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Titan Stand

Page 137

by Max Jager

  "What about her?"

  "Could you please find her and put her on please?"

  "Well I was right in the middle of cleaning,"

  "Just find her please."

  Matt then turned to the others with a sigh,

  "If she's there maybe she can come here rather than us go into town."

  "They seem to run a rather sloppy ship around here," observed Brand.

  "Elves," replied Matt "What can you say."

  A little over ten minutes later Emma's voice came over the speaker.

  "Matt is that you?"

  "Emma? Yeah it's me; we're out here at the landing field. We're heading for earth so I stopped to ask you if you had anything you wanted to send home like a letter or something like that."

  "I sure do, you just stay there, I'll be right out there."

  "Well everyone," he announced, "Might as well make ourselves comfortable, no telling how long she'll be."

  About a half hour later, Amber pointed towards the road,

  "Rider approaching,"

  It was Emma riding on the back of a female centaur. Quickly dismounting, she rushed over to Matt and gave him a big hug,

  "Oh I'm so glad to see you Matt, Brand, Amber, you too Gandric. Everyone, I'd like you to meet one of my friends Bithia." Everyone greeted her as Emma continued.

  "Good thing you came today," said Emma, "We're all getting ready to join Queen Breca for her country side tour."

  "What's that all about?" Asked Matt.

  "Oh it's just something she does every couple months," replied Emma.

  "She travels around to all the little villages talking to people and asking them about what they like or don't like, kinda like a town hall meeting."

  "So how are they treating you here?" He asked.

  "Awesome. Matt I just love it here, it truly is a fairyland. I've been so busy painting and sketching people, here's a bunch of stuff I'd like you to give to the college. There's also a letter to my folks in there as well."

  "Did you ever get around to painting the queen's portrait?" He asked,

  "Yes, as a matter-of-fact I just finished it. Breca really loves it; right now I'm doing Lord Morrone."

  "Well that's great Emma, so I take it your going to be here for awhile longer?"

  sort of thing I'm used to doing but I've already got a good idea of how she wants it."

  "By the way," added Matt, "Have you heard how things are going on Doradus?"

  "Oh you mean the election; everybody's been talking about it. As far as I know everything's okay there."

  "I'm glad to hear that," he replied, "I sent Major Morford and Don Falkner there to help Bria set up an election, they were satisfied."

  "Well look, I have to get back we're leaving first thing in the morning and I still have a bunch of shit to pack."

  "Well I'm glad you're doing so well," said Matt, "Guess I'll see you later then."

  They hugged each other just before Emma got back on the centaur and the two of them went galloping back to town.

  "We're outta here," exclaimed Matt.

  The final stop was at Fort Kamata where Brand checked with Ozni Okus on any order changes while the ship was being refueled. Matt was in control as they left the planet getting his first real experience at flying the Nora-Lee without any assistance. Although Brand sat in the co-pilot's seat he did nothing to help.

  "Just get settled in," advised Matt, "Gonna be a long boring flight.

  "Well I'm ready for a long boring flight," replied Brand "As much as I love the bar I need a little break. Clath and my wife can handle things while I'm gone. So, who are we going to be dealing with?"

  "Well first off I guess we go see Mr. Janson the NASA director, although I'm not sure where he's at we'll have to call first. After that or possibly while Janson is trying to rustle up people who know something about distilling I want to get out to Colorado to see my folks. I'll call them as well when we hit earth Janson gave me a phone I can use to tap into the phone system."

  "I believe this will be my first time to your world Matt," observed Brand. "I've talked to Rekton and Orlak all about it. He invited me along when all of you went but I was busy and couldn't get away."

  "Well in that case, we'll make a side trip to the Little A'Le'Inn out in Nevada."

  "I think you'll get a kick out of the place," chuckled Matt. Later, Matt had Brand introduce position checks which were star points gleaned from previous trips including the first one when Greg was flying the Nora-Lee. The navigation was tough but he knew he needed a lot of practice with this sort of thing. After awhile, Brand left and Amber took his place. At first, she made no comment just quietly watching Matt man the controls.

  So what have you and Jezang been up to lately?" He asked'

  "Well right now she's on Xandrus interviewing prospects to come and work on Endor, I thought you knew that?"

  "Shit, I remember Gandric telling me that," he exclaimed , "I'm sorry it just slipped my mind. Wasn't it going to be around twenty or twenty-five ag droids?"

  "Twenty five I believe," she replied, "Although if they start clearing land I don't know how increased land usage should we start growing all this grain will affect the equation. "

  "Well I'm not going to even worry about that until we're even sure the stuff will grow on Endor," replied Matt. "We've got to take soil samples for one thing."

  "Tell me Matt, Are you sure this is what you want for Endor?" Her comment caught him completely off guard as this wasn't like her.

