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Titan Stand

Page 143

by Max Jager

  "Hello Jezang…Matt," exclaimed Holliqua; this is my friend and teammate Huva. Huva acknowledged Jezang but glared at Matt.

  "What the fuck is her problem?" he wondered until it hit him.

  He now realized he was looking at the Malhazar equivalent of a Mafia "wise-guy," or woman in this case. Although she had barely spoken, he could tell that Huva (if that was her real name) was a trained killer. While he was sure, Holliqua was as well, she did a damn good job of hiding her ruthlessness.

  "So this is who you chose to watch our backs?" Snarled Huva,

  "Settle down Huva," snapped Holliqua, Matt can handle himself, besides he has those weapons I was telling you about." Then turning to Matt, she added.

  "Don't mind her, she tends to worry too much, besides you're the first human she's ever met. Now, as for the mission, Huva and I are in charge of this operation, which involves tracking down one Rizor-Ard. Rizor is a Hada who at last report was seen on Xonus in the settlement of Grazur Edh. Xonus is a desert planet of which you will soon discover."

  "Unfortunately, the only spaceport is located at Dadzo which means we will have to travel to Grazur Edh by way of a rocax caravan. However that will give us time to observe and question people."

  Something about the way she said, "Question people," bothered him but aside from that, this little adventure was sounding more and more like something out of Star Wars. Right now, something else bothered him more.

  "Gotta question?" He asked. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Huva glaring at him as he asked,

  "How is it I've never heard of this Xonus?" Both Holliqua and Huva snorted,

  "Matt, we are traveling to what's known as the uncharted zone it's located on the very fringes of the Praia-Doryl, there are races living out there you've never met as well. They drift in from parts of the universe no one has ever heard of. These planets are too far away from the trading company's jurisdiction and sphere of influence to make for any kind of profitable trade."

  "Let me guess," he replied, the place is full of raiders, war lords, crime bosses and every kind of scum under the sun, I've seen it in a dozen sci-fi pictures."

  "Well your only partially right," said Jezang, "While there is much lawlessness out there which is why this Rizor-Ard lives there, it's full of honest settlers who are doing as you are on Endor, and that is trying to make a new life for themselves.

  The galactic commission finances a small security force of androids that travel around and deal with lawless elements but they can only do so much."

  At this, he broke out laughing receiving puzzled looks from the others

  "Sorry ladies, I couldn't help it, but someone on earth already made a movie of it called "Day the earth stood still." Guy named Klaatu shows up in a flying saucer with a big robot named Gort warning the world to cool it with all the nuclear weapons or gort's gonna put the zap on the world and destroy it. He tells everyone there's a whole fleet of these ships tear-assing around the universe keeping the peace. In order to convince everyone to mend their ways he makes everything that's using power to stop for one hour.

  "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of," snapped Huva.

  "I've seen this film Matt is talking about," replied Jezang, the part about the force of robots maintaining peace is very close to the truth."

  "But robots?" exclaimed Holliqua

  "Back when they made the film," added Matt, "People simply couldn't conceive of androids, robots were pretty far out there. Maybe sometime I'll show you some of this stuff." Then Jezang spoke,

  "Suffice to say, these humans have pretty vivid imaginations…just in the wrong direction."

  "Well be that as it may, rumor has it some of these droids have been compromised. By who, we cannot say, that's one of the reasons I asked Jezang along, she can quickly detect corrupted programming," said Holliqua.

  "So what's this guy done?" Asked Matt,

  "What hasn't he done?" mumbled Huva.

  "Poisoning of medical supplies, slave trafficking, murder of Malhazar citizens, and sabotage ," replied Holliqua. "He's been at large for almost eight yeans; We received a tip on his whereabouts six senths ago and only recently confirmed it."

  "So, is this a "Terminate with extreme prejudice," asked Matt. Holliqua and Huva looked at each other,

  "We would really like to get him back to Moriedia alive," said Huva, "But failing that, then yes, we terminate him."

  With a snicker, Matt replied,

  "When I was back on earth I read where they were making a sixth Terminator movie, maybe we could call this mission "Terminator seven, Day of judgment or something?"

  Huva turned to Holliqua and muttered,

  "Do we have to take him with us? He is really wearing on me."

  "Settle down Huva, he's simply teasing us…human humor. It's taken me awhile, but I'm starting to understand it."

  "So have you two worked together before?" He asked

  "Huva and I are team mates Matt, plus we've known each other since we were children, we know each other's thoughts which make operating together a whole lot easier."

  "Aren't you Malhazars supposed to be telepathic?" He asked.

  "Not as much as some of the other races," added Holliqua, but I suppose we do have that ability. Well it's getting late, time to go."

