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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

Page 94

by Summer Lee

“They need to know the signs of the times.”

  “Will we know when the horses get here?”

  “The wise will know.” He sighed again. “The assertive behavior of the horsemen will be obvious to those waiting for them.”

  “So, those will be horsemen with a purpose, and I will see them when they get here. True?”

  “Not everyone will see them. But you will see them in advance.”


  “You need to know now, so you can be the town crier,” the angel said with spirit. “Except you will use the Internet.”

  I laughed. “I’m glad for that.”

  “Angels, both bad and good, will interact with humans at the time of testing. Presidents, kings and nations will all be involved. Everyone will know that something big is taking place.” He dropped his head. “They will try to escape, but they have no place to go.”

  “My assignment is to warn citizens ahead of time to escape the Judgment, isn’t it?”

  “Yes,” Walker said, sounding almost impatient. “You are assigned to study the signs of a Great Tribulation ahead of time. And then you will share what you learn.”

  “It will be a frightful cataclysm, won’t it, Walker?” I inhaled deeply. “I feel frightened already.”

  “Yes, you must tell the people that it is an overwhelming catastrophe, and they need to prepare their hearts to see God.” The calmness of his voice calmed my fear. “It will be the end.”

  I thought about what he said for a moment. “Why must God allow it to all end so terribly?”

  “It is not God’s fault,” he said seriously. “There are universal laws at work. Evil self-destructs.”

  I wondered if anyone, including myself, could understand the panic that I felt at that moment. When the horses arrived on the scene, the tribulation would begin. And it would be soon.

  “Evil will reach its climax. Even though righteousness is stronger than wickedness, the consummation of this present age will end with a great battle between good and evil.” His expression was filled with deep compassion. “Learn what you can about the church fathers.”

  We sat down in the shade of a weeping willow tree. “Tell me more about it,” I said. “Other than the Bible, what should I read to understand?”

  He said that there had to be a pattern that flowed from Bible days up until the world today. I asked who from the past I should trust. He said that I should read Ante-Nicene Fathers about a man named Irenaeus. He had been influenced by the Apostle John.

  I thought about that for a moment. The Apostle John had seen the war in the spirit world when he was told to write Revelation. Reading Revelation, I could tell the tribulation would be the biggest event in the future.

  Walker said, “Historical scholars have had different views regarding the meaning of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Some true, some false. That is why you should begin with the first century.”

  I could see that. I was told to search it out and put those beliefs into a web blog.

  “What did Irenaeus believe?” he hinted.

  I shrugged my shoulders. First, I needed to Google his name and write some notes about him.

  I placed my spiral notepad on the table and picked up my pen to copy notes about the man. The ones in the world who I would influence needed the information. I was the chosen one to tell them. “You knew the man. Tell me something about him.”

  Walker dictated and I wrote: “A bishop by the name of Irenaeus taught about end times, including the horses in Revelation. Irenaeus was one trusted by believers in his day. Irenaeus not only insisted that his pupils know what the Apostle John taught his disciples, but know exactly what the writers of the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation meant. He also taught his disciples everything he knew about prophecy. He was convinced that the two books of Daniel and Revelation explained end times prophecy accurately.”

  I looked up and said, “He prepared his pupils well.”

  He smiled, and his eyes had a soft expression. “That is true.”

  “I would have liked Irenaeus.”

  “You would have,” Walker said. “Let’s continue. Like you, Irenaeus wrote down the things the disciples of the Apostle John taught him. The teaching was almost pure. He got what he believed about last days and the Antichrist from the mouth of someone quite important.”

  I could tell Walker was watching me, so I smiled as I continued to convert his spoken words to written words. “Irenaeus had been taught Biblical truths handed down from the Apostle John. He wrote that the churches that were planted in Germany did not believe or hand down anything different than what those in Spain did. Concerning understanding of Daniel, Revelation, and End Times Bible prophecy, those in Gaul, in the East, and those in Egypt and in Libya heard the same teaching and memorized it. Irenaeus took responsibility for others, which had been established in the central regions of the world as well. They knew prophecies about something big.”

  “Something as big as the Second Coming of the Lord!” I guessed.


  “How do you know that?”

  “Jesus said this about his return, ‘About that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left…’”

  “When did he say that?” I looked up. “Is it in the Bible?”

  “It is recorded in Matthew 24:36-41.”

  “I don’t understand it, but I believe it is true,” I said. “I am very much aware that things are going on now in the world that looks like the devastation predicted in the Bible. The attitude of the last two presidents in our country fits the actions of the rider on the white horse. They both took aggressive roles in helping rid the world of corrupt dictators.”

  “You are wise.”

