next call was to Dr. Frick.

  He told him that he was dropping some friends off in Ireland then would be visiting his folks, but the people he was with wanted to stop by the A'Le'Inn."

  "I've also got another problem doctor, do you know anyone who would like to live on an alien planet? It's the truth, that's why I'm here, we need people willing to work hard, this place is like the old west but we get enough humans living there we will be recognized by the Loridian Trading company as a human planet. This is our chance to go to the stars doctor. If you know anyone who can help get them to Nevada right away."

  "Listen Matt," replied Frick, "You've always done right by me, I'll do what I can. One thing, believe it or not, I have friends in the space agency, would you object if I brought them as well?"

  "If they can help round up volunteers I don't care, but remember, no slackers, everybody will have to work."

  "Understood," he replied, "give me a few days, then give me a call, you have my cell. Oh by the way, I don't want to say too much, but the Australian government is still pretty upset about all the trouble you and your friends caused down there. I don't want to say too much over the phone, but I will tell you later."

  Turning to Ilmi, and Holliqua, he stated,

  "I sure hope he can help us, I just didn't know who else to turn to."

  The next stop was the "Glen" tucked into Knocknera Mountain near Sligo Ireland. Once again they waited until around eleven at night before setting down. Before they exited the ship, Bria gave Matt a big hug and a kiss on his cheek.

  "I won't forget you Matt, I know we've always had our differences, but I always knew you would come through for me in the end. You be sure to tell Kaitlyn, I'll be thinking about her and you be sure to come see us some time." He hugged her one more time then shook Caedmon's hand as the dwarf said goodbye.

  "You take care laddy, and keep up the training." Matt handed him a piece of paper with the number of the secret cell phone his dad had.

  "If by some chance you do come across anyone who would like to live on Z'ha'dum call that number. I think that's the right area code and international dialing code . I'll let my dad know that if someone with an Irish accent calls it will be you, oh and be sure to reverse the charges if you have to."

  "Well bucko," replied Caedmon, "We don't exactly have a whole lot of these cell phones in the Glen, but I'll do what I can."

  Outside of the ship it was eerily quiet, the moon wasn't up yet, but there was a ghostly backlight surrounding the trees. Then what he mistook to be lightening bugs, dozens of tiny lights darted around.

  Like a ghostly apparition, Aine, the earth mother appeared before them followed by her "family" of brownies, Leprechaun's dwarves, and several fairies. Both Bria and Caedmon stepped forward,

  "I'm afraid things didn't work out as planed Earth Mother," said Caedmon.

  "Aengus and Zinnia are fine and in no trouble, but I'm afraid Bria's parents refused our marriage, to such a point that we were forced to flee."

  "We will discuss this further later on, Matt Grainger, would you please step forward." He did so allowing her to place her index and forefinger on his forehead. Suddenly he and Aine stood together bathed in a brilliant white light.

  She was speaking to him, but her lips were not moving.

  "Thank you Matt Grainger, you are truly a friend. While it is unfortunate that Bria's parents have rejected the union, we welcome them back with open arms.

  Bria has made many friends here, and she will not lack for things to do. Once your tasks are completed here on earth, please return as I will have instructions for you to pass on to Aengus and Zi
nnia. Also, before you leave, please accept a small token of my appreciation."

  When he awoke, the glen was empty and deserted. Looking around, both Holliqua and Ilmi were waking up as well, while Amber and Gandric were simply standing nearby. Thinking that there was something wrong with them, he quickly checked Amber who suddenly opened her eyes as was Gandric.

  "That's odd," she announced, "It seems as though I've suffered some sort of shutdown."

  "Same here," replied Gandric, "What just happened?" Matt had a good idea, but said nothing other than,


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