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Titan Stand

Page 94

by Max Jager

  "While we're on the subject," he added, "All this screwing around with these raiders, can you tell me what you've been up to?" Holliqua just smiled and tapped his nose.

  "Sorry lover, even if I could tell you, I'm not sure you would want to know. In matters such as these, best you know nothing. Well I'm dropping time, gotta run, I promise that the next time Ilmi and I return, we'll be here for considerable time.

  "Well contact me first," said Matt, "At some point, I've got to return to earth to pick up a bunch of people, might be gone awhile." Both of them embraced as they kissed, when they finished, she replied,

  "Don't worry, I won't show up unannounced, so what do you say about the reaction team?"

  Matt shrugged,

  "Yeah why not, send them along."

  With Liam occupying most of her time Matt only got to say "Hi," and give her a hug before she and Holliqua were gone. As he and Liam stood watching the spacecraft disappear into the sky, Matt asked,

  "So Liam, are you and Ilmi hookin up?" Still watching the sky Liam replied,

  "Kinda looks that way…Say, you aren't mad are you?" Matt chuckled and patted his friend on the shoulder.

  "No Liam I'm not. I like Ilmi, she is certainly different, definitely not Patricia." With that they both broke out in laughter, with Matt adding.

  "No Liam, I've thought long and hard about it even tried to deny it but I've come to the realization that I'm madly in love with Holliqua. Let's face it my girlfriend is an assassin, a hit man, or in her case I guess you'd call her a hit girl or something like that anyway.' He then sighed, then started to turn and head back to town.

  "YAAA!" He cried, "Jeezist Clath you scared the shit out of me."

  "Sorry Matt," replied the Neistrian, I thought I heard a ship land so I came out to investigate."

  "Well it was Holliqua and Ilmi just stopping by for a social call. Say, while I'm thinking about it. At some point, a Malhazar reaction team will be landing and setting up camp. Don't attack them thinking they're raiders or something, otherwise we'll be in a world of shit."

  "What do we need them for?" Asked Clath,

  "Holliqua confirmed what I had suspected, and that is that the raiders are trying to get to Holliqua through me. They still haven't forgot that she was on that gunship that blew up Bline-Aichel and there's no telling what she and her people have been doing to the raiders in the meantime. She also tells me there's a price on my head."

  "Whoa!" Exclaimed Clath, "I had no idea,"

  "Well you do now," replied Matt, "Why? Planning on turning me in?"

  Clath looked offended as he replied,

  "I thought we were friends Matt, but now you are accusing me of plotting to turn you in, you cut me to the quick." Matt put his hand on Clath's shoulder.

  "I'm sorry Clath, I didn't mean to imply anything, we are friends. For some reason I'm getting quite fond of you. You're probably old enough to be my dad, but like it or not you're part of our little group here."

  "Well apology accepted," replied the Neistrian, "Where's that other friend of…"

  Clath stopped darting his eyes to the sky.

  "Ship preparing to land…Friend or foe?"

  Looking up, Matt replied, "Too late, besides, I think I know that ship…I'll be damned, it's Brand Ti'Korvo…Shit, I hope he's not after my head?"

  They watched as the familiar ship landed nearby, Clath hung back along with Walter, as Matt and Liam started to head for the ship. The ramp was already extended as they approached. Coming down the ramp was Brand, and Rekton. Matt studied their faces for any sign that they were here to grab him for the bounty, but their expressions gave no clues away.

  Extending his hand, Matt welcomed them.

  "What are you guys doing here?" He cautiously asked.

  "I heard that my friend was in trouble," said Brand, "So Rekton and I came running." At this point Doak and Brand's wife Aesil made their appearance. After greeting them, Matt introduced Liam, Walter, and Clath. They had already met Liam from a previous trip to earth, however looks of suspicion centered on Clath.

  "So you're one of those that kidnapped all those earther's and brought them here to mine Morbidium for you eh?" Stated Brand, in an accusatorial tone of voice.

  "Don't pin that on me friend," quickly replied Clath, I wasn't even born then and I've only recently returned only to find the rest of my race gone back home."

  "So why don't you follow them?" Added Rekton.

  "Because I can't," snapped Clath, "And besides, I'm not really sure I want to, I like it here just fine, Matt and I have become friends."

  "He's cool," added Matt, "Say I don't want to sound ungrateful, but you aren't here to claim the bounty on my head are you?" Both Brand and Rekton looked at him with surprise,

  "Gad no," exclaimed Brand, "As a matter-of-fact, I have heard of this bounty, but I've let it be known that you are a friend of mine and anyone trying to collect will find me on their tail. Now I'm not saying that you need to let your guard down Matt, but this isn't the first time raiders have put a price on someone's head. Problem is that all too often, when it comes time to collect you're lucky if the tables aren't turned on you or at the very least trying to find somebody…Anybody who will pay up."

