Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 104

by Max Jager

  "And here I thought you folks would have something more advanced than that."

  After depositing the gold, Islos learned that roughly one quarter of his fuel had been paid for with it.

  "I suspected as much," he explained, "But I'm used to paying for fuel this way."

  After fueling, it was a very short jump over to the customs zone where they waited for the Loridian people to come on board. Deev Mocon and Zeb Kifire were leading the group of assistants, and when they spotted Matt, it was like old home week. He introduced them to the major, Doctor Frick and several others.

  "We had heard they made Z'ha'dum a human planet," said Deev, "Changed the name too. I take it these are settlers?"

  "They are," replied Matt, "Although major Morford here is the commander of the NASA scientific expedition that will be setting up on Endor. Consider he and his team official representatives of the United States, but earth in general." The major was wearing one of the cheap translators so couldn't quite understand everything Deev and Zeb were saying to him, requiring Islos, and Matt to help with translating.

  Deev set his assistants to gathering basic information from each person with Matt, Islos, and Jezang helping to translate. Each assistant, along with Deev, and Zeb all carried small computers that looked like clear plastic clipboards, but as Matt pointed out to the NASA people and doctor's Frick and Westcott,

  "Those are the alien equivalent of a tablet or notebook computer. I've been using them awhile and have a good working knowledge of them but I'm still a "babe- in-the-woods," when it comes to understanding their full potential." Patricia was also observing, and casually asked him.

  "Do they have wi-fi here?" Matt chuckled,

  "Patricia, they don't have wi-fi as we know it, but on any developed world, it's just…there. The Loridian people have promised to install some sort of satellite over Endor that will allow us to have it but we've got to pay for it so it might be awhile yet."

  It took almost two hours to process everyone, and Islos to declare his cargo, but eventually, everyone was now registered as citizens of Endor, and indirectly of the Loridian Empire. Deev told the major that he would contact the diplomatic department,

  "They do things in their own time, but expect a visit by some diplomat and his collection of minions."

  "So we will have to establish some sort of embassy?" Asked the major.

  "Possibly," replied Deev, "However it will be strictly up to whoever shows up. I try and stay well away from those types." Deev and Zeb then invited everyone down to the bar to celebrate everyone becoming new citizens of the empire.

  Matt asked if they could hold off for a little bit, as they needed to get people fitted with decent translators.

  "Oh absolutely," replied Deev. "We'll get a room reserved and things all ready, see you down there." Islos had no problem with the change in plans as he now had inquires into the trade items he had brought from earth.

  "Take your time Matt, apparently there's a buyer already on his way here, possibly even two, who are extremely interested in what I have."

  "Listen up everyone!" Exclaimed Matt, "We've been invited by the Loridian rep's here at the fort to a celebratory drink and probably a little something to eat as well down at the local bar. First of all, we have to get down to the shop where they sell translators. Now not all of you will be getting these right away. Five or six of you will receive the real expensive ones at my expense, and others will be getting the cheaper ones. It's very important to stay together. This is no bullshit people. The corridors are usually crowded, and I know everyone will be tempted to take pictures and gape. Stay together and keep up with everyone, now let's go."

  He had Jezang follow in the rear to keep stragglers moving along but as soon as they hit the main corridor, everyone let out a collective gasp.

  "Just like herding goddamned cattle," he thought. It was hard to say who gaped and stared more, all the earth people or the technicians and flight crews trying to get to their destinations eventually they got to the shop where he had bought his first translator. The clerk was a Selantrian and not the one he had met earlier.

  "You are very fortunate," said the clerk, I only have seven of the Psy Pix's left. Plenty of the model Tsi's, I take it you will be paying for all of them?" Matt sighed,

  "Kinda looks like it."

  "Are your friends aware of how these devices adopt to the ear?"

  "No, but they will in a moment," he replied, "Hold on just a moment."

  "All right, listen up," he exclaimed. "Major Morford, captain Black, doctor's Frick and Westcott, and you Patricia, and Mr. Falkner. These translators are what they call bioorganic in that there is a living organism in side, all right, all right, don't freak out. When you put them in your ear it's going to feel like something's squirming around in there which it is. Don't be alarmed, the organism is adopting to it's host which is you. That feeling will stop shortly and you won't feel it again unless you remove the ear piece for some reason." The clerk then went around handing out the headsets while Matt watched Patricia closely. He wasn't too worried about the adults but he fully expected to see her freak out. To his great surprise, she didn't. There was some squeaking and a very uncomfortable facial expression but like everyone else, she soon became adjusted.

  "It takes a little bit before they become fully functional," he explained, "Eventually you won't even realize you're wearing it." The clerk then handed them the other half of the device, which included a micro-comm and the flip-up eyepiece. The cheaper translators were then handed out to Tracy Kepler, Brad Cummings, James Sylvia, Doug Stamford, Gary Simmons, Trent Farmer, Ellen Macy, Mike Justice, Lee Martin, and Mark Danner.

