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Beguiling Briley

Page 7

by Allie Standifer

  “Do you mind a little advance payment?” she whispered, giving his erection one long, slow lick that almost had him coming like a teenager.

  “Briley.” His hips moved, pushing his cock farther into her grip as his hands clenched in the long silky strands of her hair. “I’m going to die if you do and die if you don’t. You choose.”

  Then he took the choice from her. He pressed her head down, pushing her to the pulsing hard seat of his need. Briley wet her lips, then licked the swollen head rising to meet her.

  He jerked against her. His grip tightened in her hair as his voice, gone low and harsh, whispered erotic directions and encouragements. Her mouth opened, sliding over the tapered tip, stretching as easily as her body had done so many nights before.

  He felt the warm heat of her rapid breath against his sensitive flesh as she sucked him hungrily.

  Carter yanked his hands from her hair. “Fuck, Briley,” he groaned, his hands knotting the bedspread beneath him as he struggled not to fuck her mouth as hard and fast as he desperately wanted to.

  Her tongue swirled the area just under the head and he shouted with pleasure. His entire body arched as she sucked him back into her mouth, flattening her tongue to allow it to stroke the area as her hands caressed the length of his cock. She teased his balls, softly rolling them in one hand while he moaned and thrashed in wanton need.

  Carter whispered her name, as a plea or demand he didn’t know. The muscles of his thighs clenched as he felt his orgasm near. “Please, baby, you have to stop. I want to touch you too. I want to lick you all over, starting with your lips. I want to taste your breasts, and I want to devour the sweet, wet heat between your thighs.”

  She moaned and the vibration had him seeing stars. He didn’t want her to stop touching him, to stop sucking him. He wanted it to continue forever, but he knew he wanted to be inside her more.

  “Briley.” His voice shook as he drew her away. “I want to be deep inside your body when I come. Let me, please.”

  When she refused to listen or back off, Carter’s need broke through his reserve. He pushed her away, hands on her shoulders, and back, following her down as she fell to the bed. His hands were desperate as he ripped her clothing off, not caring about the damage or where it landed. He needed her. He had to be inside the sweet depths of her wet cunt before he lost his mind.

  Eagerly, roughly, he parted her thighs. The head of his cock nudged at the entrance of her body, throbbing with desire as her juices heated it.

  “Do you want this, Briley? Do you want me?” he demanded staring her straight in the eye, searching for the truth as he held her hands down at the sides of her head.

  “I want you to make me scream. Make me forget everything, but the two of us,” she whispered, sincerity shining in her eyes. “I need…” she took a deep breath, looking straight into his eyes. “I need you, Carter. I’ve never wanted anyone like this. I’ve never been this desperate for anyone. And the whole thing scares me to death, but right now, in your arms, I can be brave. So take me, make love to me and let the rest of it just fall away.”

  He released her hands, his palms sliding up her arms then beneath her shoulders, holding her to him, afraid this was just another dream and she’d disappear again. Instead soft arms came around him, holding him tight. He cautiously lowered himself against her, his restraint almost gone. His hips settled between hers, his cock pressing against her sex, deliberately rubbing against her clit as he pushed her thighs wider.

  Carter couldn’t wait any longer. He straightened between her legs, stared into her desire heavy eyes as he lifted her hips, bracing her ass on his thighs and pushed the head of his cock into the swollen wet, entrance to her pussy.

  Hot, damp blonde curls surrounded his engorged head as he watched, hands tightening, desperate to see them joined. To see her body open for him, to take him deep inside that haven of her body.

  He ground his teeth as he pressed inside. Sweat dribbled down his scalp and wet both their bodies.

  He worked his cock into the heated depths of her clenching pussy and felt his mind melt at the pleasure. So tight, so hot. He wondered how he’d survived all these nights without her. The thought of being without her again sent an ache all the way from his heart to his balls. He pulled back, then in one hard thrust, shoved himself within her as deep as he could go.

