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Titan Stand

Page 110

by Max Jager

  The Oxnian Planetary resources report had come back with the news that not only was there an untapped and very rich vein of Kokron a rare metal used in in hyper-drives. The discovery northeast of New Coryville in a very rugged mountainous area, which nobody had gotten around to naming yet. When asked about it the android Tucker admitted that his mentor Jacob Selkirk claimed to have been there but preferred what were now known as the Winding Stair Mountains.

  "How is it your people missed that vein Clath," asked Rekton.

  Clath always became agitated whenever anyone brought up the subject of the Neistrian's so people had to watch how they framed their questions about his race, and probably why he was eager to change the name of Mindia to Mos Eisley.

  "I have no idea Rekton," he replied, in an irritated tone of voice. "Maybe whoever conducted the original survey was lazy it is in a pretty rugged location. Could have been a lot of reasons."

  Matt and his council had already been approached by a Ruddorian company who were out there right now looking the site over. Ruddoria had recently been the first planet outside of the Oxnian Trading Company to recognize Endor, and it was looking like Kaitlyn might be their ambassador. In return, Matt was strongly considering making Doctor Frick Endor's ambassador to Golia, and Doctor Westcott ambassador to Ruddoria, while Orlak was considering his offer of becoming his adviser and one-man foreign office.

  Now that Gary Simmons the NASA astro-physist, along with Doctor's Frick and Westcott were back from Ruddoria, more attention could be devoted to matters of space research and establishment of a human presence in the solar system.

  And so on, the day Matt and his friends were due to visit the cantina word came over the comm link to Dinocki that two individuals had shown up and were pissed about something.

  "Who are they?" Asked Matt,

  "I think they are those two Neistrian's Clath told us about. They won't tell us their names the male pulled a knife on one of my guards and almost got into a knife fight. Right now they are sitting here in the town office."

  "So you have no idea of what they want?" Asked Matt.

  "Umm not really," replied Roy, but when I told them, I wasn't the leader on this planet they didn't say anymore and are currently camped out in the other room. Those two girls that work with Captain Black are trying to get them to talk but no luck."

  Matt sighed,

  "Fuck!" he muttered to himself.

  "Allright Roy, tell Patricia and Ellen to leave those two alone. I'm on my way down there right now. Unfortunately, Clath is over at Mos Eisley and I don't want to bother him, just hang on I'll be there shortly." Turning to Liam, he said,

  "Grab the Major and the new shuttle and head over to Mos Eisly and let Clath know what's going on. Tell him I'm on me way down to Dinocki and that he's not required to come if he doesn't think it's necessary. I'm taking Amber and Jezang."

  "I'll tell him," Said Liam, "But you know he'll be disappointed that you're not there for the opening party."

  "Yeah I know," replied Matt, "Hopefully we can get this resolved quickly."

  Rounding up Amber, along with Gandric and Jezang, they took off in the older shuttle while Liam and Major Morford headed for the new casino and cantina in the recently acquired shuttle, a gift of the Malhazar's in exchange for the captured raider ship.

  Dinocki the Elvin settlement was roughly 200 miles south of them in the heart of the Winding Stair Mountains but it only took around forty-five minutes to get down there. From the size of the crowd, hanging around it looked like the whole settlement had turned out. Roy VonDran, Patricia, and Ellen met he and the others just outside "City Hall," as Roy called it.

  "Hey Roy, Patricia, Ellen so what do our truly fine citizens want?"

  "They won't say," replied Ellen,

  "They spit at me," added Patricia.

  "It could be that's because both of you are humans," offered Jezang, "Clath told me they were rather unrepentant."

  "He told me the same thing," added Matt, "Well let's go try and find out what they want."

  As it happened, Matt and Amber entered first with Jezang just behind them. As soon as the Neistrian's spotted Amber and Jezang, they both launched knives at the ready. Jezang immediately shoved Matt out of the way, as both she and Amber literally flew into the air and kicked out at the attackers. Suddenly Roy was standing over him landing a solid punch at one of the Neistrian's knocking him back against the wall. Seconds later the fight was over both Amber and Jezang had the two down on the floor their knives held at the Neistrian's throats.

  "Da Fuck!" Shouted Matt, as Roy helped him up.

  "Do you want us to kill them?" Demanded Amber.

  "No, no, hold on a minute." Pointing to the male, he snarled,

  Bris! What are you doing? Why did you attack us?" Bris started rattling off something in his own language before Matt's translator caught up.

  Apparently, the three androids didn't have any problem understanding the slurs, which were apparently directed at them.

  "Filthy Tharg Whores why are you in league with these humans?"

  "Hold on there! Growled Matt, "You two settle down right goddamned now! I…"

  Suddenly they heard the sound of another craft landing, it was the new shuttle. Moments later, Clath, Liam, and Major Morford entered. When Bris and Ceari saw Clath, a new round of swearing began until they received vicious punches from Amber and Jezang.

