Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 82

by Max Jager

  "Time to go everyone." Then Holliqua pointed to a small pot sitting on the ground near the ramp.

  "What is that?" Matt chuckled, as he reached down to pick up the green ceramic pot filled with gold coins. Looking up, he exclaimed,

  "Thank you earth mother," then replied to Holliqua's question.

  "Legend has it that there's always a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow , guess this is where one ended. Come on everyone, time to head for Colorado."

  Amber took the ship up to around fifty thousand feet on a trajectory towards Durango Colorado, while he examined the treasure. There were 150 South African Krugerrands, and while he didn't know what an ounce of gold was going for, he guessed at $1,250 dollars coming up with $187,500 dollars, a rather tidy sum.

  They arrived over Durango shortly after dusk. True to his word, Matt's father had placed a flashing green light on the rear of a large shed, the gravel pit wasn't hard to find after that. Matt insisted both Amber and Gandric come as well, so Amber locked the ship, along with a force shield to prevent anyone from tampering with the ship. Mr. Grainger had also marked the block steps up the side of the pit, with LED solar lights making it easier to locate the steps. As they started up, a flashlight beam suddenly appeared above them causing everyone to duck, along with pulling their sidearm's., as the beam of light searched them out.

  "Matt! Is that you down there?"

  "Yeah dad!" He shouted back, "We're coming up." As they reached the top his father's eyes suddenly grew as Holliqua, and Ilmi walked past waving at him.

  Amber and Gandric followed, but Amber was the only one he had previously met.

  Everyone trooped up to the house where Mrs. Grainger opened the door for them.

  "Nice place you guys bought," exclaimed Matt, as he looked around the room.

  "Well thanks to you son, we could afford a better place, plus, you've got a place to land without drawing a lot of attention. We've got ten acres including that old gravel pit which actually cut the price down a bit."

  "Seen any government people hanging around he asked.

  "Once in awhile, we'll see a black SUV parked down the road a little bit, but since you haven't been here in awhile, they seem to have lost interest." Matt nodded,

  "Well I guess it's time for introductions, you've already met Amber, this is her friend Gandric. Then this is Holliqua Karlnoti, who is from the planet Moriedia. This is Ilmi Eifott, who is from Lyskanda. I think you met her grandfather Orlak, the last time I was here." Both Mr. and Mrs. Grainger shook everybody's hands, then his mother asked.

  "Where is Kaitlyn?"

  "Right now she and another guy from earth are holding down the "fort" on Z'ha'dum which is why I'm here. Kaitlyn's really worked herself into nice little gig mom. Right now, she's going to school on Ruddoria, her friend Tiag Slykhor, got her into the diplomatic corps, and from everything I've heard, she's doing a great job, everyone really likes her."

  "Well I'm so glad to hear that," said his mother, "Listen, is anyone hungry, it's a bit late, but I think I've got the ingredients to make a pizza, we've got some ginger ale, and beer in the fridge."

  "That would be great mom, ginger ale would be okay as well." Before she went into the kitchen his mom came over to him, tears in her eyes, and gave him a big hug.


  "I'm sorry Matt, it's just that we've been worrying about you lately."

  "I'm fine mom…Dad. As you can see, I've made some new friends, but I've also got a super story to tell you guys as well. Oh, could I use the phone, I want to call Liam." While his father was chatting with the others, Matt called his old friend Liam Trent.

  "Liam! It's me Matt."

  "Matt, are you here on earth?"

  "Yeah, I'm out at my folks new house, listen, I know it's getting late, but can you come out here, I've got to talk to you about something."

  "Yeah, I guess, but I don't know where your folks moved to."

  He then told him with Liam promising to get there as soon as he could.

  Everybody then went into the kitchen to watch or help in the making of the pizza.

  Matt's parents were especially interested in Amber and Gandric as well as the fact that they were extremely advanced androids. His father was also interested in the fact that everybody was wearing a sidearm.

  "What's with the guns son?" He asked. Matt shrugged,

  "I won't lie dad, there are some bad people out there…Raiders, we've had some brushes with them, but we'll tell you more later, but right now, it's time to talk about why I'm here. While he sat and told them about Z'ha'dum, and his mission, both Holliqua and Ilmi helped Mrs. Grainger make the pizza. Once it became apparent that it was meant to be eaten, Ilmi, announced.

  "On Lyskanda, we have a similar dish…It's called "tumpek," the crust is made from a thick dough called "gatcha." which when baked, forms a thick and chewy crust."

  "We have something similar," said Matt's mother, "However we call it a deep dish pizza."

  Ilmi went on to describe the various ingredients that were used in tumpek. They used a light cheese called moija, and a thick green sauce called ezbezzi that was usually quite hot. Chuma was very much like sausage, and tribbi's were like tiny shrimp. Both his parents were amazed that a very long way away, in another solar system, the people ate pizza. By the time the pizza went into the oven, Liam had arrived. Matt made the introductions all over again, as his friend stared at the alien girls. Holliqua approached him as she asked,

  "So you are Matt's friend eh?" He looked at her nervously replying.