  Briley screamed, raked her nails down his back and bucked against him like a wild creature. Carter leant over her, felt her legs clamp down around his hips, and finally gave into the need to fuck her hard, deep and fast.

  Nothing existed outside his mind but Briley. He took her roughly, for once not caring to be gentle or go easy. His arms slid beneath her shoulders as his lips slammed down on hers, and his hips pistoned against her, burying his cock inside her with desperately hard, mind-blowing strokes.

  Briley sucked at his bottom lip and moaned into his kiss.

  Her nails dug into his flesh, biting in and creating an erotic fire that only fed his need and desire. She demanded more, and he gave her everything as she came apart beneath him.

  One, two, three more thrusts and he let his own release pour out of his soul and into her body. Pumping into her, his come shot out, hot and thick, as the world around him exploded into a million dazzling pieces.

  He was shuddering and jerking with smaller aftershocks. Pushing against her, he kissed her again. This time softly, gently giving praise and gratitude for the unique woman who gave him pleasure like he’d never known.

  Carter held on to Briley long after her she’d fallen asleep, not willing to miss any time with her. He’d fallen in love with a crazy woman who thought Big Brother tracked her through GPS, had the worst taste in friends and killed computers on a regular basis. Exactly what he told himself he didn’t need. From the first night in the shop, he should have kept his thoughts to himself, much less his hands.

  Now what, he wondered, knowing that walking away would be impossible. Briley had dug deep in his heart, but he couldn’t spend the rest of his life chasing her. Someday, she’d have to stop running and face whatever was scaring her to death. Until then, Carter could only love and promise to support her when her fears came back to haunt her.

  He watched the clock on his nightstand change minutes to hours, not wanting to sleep away a second of his time with Briley. He didn’t know how many more nights they’d have like this.

  Chapter Nine

  When Briley awoke, her mind immediately rewound to the night before. The long lunch with way too many bottles of wine. The short drive over in the back of Olivia’s SUV. Carter’s hands on her, in her, pushing her up and over the edge time and again.

  They were loosely tangled together in his soft-as-silk cotton sheets. Briley blinked at the digital clock over Carter’s head—close to six in the morning. She felt as though she’d been run over by a dump truck. She looked at Carter and smiled, a very sexy dump truck. She had sore muscles in places she’d never known muscles existed.

  Briley had had her share of lovers, but she’d never experienced anything like this. In the stillness of the early morning, she felt terrified by the connection shared during sex. She’d given everything she had, taken all Carter had offered.

  She’d been truthful last night. Carter and the feelings he roused in her scared the crap out of her. Love didn’t fit in her plans. There were too many risks and not enough guarantees. If Carter someday got fed up with her less than perfect shape, or the chaos in her life, and left, Briley doubted she’d survive.

  Turning to the man sleeping next to her, Briley dropped a quick kiss to his lips. He shifted and smiled in his sleep. A lock of hair fell over one eye, giving him a mischievous bad boy look while the tiny lines outside his eyes smoothed out. The arm wrapped around her waist drew her tighter against him. Spending the rest of her life waking up in his arms would be heaven, she thought with a sigh.

  The truth slammed into her without warning. She loved Carter Moore, computer geek, government hacker and the mi
llion other sides of his personality she’d yet to discover. She loved the way he teased and taunted her friends, always giving as good as he got. The way he seemed to fit instantly in with the guys, trash talking sports teams and each other with easy humour. Every time they met, she learned more things to like about him. His sense of humour was wry and self-effacing at times. Over drinks with the guys or dinner with girls, Carter fit into her life like he’d always been there. He no longer even jumped when Recee pulled out her knives.

  Too scared to stay, afraid she’d blurt the truth out if she remained in his arms, Briley gently lifted the arm around her middle and slowly slid to the edge of the mattress. When he mumbled a protest, she murmured some half-assed assurances and he settled back to sleep.

