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Titan Stand

Page 105

by Max Jager

  "Well good luck," replied Matt, Just make sure all my stuff doesn't get unloaded."

  Matt made the rounds with Roy, meeting those that were traveling to Endor, ten elves, two centaurs, two fairies, and two pixies. 0all of them were loyal to Kiggham, and were responding to his call for volunteers to go to Endor and Dinocki. Matt noticed that most were only carrying the minimum amount of clothing and tools if any. However, all the elves carried stout looking bows, knives similar to the one Yufic made for him, along with axes. The fairies and pixies carried even less if anything at all, but then their needs were few. The two centaurs approached him introducing themselves as Zyndon and Tressa with questions about their new home.

  "It's a big planet is about all I can say," he told them, Dinocki is the name of the town in what are now called the Winding Stair Mountains."

  "What about your settlement?" Asked Zyndon.

  "That would be New Coryville," replied Matt, "It's around 200 quans north of Dinocki, and from some of the scanner data some of the terrain looks pretty dry. So, are you two getting tired of life on Denedra?"

  Zyndon's wife answered,

  "Actually we are, things are rather dull, our friends Ladhas and Issia sent word back they love the place so we're going to look things over as well. If we like it we'll send word back and no doubt more will come."

  Then Zyndon added,

  "Not that we mind all that much, but why are your fellow humans fawning all over us? I mean it's nice to be wanted, but really." Matt chuckled,

  "What can I say Zyndon, you centaurs are the stuff of legends back on earth. Unfortunately, the creatures that resemble you we call horses but they can't talk and aren't all that bright." Zyndon and Tressa looked at each other.

  "So there are none of our kind on this earth you come from?" Matt shook his head,

  "Sorry but no, but we all know you through Greek Mythology and which is why you guys are so popular. Come to Endor, where you can just be yourselves."

  "Just out of curiosity," asked Zyndon,

  "Suppose we wanted to stick around your settlement for awhile, would we be welcome?" Zyndon's question took Matt by surprise,

  "Well…yeah, but you might have to build your own place."

  "Oh we wouldn't mind," said Tressa, "We probably wouldn't stay around too long, but we'd make ourselves useful."

  "So you two aren't real crazy about hanging with the elves?" Asked Matt.

  "Oh no, it's not that," replied Zyndon, "We know all about the fairy folk, and we enjoy being around them but all this attention we're getting from you humans is rather intriguing, we just want to get to know you better."

  "Well you guys are more than welcome to stick around for as long as you can stand us," replied Matt. The centaurs weren't the only ones requiring attention. His friends wandered around in total awe of the elves and centaurs and Denedra being the first real planet outside of earth they had been on. Mike Justice was a young bow hunter back in Colorado so when he learned that these elves were masters of that skill he couldn't spend enough time with them. Kiggham and Islos had come to an agreement on the terms for storage of the weapons, with the unloading of the ship starting to take place.

  As the commotion of unloading was taking place, Tressal alerted everyone to a shuttle approaching. Work stopped as everyone watched a trading company shuttle hover over a small open area before setting down. By now, Kiggham and Roy had gone on alert, along with a group of his people who were obviously his security force. The first two off were to Matt's surprise Grak and Karlt followed by Lord Morrone the royal advisor, followed by the queen herself. Matt was standing near Kiggham allowing him to hear the warlord mutter an Elvin curse, followed by,

  "What's she doing here?"

  "She sure has got guts," replied Roy.

  Grak and Karlt followed behind the royal pair acknowledging Matt with small waves of their hands. He was the only one to bow to the queen while Kiggham and Roy stood there with steely looks on their faces.

  "Out slumming?" growled Kiggham. Without responding queen Breca addressed Matt.

  "Grak thought you might still be here Matt; we're here over the matter of Bria and her parents." Then turning to Kiggham she added,

  "Well dear brother I have been hearing rumors that you are preparing to leave here, am I to be finally rid of you?"

  "Sorry sister," he growled, "No such luck. For better or worse, this is my home; I intend to finish my life here. However as you can see my popularity has grown and many flock to this settlement. Unfortunately, these mountains can only support so many. This young fellow has graciously offered a home on his planet. Roy here will take charge." Lord Morrone looked at Matt,

  "Is this true?"

  "It is," he replied, "Even though Endor is now classified as a human world, I welcome all those who wish to become citizens of Endor. I told you once that we humans have always a warm spot in our hearts for the fairy folk. Don't take my offer as a slight to you; it's not your highness."

  "The queen smiled, I don't, and I must apologize, my brother and I have always had a contentious relationship, and he takes great delight in needling me but as long as he remains up here in the Witchfire's, I leave him alone."

  "So why are you here?" Growled Kiggham. Ignoring his remark the queen looked around announcing,

  "For someone who pretends to be some sort of leader your social skills are very lacking. Are we going to just stand around out here or are you going to invite us in, I would guess you have some shabby little hovel that serves as a tavern."

