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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

Page 97

by Summer Lee

  “We will consider the white horse this time. The white horse represents Europe or the Old Roman Empire. Revelation 6:1,2 says, ‘The Lamb broke the first of the seven seals on the scroll. One of the four living beings said with a voice like thunder, ‘Come!’ I looked up and saw a white horse standing there. Its rider carried a bow, and a crown was placed on his head. He rode out to win many battles and gain the victory.’

  “The question is, ‘Are you ready to face such events?”

  I had made arrangements with the local newspaper ahead of time to email this to them as an attachment. Once it was sent, I went to bed.

  While lying in bed, I could see the horses in Revelation coming in radiant splendor toward earth, but it was during a major commotion on earth. Military around the earth were killing poor peasants. Evil spirits were moving toward me, tormenting and fighting me. A supernatural tempest was spreading across the land. Yet, the horses in my vision were relentless.

  I knew the end was near. The horses will come. . .

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Eleven

  Morning came. I was up early writing on my article.

  When Amanda got up, I asked her if she would like to go out with me for an hour or so. “I need some reference books from the Bible bookstore.”

  “No, thank you.” Her voice was soft and sweet. I studied her face. Amanda had an angelic aura about her, even in the morning. “I’d be pleased to take a shower,” she said.

  “Certainly. If that is what you want, just make yourself at home.” I was sorry that she did not want to go with me. I so much wanted to get to know her more.

  “I will be just fine here,” she said, as if reading my thoughts.

  Getting my purse, I left. I went to a Bible bookstore and looked around. I bought some general books on the Bible as well as prophecy. I read what a Bible scholar by the name of W.C. Skousen said about the Council on Foreign Relations, and other commission, like the Club of Rome. I needed that, so I bought the book.

  Returning home, I stopped by the bakery for sweet rolls. Amanda was still in the shower when I got home, so I left her breakfast on the table and went out to the garden.

  The birds were singing in the trees in the garden where I sat alone at a picnic table. Using the search engine on my laptop, I found information that I wanted to put in the blog that I was going to publish. It was time to write again.

  I took out the copy that I had made about Skousen and read it over. He said the anti-Christ would be a control freak. “A vivid picture of how the end will begin is to watch for one man who wants the whole earth to be under his control.” He said that, “Many groups aspire to global control and want to eliminate national sovereignty in the world. It is not necessary to know all of the secrets underlying such a movement. It is sufficient to establish that all of the existing globalist organizations want organization.”

  Organization? Places that were at war were in chaos now.

  I put that into my article, and then opened a search engine on the laptop. Following other guidelines online, I wrote, “The movement to establish a global system of control began somewhere back in the murky past of the Illuminati in 1776, and it has since morphed, grown and expanded until now there are numerous shadowy variants and groups. Thus, it became impossible to pin down exactly who was running things and where the real motive and power is coming from.”

  Fortunately, numerous quotations of their own leaders and members stated just that. They had more sinister long-term motives, and an intention concerning the eventual use of global control was not so clear or easy to prove. I was really shocked to see how determined this system really was. They expected to bring perfection to earth. Our earth was in trouble, because the track record of global intervention did not foretell an optimistic outcome. Civil wars had taken peace from the earth many times.

  I wrote: “Famine and drought are prevalent all over Africa. This has come about by rain being withheld from the land and food being scarce. To that extent, it is under a curse.”

  I tried to picture the world as a whole object, like an orange or apple. With air travel and the Internet, there was a sense that the world was really that small. If there was to be one-world government, then variety would have to cease to exist. There would have to be one religion, one political party and one money system. That would make world travel and world connections much easier.

  I could see people reasoning that way, but there was one big problem: Satan. He wanted to be the entity behind such a world.

  He had plans to take peace from the entire earth. When the Lamb opened the second seal, John heard the second living creature say, “Come!” A rider on a fiery red horse rode out with power to “remove peace from the earth and to make people kill each other.” People were so evil, that when the peace of God was withheld from the earth, they killed each other.

  I rested my head on my hand—thinking. I had been reading about evil leaders in the west, and now it was probably the north. I wondered how horses were involved. I asked myself, “What makes horses so important to God?” I remembered that in the first letter to the Corinthians 1:26, the Apostle Paul had told the Corinthians that God chose the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Maybe we were all foolish and that was why no one understood about the horses. I would read my Bible and search for truth. I needed God to help me. So, I prayed for help.

  Jesus told us of the coming tribulation in Matthew 24. That had to be important to him. I would read that chapter again and include it in the article I was writing. I realized that some major things would go down between the time when the first horse appeared on the scene and when the sky blackened later. Jesus said, “Immediately after the distress of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken. Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the people of the earth will mourn when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four corners of the earth.”

  Wow! So, there were four winds, four horses, four corners of the earth. That had to mean north, south, east, west.