  "The rest of you will get your translators just as soon as I can afford them and everyone will eventually get the Psy Pix ones, hang tight." Matt hated to see the bill and it was as he expected depleting the hell out of his account. Doing some figuring, he figured the bill came close to ten thousand US dollars.

  Major Morford promised that he'd make sure NASA would reimburse Matt for the cost, but Matt wasn't holding out much hope.

  Finally, they could head for the bar and something to eat and drink. The corridors weren't as crowded this time so everyone was able to move right along. To his surprise, Grak and Karlt met him at the door,

  "Deev told us you were here and were bringing a few of your people with you," said Grak.

  "Listen everyone!" Exclaimed Matt, "I'd like you to meet a couple of my very best friends Grak and Karlt, c'mon guys join our party. Then to all his classmates, he added,

  "You guys order what you want, they won't card you here. If you're hungry try the Eabak, it's really good." Getting back to the side room was difficult, as the bar was crowded, not to mention that every eye was on this big group of earth people, and for most a brand new race. Both Deev and Zeb, along with all the assistants were waiting for them waving everybody over to the tables.

  Deev and Zeb, along with Grak and Karlt sat across from Matt with major Morford on his left, and doctor Frick on his right.

  "You know Matt," said doctor Frick, speaking into Matt's ear,

  "Both doctor Westcott and I feel totally vindicated, everyone thought we were crazy about UFO's and aliens, turns out they were, and are real."

  "Thing is doctor," replied Matt, "Everyone I've ever talked to that claims to have visited earth don't look anything like what people have reported, or their ships either, go figure."

  "Well all we know," replied Frick, "Is that all the ridicule, and skeptisism shown us on the part of the media and others has now been vindicated looks like we've got the last laugh now."

  "Well as soon as I can," replied Matt, I'm getting you two together with professor Strijac."

  He tried to divide his time between everyone, but right now he wanted to find out what the two Golian's had been up to.

  "Pretty much the same as before, we run between here, Golia, Denedra, Doradus, Tasir Var, Sedor and Hinol. I'll admit it gets pretty boring at times, but Karlt an
d I have girlfriends on every planet, we know everyone and the pay is good."

  "What kind of things do you carry?" Asked Matt. Grak shrugged,

  "Depends, just about anything, business people, Loridian representatives, parts, special deliveries, why?"

  "Well I've got a diplomatic pouch from the Aos Sí on earth. There is a letter from Bria to her mother, as well as letters for queen Breca. If it gets to her, she can send the stuff going to Doradus with the Doradian ambassador. Originally, I was going to give it to Fergus when we land at Kiggham Stenuck's village in the Witchfire's, some of his people are emigrating to Endor. I like Fergus, but I don't trust him enough to send the pouch with him. Besides I'm not even sure he'll even be there."

  "Well we don't generally carry diplomatic pouches," said Grak, "However we are scheduled to go to Denedra to pick up a special shipment of Ripdyne brandy for a big party some rich merchant is throwing on Golia. There's always one of those centaurs hanging around the landing zone to take any messages to the queen. Yes, we could take it however; you will have to sign an official transfer release form. I take it your ship is parked over at the customs dock?"

  "Yes," replied Matt, "It's Islos's ship the Thrina." We'll meet you back there a little later," said Grak

  Between Matt, Islos, Thix, and Jezang, the party remained short, two drinks each or one drink and a bowel of Eabak. On the way back to the ship, everyone thanked Deev and Zeb for the drinks and Islos for giving them the time to enjoy it. During the party, everyone who had been given translators had used the time to get used to them, as well as try them out on the other races that were there. Back at the Thrina, Matt handed over the diplomatic pouch to Grak, signing release forms on Grak's little tablet computer.

  "As he said goodbye to the two Matt shook their hands.

  "You two are welcome anytime on Endor, and I mean that," said Matt, "A couple friends of mine are in the process of turning the old Neistrian city of Mindia into another "Neb's Nebula," it will all be on a large island…the only island on the planet, stop by and check it out sometime."

  "We will certainly do that," replied Karlt see you around Matt."

  Once again, they were off heading for Denedra, and the Witchfire's to pick up Roy, and his family, along with anyone else who had decided to emigrate to Endor, and so he could give Kiggham that new compound bow and arrows he'd promised him.

  On the two-hour flight to Denedra, Matt found time to talk to everyone who received a translator.

  Patricia had been extremely upset at first, thinking bugs were crawling in her ear but now had gotten a chance to become used to it.

  "Will it always feel like bugs are crawling in my ear?" she asked.

  "Yeah, but your translator will "recognize" you and adjust a lot quicker. These sonic showers won't affect it nor will rainwater. Just don't go swimming in water for more than fifteen minutes otherwise take it off…"

  "This is really incredible," she added, "I can talk to these people just like we were speaking English."

  "Well just remember," he replied, you still won't be able to read their writing, but for some reason these translators make it easier to learn."

