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Titan Stand

Page 112

by Max Jager

  "That's my dad's favorite movie, but I've only seen parts—too violent for me.

  "Well, do you remember Connie Corleone?"

  "Wasn't that the character Talia Shire played?" Asked Patricia,

  "Yeah, well Holliqua IS…Connie. The Malhazar's are basically the mafia out here."

  Patricia gasped,

  "Oh my god! Matt, what did you get involved with?" He looked at her and shrugged, and sighed.

  "At this point it doesn't really matter, I love her. I kept trying to deny it but it was no good, I'm deeply, and hopelessly in love with her Patricia. We also have an understanding between us, I don't ask and she doesn't tell, and that's the way it's been. I'll tell you this much, she's a real "hellcat on wheels" in a fire fight. Besides that, she knows her way around three systems, I need someone like that."

  "Well I hope you know what you're doing," replied Patricia.

  "So do I…so do I Patricia. Oh before I forget. When we get back to earth, I'd like you to grab a bunch of dance type music, not just current stuff, but music going back to the 60's and 70's and get a real good CD player as well." Then dropping a small plastic bag with five blue diamonds in it he added.

  "Brand wants this stuff for the bar, as you've probably noticed; music really isn't a big thing with people out here. I'll leave it up to you okay?"

  As he stood up Patricia looked at him,

  "Thanks Matt, I'll take care of it. Grak and Karlt then appeared, changing his plans to leave. He introduced Patricia to them again, stating.

  "These guys were the first ones to befriend me right after I first arrived out here,

  So what's up guys? Looking forward to your visit to earth.

  "Absolutely," exclaimed Karlt,

  "We've been talking to Slavek," added Grak, "And he's been telling us about this massive canyon you two shot through along with some little place that actually welcomes spacers." Matt chuckled, then Patricia spoke up.

  "So that was you? Oh Matt do you know what you did flying through the Grand Canyon like that?" He grimaced,

  "Mr. Janson jumped my shit about it, yeah; I sure do know what we did."

  Not understanding the ramifications of Matt and Slavek's actions the two Golian's only saw thrills and excitement. Matt hated to burst their bubble, but it needed to be done.

  "Look guys running that canyon like we did was both illegal and wring but at the time I figured what the hell, you only live once." He then looked at Patricia,

  "We also buzzed Area 51 as well and don't you think I caught hell for that as well."

  "Look guys, I owe you two a lot and I promise to show you a good time but whatever we do we'll probably have to clear it with Janson first."

  "Say, I've got an idea," stated Patricia, "We're going back to Durango aren't we?"

  "Well…yeah," he replied.

  "How about letting them ride the train up to Silverton?" He looked at her like she had lobsters crawling out her ears.

  "Whaa…Patricia, I…" She cut him off by adding,

  "No seriously, think about it, we get a big thrill out of traveling in spaceships; I doubt these two have ever been on a train."

  Matt turned to the Golian's filling them in on the back-story.

  "What she is referring to is an old time railroad train that travels up to Silverton Colorado and back again. It's mainly for the tourists, although my dad and mom took me when I was little. The scenery is really beautiful but you can practically walk faster than that train moves. But hey! It's your call." Patricia then added.

  "My dad is real good friends with one of the trustee's maybe we could work something out?"

  Matt tried to imagine the sight of aliens riding the Durango Silverton railroad just like any other tourists, but somehow he doubted it would work. Still, it might be worth mentioning to Mr. Janson. Kaitlyn, along with Tiag and Slavek had turned what Matt thought would be a sort of brief vacation into a working one. It was mainly for the kids but the NASA people joined in as well. She even managed to get Holliqua, Jezang, Grak and Karlt to contribute by bringing everyone up on Oxnian policies, proper etiquette towards other races, combined with a little history of some of the planets. When Matt made a comment about the whole thing, he found himself being rebuked by Holliqua.

  "I think Kaitlyn's efforts are wonderful Matt. Your friends want to learn about the world they will be living in, don't criticize her or Slavek for their efforts." He had to admit that she was right, so in the end apologized to her.

  "Let's face it Matt, you're just jealous of Kaitlyn for making an effort to better her situation." He ended up involving himself in one of the study groups along with Grak and Slavek.

  As always, the final jump off point was Fort Kamata always a fuel stop to be sure, however this time the Kaalsia was boarded by Loridian security people. Matt, Slavek, and Tiag, along with captain Krea were asked to meet security chief Oznai. Since Holliqua was a Malhazar national, she also attended.

  After introducing himself, Oznai dropped a bombshell on them.

  "Although the information we've received pertains to the whole ship and it's passengers, you Mr. Grainger, and you Miss Karlnoti. We have reason to believe that one or more raider craft may attempt to follow you and destroy your ship. Now we cannot prevent you from traveling to this planet earth but we would strongly recommend that you make a change in plans."

  "So you're saying that there is an attempt on our lives?" Queried Holliqua.