  Holliqua had a different ship this time. It had an elongated oval pod with two engine nacelles in the rear with a full size wing on the left and a stubby weapons winglet on the right the cockpit was in front coming to a rough point covered with opaque "plasi-glass." The craft seemed to bristle with plasma cannons to which he inquired;

  "Expecting trouble?" Holliqua shrugged,

  "Better to be safe than sorry, thing is, we'll be operating well beyond any help, we can fight our way out of anything if need be." He looked the ship over carefully, she wasn't kidding, the wicked array of weaponry was pretty impressive.

  The craft sat on stubby struts making the body of the craft low to the floor. The hatch was on the right side. The interior was as crowded as it looked from outside. Foldout bunks, a tiny galley consisting of a small cooler and heating element plus a simple "necessary."

  Matt was very surprised when Holliqua asked him to lead off flying with Huva as co-pilot.

  "I've got to go over a few things with Jezang first. We'll switch over at mid point."

  "Sure, no problem," he replied,

  "Coordinates are already programmed into the nav," called Holliqua.

  "You know what your doing?" Asked Huva in a rather sour tone of voice.

  He pretended to ignore her as he went through the pre-flight and noted the locations of the main controls. Except for minor variations, everything was the same as the simulator back on Golia. The flight control was automated here at Mos Eisley, although Brand talked of installing a droid should air traffic increase.

  As he took them up and out of Endor's atmosphere, he noticed how light and easy the craft seemed to fly. Calling back, he exclaimed.

  "I really like your ship Holliqua, flies nice and easy."

  "Thanks, but it's not my ship really, it's kind of…on loan."

  "Well anyway it's a joy to fly."

  As he piloted the craft, he noticed Huva glaring at him.

  "What's your problem?" He asked

  "I don't think I care much for you." Matt guffawed,

  "Well excuse me for living, what did I do to offend you?"

  "I tried telling her but Holliqua made a very bad choice with you."

  "Is it just me you don't like or men in general?" He asked. She continued to give him the stink-eye, but said nothing more, until Holliqua came back up and started to ask him a question.

  "Hold on just a sec babe we've got a little problem with your sister here. Apparently, I've done something to offend her but she won't tell me what it is. I'm going to tell you right now I'm not putting my life in the hands of someone who hates me. Now, I don't care how you do it but you get her squared away right now or you two can go off o
n your little adventure by yourselves."

  At this point Huva went on the attack pointing her finger at Matt.

  "He's not only an outsider but an outwardly as well, what do we need him for? He is just going to get us killed." Holliqua grimaced and let out a sigh.

  "Huva, you know we've been all through this, you agreed to accept him on this mission, what seems to be the problem now?"

  Matt smiled to himself, he'd encountered girls like her before, and it amused him in knowing earth girls weren't the only ones who could be bitchy.

  "We'll be coming near Ruddoria in a couple milacenton I can get off there see some friends and catch a ride back home," You two can go off on your most excellent adventure or whatever and I'll see you when you get back okay?"

  He had mixed feelings about this whole thing. The mission itself sounded like a lot of traveling and would probably just be a pain-in-the-ass, at this point the didn't care if he went or not, especially with a whiny bitch like Huva. He also knew he was testing their relationship, bluffing in a way.

  Holliqua studied both of them for a moment then gestured towards the back.

  "Huva, we need to talk…" Moments later, Jezang appeared, climbing into the co-pilot's seat.

  "What's going on here?" She asked.

  "Beats me," replied Matt, "Holly's girlfriend apparently doesn't like me and made it clear she doesn't want me along. Honestly at this point I don't care one way or another if I go or not."

  "Well if you're not going to go neither will I," replied Jezang. "I've been out to the uncharted zone before, and I really don't care to go again."

  "Well suit yourself," he replied, "Sounds like we're about to get our answer."

  The moment he saw Holliqua's face he knew Huva had won out.

  "Umm Matt, I'm so sorry, you won't mind if we drop you off on Ruddoria? I'm in a really bad spot here and both Huva and I really need to be totally focused on the mission, I'm sorry." He'd just had his bluff called but it didn't really matter, maybe another time when it would just be the two of them. When Holliqua acted more upset that Jezang was bowing out as well he knew he was doing the right thing.

  "Okay then, I'll be setting a course for Ruddoria." When Holliqua tried to lay it on thick, he shut her up.

  "Look Holly, it ain't no big thing, maybe some other time but trying to conduct a mission where people don't get along is asking for trouble, don't worry about it I'll see you when you get back.

  And so he found himself on Ruddoria. Before leaving the ship he and Holliqua embraced and kissed,

  "Every thing's cool babe, don't worry about it, better we deal with this now than after it's too late to do anything I'll see you later." He and Jezang watched the ship lift off as he commented to her.

  "I don't know what sort of hold that bitch Huva has on Holly, and maybe I don't want to know. C'mon, let's get through security, and then I contact Kaitlyn."

