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The Complete 8-Book Guardians Adventure Saga

Page 101

by Summer Lee

  I agreed. “The four living creatures said, ‘Amen,’ and the elders fell down and worshiped Jesus.” I looked him in the eye. “Where did all those creatures come from who sang with the angels? Is it possible that the rapture had already taken place at this point of the vision, and the tribulation is beginning? Many Bible students believe so.”

  “You’re doing well. I want you to go back through the verses about those horsemen, one at a time, because knowing about them is important to your divine destiny.”

  “I am satisfied that someone with great power like a president will come out of the European Union and attempt to bring peace to the whole world.” I sighed. “But he will not be a Savior.”

  “Is Amanda here?” Walker asked.

  “No, she goes home to care for her cat every once in a while. She should be back tomorrow. Anyhow, I hope so. I need her guidance to help me describe the Antichrist.”

  “Tell people to either look for Jesus or be on the lookout for him.”

  “Wait,” I said. “I hear something.”

  “I’m listening,” he said, looking up. “What do you hear?”

  “I hear the spiritual beings calling for the horses to come.”

  “Continue to listen, because you will hear the horses soon.” His voice faded as he receded from my garden. In my head, I heard the . . .

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.


  Lying on my bed, my thoughts were on the prophecy in Isaiah 9.

  I had read before that Northern Israel was to be punished for not trusting in God. Now, I read, “The time of darkness and despair shall not go on forever. Though soon the land of Zebulun and Naphtali will be under God’s contempt and judgment, yet in the future these very lands, Galilee and northern Transjordan, where lies the road to the sea, will be filled with glory. The people who walk in darkness shall see a great Light—a Light that will shine on all those who live in the land of the shadow of death. For Israel will again be great, filled with joy like that of reapers when the harvest-time has come, and like that of men dividing up the plunder they have won. For God will break the chains that bind his people and the whip that scourges them, just as he did when he destroyed the vast host of the Midians by Gideon’s little band. In that glorious day of peace there will no longer be the issuing of battle gear; no more the bloodstained uniforms of war; all such will be burned.

  For unto us a child is born; unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder. These will be his royal titles: “Wonderful,” “Counselor,” “The Mighty God,” “The Everlasting Father,” “The Prince of Peace.” His ever-expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule with perfect fairness and justice from the throne of his father David. He will bring true justice and peace to all the nations of the world. This is going to happen because the Lord of heaven’s armies has dedicated himself to do it!”

  The Lord has spoken out against that braggart Israel who says that though the bricks are fallen and our land lies in ruins now, we will rebuild it better than before with hewn stones. The sycamore trees are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars! The Lord’s reply to your bragging is to bring your enemies against you—the Syrians on the east and the Philistines on the west. With bared fangs, they will devour Israel. And even then the Lord’s anger against you will not be satisfied—his fist will still be poised to smash you. For after all this punishment you will not repent and turn to him, the Lord of heaven’s armies. Therefore, the Lord, in one day, will destroy the leaders of Israel and the lying prophets. For the leaders of his people have led them down the paths of ruin.

  That is why the Lord has no joy in their young men and no mercy upon even the widows and orphans, for they are all filthy-mouthed, wicked liars. That is why his anger is not yet satisfied, but his fist is still poised to smash them all. He will burn up all this wickedness, these thorns and briars; and the flames will consume the forests too, and send a vast cloud of smoke billowing up from their burning. The land is blackened by that fire, by the wrath of the Lord of heaven’s armies. The people are fuel for the fire. Each fights against his brother to steal his food but will never have enough. Finally they will even eat their own children! Manasseh against Ephraim and Ephraim against Manasseh—and both against Judah. Yet even after all of this, God’s anger is not yet satisfied. His hand is still heavy upon them to crush them.”

  Why had I not heard a sermon on this? Israel’s people had turned against the Lord, and they were severely punished.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Amanda had returned. She and Walker sat with me in my living room. We had an opportunity to go over the plan together. “Martha, you have done well with your assignment,” said Walker. “What is going on now?”

  “I am trying to find leaders who are examples of the coming Antichrist.”

  “That will be helpful.”

  “I just read about Mao Tse-tung from China.”

  “Good.” Walker was focused. He had a way of keeping me focused as well. “Tell me, dear, what you think about him? Do you believe victories of Mao Tse-tung will play a part in the coming cataclysm?”

  “Not sure,” I said. “I have been reading about him online and I discovered that China is becoming more and more powerful as time goes by. ‘The threat from Chinese advanced weapons, including new stealth fighters and ballistic missiles, dominated concerns of senior military officers at a Senate hearing on the military impact with the fifth-generation F-35 jet.’”

  I looked Walker in the eye. “Scary.”

  “Where did you hear that, Martha?”

