Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 103

by Max Jager

  "One thing though…Be prepared to go back to school."

  Major Morford later told Matt,

  "As I told you earlier, our primary mission is to establish a research station but please don't hesitate to call on any of us for help of any kind. We look at this as being an advanced base of humanity and we want to present a positive impression of the human race."

  "Well major," replied Matt, just treat them fairly, and be friendly, and your three quarters of the way home. Just realize that earth is not unknown to many of them, I've run into more people that have claimed to have visited earth than I care to count. Then the Major asked him what Endor was like.

  "Well," began Matt, "Right now there isn't much there. A few houses the people the Neistrian's brought to the planet when it was called Z'ha'dum." "New Coryville is the name of our capitol such as it is. Right now, the Loridian trading Company is conducting a planetary survey to determine if there are any valuable ore deposits, or possibly anything else worth trading for. The atmosphere is a lot like earth's though I think the gravity is slightly weaker. The weather is kind of weird as well, no blue skies but some awful pretty orange and gold ones."

  "Well what about these metal ores you told us these Neistrian's brought people from earth to mine?" Asked the major.

  "Unless there are larger deposits elsewhere," replied Matt, those are depleted. We've got a new Facility 605, which is a franchised spacecraft repair shop if you can believe it ? As a part of the deal, I'm getting my ship the Nora-Lee overhauled there. Oh and my friends are planning on turning the old Neistrian settlement of Mindia into a big casino and bar." Morford gave him a startled look,

  "A bar?"

  "Yeah, pretty cool I think. Look sir, you and the others are going to have to get rid of any pre-conceived notions you might have about aliens or the things you think they do. Oh sure, their tech is light years ahead of ours, and some of them look kinda weird but they are just people trying to get by and do the best they can."

  The major pondered this for a moment, then asked,

  "So Matt, who are your friends, who can we expect to meet?" Matt shrugged,

  "Well you've already met Jezang, her "sister," is the captain of my ship, Amber, and her friend Gandric both are androids of course. Then there's Clath, and his wife. He's what you might call "the last Neistrian," his wife comes from out of the solar system, she's a Plegon. Then there's Brand Ti'Korvo and his wife, both are bounty hunters, and Golian's. Then there's Rekton, he's a Golian as well. By the way sir, were you a pilot?" Morford grinned,

  "I still am, I flew F-18's in the navy, why?" Matt smiled,

  "For the time being, consider yourself our new shuttle pilot. Amber will probably let you fly the Nora-Lee as well. I'm getting there, but starting from scratch it's been pretty tough. Oh yeah, ask Clath to let you take a peek at his ship as well."

  Then the major asked him,

  "Say Matt, what are all those crates with Russian and Chinese markings on them? Some appear to have Arabic writing on them as well. I'm sorry for snooping, but I started smelling Cosmoline and took a look." Matt frowned.

  "Well sir, it's like this…"

  Chapter 123

  Titan Stand Chapter 123

  Being scientists, the NASA people weren't real keen on all the guns and ammunition aboard the Thrina, with Gary Simmons and Kathy Steel accusing Matt of trying to start a war, and giving earth people a bad name.

  "What are you trying to do start a war? This isn't who we are Matt, you know better than that!" He tried to explain but it did no refused to talk to them so finally Jezang came to the rescue coming on in her best Nebula imitation. She must have scared them enough because later Dr. Simmons came up to him asking about Jezang. Matt just grinned,

  "What can I say Doctor Simmons, Jezang is a "Tharg," an assasin, she's a lot like Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy. We are also very good friends and she's very protective of me so I wouldn't fuck with her." Jezang never told him what they talked about, but

  Matt was never bothered again. For the most part, he spent the majority of his time with Doctor Frick, and the people who boarded at Rachel. As he told the doctor,

  "I've got no problem with the NASA people, but I figure they'll go off by themselves, I certainly don't expect much work out of them. The people you rounded up are going to be the ones to get New Coryville and Endor moving.

  As for the NASA team, he got along with the major well enough, however most of the others didn't act overly friendly around him. Perhaps it was because they were berated by Jezang, but Matt suspected it was because they were highly educated scientists and professional people, and they resented having to take orders from a kid. No one ever said anything, but it was a suspicion that never left him.

  This was an issue that continued to fester until they were almost to Fort Kamata. Both major Morford and Captain Black approached him with questions.

  "Matt would you mind elaborating on just what if any chain of command there will be on this Endor?" The way they asked it convinced him these adults were uncomfortable with a kid like him seemingly in charge.

