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Titan Stand

Page 83

by Max Jager

  "Who's in charge of things?'

  "Well I suppose I am," exclaimed Amber. " Your son would become a member of our crew. That goes for you as well Gabe should you decide to go with us. Matt being with me the longest ranks as senior crewman, followed by Holliqua and Ilmi. As Matt said, I am the captain, Gandric here is the ship's engineer. In matters dealing with the ship, or places we go to I make the decision, although Matt's input counts as well."

  "Well son, as far as we're concerned, you can go if you want," said Mr. Trent, "but consider it an educational experience please." Matt then spoke up.

  Mr. And Mrs. Trent, when I first left with Amber, I didn't know jack. But I kept my eyes and ears open, I accepted new experiences, and most of all made a lot of new friends. Besides being a top notch captain, Amber here is a terrific teacher. Among other things, she's taught me a lot about flying spacecraft, and interstellar navigation. I've still got a long way to go yet, but if you meet people half-way, they will teach you things you would never learn here on earth. Both Holliqua and Ilmi here are students as well, but Ilmi taught me a way that really explains their system of math, and I was never really that great in it. If Liam gives it half a chance, I think you'll be amazed at what he's learned."

  Then Matt looked at Gabe.

  "Well Gabe, you've heard the spiel, going or not?" Gabe thought for a moment, then looked at Matt and Liam.

  "I've certainly got nothing to look forward to here on earth, if you'll have me, I'm in." Matt reached out and shook his hand as well as Liam's,

  "Well guys…Prepare to be astounded."

  Before they left, he went over with them everything they would need to bring, as well as the "official" Nora-Lee Uniform, a Voodoo Tac 1 field jacket, subdued urban camouflage tactical trousers, black tee-shirts, although Matt told them He'd spring for heavy weight tee's with their name on the front, and Nora-Lee crew-member on the back. Also a good pair of black combat boots.

  Then Mrs. Trent happened to notice that everyone was wearing side arms, and became concerned.

  "It's just something everyone does Mrs. Trent," stated Matt. " I already told you there was a certain amount of danger out there, but we deal with it. Liam, Kaitlyn's AR is in the arms locker, you're welcome to it. Gabe, I've got a Benelli M4 shotgun you're welcome to use as well." He thought Liam's parents would make a bigger fuss about carrying guns, but surprisingly, they didn't. Gabe didn't expect much trouble from his grand parents.

  "I'll just tell them you got me in at the same place you work at but it's way out of town. They took me in because they felt sorry for me, but I could always tell the resentment. As soon as I get my stuff and sell my car I'll be ready to go."

  After everyone had left, Matt and his parents, along with Amber and Gandric and the girls discussed the evening and Matt's friends.

  "I'm very impressed with your friend Gabe," said Gandric. "We spoke at length concerning what it is that I do aboard ship and I think Gabe would make an excellent student, He understands, and can even visualize electronic components, as well as logic trees. Please don't take this as criticism Matt, but while you are adequate, and do a good job, I think Gabe has the makings of a remarkable student engineer. Would you object if I mentored him."

  "You would do this for him?" Asked Matt.

  "Absolutely," replied Gandric, "If he's willing to learn, I'm willing to teach him."

  "Then go for it Gandric," exclaimed Matt.

  The next day with Mrs. Grainger's help, Holliqua and Ilmi were able to disguise themselves hiding hair and eyes with sun glasses, and hats. Clothing from Matt, as well as Mrs. Grainger, completed the disguises. Since it was a Saturday, they had to catch the bank early to deposit a number of gold coins in the bank along with the Brennan Diary, as well as the bible brought from Z'ha'dum in the Grainger safety deposit box. Then on to a couple coin dealers where six of the gold coins were sold. Although there was a lot of squawking on the part of the coin dealers, they paid up. So far, Ilmi and Holliqua received curious looks, but the disguises were holding up. The girls were loving it, getting a peek into Matt's world. Their translators allowed them to understand what everybody was saying as well.

  Mr. Grainger warned that the coin dealers were going to be tough to deal with, and they were. Always eager to sell gold, they balked at paying a fair price for it, but after a good deal of arguing, the coin dealers gave them well over $1290 per coin.

  According to Matt's father, selling coins over the internet with a reliable firm was better, but in this case, they didn't have the time. In the end cash was acquired, and lots of it…At least enough to fuel an incredible shopping spree. Mr. Grainger rented a large cargo trailer to haul all the equipment back home.

  First on the list was a John Deere four wheel drive side by side followed by several gallons of oil and spare parts. Next came two chain saws, plenty of chain oil as well as engine oil extra chains and chain sharpening tools. Next came an assortment of axes, shovels, general tools, several sizes of nails and assorted building materials. Up next was guns and ammunition. 5 .56, shotgun shells in 00 buck, slugs, and number 4 shot. 9mm, 7.62x36. Wrapping it all up with food, and various types of clothing and medical supplies. It was only by careful packing and arrangement of all the purchases that they got everything back home.

