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Titan Stand

Page 114

by Max Jager

  "That girl is Liam's girlfriend Ilmi. She showed up just before we left. Don't worry though; she's keeping him on course." Holliqua also vouched for the young Lyskandan, assuring Liam's parents that her parents were both scientists and good people.

  There were shots of Rekton, his friend Glaif Quulsam, owner of Facility 605, Clath and Ircisa, Issar Lanix, and Glak Stenunt, the Loridian representatives, plus all the shots of New Coryville. Just before the parents began to depart Mr. Danner, Mark's father, along with Mr. and Mrs. Macy approached Matt asking him.

  "Matt, is there any chance we could go to this planet as well?" Matt gave them a surprised look as he replied,

  "Well yeah…if you want, but you're a dentist Mr. Danner, you couldn't very well pack up your office and bring it with you, supplies would be real hard to come by. Besides, we can see the dentist who is part of the med team the Loridian Company sends every couple months."

  Mr. Danner than looked at Matt,

  "Son, they make portable units for dental teams going to third world countries such as Africa, equipment would be no problem. Ever since Mark's mother died, I've been at loose ends. All I've really got to keep me going is my practice. Mark tells me in his letter how great things are on this Endor, and that maybe I should come."

  "Well Mr. Danner, I wouldn't call things great, we've got a lot of hard work ahead of us, but if you want to come and have a look around, you're welcome. We'll be here a few days talk to you later."

  The Macy's also expressed an interest in coming as well, although Matt suspected it was more a case of wanting to keep an eye on their daughter. Mr. Macy worked for the US Forest Service, and Ellen's mom ran a tax service so they could both possibly be of help.

  Chapter 136

  Titan Stand Chapter 136

  It took most of the day for things to calm down at the Grainger household. A lot of parents were playing "hooky" from work, as they wanted to spend all the time they could with their children. Their children in turn called their friends and before long, Mr. Grainger had to go out and plow more snow so people would have a place to park. Then there was the problem of the locals cruising by trying to get a good look at the spaceship. It wasn't long before the mayor and police chief showed up. The mayor, a good friend of Mr. Grainger's was no stranger to aliens; in fact, Durango had begun to refer to itself as the "Roswell" of Colorado.

  After introducing Grak and Karlt to the mayor, Matt told him,

  "This is my friends first time here on earth. I promised them I'd show them the sights but I wasn't thinking of the time of year we'd arrive. I had thought of them possibly riding up to Silverton on the train but that stopped running last October." Mayor Kensington patted Matt on the shoulder,

  "Leave it to me Matt, let me see what I can do, how long are you planning on being in town?"

  "A week or so I guess," he replied. "It won't be long before Mr. Janson and all the NASA people show up, I think Doctor Steel has already called him."

  "Well don't you worry son, we'll make sure your friends get a big Colorado welcome."

  After things had settled down a bit, Matt managed the opportunity to spend a rare quiet moment with his parents.

  "So how are things going Matt?" Asked his mother, "You're starting to look a little frazzled." Attempting a smile, he replied.

  "Mom, dad, this thing is wearing me out, but we've got our own planet, can you believe it?"

  "So tell us about this Holliqua," I assume she's your girlfriend?" Added his father.

  "She's great dad, she's a real asset. I know she seems all weird to you guys but I really love her."

  "What does she do?" Asked his mother, "Does she go to school or anything?"

  "Oh yes, but she's a security officer for the Malhazar's but she watches over me pretty close as well."

  Then without warning, his mother reached over giving him a big hug,

  "We worry about you Matt, so far away, so many dangers you are unaware of."

  "Relax mom, that's where Holliqua, Jezang, and even Amber come in, I've got a lot of friends looking out for me. I know you two worry a lot, but believe me, I'm a whole lot safer out there, than most places here on earth. Oh, before I forget, this is for you two, don't spend it in one place." Handing his mom a small leather bag, she cautiously opened it gasping as she did.

  "Oh my god! Matt, we can't accept this." In side were four small one-ounce gold bars, along with six blue diamonds.

  "Take it, it's yours, you guys deserve it." Mr. Grainger added,

  "It's getting harder to get a fair return on these diamonds and gold. The bank won't deal with them anymore, we end up having to go through a gems and rare metals broker over in Denver. I think they are ripping us off but we don't really have much choice."

  "Sorry dad," said Matt "It's the only thing we can do right now. Gold isn't a big thing out there." Then pulling his ID card out from under his shirt where he had it on a tether around his neck he showed them.

  "This is what everyone uses dad. "This is not only my ID and security chip but it also works like a credit card whenever I buy anything. People trade those blue diamonds whenever they don't want their transactions recorded, or they are not around a scanner. They also use what are called "Ballack's." "They are a dark blue gem about the size of a quarter and have the ability to retain an energy charge as well as certain kinds of data. I've never seen one although some of my friends have. Two of them would buy me a ship like the Nora-Lee tricked out with all the "bells and whistles."

  "Well we're doing just fine son," said his father, "We still maintain an open account for you so you can buy supplies whenever you visit."