  "I figured you guys would ask me that pretty soon. Look, I'm no king or president for life or anything like that. I figured you NASA people would pretty much do your own thing doing scientific research and all. Ma'am, you'll probably want to get with the Dyson's, both are doctors as well as the Loridian medical team. Major, since you're a pilot, we could probably use you as our shuttle pilot. I introduce you to Amber and Clath who you will probably dealing with more than me. I don't know what you were told but I suppose at some point all of you will return to earth but we'll still be here."

  Captain Black started to protest, but Matt cut her off.

  "Don't worry about it, that's okay ma'am, no big deal."

  "Listen Matt, we all volunteered for this with the understanding that we'd be here for a very long time maybe for the rest of our lives we want to be a part of this new world."

  He didn't know if she was trying to snow him or not but he pushed on.

  "I know you folks resent me because I'm just a kid but I didn't ask for any of this, its like shit happens ya know." I'm here, we're here, and I'm just trying to make something out of what I've been given. I talked some of my old classmates into coming; I just hope I can find something useful for them to get involved in."

  "Now look Matt," said the major, "We're here to help. We'll do all we can to help. We could start a university and get your friends up to speed on things." Matt smiled,

  "Well that probably wouldn't be a bad idea, however I think once you talk to some of my alien friends your going to quickly realize it's you that's going to have to go back to school." They then asked him about the form of government he'd planned to set up.

  "Basically the same one we have in the states, you know, a Constitution and bill of rights. However it's looking like we might just become a planet of city-states, right now, there's already a community of elves and fairy folk forming south of Coryville in what we're calling the winding Stair Mountains. A guy by the name of Roy VonDran will no doubt be in charge. As a matter-of-fact, we'll be stopping on Denedra to pick him up. Then Mindia will probably become their own entity. Just because Endor is now classed as a human planet doesn't mean that's all that's going to live here. Which reminds me; Major…Captain, when we land at Fort Kamata and after the Loridian people get everybody's personal information we've got to go shopping."

  Both looked at him,

  "Eh for what?" Asked Captain Black. Matt wiggled the translator headset, replying,

  For these. This is a model 23448 Psy Pyx translator the best you can buy. It's connected into this comm headset and this little flip down thingy is a magnifier delineator that helps in focusing in on things the scanner is picking up. It's the translator that's the most important. Now like I said, they are expensive, but I think my credit will stand five of them, one for you major, one for the captain here, one for doctor Frick, and probably one for one of my classmates. One thin
g though, I expect to be paid back. I'll grab two or three cheap ones as well, but even out here you get what you pay for they are simply not as good. After we fuel up we'll have to land and everybody will have to go through the Fort's version of customs. After that I'll take you two and a couple others with me to buy the translators."

  Matt was required to "baby-sit" his friends who were still very unsure that they had made the right decision to come. The people who came aboard at Rachel were less so. They had made up their minds that this was what they wanted to do and were looking forward to building a new world. Doctor Frick had become their informal leader, and was the one Matt spoke with the most.

  Their arrival at Fort Kamata was a real red letter day, or as Matt told them,

  "Here is where all those sci-fi novels you've ever read become reality. Islos thought it would be better to fuel first as he was sure they would be here awhile.

  "I've also got to contact my broker and give him an idea of how much seed and extras we're carrying." Then Matt asked him.

  "What about all the weapons and ammunition are they going to let all that go? Asked Matt.

  Islos gave him a wink,

  "Here's the amended manifest, all those weapons and ammunition are going to Endor, that's your shipment. To transport any sort of munitions or even components of any sort of weapons system you are required to have a permit, which I have however, any shipments must be delivered to only one planet or government individual that means you. Don't worry Matt, nothing we're doing is illegal, I've got my future to think about. I'm sorry I didn't bring this up with you before, but I figured you had enough on your mind. I hope you don't mind that I store them on Endor until buyers come for them." With irritation in his voice, Matt asked,

  "Let me get this straight, you want to store all these guns and ammunition at my place then pick them up whenever someone orders something, or you sell something?" Islos smiled as he nodded.

  "You see Matt I'm a shipper, I have no storage facilities."

  "I see," replied Matt. "Well I don't mind storing this stuff for you but I honestly don't have a decent buildings to properly store this stuff in. You can't just stack it all outside, and you really need someplace secure that no one knows about, and in this case, raiders." Islos was clearly upset, fussing and wringing his hands.

  "How long would these crates have to sit before people picked them up?" Asked Matt.

  "Oh not long perhaps a couple geems, certainly no longer than a senth."

  "Well I suppose we could stack them in what used to be some sort of hall, the roofs gone on it, but the walls are still in reasonable shape," offered Matt.

  "That would be most excellent," replied Islos, "Then if you don't mind, that's what we'll do, I'll even advance you a modest storage payment."

  Matt was trying to think of how they were going to get all those crates in that old hall and if the floor was strong enough when Patricia and Lee Martin approached him.