  Matt also spoke to the major, as well as Captain Black, both of whom were simply astounded by the technology that allowed them to be able to speak to the various races.

  "It's funny," said captain Black, "For as long as I can remember, I was always certain that we weren't alone, but I never thought in my wildest dreams I would end up on an alien transport headed for a new world."

  "She's right," added the major. "To tell the truth Matt, when director Janson first approached us about this project, we all thought nothing much would come of it, how wrong we were."

  "Well I was afraid he wasn't going to take me seriously," replied Matt.

  "I'd show up and other than the people we picked up in Rachel there would be no one from NASA, and I'd be screwed."

  "Well we're certainly glad to be here," replied the captain. "By the way, what's the deal with those people?"

  Not sure what she meant, Matt replied.

  "Nothing, they are just people who made a leap of faith and decided to risk everything on a dream, now it's starting to pay off. They are the ones who will really be doing all the work. We already have a couple doctors, and an electrician who is helping to get New Coryville set up with an electrical grid. Now I'm not saying you guys won't be helping, but I figured you NASA people would be doing all the research and more or less acting as representatives of the United States."

  "Well don't count us out on anything else you've got in mind," replied the major, "We're all ready to pitch in and help."

  "One more thing," said Matt, and this goes for everyone. Just because you will be counted as a citizen of Endor, don't get the idea you can't cut your own deals or do things with any of my friends, or any of the other races that happen to show up. In other words, if you want to strike out on your own, go for it. Kaitlyn, the girl that came with me now has a cushy job with the Ruddorian government. Just because Endor will be your new home doesn't mean you can't go anywhere you like."

  "Is this possible?" Gasped the captain.

  "Sure, absolutely," replied Matt. "However it might be a good idea to go with me for a few times meet people, check out some planets. At some point I want to get back to Ussen Ommo, now that's a place you need to see."

  Chapter 125

  Titan Stand Chapter 125

  For a change, they landed at Kiggham's village at a decent hour, almost suppertime. Kiggham suddenly found himself along with his people "Stars of the Show." Since he was used to seeing elves, fairies and Centaurs, he had forgotten that the people traveling with him might not. The women on board were all drawn to them like magnets. Captain Black pulled Matt aside,

  "You didn't tell us there were elves and fairies, Matt, and these centaurs they really do exist." He took it in stride,

  "I guess you weren't paying any attention when I told you there's a small colony establishing itself on Endor. That's why we stopped here to pick up Mr. Von Dran, as well as any others who've decided to come as well." Even Patricia was excited about them, especially the fairies.

  'Well once we get to Endor," he explained to her,

  "There's a small garden up behind the Dyson's house that a group of pixies and fairies are calling home. Mrs. Dyson really takes care of them. Talk to her, maybe she'll let you help out. But Patricia, you've got to be real friendly towards them, if they decide that they don't like you, they'll torment the hell out of you."

  Matt discovered that Fergus had got tired of waiting for them to return so went back to Gwyn Wood.

  "Good thing I got Grak to deliver that pouch," he thought. He also presented Kiggham and Roy with new compound bows as well as full quivers of broad head arrows, the kind with the razor inserts.

  "Matt I really owe a debt of gratitude to you," said Kiggham as he examined his new bow. "Until Roy showed up the only thing I knew of you humans was strictly in legends. Even after I got to know him, I still hadn't made up my mind. You've certainly formed a positive opinion in my mind." Kiggham and his followers soon discovered they had many admirers. Once everybody discovered that elves and fairy folk really did exist both Matt and Islos knew they wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

  "How many are coming with you Mr. Von Dran?" Asked Matt.

  "Well my family and I make five, then there's Ardoc, and Kiggham's brother Hinald. Then probably another twelve elves, two more centaurs and a couple of fairies, can you handle the room?" Matt frowned,

  "If we didn't have all those weapons we certainly could."

  "I saw all those weapons crates stacked up there," commented Roy,

  "What do you need with all those guns?"

  "We raided a terrorist training camp in Iran," replied Matt. "Islos is going to sell them to certain security departments. Scanners can't pick them up so if raiders try and board a ship you've always got a little surprise waiting for them."

  "Interesting," replied
Roy, "Say, why don't you store them here? We've got a couple caves large enough for them. Those caves aren't damp either, they would be just right to store everything. Have Islos talk to Kiggham I'm sure they could come to some sort of agreement."

  Well as things go, a large feast was quickly put together with the earth people the honored guests. Matt then got drawn into the negotiations between Kiggham and Islos to store the weapons and ammunition in his caves.

  "I was talking to this Stenuck fellow," said Islos, "Who told me he's got plenty of room to store all these weapons securely hidden in caves."

  "How much is he going to charge you to store all that stuff?" Asked Matt.

  "That's the part we have to discuss further, he has a list of things, supplies really, and he's willing to barter in exchange for the first three drowels of storage. I expect to have all the weapons sold by then. However, those caves interest me but there again; it's something we need to negotiate on."


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