  Kiggham glared at her but made no reply, merely pointing to the "Mountain Maid," which Matt knew to be the local tavern. The place quickly filled as everyone tried to crowd inside. Matt then took the opportunity to introduce the NASA people as well as doctors Frick and Westcott to the queen. She was the first head of state they were meeting, and he was careful to do it right.

  He also took a moment to speak to Grak and his sidekick Karlt.

  "Kinda looks like you guys got press-ganged into bringing the queen up here," he observed.

  "Well the queen got pretty upset after reading a couple of those notes you brought from earth, and we thought you might be up here so she and that advisor of hers demanded we bring them up here."

  "I could be wrong, but I don't think she's ever flown before," replied Matt.

  "We took them to Doradus a while back," said Karlt, "They seemed to enjoy the trip but from comments we heard, the meeting with King Valsung was rather contentious. On our way up here she told us this Kiggham fellow was her brother." Everyone filed into the tavern with the two waitress's trying to get everyone seated The queen and Lord Morrone were seated across from Kiggham and his brother, with Roy excusing himself to go and help Islos and his crew unload the weapons which wasn't missed by queen Breca. She confronted her brother on the matter hinting that perhaps he was planning to overthrow her rule.

  "Don't worry dear sister," growled Kiggham, I am merely storing those earth weapons for Islos. Matt has no place to keep them secure, but I do. Don't worry; I have no intention of overthrowing you. However don't think that I'm growing soft, all travelers through these mountains will still be levied a toll." "Anyone caught up here without a pass will be dealt with harshly." Queen Breca glared at him as she exclaimed.

  "Well I didn't come here to argue tariffs with you brother; I'm here because of this situation with king Valsung's daughter Bria." Then turning to Matt, she added.

  "The princess makes it quite clear in her letter to me that she is happy and does not wish to return home for some time yet, all well and good, however I'm the one who has to suffer the ravings and insults from her father. This affair is really not my problem nor do I wish to become embroiled in a family dispute. Tell me Matt could you find the time to talk to the king and personally assure him that his daughter is good health?"

  Matt sighed,

  "I suppose your highness but right now my plate is full getting these people to Endor. Then I'll have to wait until my ship
is repaired but I'm sorry I just can't see him right now. All I can tell you is that Bria and her husband were in good health and doing quite well. Bria gave me the impression she loved living where she is and wasn't too interested in going home anytime soon." At this point captain Black and Douglas Stamford asked,

  "Excuse us, but are you talking about elves and fairies actually living on earth?"

  Matt and queen Breca looked at them in mild amusement.

  "Well…yeah," replied Matt, in Ireland as a matter-of-fact, oh yeah, there are a few leprechaun's as well. By the way your highness where is Fergus?" The queen shook her head,

  "Poor Fergus, as you know I sent him here to catch you which thankfully he did. However, the experience was rather traumatic for him and he refused to come with us. He thanks you though for the gift of the whisky."

  As the impromptu conference neared its end, Matt promised the queen that he would go to Doradus and try to get things sorted out but it wouldn't be right away. The queen then stuck around to speak with people, her celebratory status taking her by surprise. Again, it was the females who were drawn to her, their childhood fantasies come to life. Later, he learned that she had invited a number of her new fans for a visit and tours of Denedra.

  But now it was time to leave, Islos and Roy had unloaded the weapons and those that were going to their new homes on Endor were all onboard, and it was just a matter of saying goodbye. Matt promised the queen once again that he'd get to Doradus, just not right away, then said good-bye to Kiggham. He noticed that the warlord and his sister weren't snapping at each other or making insulting comments anymore, or that Kiggham's tone of voice had softened. In fact, when the Thrina lifted off, the shuttle was still on the ground. Now there was only one more stop and that was the final leg to Endor.

  Chapter 126

  Titan Stand Chapter 126

  With the cargo area now cleared out the final leg of the trip seemed more relaxed. It also gave everyone a better opportunity to get to know each other. It also gave Matt more time to talk with his high school friends, getting to know some a little better. The ex special forces guy Donald Falkner and the carpenter Brad Cummings, along with Mike Justice from his class were just three he wanted to talk to. Falkner was quite reserved at first, but by now he was becoming much friendlier and in need of answers. On the other hand, Brad was interested in what kind of structures existed on Endor.

  "Just a bunch of run-down houses," replied Matt, "The original settlers built them back in the 1880's. Apparently they kept them up until everyone eventually died off."

  "So where are we going to get lumber?" Asked Brad.

  "Well there are plenty of trees, lots of good hardwoods as well. Ysala are like our lodge pole pine, Larmok makes good furniture, kinda like maple, and Rasburr is like cedar."

  "But what about cutting them?" Asked Brad, "Won't we need some sort of sawmill?" Matt chuckled, "They cut logs using a special proton beam. It cuts with a cold beam so you do not set the wood on fire. A lot of beam weapons use it as well. Gandric is our resident electrical genius who could probably build us a sawmill."