  I could not help but wonder what was going on around the world, even now. Everything on earth was out of sync. Part of the problem was greed among the wealthy. The covetous owners of some businesses made poor employees work for pennies a day. Billionaires didn’t want to help the homeless. Even now, people were starving to death on American streets, because no one cared. I wanted to make other people aware of this.

  It was more than that. Power-hungry men were willing to kill in order to get more land for themselves. Without the Bible, we would know nothing. I not only needed to write newspaper pieces, but a booklet to distribute, and Internet blogs.

  My laptop still in front of me, I wrote, “With so many lies being told in the world, I am on a search for truth. I have discovered that if we are looking for the Truth concerning the Book of Revelation and the Antichrist, we should pay attention to what Irenaeus had to say about the beast. I mentioned in a newspaper article about this saint and his honesty. Saint Irenaeus, a bishop during the second century, believed the Antichrist will be possessed by Satan.’”

  Some who believe Revelation applies to modern times can interpret the horses based on various ways their colors are used. Such as, the color red represents Communism. Black has been used as a symbol of Capitalism. Green represents the rise of Islam. Some equate the Four Horsemen with the angels of the four winds. White has been more controversial and is connected with how the beast enters the scene on the pages of history from the West.

  I wrote, “A Biblical interpretation of Zechariah, the Old Testament prophet, was that the horses in his visions were different from horses in Revelation, where the emphasis is more on the horsemen, rather than the horses.

  “Looking in the first chapter of Zechariah
, one sees that those horses are only three different colors. In Zechariah 6, there are teams of horses pulling chariots: first Red, then Black, then White, and finally Dappled. Some Bible students argue that the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all on earth, are entirely different. They say that, ‘the colors do not quite match and do not seem to indicate or symbolize anything about their characters; also, the horses in Zechariah act as sentries, not as agents of destruction or judgment like Revelation.’”

  I paused and wondered if that was true or necessary. I had discovered that Bible students who interpreted prophecy had several different ways of describing the horsemen. All Christians should want to search out the hidden meaning in scripture for themselves. God wanted us to ask Him to help us do so. That was my goal. I bowed my head in prayer. Lord, help me with my research.

  Writing again, I wrote, “Jesus told of birth pains in Matthew 24:8. He said that a woman in labor has birth pangs that become more rapid and more intense as birth approaches. That is how the tribulation will be. Earthquakes, wars, famines, and false prophets coming on the earth with maximum speed. The earth is travailing, even now, with super storms and unstable living conditions.”

  I read over what I had written. It looked good. All scholars agreed that the tribulation is going to be horrible.

  According to scripture, the tribulation begins with the appearance of the Antichrist. Seven years after the tribulation begins, Christ returns to earth to rule and reign. However, it all begins when Jesus is handed the title deed to the earth by the Heavenly Father. Humans are given one more chance to try to rule the earth. The result is shown when the four horses ride onto the scene. The seals, therefore, are the unfolding of God’s plan in human government. The visions of horses in Revelation 6 become more detailed and more intense as they go along.

  Feeling drowsy, I looked at my watch. Two hours had passed. I needed a cup of coffee.

  Not being able to resolve the issue, I closed the laptop and went back into the house, where I found Amanda in the kitchen. “Did you find anything to eat yet?” I asked.

  “No, but it is fine.”

  “I went to the bakery.”

  “I made coffee for you and tea for me.”

  “Then let’s have a cup of something hot and a sweet roll.”

  “Let us do it.” Seeing I was carrying my laptop, she asked, “How is it progressing?”

  “Good. But. . .”

  “But what? What have you learned about the horses?”

  “The Bible does not tell us much about the horses in Revelation, but the horses are strangely similar to the ones in Zechariah. That is why I am referring to them in my article.”

  “How so?”

  “The horses had completed a mission in Zechariah. They were on a different mission in chapter 6, than in the first chapter of Zechariah. They are on a punishing mission in the Book of Revelation.”

  “Thought-provoking. I look forward to reading the finished writings.”

  “Thanks.” I looked at her and grinned. “I need your help.”

  “Why did you not you say so, Martha?” Amanda said as she pulled her chair up to the table. I went over my notes with her, and she approved. “I think it is time to let the white horse go, and study the red one.”

  I frowned. “Okay.”

  “I need to return home tomorrow to tend to my cat. Then I’ll come back here in a few days.”

  “Does someone watch her for you while you’re gone?”

  “No. I cannot trust anyone else who does not know her like I know her.”

  “I understand,” I said. “You can bring her here.”

  “The trip is too long and scary.”

  Surely she was talking about Jerusalem! “What time will you go, Amanda?”

  “I shall probably be gone when you awake.”

  “Have a safe journey,” I said.

  She smiled at me. “That is the easy part. What will you do tomorrow?”

  “I plan to write all day.”