  She stood by the bed, looking at him in the light of the breaking dawn. Everything she never knew she needed lay before her, but too many chances had already been taken with her heart. Briley knew she didn’t have the courage to offer up her love again. Yeah, maybe Carter was different from every other man in her life. Maybe her feelings for him were deeper than anything she’d ever felt before, but it only meant she’d have farther to fall. She just didn’t have it in her to entrust her soul to him. To trust that he wouldn’t take her heart and trample on it some time in the future when he realised she wouldn’t change her body to please him.

  Living without Carter would be a lot easier if she left now, before more memories could tear her soul apart.

  Fear and love battled inside her as she scrambled around the room, feeling for her clothes in the grey darkness. If only he didn’t want so much, if only he’d settle. She almost snorted at the thought. If Carter was the type of man to settle, then he wouldn’t be the man she’d fallen in love with.

  Finding the last of her clothes, Briley yanked up her pants and pulled her comfortable cotton shirt over her head after giving up trying to find her bra or underwear. All she needed were her shoes and she’d be set.

  “They’re downstairs right by the front door.” Carter’s deep voice broke the stillness of the pre-dawn light.

  Briley jerked like she’d been shot. Her heart racing, she grabbed her chest. “Damn it, you scared me. Give a girl a little warning, why don’t you?”

  “Come back to bed, Briley.” He lifted the comforter, inviting her back into the perilous safety of his arms.

  “As much as I’d like to take you up on that, I’ve got to run.” She stepped away from the bed, wary of being so close to temptation.

  “Yeah, I kind of guessed that with the way you’re running scared again.” His voice sounded rough with sleep…and something else? Regret? Bitterness?

  “Look, ah… I hate to rush out like this, but I’ve got meetings set up all morning. I need to get home, shower, change and get to work.” In a quick burst of courage, she moved to the bed and pressed a kiss to his whiskered cheek and backed away. “Thanks for everything, Carter. I’ll talk to you later.” She stepped to the door.

  “No, you won’t, Briley. I’m not doing this anymore. You walk out that door then it’s over between us. I don’t want you coming back.” The coldness of his voice along with his chilling words stopped her short.

  She gave a nervous laugh as her stomach twisted and turned. “Oh, come on, Carter. It’s no big deal. I’ve got to get to work. We can talk about this later.”

  The sheets rustled as he moved around. She heard a click and light glowed from the small reading lamp next to his bed. The covers pooled down around his long, lean waist, and for a moment, Briley was tempted to chuck everything—her fears, clothes and job—to climb right back into Carter’s bed and arms.

  He crossed his arms over his chest, his mouth pulled in a straight line, and for once, no hint of laughter lurked in his ice green eyes. Fear knotted her insides as she finally understood how serious he was. The time for game playing had stopped and Briley’s luck had run out.

  “Tell me, Briley, what would it take to get you to commit to a full night in my bed? A polygraph test, blood and DNA samples, a sworn affidavit that I’ll never hurt you or leave you?”

  The blow of his words staggered her. How dare her make fun of her? “Until about sixty seconds ago, all you needed to do was ask. Now, I think you’re right. We’ll both be better off if this …” she struggled to find the words while keeping her tears at bay, “thing between us stops now. Fewer regrets that way.”

  “Damn it, Briley.” He jumped from the bed, heedless of his nudity. “I love you. I want to marry you and spend the rest of my life showing you exactly what you mean to me. But I know you’re too afraid of something to give me a chance, to give us a chance. Well, I can’t keep banging my head into a wall. I want it all, Briley, and that means you in my bed for more than a couple of hours whenever you’ve got an itch.”

  “That’s not what this is,” she protested, angry at his accusation.

  “Then tell me, tell me exactly what it is we’re doing here, because I haven’t got a fucking clue anymore.” He paced the length of the room, his strides long and impatient. “You don’t trust me. You won’t believe anything I say so what more can I give you? You’ve already got my heart in your hands. I don’t know what else to offer?”

  “You asshole.” Lame, but it was the best she could muster up considering her heart broke into a thousand pieces with each word he uttered.