  “I read it in a magazine,” I said. “I read that the end world powers will use such jets.”

  Amanda said, “I know that China is much stronger than most people realize.”

  “I’ve been reading in Isaiah,” I said. “Isaiah says that evil countries were used by God to punish Israel in the Old Testament. But Jesus brought light to them.”

  Walker agreed. “It is good for you to pay attention to those governments, but don’t get off course.”

  “I was reading Isaiah before I met you,” I said.

  “I realize that,” he said. “But why don’t you take a break until after you finish this project?”

  “Okay.” I looked at Walker, realizing that this would likely be my last “project” for the Lord. But I did not say so. My heart beat quickly with the weight of what I knew. This time would be the end. Very, very soon.

  “You’re trembling. What is it that concerns you?” Walker asked.

  I replied, “Right after the Twin Towers were hit on 9/11, three different leaders, including the president, quoted Isaiah 9:10, which says, ‘The Lord has spoken out against that braggart Israel who says that though the bricks are fallen and our land lies in ruins now, we will rebuild it better than before with cut stones. The sycamore trees are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars!’ They were supposed to turn to the Lord, not think they could defend themselves.”

  Amanda lifted her eyebrows.

  I continued, “I read about that in The Harbinger. He showed how America is acting the same way that Israel did.” I paused. “And all the similarities between the two countries.” I sighed. “Those terrorists were sneaky that day.”

  “The Chinese are sneaky, too,” Amanda said. “Some senior air officers worry that U.S. forces are not prepared for a future conflict with China. A General Carlyle said that China’s successful roll-out of a J-20 stealth fighter was very troubling. It was too quickly to please the general. He had hoped there would be more time before something like that would happen.”

  “This is not even the latest information,” Walker said. “Your leaders have been underestimating the feat of Chinese technology. China has not let up on progress. A Chinese fighter came out at the same time as a joint Russian-Indian stealth jet.”

  I said, “So, China will be a major player in the final war. One horse goes east.”

  “The aircraft could be sold
to Iran and affect a future U.S. intervention there against Teheran’s nuclear program.” Amanda was really informed in that subject. It began to make me wonder if she was an angel in disguise, sent to assist me when Walker could not be here.

  “Do you believe that is what will happen in the tribulation?” I asked calmly.

  “I don’t know for sure,” said Amanda, “but I think so.”

  “It sounds like the beginning of something big for sure,” I said.

  “That’s not all,” said Walker. “The UN system is committed to its strong partnership with the government of China. It has a vision of a harmonious society someday. Achieving all their goals is important to the New World Order.”

  “That is what it is all about. The UN embassy in China continues to support the future of China as it tackles new challenges of its own,” I said.

  Amanda sounded increasingly confident and unafraid as she spoke, which made me further think she might be an angel. “Meanwhile, it complies with UN standards and norms.”

  “But I have a feeling that the world is shrinking,” I said. “The sky as well—the place where demons live.”

  “So, what do you conclude is going on in the spirit realm right now?” Walker asked, looking at me.

  “Humans don’t know it, but angels and demons alike are preparing for the horse that is riding east,” I said seriously. “Surprise of all surprises will come on earth. I’m just not so sure the horses are going the same direction as they did in Zechariah. The red ones may be going north.”

  Amanda said, “I agree. What does the Bible say?”

  “I wrote it down,” I said. “Let me read it to you. ‘The fiery red horse carried a rider with power to take peace from the earth and to cause men to kill each other. It mentions a sword. I wonder if that could be weapons in general. The sword could be used for war or persecution.’” I looked up. “This could be communism coming back in Russia.”

  “Or in communist China.” Amanda raised her eyebrows. “They already own much of the United States. I don’t know what they are doing in Israel.”

  “It is interesting to see how men slay each other without reservation.” I shook my head. “Although, it does not say men will slay the saints. The fifth seal reveals the souls of the slaughtered saints as did the second seal. Somehow, many believers will die when the green horse rides. He carried with him both death and the grave.”

  “This is what the Lord says to me,” said Amanda, looking toward heaven. “Go, post a lookout and have him report what he sees. When he sees chariots with teams of horses, riders on donkeys or riders on camels, let him be alert, fully alert.”

  “Tell me, Martha,” said Walker. “What do you know about the battle between good and evil?”

  “I know that Adam gave ownership of the earth over to Satan when he disobeyed God. Everyone has been born in sin ever since,” I said. “Jesus became sin for us and died in our place. Yet, human culture progresses further away from God.”

  Amanda listened quietly. But now, she spoke. “Sometimes, when I am alone, I hear God’s voice. He tells me to preach repentance, like John the Baptist did. America has been blessed because so many have served God. But now they stray away, believing lies.”

  “You young ladies will figure it out in time,” said Walker. “Get some rest.”