  "That's what we believe according to the information we've received

  Chapter 134

  Titan Stand Chapter 134

  After some prodding from Matt and Holliqua Oznai revealed that security had picked up the possible presence of a raider ship of some kind lurking in the area.

  "Our scanners picked up its signature just for a micro not long enough for a positive fix but enough to alert you folks," said Oznai. Then Captain Krea posed the question to Slavek and Tiag as to whether they should continue.

  "I say go on," firmly stated Slavek.

  "This is a very fast ship, being designed for transporting important guests and visitors it has to be. Plus, we have a few surprises on board I'm not at liberty to reveal."

  "If that is your wish," replied Krea, "Then we will continue on." Holliqua then whispered to Matt,

  "Stay here, I've got to do something, be right back." She immediately left causing a number of raised eyebrows.

  Everyone else voted to head for earth or as Matt put it,

  "Once we jump into hyperspace there's no way they can catch us, but until then we're vulnerable. If it comes down to worst case, Jezang and I brought our guns with us. Once Holliqua gets back we're outta here."

  Shortly Holliqua returned, asking on the status of the trip.

  "Leaving now," replied Captain Krea.

  "If you are leaving right away," stated Oznai, "We won't make any contact with you, strict comm silence, good luck out there."

  Once they were alone Holliqua confided to Matt,

  "I contacted some of our people here on Kamata, rest assured there will be a destroyer here shortly, however, we may as well leave now as I doubt the raiders will try anything this close to Kamata."

  "I'm not so sure about this," replied Matt, "Raiders followed us to earth before. I think we'd better talk with Slavek and his sister about this."

  "I'm for continuing on to earth," said Slavek." Tiag and Kaitlyn wanted to wait until the Malhazar ship arrived however; Matt and Captain Krea were in favor of leaving right away. Slavek called it, so the Kaalsia quickly departed Fort Kamata.

  Slavek and Captain Krea both decided it might be a good idea to drop out of hyperspace a little sooner than planned,

  "Just a hunch," said Captain Krea. Matt notified the other passengers of the possible threat as well at the precautions they would be taking. At one point, he along with Holliqua, Slavek, Tiag, Kaitlyn, Jezang, and Captain Krea discussed strategies should they discover that raiders had followed them.

  "Let's head for Ma
rs first," suggested Matt. "In case someone did follow us we might be able to get them to tip their hand."

  After the Kaalsia had slipped into hyper-drive, Captain Krea informed Matt and Holliqua,

  "Just as we were moving into hyper light speed, my long range scanner picked up a ship. The scanner was unable to get a positive identification as it was less than a micro-tic but if my scanner says something is out there I believe it. I thought you two should know."

  "Thanks captain," said Matt, "Does this ship have any sort of attack capability?"

  He looked at both of them, replying.

  "I'm really not at liberty to disclose that information, however you mentioned earlier about setting down on some planet?"

  "That would be mars," replied Matt. I've got the navigational coordinates stored on this chip, there's some stuff about earth on there as well

  For the rest of the trip, Matt, Holliqua, Jezang, and Slavek, along with Captain Krea worked out plans in dealing with the raiders that everyone suspected would be waiting for them once they dropped out of hyperspace. Captain Krea agreed with Matt that Setting down someplace on mars would be best, however Holliqua expressed fears that the raiders would simply attack and destroy them sitting on the ground, until Captain Krea and Slavek revealed the fact that the Kaalsia carried a small fighter/tender down in a shielded compartment of the ship.

  "It isn't much as fighters go," explained Krea, "Two seats and a small cargo space. Its primary purpose was to serve as transport down to a planet's surface or retrieve supplies. At the time of the ships design it seemed like a good idea, however this ship was eventually re-designed to set down on prepared landing sites. For some reason the tender stayed although I think we've only used it once or twice."

  "What kind of weaponry does it have?" Asked Holliqua. Captain Krea snickered,

  "Two Plazon auto bursters, basic weaponry really, plus the craft doesn't have any shielding so that's pretty much it." She then turned to Slavek,

  "It's a basic craft but one I can fly," said Holliqua, "The important thing is that those bursters are powerful to punch through the hull of a raider craft." Turning to Matt, she asked,

  "Tell me about this mars,

  "Actually I don't know all that much other than we've got a robotic dune buggy rolling around on it's surface somewhere, and there's a huge volcanic mountain there called Mount Olympus or something like that. Our scientists are always looking for signs of life there and people have always felt aliens lived there. Oh yeah, the place also gets humungous dust and sand storms." Holliqua thought about it until Jezang said,

  "Sorry Holliqua, but I think I'd better fly that craft, you'll be needed to protect people here on the ship." Holliqua didn't like that one bit with an argument starting over who was going to fly the little craft.

  Surprisingly, Holliqua won out by pointing out to Jezang that should the raiders try to take the Kaalsia intact she would be the one to organize things and coordinate an attack. Matt didn't like it one bit but Holliqua made it very clear she was better trained for what they needed to do.