  "Uh yeah." She stood in front of him giving him a stern look, then broke out in a grin. Ilmi took her turn as well only asking him,

  "How would you like to come with us? Matt is always talking about you."

  "Umm well I don't know, I just started college and my parents might be kind of pissed if I just up and took off like that." Ilmi made a sound of disgust, then turned to Matt,

  "Show them all those images you have, maybe that will interest him."

  Plugging his thumb drive into his dad's computer Matt put on a slide show that astounded his parents, and excited Liam.

  The show ranged from pictures of Brand and Aesil, Doak, Rekton, Jezang, to scenes of Tumar-Ju, and the stone structures. Gw'oth, Pictures from Ussen Ommo, including the purifiers and the new landing station. More photos of Golia, Ruddoria, and finally Z'ha'dum. There were photos of New Town, as well as the abandoned Neistrian city. When the show was over all his parents could say was,

  "Incredible!" Liam merely chose,


  "Here's the deal Liam," explained Matt,

  "We need a lot of humans on Z'ha'dum, it's not going to be easy, but if you have any interest in adventure at all, here's your chance." Liam thought a moment then frowned.

  "Man I don't know Matt, what would I have to do there?"

  "I won't lie to you Liam," he replied, "We're all going to have to work hard, but we'll be surrounded by people like Holliqua, and Ilmi here, plus a lot of other's you haven't met yet." Then looking over to his parents, Matt added.

  "I know your folks want you to go to college and all, sorry, mom and dad, but I'm learning things and meeting people beyond your wildest dreams out there. Just think Liam, we'll be living and working in another solar system. There won't be any waiting for someone to develop interstellar space travel here on earth, we and anyone else who wants to join us will already be out there." Liam began to think then looked up at Matt.

  "Do you remember that nerdy kid that ended up becoming the class valedictorian ?"

  "Yeah," replied Matt, "I even thought about asking him to go with Kaitlyn and I, but when I tried to talk to him he acted like I was crazy. Gabe Wilkins was his name I think."

  "Yeah, that's him," replied Liam. "Well you might want to ask him again, shortly after you were here the first time, his parents were both killed by a drunk illegal over by Bayfield. You remember how he was all set to attend Stanford, and all. Well, the poor guy's living wi
th his grandparents an d working at Best Buy. I could be wrong, but he might just be the guy you need to talk to."

  Liam looked at Ilmi and Holliqua again,

  "You two have any friends I could meet?" both then looked at him and smiled,

  "If you decide to join us, I think we could introduce you to a number of our friends." Liam sighed,

  "All right Matt, I'll talk to my folks, but you may have to help me sell them on the idea. I'll give Gabe a call as well set up a meeting or something okay?"

  "That's all we can do," replied Matt.

  Chapter 99

  Titan Stand Chapter 99

  The next day, things got busy. First up, Matt presented his parents with the pot of gold,

  "I'll just leave this with you guys but I would hide it very carefully and cash in the coins just a few at a time, and maybe put the other's in your safety deposit box down at the bank. " He also gave his dad the rifles and pistols that had been hidden in the shop back at New Town.

  "Take this rifle and pistol dad, see what you can get for them. The rest, I want to donate to the museum in town. I'll try and talk to someone about them first, but if I don't, tell them the story, and see that they get these, along with the copies."

  Later, that day, after his parents had gone to work, Gandric alerted him to the fact that there was some sort of vehicle parked out on the road.

  "Enough of this "bullshit!" he announced, "You guys stay here, Holliqua, you come with me." Together, the two walked down the long drive out to the road.

  Sure enough, there was a black SUV parked about two hundred feet down the road. Matt opened the gate and beckoned the vehicle to approach. It continued to just sit there until he shouted,

  "Hey! You guys want to talk, get your asses down here." Cautiously the SUV approached and pulled up next to him. The windows stayed up until he shouted for the occupants to roll the drivers window down. A man in sunglasses looked at him, then over to Holliqua but said nothing.

  "All right listen up," exclaimed Matt. I'm involved in a situation in which I need your help. I need to speak to someone in charge at NASA this is very important. You guys have been bugging my parents for a long time now and it will stop. I really need to see someone in charge, I think they'll like what I have to say. This is on the level, and I'm not playing any games." The man in the passenger then asked,

  "Is that an alien?" Looking at Holliqua, then back to the speaker, he replied.

  "Her name is Holliqua, she's from Moriedia."

  "are they planning on invading us?" asked the man. Matt burst out laughing,

  "No, of course not, she's never seen earth before. Look, I'm really serious about talking to someone important. Tell them it involves an opportunity to colonize a planet without having to wait for interstellar space travel, we'll provide the transportation. Look, I know you guys think I'm bullshitting you but I swear to god I'm not. Just get someone in authority who can make decisions, bring him here and we'll talk, please."

  "How about someone just calls," asked the driver.

  "No, this must be in person, eye contact and body language is important."