  When I looked up, Walker was leaving. He came and went whenever and however he chose these days. I was okay with that, as long as he helped me.

  I stood and stretched. So did Amanda.

  “Amanda,” I said. “How did Hezekiah end up?”

  “The Lord rescued the people of Jerusalem from Assyria and from all the others who threatened them. There was peace in the land. King Hezekiah became highly respected among all the surrounding nations, and people sent gifts for the Lord and Hezekiah in Jerusalem.”

  “That gives me hope,” I said.

  “Excuse me,” Amanda said. “I would like to rest.”

  I nodded and she went into the guest room. A few minutes later, I passed by the room on my way to the bathroom and noticed that her bed was empty and so was the room. I could not find her anywhere in the house. This made me think even more seriously that she was an angel in disguise. I would not let her know that I suspected. For whatever reason, she was in my house and in my life in human form, and here at God’s command. I would honor her presence and not reveal my thoughts as to her true nature.

  Foremost, I knew that Amanda was here to keep me on track when Walker was not here.

  I smiled, thinking, God is good to me.


  I needed a break to digest my probable discovery about Amanda.

  I took a walk around the block and then went inside to organize my notes from my notepad and transcribe them into the manuscript. I read in Romans for my devotions. I wrote, “When Paul wrote Romans 8, he quoted Old Testament scripture: ‘For your sake, we face death all day long. We are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.’ That is how the tribulation will be. It is going to be so different for new believers.”

  I needed the Word of God planted deep in my heart. I wrote, “Paul said, ‘In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’”

  That gave me peace in my soul. Because of my faith in Christ, I would be protected. The bride of Christ could be caught away before the horses come on the stage. . .

  Galloping, galloping, galloping.

  Chapter Nineteen

  In the evening, I sat in my favorite chair beside a reading lamp, with the Bible open in my lap. Amanda was back on the couch with her laptop, as if she had never left. It made me smile that she was getting comfortable about casually popping in and out of my house with a sweet smile on her face.

  I read aloud the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 to Amanda. He was speaking about the end times. The apostle said, “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. At that time, if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.”

  “He told you ahead of time so you could prepare,” Amanda said, and I certainly realized now that she was here as a guide and a helper.

  “Okay, listen,” I said. “So, if anyone says, ‘There he is, out in the wilderness,’ do not go out; or, ‘Here he is, in the inner rooms,’ do not believe it.”

  She nodded. “Any examples?”

  “These are examples I got.” I continued reading, “Men like Sun Myung Moon and David Koresh each claimed to be the one sent to deliver the world, but their following was small. It was hard to understand why they had a following at all.”

  “For sure, the real Messiah will come back to earth as does lightning radiate across the sky. So, we are not to waste our time following mere men,” said Amanda. “Such evil usurpers are like a carcass. Those that follow such a man are like vultures.”

  “So, what do you think?”

  “You are doing well at your task.” She went back to her work, and so did I.

  I had a commentary on the side table. I opened it to see what it said about Biblical horses. It said they had always attracted attention and were often used for comparison to other time periods. The angel’s command to go patrol the earth served to define the military nature of the space chariots. In Zechariah’s day, horses and chariots were used to patrol the borders of kingdoms.

  ‘Today’s nations use rocket-powered horses to deploy sophisticated, intelligence activity space-chariots to guard against a surprise attacks from an enemy.’ I found this information in Today’s Technology in Bible Prophecy. It made some sense.

  Global commun
ications systems and photo intelligence-gathering spacecraft had already been deployed by the nations in the order spelled out by Zechariah. It was reasonable to assume that the rest of his prophesied events would also come to pass. Possibly, nations would begin planning an international city in Iraq called Mystery Babylon. There needed to be a grand international financial system to assist the rocket-powered space chariots ‘that go toward the north country.’

  “Zechariah had visions that may suggest Mystery Babylon may actually be built soon,” said an article in American Institute.

  I continued to copy my handwritten notes into the manuscript. I wrote, “Some authors say that the order in which Zechariah saw the colors was important. Since the colors of the horses in Revelation were in different order, they may represent something different than what Zechariah spoke about. The apocalypse horses may not necessarily come on the scene together. On the other hand, the horses may all ride out together, side by side. Many paintings of the horses show them together like that, which is beautiful. However, the scroll in the hands of the Lord released them one at a time. One thing is for certain, the horses’ anatomy allows them to perform magnificently. They make use of their speed and have a well-developed sense of balance.”

  Perhaps the size and strength of horses made them more usable. Otherwise, why would God begin the horrific tribulation with horses?


  Several days went by. I wrote every day.

  Amanda said she had to go again and take care of her cat, which I knew was some sort of code for angel business that she had to do. I smiled and sent her on her way with a hug, feeling the love coming from her smile.

  “Come back, soon!” I invited her.


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