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The Boss & The Intern: A Single Dad Next Door Romance

Page 32

by Tia Wylder

  I turned and looked at the tree in the center of the room. The gorilla in me wanted to obey, if only to avoid pain, but I wasn’t about to become this madman’s puppet.

  “Resistance isn’t advised,” the intercom said.

  The metal floor beneath my feet surged with electricity. It shot through me like molten lava in my veins. The gorilla mind took over and I scaled the tree with ease.

  “There we are, now was that so hard? It looks like your physical dexterity hasn’t suffered too much. That’s good. Now, let’s see how you deal with your fellow shifters.”

  All around me I saw vents open on the ground. Other gorillas poured out onto the ground below. They were thumping their chests and roaring up at me in the tree.

  “They don’t seem to like you. Normally I would advise communicating, but that’s going to be hard to do when you’re not a gorilla like they are.”

  I heard the soft blast of a silenced rifle and saw a dart hit my arm. I suddenly lost control of my form and started shifting back. I fell down through the tree mid-transformation and hit the ground hard as the gorillas gathered around me.

  I couldn’t speak as the wind was knocked out of me. The gorillas eyed me with an intense curiosity. I couldn’t tell if they wanted to help me or hurt me.

  “You’ll find that these other shifters are incredibly good at listening to orders. For example: kill him!”

  The gorillas leapt forward and I climbed to my feet. I was thrashed about by massive bodies and black fur. I furiously tried to push my way through, but I felt their hands wrapping around me. Before they could deal with the finishing blow, a loud piercing siren cut through the noise. They instantly dropped me and retreated back into the vents they had come out of.

  I heard the scientist laughing on the intercom.

  “Ah yes, that was fun!” Now, back to your cage!” he shouted.

  The days went by like this until they turned into months. I didn’t know how long I had been there. One day, after an eternity of torture that they called “tests,” I finally saw someone besides the scientist who had been the bane of my existence. He told me I was coming with him to see the boss.

  They blindfolded me and drove to some fancy penthouse suite before they took the blindfold off. When they led me into the room, the lights were off. They came on almost unceremoniously and my jaw dropped.

  Sitting in the center of the room, dressed in black lingerie, was Dee. Standing beside her, dressed in nothing but a velvet robe, was the Russian mob boss Dmitri Mikhailov.

  “Devin,” he said, “You’re right on time.

  Chapter Six


  After I had the baby, Dmitri was always there for me. I could tell he was falling for me, and despite the age difference, I was falling for him a well. I knew what it looked like, but I wasn’t just falling for him because he was a billionaire. It went beyond an older man, young woman romance. He had a soft side to him that I liked. Truth be told, without his help I wouldn’t have been able to afford the hospital bills, let alone the other costs of a baby.

  One night he sent me a package while I was at work and when I opened it, I found a note:

  This is just a preview. I have a surprise for you tonight.

  Inside the box was lingerie with black lace. It was certainly sexy, but I didn’t know what he meant by a surprise. That night, when he sat me down in a chair facing the front door, I didn’t expect Devin to walk through that door.

  I didn’t know what to say, and clearly he didn’t either.

  “I realize this is a bit of a shock for both of you, so allow me to explain,” Dmitri said.

  Dmitri waved to the bodyguards at the front door and they left.

  “Come on in, Devin,” I’m sure you're anxious to see Deandra.”

  “Dmitri, what’s going on here?” I asked.

  Dmitri rolled his head back and forth as if creating an explanation in his mind.

  “A long time ago, your father borrowed a lot of money from me. He wanted to send your brother, Michael, to college. Unfortunately, he has become late in making his payments.”

  My heart was racing. “Are you serious? What kind of businessman are you?”

  Dmitri smiled. “The illegitimate kind. I report directly to the highest levels of the Russian mafia. I suppose you could say I am their ambassador here in the United States.”

  “I can’t believe this! I’m leaving,” I said.