  "So when do you want this meeting?" Asked the other.

  "As soon as possible," replied Matt

  "Well no promises kid, but we'll pass the word along." With that, the vehicle pulled out into the road and headed towards Durango.

  For the rest of the day, Matt introduced the girls to TV, and brought up articles on the internet dealing with robots and space travel. They also returned to the ship for awhile, along with exploring the gravel pit. Shortly after his parents returned home from work he got a call from Gabe.

  "This is Gabe Wilkins, Liam Trent asked me to call you. This is Matt Grainger isn't it?"

  "This is he," replied Matt,

  "I thought you were supposed to be hanging out with aliens or something?"

  "I am, Gabe, there's some here right now, want to meet them?" Gabe's voice then sounded irritated.

  "Look Matt, I'm in no mood to play games, is this on the level?"

  "Very much so, Gabe," he replied. "Look Gabe, I heard about your situation, and I'm sorry, I really am, but I've got an offer for you that might come once in a lifetime, maybe two lifetimes. If I'm bullshitting you I'll let you take a swing at me, but I swear, it's the truth." There was a long pause over the phone, then Gabe replied,

  "All right, where are you at?" Matt gave him the address, with Gabe promising to be out there in an hour. Shortly afterwards Liam called asking that he come over to his house.

  "My parents want to talk to you Matt, they think you are trying to get me involved in something."

  "Actually I am," he replied, but why don't you bring them out here, they can talk to my folks, meet my friends, and besides, Gabe is coming out here as well."

  Gabe was the first to show up, looking extremely skeptical, however that quickly changed the moment he was introduced to Matt's friends. Matt gave the astonished boy a translator to wear as he continued to gape at the androids, as well as Holliqua and Ilmi.

  "I told you Gabe, I don't bullshit. This is Amber, and Gandric, along with Holliqua Karlnoti from Moriedia, and Ilmi Eifott, from Lyskanda." Gabe just stared at them and shook his head as Matt said.

  "Have a seat Gabe, Liam and his folks will be here shortly, then all will be explained. By the way, do you remember Kaitlyn Parkinson?"

  "That dumb ass Goth girl you were hanging around with, yeah I remember her."

  "Well that dumb ass Goth girl just wangled herself a gig with the Ruddorian government in their diplomatic corps, and I think you may see her again if the Loridian trading company decides to pay a social call to earth." Gabe looked surprised, as he replied,

  "Umm, well I shouldn't have said that, I'm sorry." With all the guests Matt's dad decided to have a cook-out, running back into town to pick up some steaks, and more beer. Meanwhile, Mrs. Grainger sat and talked with Holliqua, and Amber while Ilmi sat next to Gabe glaring at him.

  "I'm going to wait until Liam and his folks show up," said Matt, but I can tell you this Gabe."

  "If you decide to come with us, you will be living on a planet called Z'ha'dum, that's where the Neistra took all the earth people they kidnapped from Coryville back up in the mountains so long ago. They are gone now, so ownership of the planet falls to we humans now. You're going to be living at "ground zero" as far as being surrounded by highly advanced civilizations. Plus there's all the stuff that the Neistra left behind, here's where a guy like you could really shine Gabe."

  His dad returned about fifteen minutes before Liam and his folks arrived.

  Originally, they were all set to confront Matt but his parents, as well as his alien friends changed their tone entirely. After introducing them to Holliqua, Ilmi, and the androids, along with a few adult beverages things settled down. Matt provided them with translators, and soon each was being asked about their home planets. During the meal, Matt calmly explained to everyone why he had returned.

  "So it sounds as though this Z'ha'dum place is rather primitive," exclaimed Mr. Trent, "And you want Liam to go and live on this place?"

  "I won't lie to you Mr. Trent, right now, New Town is the only real settlement around. For all intends and purposes, the Neistra settlement has been abandoned, and besides it's on an island out in the middle of a big lake. The Loridian Trading company has promised to do a complete survey of the planet and decide on what sort of raw materials or types of crops we could grow. They've offered us a lot of help including setting up a medical clinic there."

  Then Mr. Trent chuckled,

  "I've got to tell you Matt, if I was twenty years younger, I'd go. Unfortunately, I've got a business to run, along with the fact that our roots are too deep here."

  "I understand," replied Matt. Then Liam's mother asked,

  "Is there a lot of danger out there Matt?" He grimaced, then replied.

  "There can be," then winking at Holliqua, he added. "Tangling with raiders can be rather dangerous, but for
the most part they tend to go after transports hauling high dollar goods, as well as freighters shipping valuable ores. For the most part, things in the Eisel, and Zan-Argo systems are pretty boring, but that's the way they like it." Both parents talked it over for a moment then asked Liam,

  "Is this something you truly want to do son?' Watching him closely, Matt could tell Liam wanted to go more than anything in the world but did his best to keep from appearing too eager.

  "Mom, dad, like Matt said, this is an opportunity that only comes once in a lifetime, I'd be crazy not to jump at it."

  "By the way," Asked Mr. Trent,


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