  "Actually Rekton and I are here to look at locations for a small repair facility as well as a place to stay in between jobs." By this time Jezang, along with Tucker and Mr. Dyson showed up requiring another round of introductions. Clath was also joined by his wife making for a rather large group. Matt suggested they all head for town where everyone could be more comfortable. While they walked, he described the recent battle with the raiders.

  "That's the shuttle craft the Malhazars traded for the raider ships, and that is a crawler parked on the street up there pointed out Matt. Both Brand and Rekton stared in amazement.

  "Well that must be how the Malhazars snuck aboard the mining station at Keltrin-7 and attacked Tumar-Ju," observed Brand, they have the trading company in a real lather over this one. Not because they have the raiders all stirred up but because several corrupt officials have been exposed in the organization,"

  "I thought the Loridian Trading Company was supposed to be this symbol to honesty and shit like that didn't go on?" Said Matt

  "Well for the most part it is," replied Rekton and these officials will all be made examples of. And not just them but their whole families as well, I've no doubt many will take their own lives." As they neared town Brand commented on the crawler.

  "How did you get that?" Matt shrugged,

  "Jezang and Tucker captured it, why, is there a problem?" Both Brand and Rekton stopped and stared at Matt and Jezang.

  "Listen Matt, about that corruption I spoke of earlier, there is a very good chance that this machine was sold to the raiders through one of those officials. Knowing you, I'm sure you'd like to keep it, however it might be best if you contacted the trading company right away about this."

  "Well we don't exactly have any decent communications with them right now," replied Matt, "Could you let them know it's here and that we're waiting for that med team they promised, as well as a survey team."

  "I'll be sure to do that," replied Brand, "Right now I need to get the serial number off that crawler…That is if the raiders haven't obliterated it." While he was poking around inside the tank, Matt asked Rekton,

  "So where were you thinking of putting your house or whatever it was you wanted to build here?" Rekton grinned, then pointed out to the east.

  "There's a pleasant looking little river about twenty quans that way. Brand and I already over flew the area, and took scanner images. There's a spot where the river turne that would be perfect. There's a large open area that would be perfect for landing ships…Mine or someone else's."

  "Well it's yours if you want it," said Matt, "By the way you don't by any chance know anyone that has a decent sized transport they would be willing to rent?"

  Rekton gave him a serious look,


  "Well I
need to get back to earth and collect around twenty to thirty people I'm hoping will be waiting for me. I've spoken to the director of NASA, the American space agency who promised to round up a bunch of volunteers to come here and establish a human colony."

  "Did he now?" Replied Rekton. Brand then stepped out of the crawler,

  "What's this?"

  "Young Matt is in need of a large transport to bring around thirty humans here to establish a colony."

  "As a matter of fact, I do Matt," said Brand. "The fellow who owns it is a Selantrian who got into some trouble thinking he could deal with raiders. He did me a big favor, so I promised him that I would steer any work I ran across his way. Now, what is this fellow you spoke to offering in payment?"

  Chapter 113

  Titan Stand Chapter 113

  "About the only universally tradable item of value earth has got would be gold or diamonds," replied Matt, "Honestly though I've never really been sure just how valuable those commodities are out here."

  "Well it depends on who you're dealing with and what they deem valuable," replied Brand. "Gold is valuable…Up to a point. It's mostly used in electrical, and life support systems, diamonds…Meh, not so much but I'm sure someone would consider them valuable. Don't forget Matt, there are things much more valuable than gold or diamonds, in some places even water can be more valuable than gold. I assume that you will be going along on this venture?"

  "Oh yes, I'll have to, Christ, there's no telling what would happen if your friend showed up on earth unannounced, exclaimed Matt.

  "Well here's something else," added Brand.

  "The Selantrian's are big trades in things such as wines and spirits; they are always searching for something different. Perhaps, your earth might have something of interest?"

  "Well I'm certainly no expert," replied Matt, "How about your friend…Would he know?" Brand shrugged,

  "I do not know, but I'll let him know and maybe he can find an expert to accompany you."

  Rekton then spoke up asking Matt,

  "Before we leave, I would like to look around out that way for a possible site for that repair facility my friend is interested in building, do you have some way of traveling there, otherwise we can simply do a fly-over."

  "I've got just the thing," replied Matt, who's going with us?"

  "I think I'll stick around and talk to this Neistrian," replied Brand, Aesil and I are curious about him and some of the places he claims he's been to."

  "I think I'll stay here as well," added Liam, "I want to hear what these guys have to say."

  "I'll go with you," said Walter.

  This was the first time Matt had really driven the utility vehicle. Soon they were really rolling along with Rekton looking at Matt rather nervously.

  "Going a little fast are we?" Matt took the hint and slowed down.

  "So what sort of fuel does this machine operate on?" Asked Rekton.

  "Gas…Gasoline," he replied, I brought as much as I could, but we'll have to be careful as to how much it gets driven."