  "Oh hey guys, what's up?" He asked.

  "How much longer until we get to this fort?" Asked Lee. Matt shrugged, and looked at his wrist comm.

  "Not long now, couple more centons which are days. You guys better start studying that chart I posted there are no more days, weeks months or even years out here. It's centons, geems, ceme's, and yeans." Both his friends frowned, then Patricia asked about Fort Kamata.

  "Basically it's an Loridian outpost that handles the lesser planets out at this end if the Eisel system. We stop here to refuel, declare our cargo, and get all you people on the roster, it's required by law.

  "Could we look around a little bit?" Asked Patricia, "You know, maybe do some shopping?" Matt gave her a puzzled look,

  "With what? You will have just submitted all your personal information for your ID, and credit card. They process the data pretty fast but not that fast. And anyway, there won't be any money in your credit account that's for sure. They don't take dollars out here, gold and blue diamonds are the only thing you could call hard currency that some of the shopkeepers MIGHT take. I'm probably going to drain my account-buying translators for several of you. By the way, of all you guys who came from Durango who's bucking for leader?" Both Lee and Patricia looked at each other then shrugged as Patricia said,

  "I guess it's me, I never thought being class president would count for shit outside of school but I guess I'm as good as anyone." Matt smirked,

  "I'd forgotten all about that."

  He then smiled,

  "Well Patricia I guess you're on your way already. Here's the deal, I've got to buy five good translators just like the one I'm wearing. They are very expensive because they are bioorganic, which I will explain later. Anyway, since you have declared yourself president for life, you get one, the major, and captain Black will each get one, Doctor Frick will get one, I don't know I might buy that friend of his one as well. I'll grab a few cheap ones as well. As I recall, they have to be specially fitted at the shop that sells them so you'll be joining our little group. One thing though,

  "Did you see the second Guardians of the Galaxy where Yondu is on that planet where Stakar Ogord and his ravagers reject him, and that gold queen shows up?" Patricia thought a moment,

  "Yeah, what about it?"

  "Well that place is pretty much what Fort Kamata is like. Not as many bad guys to be sure, but all different types and races. And until you get fitted with a translator, you won't be able to understand a thing they say. Well, anyway, more on that later."

  "Thank you Matt," she replied,

  "For what?" He asked,

  "For thinking of me even after I was so nasty to you, then started fooling around with Liam." Matt shrugged,

  "That's all ancient history now Patricia, honestly, I don't hold it against you. Right now, I'm handing you, along with all the others a special gift, it's yours to do with as you see fit. You've now got more choices than you can imagine, choose wisely."

  Chapter 124

  Titan Stand Chapter 124

  When Islos announced their approach to Fort Kamata, everyone wanted to see. Normally no one other than the crew was allowed on the bridge but he made an exception in this case. Matt acted as "tour guide," explaining that "The Fort," was located on one of the moons of Denedra, the other being Doradus. It was farther away from Denedra so as a result had a very weak atmosphere.

  "This is why everything is mostly underground. The fueling area, fuel storage, and general landing areas are all above ground. When we land to fuel the ship's data is automatically recorded along with whoever is paying for the fuel. Fueling is completely automated, although it's always a good idea to be standing by in case something doesn't connect right. Now in the case of my ship the Nora-Lee, it's small enough so that we can land inside a dome that closes around us, and oxygen is pumped in allowing you to get out and check your ship over. A ship like the Thrina here is too large for that so we have to fuel at the transport pad."

  There were several questions about this such as what kind of fuel these ships used, and how expensive it was. Matt continued explaining that after fueling they would then shift over to the customs dock. While they were being fueled, Tressal notified the Loridian Trading Company as to how many people were aboard and that they all needed new ID. As they were being fueled Islos spoke with Matt, and Major Morford.

  "That fellow from NASA gave me a container of gold coins for partial payment, which with my current account balance will pay for the fuel I buy here, however I won't realize a profit until I sell all of those weapons and seed grain." Then the major asked him,

  "How exactly do you pay for the fuel with those gold coins?"

  "Being a fuel point out on the rim as they say," explained Islos, "They are set up to accept gold, diamonds and Kokron plates." Matt then explained to the major,

  "Kokron is an extremely rare metal. It's actually a composite metal made up of several others. It's used strictly in hyper drive engines as it's the only thing that can stand up to the incredible heat and stress created when you're travel
ing hyper-light speeds."

  "Well yes, as I was saying," resumed Islos.

  "They have a collection port where you simply drop your gold coins or plates, your diamonds or your Kokron plates. Everything is then assayed, and tallied according to current prices on these items. That in turn is temporarily added to your credit account. Perhaps not the most technically advanced, but everyone likes it so that's the way it is." Major Morford scratched his head,


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