  I was learning quickly. Even if we did not understand earthly events, the message of Revelation was that God was sovereign from the start to the finish. In the end, his enemies would be defeated and punished and his saints vindicated and rewarded. In the vision, this was followed by a new Earth with no more death or mourning or crying or pain. This is so big that it was hard to take in. That was why every denomination had a different interpretation of the Horses of Revelation. It was time for some serious evaluation. “What should I do next?” I asked.

  “Read blogs about Jerusalem and how many nations hate her. It is the key of fulfilled prophecy.” He nodded. “Jerusalem, Israel, is the center of it all. God said it is His land. Pay attention when war begins inside its borders.”

  “I do believe that Mother Earth is beginning to have labor pains.” Now, it was my turn to sigh. “Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis are prevalent; these are all birth pangs, aren’t they?”

  “You are right.” He nodded. “Things that are going on in this world right now resemble the events that will happen when the biblical horses come onto the scene.”

  “How will the appearance of the horses figure into life events?”

  “Beauty comes from God. When he removes his hand of blessing, it will only be darkness and destruction. That is what is released on earth when the horses come.”

  “Israel is a nation once more. The church age is almost over,” I said.

  “The Bible says, ‘I heard the voices of many thousands of angels. They stood around the throne and around the four living beings and the leaders.’ They said with a loud voice, ‘The Lamb Who was killed has the right to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and shining-greatness and thanks.’”

  I frowned. “That is about Jesus, but I don’
t understand that one.”

  “You will know more after you read Revelation. You must read Zechariah, too.”


  “The Old Testament prophet, Zechariah, said he saw chariots coming from between two bronze mountains pulled by red, black, white, and dappled horses.”

  “When was that?”

  “Judah had just returned to the land the first time when that happened.” The angel began walking down the narrow path. He seemed to be in deep thought. “Let’s walk.”

  I ran to keep up. “What is the connection between the two sets of horses?”

  “The horses in the book of Zechariah were eager to patrol the Earth.” He turned and looked at me. “They are eager to patrol the Earth again. Even now, they are champing at the bit.”

  “Really?” I shivered automatically. I was surprised that it was so close. “How often have the horses of Heaven patrolled this Earth?”

  “Only a few times. They only go whenever God tells them to.”

  “I guess their appearance is associated with trouble.”

  I thought back over all that had come to pass since I had met Walker. Every day, the world was in more and more turmoil. I was truly blessed to be chosen for the project. My duty felt urgent.

  Afternoon came and I could hear Amanda rustling about inside the house. I went in and greeted her. “I’ll be in the library,” I said.

  “That is wise.”

  Looking through the books, I pulled out a thick one about Revelation. It looked too difficult. I lay that book down and picked up a different commentary. I found something interesting enough that appeared to be important. It was written by an intellectual by the name of Johnson. He identified the rider on the first white horse with the Antichrist and his forces that sought to conquer the followers of Christ. According to Johnson, each of the first four seals represented a different section of the Earth—the four corners. I read in the book for about an hour.

  I soon found myself writing on my assignment: “Apostle John saw a scroll in the right hand of the One on the throne. There was writing on both sides of the scroll. It was rolled up, and it was sealed with seven seals. I have been told that the seals were not side by side, but one after another.”

  Is that important? I wondered. I decided it was. When one was broken open, only a small amount of information was exposed at a time. More information would be given when another seal was broken.

  I closed my eyes. I realized that the key was in the seals.

  It was possible that they might be on the scene before major battles, even now. But, certainly, they were soon coming to perform their tribulation duty. Not to patrol, but to bring judgments on the people of the world. It seemed the hooves were even now pounding pavements in the sky.

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Seven

  “People call the Book of Revelation the Apocalypse, and the riders on the horses the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” This end times’ assignment had become my life, and Amanda was helping me.

  I sat visiting with Amanda at the kitchen table. Ideally, this would be just a prophecy to be fulfilled someday. But not now. We were talking about something in the very near future. “I’m learning that the Apocalypse is a major destruction on Earth for seven years.”

  “That’s right.” Amanda picked up a Bible. “It says so in here.”

  “It seems to me that the Four Horsemen release a curse at the beginning of the tribulation, which could be soon.”

  “True. The time is at hand,” Amanda said. “The horses will soon bring damnation to all the ungodly.”

  I rubbed my hand over my face, attempting to let the thoughts sink in. I was silent for a moment. I could feel Amanda looking at me. The only sound was the faucet dripping in the kitchen.

  “You are so quiet, Martha,” Amanda said. “What is it?”

  “Just thinking about my assignment.” My head felt light. “It is so hard.”

  “You have studied this before, haven’t you?”

  “No. I have thought about it before, though.” I answered briefly, “I just taught simple Bible stories to kids. I did it because I love Jesus.” I looked up. “And now this. I am not a Bible scholar. Why did God choose me for this?”

  “You have a good heart,” she said. “That is why the angel was sent to you.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “I did not realize that.”