  "Well maybe we can do something about that," said Rekton, "When we get back, I'll scan the engine and show it to my friend."

  This was the first time Matt had ever been out this way and now he could see that re-naming the planet Endor would be the right thing to do. One vast forest on either side of them. The trees at first glance looked like the lodge pole and jack pine he knew from back home but closer examination revealed a different needle configuration. Here, they were flatter and a little wider plus there seemed to be a little bluer in the color. There were several varieties that were totally unique to this planet as well. From what he was told, there were several varieties of what he called pine trees but were in fact Unauga trees, the Ysala, Owheda, Rasburr, and Meicyk trees fell into this category. From scanner data, Z'ha'dum also had an abundance of Cherk, Kambot, and Jinna trees, all of them excellent furniture grade wood.

  Rekton then pointed to a wide clearing,

  "That's it, over there." Matt angled for the flat grassy area that resembled pictures he'd seen of the African savanna, even the trees that dotted it looked the same.

  "Those look like the Acacia trees of Africa," exclaimed Matt. "Had we gone to Africa to see those wild animals you would have seen them."

  "Well those are called Tishtug trees," said Rekton they also grow some pretty nasty thorns on them as well. Make a wide swing around this open area, I think this is where my friend would like to establish his repair facility." They covered a wide arc stopping on occasion, so Rekton could scan the area with his wrist comm. On their way back, Matt asked Rekton.

  "Do you think I'm crazy for trying to establish a human outpost here?"

  "No," replied the Golian, "What makes you say that?"

  Matt grimaced, as he glanced over to Rekton.

  "Because I'm just a kid, Rekton, I think I'm in way over my head, I haven't the foggiest notion of what I'm really doing, I'm just a dumb kid right out of high school." Rekton just stood there looking at him and grinning.

  "Seems to me you've been doing all right for yourself Matt." Then with a waving gesture he added,

  "You've got a whole planet to build, not many can claim that. At least you aren't dealing with a "Ussen Ommo."

  "Yeah, well until the raiders come again and try and take over or kidnap me to get at Holliqua and her family."

  "Something tells me you aren't going to have to worry about them anymore."

  "What do you mean?" He asked suspiciously.

  Rekton shrugged,

  "Maybe it's a good thing you're just a "dumb kid," right out of high school, things and events are in motion." Looking at Walter, then Matt, Rekton said,

  "Step over here for a moment Matt. Stay where you are Walter, I have something to say to Matt in private."

  Moving away from the utility vehicle Rekton studied Matt with a stern expression on his face.

  "Listen up Matt, as I'm only going to say this once, and you didn't hear it from me is that understood?" Taken back by his friend's sudden change in attitude, he replied,

  "My lips are sealed." Rekton looked at him a little longer, then lowered his voice.

  "Those females you rescued created shock waves all over the solar system, more than you'll ever know, the reaction certainly surprised me. Anyway, your Malhazar friends have been rather busy settling old scores and getting even. They even have the Vaeon's and the Uwan stirred up. I don't know how all this will play out, but I don't want you to say anything about this to anyone, especially this Holliqua friend of yours."

  "I won't," replied Matt.

  "Good," replied Rekton, "There's a lot of rivalries and intrigue involved here, saying the wrong thing to the wrong person can get you into real trouble." Matt grimaced,

  "So it's just like earth after all, everyone trying to cheat or rip someone else off, I guess some things never change, and it doesn't matter where you are."

  "Well it isn't all that bad Matt, but there's a lot more to these raiders than meets the eye. They are involved in more than just flying around the solar system hijacking transports and freighters. Let's just leave it there for now. I'll get with my friend right away, so he should be showing up before too long. I'll also check on what's holding up the Loridian people."

  Back at Newtown, Brand and Aesil were laughing and talking with Clath and Ircisa, something that Matt thought rather curious. He was puzzled even more when Brand announced.

  "Clath and Ircisa are going with us to meet some friends of ours. We'll be gone for a few."

  "If you don't mind Matt," added Clath, "Do us a favor, and make sure no one disturbs my ship, along with our home."

  "Yeah, sure Clath," he replied.

  Before long, everyone was gone again, but that evening as they were having supper as guests of the Dyson's Jezang casually announced,

  "Someone's coming in…Probably Amber." The Nora-Lee landed down towards the large open area where the vegetable garden was going in.

  As Matt and his
friends started down the street, they could see a number of people milling around at the end of the street even in the half-light.

  "It is Amber," announced Matt, and it looks like a bunch of people down there more of Kiggham's people no doubt." They were Kiggham's people including Kiggham Stenuck himself. When he saw Matt, he rushed over to him giving him a big hug.

  "Matt, it's so good to see you…Where's the young lady, I don't see her."

  "Kaitlyn?" Replied Matt, "She's got a cushy job with the Ruddorian government now, I doubt she'll be around here much anymore."


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