  The next task was loading everything aboard the Nora-Lee. Luckily, Mr. Grainger was able to get his pick-up and trailer close enough to the loading ramp so that everything could be easily transferred. Under Amber and Gandric's supervision, everything managed to find a place. In the process however Matt lost his bed.

  Using a piece of ¾ inch plywood and some clever rigging the three boys managed to fix up a reasonably comfortable place to sleep. During the process of loading and working together new friendships began to form. Gabe was really taking a liking to Gandric viewing him almost as a god, while Liam seemed rather interested in Holliqua, something Matt hoped would develop further.

  After everything had been loaded, everyone went back to the house for a break, and to get something to eat. It was during this time Matt received a phone call.

  Mr. Grainger took the call then passed the phone to Matt.

  "Is this Matt Grainger?"

  "Yeah, who's this?"

  "Matt, my name is Frank Janson, I'm the director of NASA. You're a rather persistent young man, I understand you wish to speak to me."

  "I sure do, but I'm not coming to Washington or wherever, you have to come here."

  "Now I realize your time is valuable, and you don't generally talk to us "little people" but I need your help, or rather the Government's, and I'm pretty sure you will find that what I've got to say will be well worth your time."

  There was a pause on the line, then the director replied.

  "Tell me Matt, are there extra-terrestrials involved?" Matt snickered,

  "Umm, could be, but they are friendly, and are no threat. Look sir, just come here to Durango, I'm at my folks house right now, your men can tell you where that is. Oh, one more thing, don't show up here with any pre-conceived ideas of aliens trying to conquer earth or any of that sci-fi shit, I think you're going to be pleasantly surprised."

  "All right Matt," replied Janson, my curiosity has got the better of me, I'm on my way out."

  Chapter 100

  Titan Stand Chapter 100

  Matt's parents doubted Mr. Janson would keep his word, but two days later six black SUV's sprouting all sorts of antenna's pulled into the Grainger drive way. Someone had called that morning allowing Liam's parents to show up as well.

  When a knock came at the door, Matt answered it. Standing in front of him was a tall medium built man with grey hair, with three sinister looking government types standing behind him. Offering his hand with a smile, he announced himself.

  "Hello Matt, I'm director Janson." Matt looked past him at the agents.

  "They can come in but I assure you sir there is no danger here. Oh, take this, put it in your ear, it's a translator, you won't be able to unde
rstand anyone without it." Janson looked at the device then inserted it into his ear.

  "Come on in," replied Matt.

  Janson and his security detail entered to find everyone casually sitting around the living room, as Matt began the introductions.

  "First off, this is Amber, captain of the Nora-Lee. This is Gandric, the ship's engineer. This is Holliqua Karlnoti from the planet Moriedia, and Ilmi Eifott from Lyskanda. Then these are my friends Liam Trent and Gabe Wilkins."

  Janson cautiously shook their hands while his men studied them with suspicion.

  "So what do you think sir," exclaimed Matt, "I'll bet you never thought you'd have a "Close encounter!" Janson looked at Amber and Gandric,

  "Are you two robots?"

  "They are highly advanced androids sir," replied Matt, "Here you are in your first meeting with aliens and you start out by insulting them, way to go sir."

  The NASA director looked horrified,

  "I assure you it was not my intention to insult anyone!" He exclaimed.

  "It's all right," said Amber, "We understand. Matt has told us about your so-called "robots." We do not think ill of them but consider them our distant ancestors if you will." Janson looked relieved as Mrs. Grainger brought out coffee and refreshments.

  Janson continued to study the two androids, as well as Holliqua and Ilmi.

  "So what are your intentions toward earth?" Matt's friends all looked at each other until Holliqua replied.

  "Well Ilmi and I are just along for the ride, we've never been here and were curious about Matt's home." Matt then broke in adding.

  "If by that you're wondering if my friends are a potential threat, forget it. There is an organization known as the Loridian Trading Company. They have things pretty well sewn up in the solar system we are coming from. Along with the Galactic council, they make sure things stay on an even course. You watch too much sci-fi sir, out in the Eisel, Praia Doryl, and Zan-Argo systems; everyone likes things nice and peaceful. Oh they've got raiders, or space pirates if you will, but they are at a manageable level."

  "Tell me Matt," said Janson, "Does this Loridian Trading Company plan to visit us in some fashion?" Matt shrugged.

  "They're talking about it, but honestly what would be the point? They know about earth, in fact, I've run across quite a few people in my travels that have been here. If they did it would be more or less a social call, earth is too far away for any sort of trade."

  "One more thing," said the director, "About that incident down in Australia and over in Lebanon?" Matt got a nervous grin.

  "Well sir, I can explain, Raiders followed us to earth and tried to ambush us however, we got the better of them. Sorry for all the damage, but it just couldn't be helped. As for that terrorist camp in Lebanon, my friends were looking for a little "action." Believe me sir, it won't happen again, but sometimes things just happen. Now, let me tell you why I'm back."