  "I'm sorry Matt it's what I must do. This thing could go either way, you're job is going to be keeping everyone safe."

  The Kaalsia dropped out of hyperspace early making a direct beeline for mars based on Matt's data. They constantly monitored for other craft but came up with nothing.

  "Don't fool yourselves," said Captain Krea, "They're out there, right now they are trying to get a fix on our destination." Once over mars, Matt became very worried that the mountains of mars were not like the Rockies. Here it was all volcanic action, however Slavek pointed out a small plateau with adjacent rock overhangs that Holliqua could hide in the rocks, and the raiders wouldn't be able to get a direct shot at their ship. Once everyone got a good look at the layout, Holliqua pointed out,

  "If you set the ship down right about there the raiders will have to come in from this way to attack. I'll be hiding down in that small canyon then I can jump in behind them."

  "Are you sure about that?" Questioned Jezang, "What if they don't come in from that direction and simply land." Holliqua shook her head,

  "My plan still works, as I can still catch them by surprise and attack them as they are leaving their ship, plus I can catch it on the ground."

  "Please be careful Holliqua," cautioned Matt, "If shit can go wrong it will." She hugged him as she replied,

  "I'm very aware of that fact Matt, wish me luck."

  As an added precaution, everyone was requested to put on their space suits as Jezang left the ship to scout out some sort of refuge people could take cover in.

  Both Tiag and Slavek along with Holliqua said in a final meeting.

  "I cannot understand why the raiders are taking such a big chance attacking a Corporation ship out in someone else's territory like this," wondered Kaitlyn,

  "They have to know that once word gets back to the Trading Company, there's going to be hell to pay."

  "That's why I think their plan is to capture us for ransom." replied Holliqua. "They know that we will spare no expense in sending people after them. It's why I also think they will be sending some very top people after us, these won't be your average raiders, and this will be a go-for-broke attempt." She then headed for the tiny hanger where the shuttle was kept. Matt followed her still very worried about their chances. Just before Holliqua put on her helmet, they savored one more kiss.

  "You just be dame careful," urged Matt, "If what you say about sending professionals after us is true they'll have a bag of tricks up their sleeve."

  She gave him one last kiss.

  "So do I lover…So do I."

  Now the waiting game began. Everyone thought the raiders would be along shortly. However, the hours began to creep by, as the tension grew higher. Holliqua refused to return positive that the raiders would show.

  Matt, along with a few others began to doubt that there were any raiders at all but Captain Krea was adamant,

  "They are out there; I'm absolutely convinced of it. Why they haven's shown up yet is a mystery."

  "I know it sounds crazy," added Kaitlyn "But I think they got lost. Probably came out of hyper drive after we did, and went on to earth."

  "That might be possible," replied Captain Krea, "However if that's what happened, they won't be picking up our signature. Then, when they realize we aren't there, they will start the backtracking process. Oh they will find us eventually, but it might be awhile."

  After considering the facts, a stand down order was issued, everyone could take their suits off but had to be close to them at all times. Holliqua reluctantly returned,

  "Only to stretch my legs," she claimed.

  Whatever the reason, the fact that the raiders hadn't shown up yet was really making everyone edgy. Patricia, Coulson, Kathy Steel, even Grak and Karlt came to him worried over what was about to happen.

  "All I can tell you guys is to be ready to move at a moment's notice. Jezang and I are going to be taking care of any raiders that might try and get on board. Dave, you and Justin have those shotguns be ready to use them. Remember this isn't a damn video game, the shit gets real, no hesitation, shoot to kill." He could see that his words only upset them even more until Grak offered to take charge of the group and make sure they remained safe.

  "Captain Krea gave Karlt and I a couple emergency shelters so if it looks like we can no longer remain aboard the ship we'll see that everybody gets off safely."

  Matt patted Grak on the shoulder,

  "Thanks guys I really appreciate this. I'm also very sorry that your first trip to earth might turn out to be a bust."

  "Sometimes things just cant be helped," replied Grak, "Don't worry about it."

  They ended up sitting there for two solar days. Jezang, Holliqua and Grak conducted evacuation drills off the ship to a natural cave created by volcanic lava, which offered protection from any kind of air assault. About halfway through the third day Captain Krea called out an alert.

  "Everybody to stat
ions we've got visitors." Holliqua got away in the little shuttle while everyone else put on their suits and followed Grak and Karlt out to the cave.

  As they suspected, it was a raider ship but much larger with scanner readings showing that it was carrying a broad array of weaponry. A malicious voice cut in over the intercom,

  "You will stand down and make no attempt to resist. Place all your energy weapons at the top of the entrance ramp. Remember, we can tell if you try to conceal anything that will only get you killed. Lower your ramp and prepare to be boarded."

  As they did as requested, Matt asked Jezang.


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