  "All I can say is the Malhazars are very strange people and it's probably a good thing you didn't go Matt," said Kaitlyn as they sat in a bar next to the governmental center. "David and Patricia will be here shortly and we can make a night of it," she added. He took a swig of beer then pointed toward her.

  "Kaitlyn you look great, you really do, I'm so glad you found your niche."

  "Well I couldn't be happier, I'm using talents I never knew I had, Oh look, David and Patricia are here."

  "Indeed they were," he thought as his former classmates made their way over to his table, both appeared to be dressed in the latest Ruddorian fashions and Patricia was really smoking.

  Standing up he received Patricia as she gave him a big hug, along with an enthusiastic handshake from David Coulson

  "Man, it looks like government work agrees with you guys," he exclaimed. Everyone laughed then Patricia and David greeted Jezang as they sat down to learn why Matt was on Ruddoria.

  "Well speaking for myself," said Patricia, "We women can really be bitchy if we want to but that bothers me that she hates you for simply being from another world." Matt frowned as he replied.

  "I don't know, I'm not really sure that was the reason, Malhazars to my mind are just like the mafia if you've ever seen the Godfather films you know what I mean."

  "Well that may be up to a point,' said Kaitlyn but we deal with them all the time and I know I don't get that impression."

  "I don't either, added David, "Oh sure they are a very suspicious people but once they see that you're playing fair with them they tend to be a little more open."

  Matt wasn't so sure that was an accurate estimation of the Malhazars but people who worked in the diplomatic service all tended to look at the world through rose colored glasses. He didn't push it, instead subtly changed the subject by telling them of the big distillery project now underway. Both Patricia and David were impressed over the fact that they had brought people from earth to set things up.

  "Right now, our biggest problem is that of finding a place to grow the corn, wheat and barely needed for the kind of liquor Brand and his buddies want."

  "As I recall," said Patricia, there weren't a lot of people on Endor what are you doing about getting enough workers?" He lowered his voice and talked to the table.

  "Well have any of you ever heard of the Sistorki?"

  "I have…a little," replied Kaitlyn, "Apparently they are some sort of illegal Golian clones no one wants to talk about."

  "Well we've got a bunch of them living on Endor now. I was very apprehensive about letting them come at first," said Matt, but I've visited their village, very neat and tidy these people really want to work and prove themselves, hopefully they will make good workers for the distillery."

  "Where is their village located?" Asked Kaitlyn,

  "About a hundred miles or so from New Coryville, but they might have to relocate if they are going to work at the distillery, it's being built some distance from there."

  "Well I hope they work out for the best," said Kaitlyn.

  "By the way," said Matt, "When I was back in Durango the mayor presented all of us with fancy certificates honoring us for really putting the town as well as the whole state on the map, everyone is very proud of us. I've also got letters for you guys as well. I'll have Amber bring all that when she comes to pick us up."

  "Well that's interesting," observed David, "Durango is going to be known for more than a dumb train and an old hotel. You know Matt we really cannot thank you enough for the opportunity you've given us. It's really awesome when you think about it, all us kids out here in another universe doing stuff they cannot even imagine back on earth. You know sometimes I lay awake at night wondering what I'd be doing if you hadn't asked me to come along, thanks Matt, I owe you big time."

  Matt smiled,

  "So are we all still going to attend our ten year high school reunion?" Everyone laughed,

  "Absolutely godamned right," came the response.

  "Well for what it's worth," said Kaitlyn, we've all been quietly promoting Endor, possibly influencing someone to build there."

  "Much appreciated Kaitlyn," replied Matt, "I brought two more with me on my last trip Endor is slowly growing."

  "Well that's good to hear," said Kaitlyn, "We'll see what we can do about getting some sort of official delegation to visit sometime in the near future."

  "That would be great, I'll be looking forward to it," said Matt.

  Chapter 170

  Titan Stand, Chapter 170

  As things started to wind down Kaitlyn said,

  "Well Matt since technically you are a head of state, you qualify for at least a free night's stay at the guest house. Let's head over and see what we can get for you and Jezang shall we?"

  It was like first class at the Ritz, he even got a meal out of it. Since Jezang didn't need to sleep, she just relaxed on a couch while he enjoyed a late night snack and slept in a huge bed. Unfortunately, he couldn't sleep, constantly worrying about Holliqua. He also wondered where she picked up that bitch friend of hers. But most of all he worried ov
er their relationship and how this would affect it.

  Finally drifting off, he awoke late with Jezang poking him.

  "You've got a meeting with the Ruddorian foreign minister in a milacenton Matt, Kaitlyn sent over some clothes better get ready."

  This was the price paid for the use of a luxury suite he mused.

  "I wonder what he wants to talk about?" he speculated, "I certainly don't have much to say to him."


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