  I tried to stand up but Dmitri pushed me back into the chair.

  “Before you leave, Deandra I believe you should hear my proposition. You see, I have been unable to get you out of my mind for many years now. I have this fantasy, where I ravage you, but I alone am not enough to fully satisfy your needs. A woman of your exquisite form cannot be satisfied by any single man. So, I have brought Devin, your first love, to join us in these revels. If you agree to help fulfill this fantasy of a menage romance, and do as I say, I will let you and Devin leave here alive.”

  “And if I refuse?” I asked.

  “Well, you’ll never see Devin again, that much I can promise you. Come now, Deandra, it’s one glorious night of primal lust, and then you can be together.”

  I looked over to Devin who was still in shock.

  “He never left me then?” I asked.

  Dimitri shook his head. “No, he was otherwise indisposed until tonight's events.”

  I looked back to him. I was furious and I felt betrayed, but there was something deep inside me that wanted this, if only just to satisfy my carnal urges. Besides, if it meant a way out and a way to be with Devin, I had to take it.

  “Alright, I’ll do it,” I said.

  Dmitri clapped his hands together and looked over to Devin.

  “I assume you’re in as well?”

  Devin nodded slowly, but I saw rage in his eyes.

  “Excellent, let us begin!”

  Dmitri took my hand and pulled me to my feet. He spun me in a slow circle and looked at me from head-to-toe. He led me over to the bed and laid me across the silk sheets. His leaned forward and dragged his tongue across my thigh and traced a path to the crotchless panties I was wearing.

  Before he reached the center of my legs he paused.

  “Devin, get over here and please her while I taste of this forbidden fruit,” Dmitri said.

  His lips parted and his tongue slid into me. He moved with quick and sudden jabs of his tongue that sent spikes of pleasure through my body. I turned my head as Devin approached. He undressed and approached the side of the bed. I reached out and wrapped my hand around him.

  He stepped forward and I slid him into my mouth. My body convulsed as Dmitri’s voracious approach to love making sent chills down my spine. Devin was finally starting to enjoy the moment. He hips rocked back and forth as he slid himself deeper into my mouth. I explored every inch of him with my tongue.

  I reached up and grabbed him as I came. My screams of ecstasy were muffled as my body shook uncontrollably. I laid my head back onto the sheets and let the pleasure course through me. Dmitri appeared above me and cupped his hands around my breast. With a single movement, he ripped open the lingerie and let my breasts flow out. He grabbed one and took the nipple into his mouth.

  He moaned with excitement as his tongue eagerly flicked the nipple back and forth. He pulled it out and lifted me onto my feet.

  “This way,” he said.

  He turned me around and pushed me forward. I braced myself on the edge of the bed.

  “Get in front of her,” he said to Devin.

  Devin climbed onto the bed and sat on his knees in front of me. I felt Dmitri’s hands dig into my waist as he slid into me with ease. He pushed me forward and I opened my mouth to receive all of Devin. Dimitri’s powerful thrusts from behind push me into Devin and created a rhythm that I was forced to obey.

  I closed my eyes as the sensations overwhelmed me. My breasts dangled freely beneath me and swung heavily with each thrust. Dimitri pulled out of me and flipped me over
. He stroked himself furiously until he came all across my chest as I laid on the bed.

  “Devin, I’m finished, but she isn’t. Have your way with her, I’ll let you know when it’s time to finish. Why don’t we make it interesting? If you come before I give you the signal, I’ll kill you!”

  Devin appeared above me. I could see anger and sorrow in his eyes. He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

  “Just hang in there, I’ll make sure he pays for this.”

  “Don’t think about him, just pretend we’re alone again, like before,” I replied.

  He slid into me and I closed my eyes. Dmitri’s jests faded and gave way to the melody I first heard when Devin and I originally made love. I could feel that he was going to come, but Dimitri was yelling at him not to. I tried to slow him down, but I felt another climax coming. I couldn’t hold back, I threw my head back and let the orgasm flow through me.