  "Thanks dad, although it looks as though I might run that account dry this time, got a ton of stuff to get."

  Later, Matt called Donald Falkner's friends getting a gruff response from Rick Patterson.

  "Is this Rick Patterson?"

  "Who wants to know?"

  "My name is Matt Grainger, Donald Falkner asked me to call you and a Mark Jensen whenever I got back to earth. As you may or may not know, I'm the kid he went off world with."

  There was silence on the other end for a moment until Patterson replied,

  "Yeah, I remember, what do you want?"

  "Mr. Falkner would like you two to join us; he feels that this is an opportunity of a lifetime for you two. We're building a security force and He'd like you to be a part of it."


  "Yes, really," replied Matt, "I've never met you but Mr. Falkner thinks you'd be great, Mr. Jensen as well. He sent along a hologram that will explain everything."

  "Where you at?"

  "Durango Colorado, as soon as you hit town stop at the police station, they can direct you."

  "How long are you going to be there?"

  "At least a week, maybe a little longer."

  "All right, I'll let you know."

  "If you come, Mr. Falkner wants you to bring all your toys, and plan on an extended stay."

  Lather the next afternoon. Frank Janson's the NASA director, along with a whole team showed up with one of his first demands being that the ship be moved over to Groom Lake as the abandoned gravel pit behind the Grainger house wasn't the most secure of locations."

  "I understand that," replied Matt, and I assure you we will swing by there before we leave. However, right now, this is where my friends can see their families, and my friends can enjoy a more scenic location. Besides, we have a ton of supplies to take on. Now I'm pretty sure that Semi you brought has everything in it to check us all out and do whatever it is you NASA people like to do. I'll have dad unlock that gate and make a quick pass with his plow so you can get that thing off the highway." Janson still wasn't very happy, but Matt had him over a barrel.

  Matt knew Janson wouldn't try anything as there were too many witnesses, and the local media along with a news crew out of Denver were scheduled to be here later today. As Matt had pointed out to Mr. Janson NASA couldn't pay for this kind of publicity.

ou know Mr. Janson," reminded Matt, "Just by transporting a team of scientists, and all their equipment to Endor years ahead of schedule. Instead of robots, you've got a team of real live humans making observations and recording data. As Doctor Steel and I already told you, the others didn't come because they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, either off world visiting another planet or attending a conference put on by the Loridian Trading Company. NASA is getting everything it could ever wish for now just let us enjoy some time with our families."

  When he asked Janson if NASA was planning on sending any more scientists, the NASA director wasn't sure,

  "Quite honestly we didn't expect you back so soon and I've been preoccupied with other things."

  "Well this trip just sort of fell together at the last moment. Slavek and his sister would like to address the UN. They are grooming Kaitlyn to eventually become some sort of unofficial representative, however I'm not real sure, how that's going to work. Captain Krea, Grak and Karlt just had a powerful yen to see earth. Matt lowered his voice, adding.

  Mr. Janson there is something I should tell you and it's something you might want to keep under your hat. Right now on mars are two crashed spacecraft. One is a fighter/transport type vessel and the other is a fighter. They belonged to raiders who followed us… We defeated them now their ships lie on the Martian surface. The fighter crashed into a medium-sized crater and my girlfriend tells me there isn't much left of it. The transport belly-upped with it's air lock hatches open."

  "Do you know where these craft are?" Asked a now very interested director.

  "Somewhere along the base of Olympus Mons is the best I can tell you. Now the Kaalsia's scanner records will show you but the coordinates are all different, and won't help you. Now if you've got someone that knows mars like the back of his hand they might be able to figure out where those ships are at."

  Thanks for the information Matt, we'll look into it." Matt then added,

  "Mr. Janson, if you just leave us alone for the short time we are here I'll ask Captain Krea to let one of your people come aboard to get a look at the scanner pictures along with any other data that was collected while we were on mars."

  The location for the news conference was changed at the last moment to city hall where they had a room large enough for most everyone to fit into Sitting at a long table was Mr. Janson Doctor Steel, mayor Kensington, Matt, Holliqua, Slavek and Tiag, Kaitlyn, Patricia, and David Coulson. Captain Krea Grak and Karlt refused to be interviewed, preferring to relax watching TV back at the Grainger home. Jezang refused to be interviewed as well but attended the press conference acting as security for Matt. Glowering at female news reporters tended to frighten them making it easier to move around. Holliqua had her own techniques of intimidation that were just as effective. The mayor began the dog and pony show welcoming everyone to Durango. Matt's father later told Matt,

  "Kensington is really basking in the limelight, and with good reason. Since you went to the stars and return here on occasion, tourism has more than doubled. People aren't coming to Durango strictly for the train or mountain biking in the San Juan's anymore, they come in hopes of seeing aliens or at least our home, That's why I had to put up a big fence as well as close off the old gravel pit."

  "I'm sorry dad," replied Matt, "I never meant for any of this to happen.

  "Don't worry about it son, we deal with it."

  Mr. Janson then made his report, along with Doctor Steel who described the life on Endor. Behind them on a large screen, a slide show was taking place showing pictures of the elves of Dinocki. There were pictures of the other citizens of Endor as well; however, everyone was more interested in people like Clath, Brand, Rekton, the techs over at Facility 605, the Loridian medical team.