  "Hey look Amber, if there's something you know that I don't please tell me. I've always looked to you as a mentor. I'm kinda flying blind here."

  "Well I certainly don't want to dissuade you from creating economic opportunity for the citizens here but a large distillery here on Endor would very likely draw all manner of raiders. Alcohol is a very important trade item in parts of the galaxy. I hope Brand is aware of the problems that might arise."

  "That issue was discussed somewhat at the meeting we had," he replied, no one else seemed especially alarmed. Look Amber, I wasn't sure about this at first either, but you've got to admit, Endor isn't bustling with business."

  "I understand that, but keep in mind the planet is severely lacking in defensive systems¾just something to keep in mind."

  Later, when Brand was flying and Matt was taking a break he asked,

  "If we do end up building some sort of distilling plant on Endor do you think we'll be in danger of raiders paying us a visit?" Brand looked at him and grinned.

  "Tell Amber her fears are genuine however, not only do I have lots of friends but so do my partners, friends in all the right places. Oh, I'm sure there might be one or two attempts however, the cost to those trying will be so high they'll soon loose interest. Relax Matt they distill a number of liquor's out on Tasir Var yet they don't any problems with people trying to hijack liquor. Another thing, don't forget, we're still gathering information as to how much ll this will cost, in the end, this may all be for naught."

  Chapter 163

  Titan Stand Chapter 163

  One of the things Matt did to work out was to spar with Amber using dummy knives and staves. He never forgot the fact that she was a Tharg, like Jezang and therefore a real-life terminator. Thankfully, all he ever saw was a loyal friend and mentor, someone who patiently taught him how to fly, as well as helped him to keep his fighting skills sharp. The sessions generally lasted for a little over an hour and always left him rung out, but always a little more confident in himself.

  Talking with Brand was always another pastime he enjoyed. Listening to Brand talk of his bounty hunting days and narrow escapes. Through these conversations he also got a better idea of the galaxy he now lived in, Brand's insights to the various races added more pieces to the puzzle he had been handed. Mostly they talked about the distillery each hoped would be built on Endor, Matt for the income it would generate, and for Brand a new source for quality liquor.

  At one point, he and Brand talked about huntin
g bad guys.

  "Back on earth I remember seeing a couple TV shows about intergalactic bounty hunting," said Matt.

  "Both shows didn't have any alien's just humans out in distant parts of the galaxy chasing other humans." Brand gave him a puzzled look,

  "What exactly is this TV?" Matt then explained to him what it was along with a rough idea of what the programs were.

  "So these, eh, programs as you call them were simply for entertainment purposes?"

  "Yeah," replied Matt, "A series was just an ongoing story usually an hour a week."

  "Are these stories still available?"

  "Oh sure, when we get to earth I'll try and get DVD's of them, you might find them interesting."

  "Now there's an understatement if I've ever heard one," replied Brand,

  "Bounty hunting is "interesting" all right just not in a pleasant way."

  "You know that I told you that I was in the war, along with Rekton and a few others you've met. At the time I got out there wasn't a whole lot going on. The Loridian Trading Company was still in it's first stages of growth so there was nothing really available from them. Everybody's economies were in a shambles so there was a lot of impetus to break the law. Lots of smuggling, running slaves…"

  "There was slavery out here?" Exclaimed Matt.

  "Oh sure," casually replied Brand. "That is until the Trading Company outlawed it and the interplanetary council sat down and hammered out a dictate expressly forbidding the practice. Those Sistorki you invited to Endor were all part of that sordid chapter of Golian history. Well anyway, long story short, bounty hunting was what you did when you had the kind of backgrounds a lot of us veterans had."

  "So I take it things are slowing down?" replied Matt. Brand sighed,

  It had it's time; I suppose I could still find plenty of work out there, but I promised Aesil that the moment something came along we'd settle down. I never thought I'd become a bar keeper, but it's not so bad, there's plenty of old friends coming through my place now telling me of interesting job offers, but I'm happy with the way things are running right now. Hey, look at me I'm on my way to this earth of yours, can't wait."

  While they talked, Matt kept adjusting his course navigating off star points originally charted by Greg Tate. As he pinged one of the star points, a small data box opened up on the scanner screen detailing that particular star.

  "Hey look at that," he pointed out, screen says it's a regular class three planet, or rather moon but to what it doesn't say.'

  "Probably because that moon is right at the edge of the scanner's navigational parameters," commented Brand, "Looks to be around 500 parsecs, too far for us being on a tight fuel schedule as we are but if we were having problems, it would be where I would go to repair the ship."

  Matt had already entered it in the navigational computer, as Brand added.