  He then proceeded to tell the director about Coryville and the kidnapped citizens, the trip to Z'ha'dum, and the forced mining operation, finally wrapping up with the abandoned planet, and the opportunity for humans to claim the planet for their own. When he was finished, nobody spoke for a moment. Then the director said,

  "Am I to assume that you are fully authorized to speak for everyone on this Z'ha'dum as you call it?" Matt grinned,

  "Well as of right now there are only two humans "holding down the fort," as it were out there. Doctor O'Donnell made me a full citizen along with Kaitlyn and Roy, so I suppose I am."

  "Who is this Roy you speak of, I thought this Kaitlyn Parkinson was the only other person from earth to accompany you?" asked Janson.

  "She was," replied Matt. "Roy Von Dran was on his way back to Camp Pendleton during the Viet Nam war and got abducted and eventually dropped off on Denedra, he offered to help us out until we get more humans on the planet. But if you were wondering, he's perfectly happy on Denedra with a large family and all."

  "Just so we understand each other," added Janson, "What sort of people are you looking for?"

  "Well hard workers for one thing," replied Matt. "The planet is basically undeveloped. It's going to be like the pioneers starting out here in the west. No slackers, but folks who want to build a human colony out in space. We will need a doctor or two, engineers, scientists, that sort of thing. The Trading Company has promised to send in a survey team to audit the planet's natural resources, as well as providing medical care. Beyond that we'll be pretty much on our own."

  "So how would anyone we select get to this Z'ha'dum?" Matt smiled,

  "I've got connections sir, I believe we can provide a large enough ship to pick up at least twenty-five or thirty people."

  "So who would be in charge on this planet of yours?" Asked Janson,

  "Well I was sort of hoping that we could things like we do here, you know, democratically elected people and all that," replied Matt, "Either way, we'll have to form some sort of governing body that will work with the Loridian company and the council."

  "Let's face it sir, we will be a planet of humans on our own apart from earth. One more thing. Although Z'ha'dum will be classified as human, other races can, and will be allowed to live there if they so choose, as full citizens, but humans will always be the primary race."

  "Well young man," replied the director, I'll take your proposal back to Washington. How long do we have to decide on this and get our volunteers together?" Matt shrugged,

  "Well it will take me awhile to get back there, set things up with the Loridian people, round up a good sized ship and get back here. By the way, How about we land at Canaveral when we come, it would make things a whole lot easier." Janson thought a moment then replied.

  "I suppose that would be all right, but let us know before hand, there might be a space mission getting ready to go."

  "I'll tell you what," added Matt, "Look for me in a couple months give or take a week, but remember, these volunteers had better be prepared to work."

  "Understood," replied Janson, who then stood up.

  "One more thing, would you object to a small joint scientific team on the planet?"

  "Only if they are prepared to pitch in and help. I also don't know how often any of them will be able to return home, it's pretty damn expensive coming here. Make sure they understand that they might be there for several years, unless something can be worked out. In addition, this isn't going to be a free ride, as I said, fuel isn't cheap. I'm pretty sure whoever comes will be contracted and will expect to be paid, paid in gold since you don't have an account with the trading company."

  "How much are we talking about?" said the director.

  "Well since the Loridian Company will cover the contractor's basic fee, salaries and all that, payment will be mainly for the fuel. At this point, I can't say."

  "Well I can't make any promises son," said director Janson, "But we'll see what we can do. By the way, is there any sort of housing there?"

  "Not a whole lot sir, we've fixed a few places up. There is an abandoned Neistra settlement, but it's out in the middle of a huge lake, and the Loridian people need to check it out first."

  "Well maybe we can send along a couple pre-fab shelters," said Janson. With that, he said goodbye getting back into one of the SUV's, along with his men.

  "Well do you think he'll keep his word?" Wondered Liam.

  "Hard to say," replied Matt, "But here's a chance for NASA to get people into space without having to develop fancy hyper light speed spacecraft. I could be wrong, but I think Mr. Janson will move heaven and earth to get a bunch of people together to go to the stars."

  If anyone thought that by working with NASA would ease the spying by men in black cars they were sadly wrong. However, it was usually just one car but now the guy parked so he could watch the gravel pit at a distance. Final preparations were now in motion. Matt had notified Dr. Frick, who in turn, promised to have a number of interested parties waiting at the A'Le'Inn in two days time.

  "We will be there," promised Ma

  Shortly before they left, Matt's parents gave a goodbye party for Matt and his friends. Also in attendance were Liam's parents, as well as close friends of both sets of parents. Gabe thought it best that his grandparents not be invited.

  "It's not that I hate them, but this is just the way I want to leave. I've written them a letter explaining my feelings and what I'm about to do. I told them I couldn't guarantee I'd ever be back, but I would try and let them know what I'm up to."

  No one could convince him to do otherwise so in the end Gabe Wilkins slipped away from earth unnoticed.

  Shortly before the party, Liam received a phone call from Patricia Clark.

  "I'm only in town for a day or two before heading back to school, could I see you?"


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