  "You didn't have to come Clath," said Matt, "We could have handled this." Clath surveyed the situation and merely shook his head and grunted. He then walked over to where Bris lay, restrained by Amber, and kneeled down, where he spoke to the Neistrian.

  "I thought I told you never to come around here, why are you here?" Bris glared at Clath as he replied.

  "We became curious about the humans who you told us now controlled the planet, we had no idea that These Tharg Whores were controlling them."

  "Well you are very wrong about that Bris," said Clath. Matt here is but one of the human's leaders, there is a council that runs this planet, which by the way is now known as Endor. Mindia is no more as well, it is now called Mos Eisley, which a friend and I now operate. We three are the only Neistrian's left in this system. Right now, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if that number suddenly went down to one. Are we communicating…or not?"

  Then Matt spoke up,

  "Listen you two, right now you've got a choice, stay on the planet and learn to get along with everyone or mope around about times gone by. Amber and Jezang are not only good friends of mine but they both figure in the government here. Your friends all left Endor is our world now, deal with it, join us or we'll ship your asses out of here. Speaking for myself, I'd like to see you stick around and become useful citizens of Endor. As for Amber and Jezang, they are here to stay, nothing is going to change that, am I making myself clear?"

  As if he hadn't heard a word Matt had just said, Bris glared at Amber.

  "But why do you align yourselves with these…whores?"

  "I know all about the Tharg Bris and to tell you the truth, I don't really give a fuck. They are my friends and have saved my ass more than once, that's all I really care about, got that? Besides, I happen to know why you call them that, and I'm afraid you got it all wrong. Now, what's it going to be? Are we going to forgive and forget or ship you off to Ussen Ommo, or some god forsaken planet like that?" The two Neistrian's continued to glare at Matt and his friends until Ceari spoke up.

  "So you intend to kill us?" Her question caught Matt off guard causing him to guffaw.

  "Why would we do that? I told you that if you find us so objectionable we can find someplace for you. Why? Do you think that because your people are all gone and we're running things now we want to kill you? Why don't you two go back to that place you were living at and figure out what you want to do, okay?" Then Bris pointed to a couple elves who were watching from the doorway.

  "Who are they?"

  "They are elves, who, along with some others have come here from the pla
net Denedra. They have claimed these mountains as their home so get used to that as well. Who knows, maybe you will like them better than we humans." Then Bris asked,

  "Could we speak to Clath…in private?"

  "I don't know," replied Matt, "Are you two going to behave yourselves?"

  "We will," said Bris, "Please, just for a moment."

  Matt nodded towards Amber and Jezang,

  "Let 'em up, c'mon everybody, out of the room."

  While they waited outside, Matt spoke to Amber, Jezang and Roy.

  "Thanks you guys for saving my life, I wasn't expecting that."

  Patting him on the shoulder, Roy replied,

  "No problem buddy, but why are they so upset about Amber and Jezang.

  "It's a long story," sighed Jezang. "Bris is right we are Tharg and no doubt in their minds are whores. I had completely forgotten about the Neistrian's involvement with the Sibranthi and that their treatment of we droids was very unkind to say the least."

  "That is one of the reasons I left here with Greg," added Amber. "I suspect there is more to the story, but it is something best left to the past. If these two insists on living that past then there is no room for them here."

  Finally, the three Neistrian's emerged with Bris and Ceari looking very resigned.

  Clath stepped forward pointing to them.

  "Bris and Ceari have something to say to you." Both hesitated for a moment then stepped towards Amber and Jezang,

  "It seems that we have made a terrible misjudgment and wish to apologize."

  "The past is dead," replied Jezang, "The Sibranthi are long gone, the planet is now known as Xandrus. This is a new world as well, Amber and I will personally vouch for Matt and his human friends, and they are our friends as well. Be like Clath, he has made the choice to move on with his life and is all the better for it."

  "She's right," replied Clath, "I could have left but I chose to stay. I find these humans rather intriguing, besides that I am currently involved in a new business venture with another friend. Let the dead bury the dead."

  Clath then pulled Matt aside,

  "I need to talk to you…in private." Meanwhile Bris had struck up a conversation with Roy while Matt and Clath went back inside.

  "What's up Clath?" Asked Matt.

  "First of all, the Neistrian's are a very proud race. Me, not so much, I have been around, and am no doubt somewhat more "worldly" than those two. Anyway, if you haven't noticed, they are starving, their house burned down a couple geems ago and they have been wandering around all this time at the end of their rope. They seem interested in the elves for some reason. Perhaps they can find peace here in Dinocki."

  "Well that's up to Roy to decide," replied Matt. "One thing Clath and I know you are very touchy on the subject but given the choice would you rather have them stay…or go?"