  “I may be an asshole, but at least I’m not a coward.”

  “Fine.” Tears burned her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. No way would she give Carter the chance to see her break down. Later, once she was alone, she’d wallow in grief and tears, but for now, only her strength was needed. “Have a good life, computer boy.”

  She heard his bitter laughter as she ran down the stairs, finding her shoes exactly where he said they’d be.

  “Oh yeah, I’ll have one hell of a life, all right. After you everything else will seem like a piece of cake.” His husky voice grew louder as he spoke.

  She slammed the door before she could hear anymore as the first tears trickled down her face. With impatient fingers, she swiped the moisture away, dug into her purse and cursed the world in general.

  Finding her phone at the very bottom, Briley quickly turned it on and hit speed dial three.

  “Trinity’s Togs, this is Trinity.”

  Her voice broke at the sound of her friend’s cheerful voice. “Trin, can you come get me?”

  A beat of silence. “I’ll kill that son of a bitch with my bare hands, then I’ll let Recee go after him with her knife.”

  “Please, Trin, can you just come pick me up? I need…” The tears came faster as the reality of her loss slammed into her. “I need you to come get me, please.”

  “I’m already out the door. Give me thirty minutes and I’ll be there.”

  In the background Briley could hear the sounds of Trinity moving through her giant loft, her heels clattering along the metal stairs as she rushed out the door.

  “Honey, why don’t you wait at the coffee shop down the block? I don’t want you standing out there alone this time of the morning.”

  Sure enough when Briley looked down the street, a neon light flicked in the distance, offering service twenty-four hours a day. “Yeah, okay, I’ll see you there.” She disconnected just as Carter’s front door swung open.

  “Briley, wait. I’ll give you a ride home,” Carter called out, stuffing his feet into a pair of old beat up sneakers.

  “No thanks,” she said turning her head quickly away, not wanting him to see her tears. “I’ve called for a ride.”

  He let out a long sigh. “Then at least wait inside until your ride gets here. I don’t want you out here alone.”

  With as much dignity as she could muster, Briley straightened her shoulders, tilted her chin up and gave him her best sideways snotty look. “What you want doesn’t matter anymore, does it? I think we just cleared that up a few minutes ago.”

  “Briley.” his voice went low and her pulse thrummed in her ears as her body bur
ned for his touch.

  “Don’t, Carter. Just go back inside. I’ll be fine. I just really don’t need to see you right now. I think we’ve said everything there is to say.”

  The silence stretched on for what seemed like forever, but really only few minutes must have passed before she heard him trudge back up the steps and his door closed with a sound of finality.

  With weary steps, Briley made her way to the coffee shop to wait for her rescue.

  Twenty minutes later, Trinity pulled up next to her. Her green eyes concerned, mouth drawn firm with worry. “Oh honey, get in and I’ll take you home.”

  As Trinity rolled down her window, she knew exactly how pissed her friend really was. Polka music blared from the state-of-the-art sound system. Trinity only played the awful excuse for music when her temper went orbital. Right now, Briley figured Trinity’s temper was circling Uranus.

  Briley open the door of the low-slung candy apple red sports car and wearily dropped into the plush leather seats. “Thanks for coming to get me, Trin, but do you think you can turn off the death ray music.”

  Her friend shrugged off the thanks as she flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder. “No biggie, I was up anyway.” With the push of a button, the screeching music stopped. “I got your call and got pissed. Recee may have learned nothing from those anger classes, but I sure as hell did.”

  “What was that?” Briley asked, suddenly exhausted.

  Trinity shot her a wide grin as she hit the button to roll up the window. “Not to get sent there again. I can’t take another four weeks of some laid back, part-time yoga instructor telling me to breathe through my emotions. Nasty!”

  She put the car in gear and stepped on the gas before sliding another look towards the passenger’s seat. “You want to talk about it now? Or wait until Recee finishes making his anatomically correct voodoo doll?”

  Briley surprised herself and laughed. “Only Recee would think to order something like that.”


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