  Then with the aid of translators, Slavek, Tiag, and Kaitlyn spoke of and answered questions about some sort of unofficial recognition of earth, although as Kaitlyn pointed out, earth was simply too far away for any meaningful trade or commerce.

  Matt was becoming rather irritated at some of the down right ignorant questions being asked,

  "Didn't any of these assholes go to school?" He wondered. From her clipped answers, he could tell Kaitlyn had had it with these people as well. Finally, after a young femare reporter asked him a particularly asnine question he glared at her,

  "As far as I'm concerned, this press conference is over, I'm out of here."

  Kaitlyn also used the opportunity to announce that she and the others had nothing more to say and that they would next speak at the UN. THAT was another bone of contention. Matt was highly skeptical, Kaitlyn was too to a certain degree but she was more of a realist, and besides that was Slavek and Tiag's whole reason for being here. They thought it would be a cinch to just go and and tell the world body who they were, the usual peace and good will jestures but unfortunately it didn't work out that way. At the present time the Middle East was in its unusual turmoil, Israel had just suffered a devastating attack ahd had retaliated against Iran in kind. No one really wanted to hear a couple funny loking aliens blather on about concepts most of the delegates couldn't grasp even if they were gold in the hand.

  Janson was having trouble getting a speaking time arranged until he managed to secure one hour beginning at 6:00pm on a Friday. When Kaitlyn heard that she was livid explaining to Slavek and Tiag the diplomatic slight they would suffer. In a closed meeting with the three, along with the United States UN ambassador, Matt, and Mr. Janson Kaitlyn expressed her frustration. The American ambassador tried to apoligize, and offer another date, while Janson saw an opportunity slipping through his hands. Slavek then raised his hand for silence.

  "Kaitlyn, my sister and I truly appreciate your efforts on our behalf, however one thing you will eventually learn is that if you don't suceed the first time you simply wait. We have all the time in the universe. Earth isn't going anywhere, we aren't going anywhere. Besides, this jesture is not a major effort on our part. We were merely going to introduce ourselves, describe a little bit about where we come from and do a little mixing and mingling afterwards." He then looked at the American ambassador,

  "You might tell your friends that we understand, and perhaps we might try again, but for right now we will leave these children to their petty concerns." Tha ambassador desperately tried to get them to reconsider but Slavek kept replying.

  "As I just stated, perhaps another time, obviously this is not the right time."

  Janson then tried to get them to speak before a joint session of congress, something Kaitlyn had warned them against doing right at the beginning.

  "We will only speak to a reckonized world body, sorry."

  The UN continued to bicker and argue only concerned for their petty interests and grabbing more power at the expense of others, a fact Slavek and Tiag now began to understand.

  In a meeting that included the vice president, and NASA hierarchy, Slavek pointed out.

  "It is somewhat difficult for us to deal with a world made up of so many interests and conflicting desires, as in our universe each planet is populated by one or two races at the most, and their aims and goals are generally the same. Perhaps you can get these people to come around; we have neither the time nor the intrest to do so."

  "On the other hand you as a scientific organization are someone we would be happy to work with on a limited basis. We know, and have spoken quite extensively with your representatives who have come to Endor. We see no reason that as time goes by our relationship might tend to grow."

  Janson couldn't be happier, NASA was now light years ahead of anyone else, although the problem of getting to Endor should alien transportation become a problem was one that would continue to vex him. As Matt reminded him,

  "Treat us right and good things will come your way."

  "I think I might have a couple more people interested in living on Endor," he told Matt.

  "We put out the call but only got two applicants. One comes to us from the Japanese space agency. Masaki Hiroshi. Former fighte
r pilot in the Japanese defense force, he's also been up in the space station acouple times. He will be bringing his wife Yoshi who works as a chemist in one of their drug companies. The other is an American. Steven Haines, who is an independent contractor for us. He's an electrical engineer, lost his wife to cancer, a year ago, says going to Endor might be the fresh start he thinks he needs."

  "I want to talk to them first," said Matt, "Can you get them here?"

  "I think so," replied Janson, "Now Matt you will promise to stop at Groom Lake fefore you leave won't you?"

  "Yes, I told you we would."

  The next few days were filled up with sightseeing; Mayor Kensington pulled a few strings getting use of the steam train to make a special VIP excursion up to Silverton and back. The weather was cooperating, so they had a perfect day for it. Everyone went. Along with the mayor, Matt and Patricia pointed out all the sights to their alien friends as the train slowly chugged along The two old fashioned rail cars were heated so everyone rode in comfort. The highway that paralleled the rail line was lined with tourists all the way up to Silverton trying to get pictures of the aliens. Moving around Silverton was somewhat difficult, as the town was jammed with more tourists all pouring out of the ski resorts to get a look at the aliens. It took the effort of city, county and state law enforcement agencies to maintain order. Being winter, most of the tourist shops were closed, however a couple owners returned to open their shops temporarily. As Matt and Patricia observed,


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