  I heard Dmitri shout in anger.

  “I told you not to come! That’s it!”

  I was still in a daze when I heard a loud animalistic roar tear through the room. Adrenaline kicked in and I sat up. Where Devin had been standing was a massive gorilla. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. The gorilla leapt forward and grabbed Dmitri before he could finish loading his gun.

  “I made you! You can’t do this!” he shouted.

  The gorilla had him by the neck. I turned away as a loud crack filled the room. The two bodyguards came rushing into the room and I heard another roar from the gorilla. It made short work of Dmitri’s henchmen.

  When I looked back, it was transforming. Its body collapsed inward and morphed until the gorilla was gone and Devin was standing before me. Dmitri was dead, and both his henchmen were out cold.

  Devin was pulling on his clothes as I sat in a quiet daze.

  “Dee, I know none of this makes any sense, but we’ve got to get out of here,” Devin said.

  “Did you just turn into a gorilla?” I asked.

  “Yeah, I did. I’ll explain everything when we’re out of town.”

  I stood up as Devin brought me my clothes and a towel. I cleaned off and got dressed, but none of it was really settling in.

  Devin took my hand. “We’ve got to get out of here.”

  “I can’t leave,” I said.

  “Anything you need I’ll buy for you. As soon as they find out Dmitri is dead, they’ll be searching everywhere.”

  “We can leave town, but we have to pick up Tyrel,” I said.

  Devin’s eyes narrowed at me. “Who is Tyrel?”

  I smiled. “He’s your son.”

  Devin ran a hand across his head. “You’re serious?”

  I nodded. “I found out I was pregnant after you disappeared.”

  Devin laughed. “I’m a dad?”

  I had to fight back the tears of happiness. “You’re a dad.”

  Devin was grinning from ear-to-ear despite the circumstances.

  “Alright, let’s pickup Tyrel and get the hell out of here. We’ve got a new life to start, together. You ready?”

  I leaned forward and kissed him. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

  The Secret Baby

  Chapter One


  Everybody dreams about that perfect life: white picket fence, loving husband, great kids, and not a care in the world. Maybe there’s a reason why they call it the American Dream, because it’s just that; a dream. The real world doesn’t follow the rules of fairy tales or idyllic opportunity. It throws you into its jaws, chews you up, and then spits you back out without so much as an apology.

  There was a moment where I thought I had it all. I was twenty-three and my boyfriend, Axel Blackwell, got a great job working in construction after his twenty-fourth birthday. We finally signed a lease on an apartment, and then I found out I was pregnant. Our daily lives were insane, but they were good. Axel took the news well, but we both agreed that baby would have to stay a secret from our families. He promised me he would stay, we would get married, and we would raise our baby together. We had each other, and that was all I needed.

  The day everything changed, I was standing in the kitchen making breakfast before Axel’s shift; bacon and scrambled eggs with cheese. It was simple, but I wasn’t exactly a five-star chef, and Axel always liked it when I made bacon. I felt the baby kick inside of me as I was stirring the eggs.

  I reached down and rubbed the mound rising from my stomach.

  “I know, you’ll be out soon, I promise,” I whispered.

  The bacon popped and sizzled beside me as I heard Axel walk into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and I heard his industrial strength smartphone hit the surface shortly after. He let loose a long sigh.

  “Everything alright, babe?” I asked.

  “Frankie wants me to work overtime again this week,” he said.

  “Well, isn’t that a good thing? We need the money after all.”

  Axel slammed his fist on the table and I jumped in shock. The spatula I was using to stir the eggs fell to the floor.

  I turned around and saw him hunched over the table with his head in his hands. He ran both hands through his thick black hair and leaned back as he let loose another sigh.

  “Yeah, course we need the money babe, but what about me? I’m killing myself out there!”

  I felt the baby kick again and braced myself against the counter.