  I was almost sorry that was true. “It is good that we have the Internet. Otherwise, I don’t know how I can tell people everywhere that the Horses of the Apocalypse are coming in our day.”

  “You know the Word. You can do it.”

  “Satan is tormenting me in my dreams. That is how I know they are rearing to break free now. Demonic spirits scare me.”

  She smiled. “We will work together.”

  “Tell me, since the Jews are going back to the land now, how will I know when the end times start?” I asked.

  “With the rider on the white horse.”

  “But how will I personally know?”

  “There will be one test after another starting with one mortal on a quest to control,” she said. “It will be worldwide. But the one who wants to control the New World Order will be from the west. You shall know.”

  “I was wondering about the European Union, and how it ties in to the New World Order, so I looked it up. I did learn that Christianity is still the largest religion in Europe, most of which is Roman Catholic. The Protestant churches are led by the Eastern Orthodox. About half of EU citizens don’t believe in God at all. Those who are right-winged politically tend to be more religious. So, it was nothing unusual.”

  “To you, it doesn’t look like a threat.” She blinked her eyes.

  “No, it doesn’t. Judaism has had a long, dark history in Europe. There was a time when the Jewish population in Europe was over five million. However, since the Holocaust, it is closer to one million. They still aren’t liked. Anti-Semitism remains strong in the hearts of their enemies.”

  “I’ve read that the white horseman would be the coming Antichrist, wanting to be president of the New World Order,” she said.

  “Right now, it appears to be calm on the EU political front. I’ve even heard of a revival,” I said. “But it is more than that, isn’t it?”

  “Much more,” she said. “The coming conquest will be universal. The horses of Heaven are part of the war in the atmosphere. What you will see is how men act it out on the earthly stage.”

  I needed clarity. “I think the white horse represents the Western Hemisphere and their power will hold men in bondage all over the Earth. You seem to agree.”

  “You are on the right track. Even as we speak, slavery still exists in many countries, especially in the Third World. According to the Washington Post, there are sixty million slaves abroad and 60,000 in the U.S.” Amanda sounded peaceful enough, though I was shocked.

  “Then it is already happening, Amanda. The white horse is moving.”

  “I see you understand.” She continued, “There will come a time that if the United States wants to stay politically strong, they will have to join the European Union.”

  “If that is so, the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation is still in the future?” I had always tried not to think about it. But now, I had to face it.

  “That’s right. The tribulation starts with Revelation, chapter four.” Amanda wrinkled her brow. “There is much destruction described in the Book of Revelation after the horses run, you know.” She held my gaze for a long time. Slowly, she said, “It will be worse than anything you can imagine.”

  “Starting with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. That is the key to the coming destruction?” I said, mumbling to myself.

  “Exactly,” she said and smiled.

  “Give me time to connect the dots. I want to do a little more research on the topic before I put the article together,” I said, looking up toward Heaven for help.

  “Something bothers you,” she s
aid. “What is the burden on your heart?”

  “Nothing serious,” I said. “A few years ago, I opened my home to the children in the neighborhood to come hear Bible stories. One day, I was walking back from the mailbox when one of the young boys from the Bible class rode along side of me on his bicycle and asked, ‘What do you know about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?’”

  “My answer was, ‘Not much. But I am willing to learn.’ So, I went home and got my Bible and looked up the well-known passage in the Book of Revelation. I carefully isolated the verses of Scripture on the topic and attempted to see what they meant. My study had begun. I read notes in commentaries and listened to Bible teachers on the radio. I watched documentaries on TV. I searched the Internet. I searched for horses in other Books of the Bible. Occasionally, a preacher on television made a comment about it. Almost everybody that I heard or saw on TV believed that the man on the white horse was the Antichrist himself.” I frowned, wondering what the truth really was.

  “You wonder if the Antichrist is on the white horse or if he appears later. So, that is where you are halted,” she said.

  “It may be,” I said. “I read the verses over and over and could not figure out why so many came to the conclusion that is when the Antichrist appears. Although I’ve not been opposed to the idea, I just don’t understand why they are so adamant. So, I thought I’d dissect some Scriptures about spiritual horses from Heaven and see how they compare with the white, red, black and green horses of Revelation end times.”

  “You’ll figure it out, or it may not be important for you to understand. Just tell the people.” Amanda stood and walked to the refrigerator. “May I have some water?”

  “Certainly.” I had forgotten to be a hostess. “I’m sorry.”

  Taking a water bottle out of the refrigerator, she continued talking, “You see, the Four Horsemen were on a different mission in Zechariah. They relaxed when they took Israel back home from Babylon. The people were home again.”

  “The people are going home now. I want to know more about that as well.”

  Amanda raised her eyes to mine. She looked me in the eye. “You need to know that the line between evil and good is not smudged.”


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