  “Good plan. Good night,” she said and went off to the guest room to prepare for her departure.


  I went into my library and looked through the book of Zechariah. I wanted to know more about the red horse. It didn’t say, but in the sixth chapter, the angel called out, “Look, those going toward the North Country have given my Spirit rest in the land of the north.” Perhaps they will rest again.

  I thought abut Amanda leaving. I thought about demons that could torment me. They did not like it that the truth was going forth. “Keep me from the evil one,” I prayed.

  One thing was for certain. I needed to issue a call to the unsaved and lost all over the land. The people in the world at large were all spiritually asleep. No wonder the horses were so intense as they prepared to journey from heaven and across the earth one final time.

  I would listen for them to come:

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Twelve

  I did not see the angel the next few days, but that was all right. With Amanda gone, I put in a few hours writing. Walker had promised to visit me every day until I could grasp my mission to my fellow man. I had to forgive him for not coming.

  Feeling alone, I chose to read Revelation on Tuesday. I missed Amanda and thought about calling her. Instead, the phone rang.

  “Hello,” I said and in the background noise, heard a lot of horns honking, people speaking in another language and foreign music. A donkey even brayed. I wondered if she was in Jerusalem.

  “Greetings, Martha.” It was Amanda. “You were thinking of me?”

  “Yes,” I said, surprised. I was happy to hear her voice, though she sounded far away.

  “How are you faring?” she asked.

  “I read the book of Revelation.”

  “The entirety?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “How marvelous. The Lord would be well-pleased in this.”

  I smiled. “That is my intent.”

  She promised to return on Wednesday. We prayed together on the phone and said goodbye.


  Another day went by.

  Walker showed up about ten o’clock that morning. “I can only stay for a minute, but I need to know what is new,” he announced cheerfully.

  “Not much.” I looked at Walker and smiled. “I’ve been studying Revelation this morning. I see that the Apostle John is taken on a tour of heaven, beginning in chapter four.”

  “What do you think of the book as a whole?”

  “Well, I believe John wrote about his amazing vision for our benefit. He saw some strange things—they have to be things that are about to take place on earth soon. Perhaps, it is for now. I assume that is why I am chosen to tell everybody.”

  “You are right. That is an important thing to remember. People need to know.” I watched as he moved about. His face shone brightly, as if exuding light. It looked like he had glitter sprinkled all over him. He was brilliant and beautiful. I felt that I should not ask for assistance, yet, I needed his help.

  “Walker, I need a hint.” I looked as pitiful as I could. “Will you tell me about the tour the angel gave John of both heaven and earth in the last days? Just refresh my memory.”

  “You can read. Why do you think you need me?” He laughed.

  I made a face. “I don’t know all that you know. Plus, you are from heaven. You probably already know all the answers. So, will you help me?”

  “I certainly will. As long as you put it that way.”

  I offered him a soft chair. He sat down, and I sat at his feet.

  He began, “The Apostle was having a massive vision of end times while being held prisoner on the island of Patmos.”

  “Yes.” I knew that to be true.

  “In chapter four, John watched Christ open the seals of the authorized scroll,” he said and sighed.

  When Walker paused, I added, “And that is when the drama began, wasn’t it?”

  “Correct,” he uttered, expressing some emotion. “Things are going to change.”

  I had my notepad in my pocket. I took it out so I could write in speed writing anything he’d say.

  Walker continued, “You must realize that the four angelic beings who worshiped God in heaven were the ones assigned the job to assist the Four Horsemen and their powerful horses.” He looked in my eyes. “The cherubim are not the riders on the horses, but are the ones in charge of giving orders. Each time a heavenly being calls out, ‘Come,’ a horse will gallop onto the scene. Understand?”

  “Yes. Go on.”

  “This is very important to you, because it is a vision of your future.” Walker gave me a half smile. “Use this information to refer back to during your study of Revelation.”

  “I will. Now continue.” I made a notation in my notebook.

  “The angelic call resounded: ‘Come forth!’” Walker demonstrated how loud it would be. The windowpanes vibrated.

  “‘Come forth?’” I questioned in the same tone.

  “Yes.” He laughed. “When the first proclamation to Come forth reverberated into the atmosphere, a white horse rode forth. With the second shout, a red horse rode forth; next, a black horse rode out; and finally, with the last declaration to come onto the earthly scene, a dappled greenish-gray horse rode forth. After every shout, another one came until all four were on Earth.”

  “I understand,” I said. “That was John’s vision of the last days. Now the last days are here.”

  “This time, it will be for real,” he said. “You are doing well by searching out the meaning.”

  “I’m trying,” I said. “Tell me what happens next. I want to know as much of the prophecy as I can before I write again.”

  “Well! The horses work for the God of creation and have an intense mission.” The angel paused and sighed. “You must learn the behaviors of the horses in order to understand why they have such a powerful mission.”


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