  “Well, maybe you can get a better job, something less physical?”

  Axel looked over to me with his dark brown eyes and shook his head.

  “How many times are we going to have this conversation? I never went to college, hell I didn’t even finish high school! What cushy office job is going to hire me? The only thing I’m good for is hard labor.”

  I felt a surge of pain in my sides and back. I had false contractions before, but this was different. They were coming faster, more intense. Axel was still talking, but his voice had faded as my mind focused on the tightening pain in my back.

  “Axel, I think the baby is coming,” I said.

  He stopped mid-sentence and leapt out of his chair. He wrapped his arm around my back and steadied me against the counter.

  “Alright, I’ll call out of work. Let’s get you to the hospital,” he said.

  He led me through our small apartment and out the door. The sun was just rising above the horizon. The air was thick and humid after rainstorms the night before. Sweat formed across my head as I awkwardly limped to the car. Axel laid me down in the backseat and closed the door before leaping into the driver’s seat.

  “Just hang in there baby, both of you.”

  I smiled through the pain as he turned on the car and pulled out of the parking space. He always drove a little on the aggressive side, but this time he was pushing speed limits and switching lanes like a madman. Normally I would tell him to cut back on the alpha male crap, but in this situation his bravado came in handy.

  We were at the hospital in a matter of minutes. He led me through the emergency room doors and immediately made a scene in front of the people scattered across the waiting room.

  “My wife’s going into labor!” he shouted.

  I felt the eyes of the onlookers all around me as a security guard and a nurse in a pale blue smock rushed toward us.

  “We’ve got it from here,” the nurse said.

  “I’m just going to park the car, I’ll be right back,” he whispered to me, and then turned to the nurse, “You take good care of her, that’s my son in there!”

  It’s not much of a secret baby if you talk loud enough for the world to hear.

  They led me through into the hospital proper and laid me down on a stretcher. The wheels squeaked and squealed as they carried me to the delivery room. I was on a proper bed with monitors and wires surrounding me before I knew it.

  It was amazing how far technology had come. I was born in 2001 and now that it was 2025 everything was so different. Hospitals had technology beyond anything I would have imagined. They even offered to
genetically alter the baby to remove the chance of defects or even just change his eye color.

  Call me old fashioned, but I didn’t want any of that. Even if I did, the government’s idea of health insurance wouldn’t cover it, despite our massive monthly premium. I wanted my son to be the boy he was meant to be, no science involved.

  Axel returned, just as he said he would. He was dressed in the same outfit as the doctors with a sterile mask over his face. He patted my shoulder with a gloved hand.

  “How’re we doing?” he asked.

  I looked over to the monitor beside me. It was somehow able to show us the baby in perfect detail as he sat inside of me.

  “We’re doing well. The painkillers are working.”

  Despite all of the pain, the stress, and the incredibly exhausting process, I held my baby son that day in my arms. It was the best day of my life.

  Chapter Two


  I had a son, I couldn’t believe it. It’s never real until you hold him in your arms and look into his little brown eyes. People always say he’s got your nose, or your eyes, but I could see myself in him. It was indescribable. We decided on the name Jacob, after my grandfather. My father may not have been the figure I needed him to be, but my grandfather was always there for me. Even when the cancer beat him down, he still helped me any way he could.

  He gave me a piece of advice before the disease took him, he said: The world’s going to get worse and it’s going to try and drag you down with it, boy. No matter what, you don’t let it change you. You stay true to yourself and those you love. Always remember that.

  Jaclyn, or as I called her, Jackie, wasn’t one to follow current events. She always said the news was depressing. She was right, but things were brewing, big things. I barely had time to get her back home from the hospital with our newborn son before it all came crashing down.

  I sat on the side of the bed, hunched over my smartphone. Jacob had kept us both up for most of the night so Jackie was finally getting some much needed rest. I was reading the news story that would change my life, forever.


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