  "Talk to Gandric, see what he says about the possibility of sending a recon droid there, might turn up something interesting." After the revelation of the new planet, Matt kept a close watch for more but it appeared to be the only one. All the other star points were just that, stars. The time went by as Brand taught him how to play Argat a card game similar to poker. Instead of kings, queens heats and spades the cards were somewhat narrower, and were marked with symbols. After several games he finally got the gist of things, however, unlike poker, the symbols used on the cards had a back-story, one that actually figured into actual game play.

  Finally, the time came when Amber announced that they had entered earth's solar system. While Gandric kept an eye on the engines, she and Brand dropped out of hyper light speed down to standard warp speed.

  "We want to make sure the scanner locates that communications satellite Janson has given us access to," observed Matt, "we've got to let 'em know we're here." Slowly the "Big Blue Marble" got larger as they got closer causing Brand to remark.

  "Your planet seems to have a lot of water judging from its color." Matt chuckled,

  "Well let's see if my geography is still up to snuff, you've got the Atlantic, North Atlantic, South Atlantic, the North Sea, the Baltic, the Mediterranean seal the Aegean sea, the Indian ocean, the South Pacific, and finally the Pacific, whew, and still I left a few out."

  "Well it's certainly very impressive," replied Brand.

  Once they located the comm satellite Matt entered the code Janson gave him allowing them access to free calling. The first one went to NASA and another special number that allowed them access to Mr. Janson private number.

  "Matt it's three in the morning here you woke me out of a sound sleep, what's going on?"

  "Uh sorry Mr. Janson," apologized Matt, "Where do you want us to land?"

  "How many are with you?"

  "Umm besides Amber and Gandric just myself and Brand Ti'Korvo, we are here to talk to people who know how to distill alcohol. It's not what you might think, but if you could, maybe you could get some people who work for the big liquor distillers to meet with us. Also, we need someone who knows all about corn, wheat, and barley, as well as soil types." Janson grunted,

  "You don't want much do you, all right, head for the cape when you get there call them using this number, ask for Richard Ellsworth, and he'll tell you where to land it will be out a ways in order for us to decontaminate your ship but we'll go from there. Talk with you later."

  He then called his folks out in Colorado where it was just after one in the morning; his dad's groggy voice came on the line.

  "Matt, is that you son?"

  "Yeah dad, sorry, I know you and mom probably just got to bed." He heard his dad tell his mom,

  "It's Matt," he knew that would wake her up.

  "How are you son, anything wrong?"

  "Naww dad things are just fine, we're here on another project, we'll be heading your way as soon as I hang up. I've got mail, and a new friend for you guys to meet should be there in a little over an hour or so."

  "Well you know where to land probably be a good idea to make yourselves invisible or whatever it is you need to do."

  "See you soon dad, Matt out."

  "So we're going to see your parents first?" Asked Brand.

  "Yeah," replied Matt, "It will take Janson and his people a little time to get ready for us they make a big deal about decontamination and all that."

  "Don't they realize this ship decontaminates itself?"

  "Yeah, I've told him but this is the way they have to do things."

  It appeared to be early spring when they landed at his parent's house just north of Durango; all the lights were on in the house when they set down in the back yard.

  Gandric made sure the engines were kept at a low decibel level as well as the cloaking device on.

  Although his folks had already met Ana and Gandric they were always a little uneasy in the presence of androids, his dad had seen "Terminator," when he was younger. Both had asked Matt about Amber, and while he didn't tell them she was a Tharg, he explained to them that she always looked out for him.

  As he expected, both were taken aback by Brand, who was taller than the average Golian but dressed in what appeared to be battle gear and a dark leather jacket and flight helmet like Matt's made for a rather imposing figure. Both parents had translators so they were able to communicate right away.

  After Matt's mom offered coffee to Matt and Brand, Matt handed his dad a large bag.

  "Mail dad, letters and holograms from all the others for their parents oh and I've got some stuff that needs to get up to the college."

  "There's lot's of sketches and stuff Emma wants them to have."

  "Well I'll see that everything gets where it needs to go son," replied his father, who then handed him a framed document.

  "This is for you Matt; it's from the city honoring you for all that you've done for the city and to a lesser degree the state. You've really put this city on the map. Oh and these are from the high school, all you kids who went to the stars gets one so you can hand these others out to the other kids when you get back.
Anyway, they are sort of an honorary degree citing you for your unusual accomplishment."

  "Well thanks dad," he replied, "I'll see that everyone gets them."

  "So Mr. Ti'Korvo?" Asked Mr. Grainger, "What is it you do for a living?" Without batting an eye, he replied.

  "Well I'm a retired bounty hunter, who, along with my wife, and Clath Rissak run Mos Eisley on Endor." Turning to his son, Mr. Grainger asked,

  "Isn't that a planet from Star Wars?" Matt shrugged with a sheepish expression.


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