  "Is he an alien?" Asked Brad, Matt grinned,

  "Yeah I guess you could say that, he's one of several androids on the planet. Didn't you notice Jezang, she's one."

  "She's not human!" Gasped Brad, "I admit I' haven't spoken to her but you could sure have fooled me."

  "Well getting back to sawing logs," said Matt, "I bought three chain saws but only a limited amount of gas and oil. I understand they have a couple devices that are basically light sabers in the way they cut. I've never seen them but supposedly one cuts trees like by just slicing right through it, and the other is hand held for lopping off limbs."

  "Wow," exclaimed Brad, "That sounds cool; maybe we should get a couple of them."

  "I don't think we can," replied Matt, "From what I understand; only authorized companies can have that stuff. Logging companies but that's another thing I need to talk to one of the Loridian reps about. Then he added.

  "I've been thinking a lot lately about organizing a construction company Brad. There's a guy by the name of Walter Topping who's already on Endor who's an electrician. He's helping Gandric set up a power grid. Then there's you, a carpenter, and Mr. Tucker over there who's a plumbing and heating guy. Maybe the three of you can form a company to put up houses and other buildings."

  "Count me in," replied Brad, "But don't these aliens have all kinds of fancy pre-fab buildings we could put up."

  "Well yeah," replied Matt, "In fact there are a couple in New Coryville. I guess we'll have to talk to someone about that as well. He also watched for signs of homesickness among his classmates but except for withdrawal symptoms from their cell phones, everybody seemed focused on the adventure. Their first stop was the Elvin village of Dinocki in the Winding Stair Mountains. Here Matt learned that Captain Black had been talking to Roy about serving as the village doctor and would be disembarking there along with Patricia and Ellen Macy who offered to help her. Not only that Mike Justice was getting off here as well, or as he explained it to Matt.

  "I don't know Matt I've always been into bow hunting and I've been talking to that Von Dran guy and his elves…I think I'd like to hang around for awhile."

  "Sure, fine;" replied Matt just as long as they don't mind." Just to be sure, he spoke with Roy Von Dran,

  "I talked with that captain Black; or rather she spoke with me. I told her the elves have their own healers and that their physiology is somewhat different from ours but that didn't seem to concern her. Speaking for myself, it might be a good idea for a human doctor to sort of hang around. She also told me she just wanted to study the elves and learn from them. Araranth Briar Holm is the resident healer in Dinocki and the one the captain is going to have to deal with. Now, as far as that Justice boy goes, he's made a good case for himself, being a bow hunter and all. I'm going to take him under my wing and teach him a few things. Besides, it'll be good to have another person from earth to talk to again…" Matt was undecided about the whole idea of some of his friends living so far away but they obviously had other ideas. He then sought out Patricia who was talking with Captain Black, along with Ellen Macy.

  "I understand you two are going to be assisting the captain here?" He asked.

  "That's right," injected the captain, "We on the team have been talking among ourselves and have decided to take on these kids as assistants in training. I've explained to Patricia and Ellen here that it won't be easy, but since they won't be going to college, we thought that perhaps we of the NASA team could offer our guidance and help.

  "Well that's all well and good," replied Matt, "But remember you're free to cut your own deals. Get to know these people and maybe they'll offer to teach you the ropes or hook you up with someone."

  "I know you did," replied Patricia, "But Ellen and I want to live around the elves, and help the captain at the same time."

  "Fine with me," he replied, just be careful, we'll be landing at Dinocki in an hour."

  It didn't take long for the elves to disembark, but it took quite a while to unpack the portable shelter and other assorted gear the captain would need.

  Apparently, major Morford was comfortable with the captain being separated from the main team explaining to Matt.

  "Emily and I discussed the whole thing at length, and from all that you told us there was going to be a lot of ground to cover. Islos has agreed to release a small communications satellite for us once we take off. The captain and I will always be in constant communication with each other. Besides, once she's established here, I imagine she will be making periodic visits to New Coryville so I wouldn't worry." Matt reminded Roy about the possible raider threat once more but he simply chuckled.

  "I'll see to it we've got a proper air raid shelter, however I pity those boys if they try to land, you get a bunch of pissed off elves on your case it'll be hell with the lid off around here." Finally, everything was unloaded and hugs and goodbye's made, the last stop was New Co
ryville. As promised, Islos shot to a high orbit and released the comm satellite, which the major activated through a remote control unit.

  "Well it's still there," thought Matt as he watched the scanner show their landing progress. Tressal Ertox suddenly announced,

  "The control at Facility 605 is asking if we want to land at their site,"

  "Not this time," replied Matt, we've got too much stuff to unload and they are just a little too far from town. Land in that open area you did before."

  Once the Thrina was on the ground it took a little while for everyone to get ready to disembark. Matt announced final instructions on where everyone should go and wait until all the cargo was completely off. When the ramp finally lowered and everyone could now leave, he couldn't believe the reception they got.


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