  "We've been all through this before," replied Clath, you know my feelings toward the other Neistrian's and why. As for Ircisa and me most of our time will be taken up over at Mos Eisley if Bris and Ceari want to live in New Coryville I certainly have no objections, however if that other earther accepts them then I would go with that choice."

  "Well all right then," replied Matt. When they rejoined the others Roy had already offered them refuge in Dinocki.

  "We'll take care of them," said Roy, "I just asked Malleus about them sticking around. Apparently he got no bad vibes off of them so I guess they are welcome to hang around for as long as they like, but I'll keep you posted."

  As Matt and the others prepared to leave, he spoke to Patricia and Ellen.

  "Did you two know there's a party going on at the former Neistrian settlement? I hear that you two have been working hard, don't you think it's about time you got out for a little fun. C'mon, my shuttle is waiting."

  On the way up to Mos Eisley, they talked about life in Dinocki and how warm and friendly Patricia and Ellen found the elves.

  "We were kinda scared of them at first, but then Roy's wife took us under her wing and gave us a quick education in Elvin social rules and behavior," explained Patricia. "Oh Matt I'm so glad I came." He chuckled, replying,

  "Liam said the same thing. Actually I was concerned that you might freak out over all these aliens but I'm glad to see that's not the case."

  "Well that's just shows how little you really knew me Matt Grainger. So, who's going to be at this party?"

  Chapter 132

  Titan Stand Chapter 132

  This was the first time Matt had visited the completely revamped Mindia since Clath and Brand had chosen the island for their new bar. The whole south end of the island was now a landing area. Both Brad and James had suggested to Clath and Brand they make it like a truck stop the kind found back on earth.

  They described a large parking or landing area possibly fuel service. The bar of course but also a good place to eat along with real water showers. Like Neb's the bar, also served food but Brand told James that there were a lot of problems associated with offering a fueling station. Judging by the number of spacecraft it appeared that opening night would be a smash. Amber landed next to Clath then everyone followed the lights and signs towards the cantina.

  "This place looked a whole lot different when I first saw it," he said to no one in particular.

  "Matt!" He knew that voice even before turning around.

  "So you and your partner in crime decided to show up eh," exclaimed Matt. It was his old friend Grak Armier with an attractive Golian female on his arm likewise his partner Karlt Juliff.

  "Glad you two could make it," added Clath, "Since you two are friends of Matt the next drink in on the house, tell 'em that I approved it." Matt then introduced Patricia and Ellen, as they were the only two the Golan's hadn't met. Surprisingly, they weren't freaking out at all the alien's here.

  "Maybe I underestimated her?" He thought to himself.

  "We can only stay a short while," stated Grak, "Unfortunately, duty calls. By the way, when are you planning on returning to your home world?"

  "Hard to say," replied Matt, "Pretty soon though, we've got a couple projects to wrap up, but pretty soon, I'd say three geems, why?"

  "We've finally got time coming; besides, the shuttles are due for major overhaul. That's another reason we're here we've been over to that new repair depot and we were hoping to go with you while the shuttles were down."

  "Great," replied Matt, "In that case let's call it three geems." Then turning to Amber he asked.

  "Would that work for you?"

  "As long as we weren't gone too long," replied Amber, "Gandric and I have business on Xandrus. Time might be a little tight, but as long as you aren't gone very long we can work it out.

  "Well you heard her Grak," replied Matt, "Figure out when you want to leave, and let me know, we'll go from there."

  Then Grak said to Clath,

  "By the way, Neb, of Neb's Nebula is here looking over his competition."

  "We know," replied Clath, "Brand has spoken to him already, they were sitting over there before I left but I'm not sure where they have gotten off to by now."

  Eventually their party broke up, Jezang and Amber went off on their own while Clath and Major Morford wandered off looking for Brand and Rekton. Matt and Liam soon found their friends drinking at a small table surrounded by racious transport crews.

  "Matt, Liam!" Called out Lee Martin. "We saw you guys over there so we saved you a couple seats. How about Patricia and Ellen?" Matt looked for them but apparently, they too had been swallowed up by the happy crowd.

  "They were with us just a minute ago," he replied.

  "They'll show up," said Martin, "Man this place is great, they don't card, we can drink whatever we want." Matt noticed they had a pitcher of what looked like Clandian beer in front of them.

  "You guys be careful that beer is bad enough, but some of the stuff they drink out here will put you on the floor in a heartbeat." Everybody started laughing as Martin pointed to Justin Saylor who had a silly grin on his face.
  "He tried something called "Bal Mok," said David Coulson, "Now he can't get up, ha, ha."

  "Shit was pretty good," confessed Coulson, "But I don't think I can walk out of here."

  "I'm telling you guys," said Matt, "Better stick to the beer, Bal Mok is like white lightening, it will fuck you up."

  "So I found out," complained Saylor, "What am I going to do now?" Martin quickly changed the subject by pointing to the aliens sitting near them."

  "We've been talking to some of these guys who have been telling us about all kinds of shit."


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